I would like for you to follow these instructions line by line!
All of the commands you will need for this activity are in the course content! When you are done, push your branch to the remote repository and create a pull request!
NOTE: When instructed to take a screenshot, immediately save and commit the images to Unit2-Project/screenshots/{number}
(commit messages do not matter)
- Find your personal ShiftUp repository by going to https://github.com/shift-up and looking for the repo with your name (e.g.
). If you do not see a repository with your name, reach out to "Adrian Laurenzi" or "Ray Batra" on the Shift_Up Slack. - Clone your personal GitHub repository to your local machine.
- Use
git log
to look at the file structure and commits. Note how many commits, trees, and blobs there are!- Take and save screenshot to
- Take and save screenshot to
- Create a new branch and check it out (you can name the branch what you want).
- Use
git log
to look at your new branch. - Create a new file called redqueen.txt and paste the following:
"Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." -Red Queen, Alice in Wonderland
- Add and commit everything with the message "Added redqueen".
- Create a new file called test.txt
- Write "Shift_Up is awesome!" in your file and save it.
- Add and commit everything with the message "Added test".
- Take and save screenshot to
- Take and save screenshot to
- Now run a
git fetch
to see if any new files are on the main repo. In this case you should not see any changes since the remote has not been changed. However, it is generally a good practice to rungit fetch
every time you start coding to ensure your local repo is up-to-date. - Push your branch to the remote repository and create a Pull Request.
- After your Pull Request is approved by a coach, use the GitHub user interface or use
git merge
to merge your branch to the master branch on your local repo. - Get on the
branch as your working directory. - Use
git rebase
to move the redqueen commit to after the test commit.- Change the commit message to "Moved commit".
- Use
git log
- Add and commit everything with the message "Added redqueen".
- Use
git rebase
to squash all your commits in this branch into one.- Change the commit message to "Squashed Unit2-Project".
- Use the command
git log --graph --full-history --all
and commit it to your branch.