Fast Khaki Raccoon
Even if oracles are marked as "bad" borrowing will still be possible, due to both highExchangeRate
and lowExchangeRate
being the same, and passing the bellow check as _deviation
would be 0
uint256 _deviation = (
DEVIATION_PRECISION * (_exchangeRateInfo.highExchangeRate - _exchangeRateInfo.lowExchangeRate)
) / _exchangeRateInfo.highExchangeRate;
if (_deviation <= _exchangeRateInfo.maxOracleDeviation) {
_isBorrowAllowed = true;
When bad data is returned both _priceLow
and _priceHigh
are set to the same price one
function getPrices() external view returns (bool _isBadData, uint256 _priceLow, uint256 _priceHigh) {
address[] memory _pools = new address[](1);
_pools[0] = UNI_V3_PAIR_ADDRESS;
uint256 _price1 = IStaticOracle(0xB210CE856631EeEB767eFa666EC7C1C57738d438).quoteSpecificPoolsWithTimePeriod(
uint256 _price2;
(_isBadData, _price2) = _getChainlinkPrice();
// If bad data return price1 for both, else set high to higher price and low to lower price
_priceLow = _isBadData || _price1 < _price2 ? _price1 : _price2;
_priceHigh = _isBadData || _price1 > _price2 ? _price1 : _price2;
This can be if one of the oracles reports late:
(, int256 _answer,, uint256 _updatedAt,) =
// If data is stale or negative, set bad data to true and return
if (_answer <= 0 || (block.timestamp - _updatedAt > maxOracleDelay)) {
_isBadData = true;
return (_isBadData, _price);
_price = _price * uint256(_answer);
if (CHAINLINK_DIVIDE_ADDRESS != address(0)) {
(, int256 _answer,, uint256 _updatedAt,) = AggregatorV3Interface(CHAINLINK_DIVIDE_ADDRESS).latestRoundData();
// If data is stale or negative, set bad data to true and return
if (_answer <= 0 || (block.timestamp - _updatedAt > maxOracleDelay)) {
_isBadData = true;
return (_isBadData, _price);
_price = _price / uint256(_answer);
Where since both highExchangeRate
and lowExchangeRate
are gonna be the same - TWAP there won't be any deviation, meaning borrowing is allowed:
uint256 _deviation = (
DEVIATION_PRECISION * (_exchangeRateInfo.highExchangeRate - _exchangeRateInfo.lowExchangeRate)
) / _exchangeRateInfo.highExchangeRate;
if (_deviation <= _exchangeRateInfo.maxOracleDeviation) {
_isBorrowAllowed = true;
No response
No response
The system will not work in general and the attack can happen without the intention or knowledge on the side of the borrower
- Price decreases by 20% in the span of 3min due to a sudden crash/hack/etc...
- Chainlink is stopped for some reason - happened in the luna crash or with any rugged/hacked tokens when their prices drop 90% or more
- User borrows against that token
- TWAP is set to 20min, so price is barely impacted
- This causes bad debt or insolvency
Borrowing is allowed when it shouldn't be as there is no available comparison to calculate _deviation
Even worse, a there is a "bad" oracle it may mean that the price is unstable and or rapidly decreasing, making the TWAP dangerous in this scenario as if the price drops 20% in 5 min (pretty common in crypto) a TWAP of 10min would record a slight drop and a one with 20 or 30min will be barely impacted.
No response
Allow liquidations and repayments, but make sure to disable borrowing when the oracle is bad.
- if (_deviation <= _exchangeRateInfo.maxOracleDeviation) {
+ if (_deviation > 0 && _deviation <= _exchangeRateInfo.maxOracleDeviation) {
_isBorrowAllowed = true;