Precise Pistachio Owl
is to be deployed on Metis blockchain as listed in the contract scope. Across several of its functions, it calls WETH.deposit()
and WETH.withdraw()
, but these functions are not part of the functions for WETH token on Metis.
WETH token on METIS does not have any functions named deposit() and withdraw().
explorer link:
This causes the functions depositETH(), withdrawETH(), repayETH(), borrowETH(), withdrawETHWithPermit() to all revert because they all try to call WETH.deposit() or WETH.withdraw() in their logic.
gets deployed on METIS mainnet.- 0x420000000000000000000000000000000000000A which is the WETH on METIS is set as WETH variable in contract during deployment.
No response
gets deployed on METIS mainnet.- 0x420000000000000000000000000000000000000A which is the WETH on METIS is set as WETH variable in contract during deployment.
- Calls to depositETH(), withdrawETH(), repayETH(), borrowETH(), withdrawETHWithPermit() gets reverted.
The contract WrappedTokenGatewayV3
is unuseable on METIS because the WETH contract there has no deposit()
and withdraw()
run with forge test --mt test_InvalidFunctionWethCallOnMetis --fork-url $RPC_METIS -vvvvv
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BUSL-1.1
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import 'forge-std/Test.sol';
import {AaveOracle} from '../../src/contracts/misc/AaveOracle.sol';
import {WrappedTokenGatewayV3} from '../../src/contracts/helpers/WrappedTokenGatewayV3.sol';
import {AaveProtocolDataProvider} from '../../src/contracts/helpers/AaveProtocolDataProvider.sol';
import {AToken} from '../../src/contracts/protocol/tokenization/AToken.sol';
import {VariableDebtToken} from '../../src/contracts/protocol/tokenization/VariableDebtToken.sol';
import {DataTypes} from '../../src/contracts/protocol/libraries/types/DataTypes.sol';
import {EIP712SigUtils} from '../utils/EIP712SigUtils.sol';
import {TestnetProcedures} from '../utils/TestnetProcedures.sol';
import '../../src/deployments/interfaces/IMarketReportTypes.sol';
contract WrappedTokenGatewayTests is TestnetProcedures {
WrappedTokenGatewayV3 internal wrappedTokenGatewayV3;
uint256 internal depositSize = 5e18;
uint256 internal usdxSize = 10000e18;
address WETH = 0x420000000000000000000000000000000000000A;
address owner = makeAddr('owner');
address POOL = makeAddr('POOL');
function setUp() public {
wrappedTokenGatewayV3 = new WrappedTokenGatewayV3(WETH, owner, IPool(POOL));
function test_InvalidFunctionWethCallOnMetis() public {, 100e18);
wrappedTokenGatewayV3.depositETH{value: depositSize}(report.poolProxy, alice, 0);
Output is as seen below
[31864] WrappedTokenGatewayTests::test_InvalidFunctionWethCallOnMetis()
├─ [0] VM::deal(0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000, 100000000000000000000 [1e20])
│ └─ ← [Return]
├─ [0] VM::prank(0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
│ └─ ← [Return]
├─ [10043] WrappedTokenGatewayV3::depositETH{value: 5000000000000000000}(0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000, 0)
│ ├─ [45] OVM_ETH::deposit{value: 5000000000000000000}()
│ │ └─ ← [Revert] EvmError: Revert
│ └─ ← [Revert] EvmError: Revert
└─ ← [Revert] EvmError: Revert
Suite result: FAILED. 0 passed; 1 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 3.16s (1.78ms CPU time)
Call fails at WETH.deposit{value: msg.value}();
call in WrappedTokenGatewayV3.depositETH()
. OVM_ETH is the name of the token contract designated to be WETH on METIS.
No response