Fast Khaki Raccoon
Incorrect application of fees results in admin receiving more than supposed to
Upon calling TokenRewards::depositFromPairedLpToken()
, we have the following code:
uint256 _adminAmt = _getAdminFeeFromAmount(_amountTkn);
_amountTkn -= _adminAmt;
(, uint256 _yieldBurnFee) = _getYieldFees();
uint256 _burnAmount = (_amountTkn * _yieldBurnFee) / PROTOCOL_FEE_ROUTER.protocolFees().DEN();
_adminAmt += _burnAmount;
_amountTkn -= _burnAmount;
if (_adminAmt > 0) {
_depositRewards(PAIRED_LP_TOKEN, _amountTkn);
The function applies an admin fee to the token amount and then if LEAVE_AS_PAIRED_LP_TOKEN
is true, we apply a burn fee as well. The issue is that the burn amount is applied to the admin amount and is then simply transferred to him:
function _processAdminFee(uint256 _amount) internal {
IERC20(PAIRED_LP_TOKEN).safeTransfer(OwnableUpgradeable(address(V3_TWAP_UTILS)).owner(), _amount);
This results in the admin receiving more than supposed to.
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is true- We apply a 10% admin fee to 100 tokens, resulting in 90 tokens leftover and admin amount being 10
- We then apply a 10% burn fee to the 90 tokens, resulting in 81 tokens leftover and admin amount going to 19
- Admin unfairly receives 19 tokens
Unfair distribution of the amount, users receive less rewards and admin receives more
No response
Do not give a burn fee to the admin