Orbiting Sangria Porpoise
It's the protocol's prerogative to take the design call whether repayment of borrows should be allowed or not when the vault is paused. The protocol could either say:
- It's allowed because we want borrowers to be able to close their risk exposure and threat of liquidation OR
- It's not allowed because protocols are paused in emergency situations when a high risk vulnerability has been uncovered and hence we do not want any balance changes to happen due to user transactions right now.
It's interesting to observe however that:
is not allowed during a paused state. It internally callsvault.repayLeverage(true)
and repayLeverage is protected by thewhenNotPaused
modifier.- The regular repayBorrow() is allowed to operate even when the protocol is paused, showing the inconsistency in code implementation. The PoC section shows a test demonstrating this.
Irrespective of whether the protocol's design decision is the first or the second, the inconsistency in the two repay functions causes either the potential loss of funds to the borrowers, or the risk of protocol exploit during the paused state.
Add the test inside Vault.t.sol
and see repayBorrow()
pass even when the vault is paused:
function test_repayDuringPause() public {
uint borrowAmount = 0.1 ether;
deal({token: address(rEth), to: userA, give: 10000 ether});
comptroller._setCollateralFactor(cNuma, 1 ether);
// First approve and enter the NUMA market
address[] memory t = new address[](1);
t[0] = address(cNuma);
// Buy some NUMA
rEth.approve(address(vault), 10 ether);
uint numas = vault.buy(10 ether, 0, userA);
// Deposit enough NUMA as collateral
numa.approve(address(cNuma), numas);
// Borrow rEth
uint balanceBefore = rEth.balanceOf(userA);
assertEq(rEth.balanceOf(userA) - balanceBefore, borrowAmount, "Borrow failed");
// Get current borrow balance
uint borrowBalance = cReth.borrowBalanceCurrent(userA);
assertGt(borrowBalance, 0, "No borrow balance");
// Pause the vault
// Try to repay while paused
rEth.approve(address(cReth), borrowBalance);
cReth.repayBorrow(borrowBalance); // <----------------- @audit : does not revert !
Either both functions' call shouldn't be allowed, or both should be.
It might be the case that closeLeverageStrategy()
should perhaps be allowed even in paused state as per the following comment present inside ComptrollerStorage.sol
Actions which allow users to remove their own assets cannot be paused.