Cheerful Taffy Dolphin
A vulnerability exists in _updateRebalanceGroup
where duplicate markets can be used to bypass the target allocation validation:
UFixed6 totalAllocation;
for (uint256 i; i <; i++) {
marketToGroup[owner][[i]] =;
_rebalanceConfigs[owner][][[i]] = message.configs[i];
totalAllocation = totalAllocation.add(message.configs[i].target);
if ( != 0 && !totalAllocation.eq(UFixed6Lib.ONE))
revert ControllerInvalidRebalanceTargetsError();
When a rebalancing configuration is set with duplicate markets, the storage updates result in a single market having a target allocation less than 100%, while the validation is bypassed by summing the duplicate targets. For example, using [marketA, marketA] with 60% targets each would pass validation (120% total) but store a 60% target for marketA.
This impacts the rebalancing mechanism in checkGroup
which is used by _rebalanceGroup
function checkGroup(address owner, uint256 group) public view returns (
Fixed6 groupCollateral,
bool canRebalance,
Fixed6[] memory imbalances
) {
// Query collateral and calculate imbalances based on stored targets
(actualCollateral, groupCollateral) = _queryMarketCollateral(owner, group);
for (uint256 i; i < actualCollateral.length; i++) {
IMarket market = groupToMarkets[owner][group][i];
RebalanceConfig memory marketRebalanceConfig = _rebalanceConfigs[owner][group][address(market)];
(bool canMarketRebalance, Fixed6 imbalance) = RebalanceLib.checkMarket(
marketRebalanceConfig, // Contains invalid target < 100%
imbalances[i] = imbalance;
canRebalance = canRebalance || canMarketRebalance;
Because the system is configured with a target that sums to less than 100% (e.g., 60% through duplicate market inputs), it will perpetually try to rebalance to an impossible state through marketTransfer calls in _rebalanceGroup. This creates a feedback loop where repeated rebalancing attempts lead to continuous fee extraction and MEV opportunities, as the system can never achieve the invalid target allocation. The comment // read from storage to trap duplicate markets indicates this risk was known but the implementation fails to prevent it.
To fix this, the function should either:
- Add a check for duplicate markets before processing them, or
- Calculate the total allocation by reading from the storage mappings after they've been updated, which would naturally handle duplicates correctly
For example:
function _updateRebalanceGroup(
RebalanceConfigChange calldata message,
address owner
) private {
if ( == 0 || > MAX_GROUPS_PER_OWNER)
revert ControllerInvalidRebalanceGroupError();
revert ControllerInvalidRebalanceMarketsError();
// Delete existing group configuration
for (uint256 i; i < groupToMarkets[owner][].length; i++) {
address market = address(groupToMarkets[owner][][i]);
delete _rebalanceConfigs[owner][][market];
delete marketToGroup[owner][market];
delete groupToMarkets[owner][];
// Check for duplicates and validate total allocation before state changes
UFixed6 totalAllocation;
for (uint256 i; i <; i++) {
// Check for duplicates in the input array
for (uint256 j = 0; j < i; j++) {
if ([i] ==[j])
revert ControllerDuplicateMarketError([i]);
// Accumulate total allocation
totalAllocation = totalAllocation.add(message.configs[i].target);
// Validate total allocation equals 100% if group is not being deleted
if ( != 0 && !totalAllocation.eq(UFixed6Lib.ONE))
revert ControllerInvalidRebalanceTargetsError();
// Update state after all validation passes
for (uint256 i; i <; i++) {
uint256 currentGroup = marketToGroup[owner][[i]];
if (currentGroup != 0)
revert ControllerMarketAlreadyInGroupError(IMarket([i]), currentGroup);
marketToGroup[owner][[i]] =;
_rebalanceConfigs[owner][][[i]] = message.configs[i];
groupToMaxRebalanceFee[owner][] = message.maxFee;
emit RebalanceMarketConfigured(owner,,[i], message.configs[i]);
emit RebalanceGroupConfigured(owner,,;