Mammoth Mocha Koala
The from() function is intended to create a Guarantee from an Order, including determining whether a taker fee should be charged. However, the logic for setting takerFee is inverted, leading to incorrect fee exemptions.
function from(
Order memory order,
Fixed6 priceOverride,
UFixed6 solverReferralFee,
bool chargeTradeFee
) internal pure returns (Guarantee memory newGuarantee) {
newGuarantee.orders = order.orders;
(newGuarantee.longPos, newGuarantee.longNeg, newGuarantee.shortPos, newGuarantee.shortNeg) =
(order.longPos, order.longNeg, order.shortPos, order.shortNeg);
newGuarantee.takerFee = chargeTradeFee ? UFixed6Lib.ZERO : order.takerTotal();
newGuarantee.notional = taker(newGuarantee).mul(priceOverride);
newGuarantee.orderReferral = order.takerReferral;
newGuarantee.solverReferral = order.takerReferral.mul(solverReferralFee);
newGuarantee.takerFee = chargeTradeFee ? UFixed6Lib.ZERO : order.takerTotal(); // ❌ chargeTradeFee: A boolean flag indicating whether the order should incur a taker fee.
Intended Behavior:
If chargeTradeFee is true: The order should pay the fee (takerFee = order.takerTotal()).
If chargeTradeFee is false: The order should be exempt (takerFee = 0).
Actual Behavior:
The code does the opposite: It sets takerFee to 0 when chargeTradeFee is true, and charges the fee when chargeTradeFee is false.
Example Order Parameters:
chargeTradeFee = true (fee should apply).
order.takerTotal() = 10 (fee amount).
takerFee = 0 (fee is waived despite chargeTradeFee being true).
No response
No response
No response
The protocol loses expected revenue.
Users bypass fees they should pay, violating system invariants.
No response
Flip the ternary condition to align with the intended logic:
newGuarantee.takerFee = chargeTradeFee ? order.takerTotal() : UFixed6Lib.ZERO; // Corrected Behavior chargeTradeFee = true → Fee charged (takerFee = order.takerTotal()).
chargeTradeFee = false → Fee exempt (takerFee = 0).