Calm Pine Robin
A malicious user could monitor the mempool for withdrawReserves calls and then execute a sandwich attack. First, they would call userDeposit before the withdrawReserves transaction, and then execute a userWithdraw call immediately after. By using a tool like Flashbots, they can take advantage of changes in exchange rates and make an instant profit from this manipulation.
When a user deposits or withdraws from the vault, the exchange rate between the token and its corresponding token is calculated. this exchange rate is determined as
uint totalCash = getCashPrior();
uint cashPlusBorrowsMinusReserves = totalCash +
totalBorrows -
uint exchangeRate = (cashPlusBorrowsMinusReserves * expScale) /
return exchangeRate;
reserve is withdrawble by the priotocol as we can see here
when owner will call _reduceReserves the exchange rate will increase as the numerator will also increase this will increase the exchange rate. which can be exploited by malicious user to make profit by watching the mempool
admin reduces reserves
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- admin calls reduce reserves
- malicious user front runs the transaction and deposits in the contract
- reserves are withdrawn
- malicious user backruns and exploits the increased exchange rate
The withdrawnReserves action triggers an immediate rise in the exchange rate, opening up an arbitrage opportunity. Malicious actors can exploit this by performing a sandwich attack
scenario 1 totalCash = 20000 totalBorrows = 10000 totalSupply = 30000 expScale = 1e18 reserves = 5000 For Reserves = 5000: Exchange Rate = ((20000 + 10000 - 5000) * 1e18) / 30000 = (25000 * 1e18) / 30000 = 833333333333333333 Exchange Rate = 0.8333
now admin calls reduce reserves and withdraws 4000 from reserves scenario 2 For Reserves = 1000 (after 4000 withdrawal) Exchange Rate = ((20000 + 10000 - 1000) * 1e18) / 30000 = (29000 * 1e18) / 30000 = 966666666666666667 Decimal Exchange Rate = 0.9667 the exchange rate is increased which opens a window for a malicious users
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remove the reserves from exchange rate calculation