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Clumsy Pink Otter


InvariantLib uses current position for margin check allowing to withdraw collateral while the position decrease is only pending and can cause unexpected immediate user liquidation.


In normal update, the InvariantLib.validate uses the currentPosition for margin check:

        if (
                context.local.collateral.add(newGuarantee.priceAdjustment(context.latestOracleVersion.price)) // apply price override adjustment from intent if present
        ) revert IMarket.MarketInsufficientMarginError();

However, during liquidation (protected = true), latestPosition is used for maintenence check:

        if (context.latestPositionLocal.maintained(
        )) return false; // latest position is properly maintained

The latest position is position at the last commited price, while current position is expected position when price is commited for the current epoch (latest + pending). These are 2 totally different values. Usage of currentPosition in margined check means that user is allowed to withdraw collateral based on "pending" position (which might still be invalidated). This is wrong by itself, but usage of latestPosition in liquidation maintenence check means that normal updates and liquidations are disconnected: perfectly fine normal update can easily cause unexpected immediate liquidation after the user withdraws collateral.

Root Cause

Incorrect usage of currentPosition in margined check in InvariantLib.validate:

Additionally, liquidation uses latestPosition in maintenence check:

Internal pre-conditions

  • User reduces position and withdraws collateral, keeping healthy collateral for new (reduced) position.

External pre-conditions


Attack Path

Happens by itself:

  • User reduces position (e.g., from 10 to 5) and withdraws collateral, keeping enough to keep new reduced position healthy (e.g. withdrawing half of collateral).
  • User account becomes immediately liquidatable and user is liquidated by any liquidator.
  • Result: user is unfairly liquidated, losing liquidation and trading fees

User crafts self-liquidation to steal liquidation fees (can be profitable depending on trading fees and liquidation fee):

  • Attacker opens position from account1
  • Awaits settlement
  • Attacker then closes full position from account1 and withdraws all collateral (allowed, since currentPosition == 0, so 0 collateral needed in margined check)
  • Attacker immediately liquidates account1 from account2.
  • Result: account1 is in bad debt, account2 earns liquidation fees.


If user is unfairly liquidated: easily 1%+ funds loss from liquidation. For example:

  • Margin ratio is 1.2%, maintenence ratio is 1%
  • Trading fee is 0.3%
  • Asset price = 1000
  • User has position size = 10, collateral = 200 (margin = 200 / (10*1000) = 2%)
  • User reduces position size to 5 (fee = 5000*0.3% = 15), withdraws collateral = 95. Remaining collateral = 90. Margin = 95 / (5 * 1000) = 1.8%
  • But the position is immediately liquidated (because maintenence for liquidation purpose = 95 / (10 * 1000) = 0.95%)
  • User has position unfairly liquidated and loses fee of 15, so his loss is 15 / 90 = 17%

If liquidation bonus for liquidator is higher than trading fees from the position, then attacker can repeatedly self-liquidate until all market funds are withdrawn via liquidation fees.


Add to test/unit/Market.test.ts in the invariant violations context:

it('reduced position with collateral withdrawal makes liquidatable position', async () => {
  const riskParameter = { ...(await market.riskParameter()) }
  const riskParameterTakerFee = { ...riskParameter.takerFee }
  riskParameterTakerFee.linearFee = parse6decimal('0.003')
  riskParameter.takerFee = riskParameterTakerFee
  riskParameter.margin = parse6decimal('0.012')
  riskParameter.maintenance = parse6decimal('0.01')
  riskParameter.minMargin = parse6decimal('5')
  riskParameter.minMaintenance = parse6decimal('5')
  await market.updateRiskParameter(riskParameter)

  const COLLATERAL_USER = parse6decimal('30')
  const POSITION_USER = parse6decimal('10')
  const POSITION2_USER = parse6decimal('5')
  const COLLATERAL2_USER = parse6decimal('15')

  dsu.transferFrom.whenCalledWith(user.address, market.address, COLLATERAL_USER.mul(1e12)).returns(true)
  dsu.transferFrom.whenCalledWith(userB.address, market.address, COLLATERAL.mul(1e12)).returns(true)
  dsu.transferFrom.whenCalledWith(userC.address, market.address, COLLATERAL_USER.mul(1e12)).returns(true)

  await market

  await market
  oracle.status.returns([ORACLE_VERSION_2, ORACLE_VERSION_3.timestamp])

  // position opened. now partially close position and withdraw collateral
  dsu.transfer.whenCalledWith(user.address, COLLATERAL2_USER.mul(1e12)).returns(true)
  await market
    ['update(address,uint256,uint256,uint256,int256,bool)'](user.address, 0, POSITION2_USER, 0, -COLLATERAL2_USER, false)

  var loc = await market.locals(user.address);
  console.log("user collateral before liquidation: " + loc.collateral);

  // user becomes immediately liquidatable
  await market
    ['update(address,uint256,uint256,uint256,int256,bool)'](user.address, 0, 0, 0, 0, true)

  oracle.status.returns([ORACLE_VERSION_3, ORACLE_VERSION_4.timestamp])

  await settle(market, user)
  await settle(market, userB)
  await settle(market, userC)

  var loc = await market.locals(user.address);
  console.log("user collateral: " + loc.collateral);
  var pos = await market.positions(user.address);
  console.log("user pos: long = " + pos.long);

Console output:

user collateral before liquidation: 11310000
user collateral: 7472950
user pos: long = 0

Demonstrates the user who reduced position from 10 to 5, is liquidated and his collateral reduces from 11.31 to 7.47 (actually, 11.31 doesn't include pending fees, so real collateral after fees is 9.31 before liquidation, 7.47 after unfair liquidation).


  1. Do not use currentPosition in margin check. Previously, the marin check had latestPosition + pending.maxPositive, which was correct. With the new system it might make sense to add pending.maxPositive if pending.invalidation == 1, or currentPosition if pending.invalidation == 0
  2. Make sure that liquidation maintenence check matches normal update margin check, so use the same position size for the check.