Rough Hotpink Wallaby
An incorrect parameter in the Pool::eliminateReserveDeficit
function leads to a failed verification in LiquidationLogic.executeEliminateDeficit
In Pool.sol#L847, the _usersConfig
parameter uses msg.sender
, which refers to an umbrella contract address.
In contrast, the verification logic in LiquidationLogic.executeEliminateDeficit
checks _usersConfig
as follows:
function executeEliminateDeficit(
mapping(address => DataTypes.ReserveData) storage reservesData,
DataTypes.UserConfigurationMap storage userConfig,
DataTypes.ExecuteEliminateDeficitParams memory params
) external {
require(!userConfig.isBorrowingAny(), Errors.USER_CANNOT_HAVE_DEBT);
bool isCollateral = userConfig.isUsingAsCollateral(;
if (isCollateral && balanceWriteOff == userBalance) {
userConfig.setUsingAsCollateral(, false);
emit ReserveUsedAsCollateralDisabled(params.asset, msg.sender);
As a result, the verification checks the address of the umbrella contract instead of the user's address.
No response
No response
No response
The verification in LiquidationLogic.executeEliminateDeficit
results in incorrect behavior.
No response
function eliminateReserveDeficit(address user, address asset, uint256 amount) external override onlyUmbrella {
+ _usersConfig[user],
DataTypes.ExecuteEliminateDeficitParams({asset: asset, amount: amount})