- Write JavaScript for the Web
- OC course time: 10 hrs
Included in OC course:
- Mini Project 4.1b: Building a Project with Gulp
Not included in OC course:
- Mini Project 4.1a: Building a Tip Calculator
- Included in OC course:
- 3 auto-graded quizzes
- Understanding the DOM
- getElementsByTagName
- getElementsByClassName
- getElementById
- Modifying content
- Modifying classes
- Playing with style
- Building new elements
- Add an event listener
- Create a new post
- Remove a post
- Handling data
- From user
- Reading text fields
- Modifying default behavior
- Checkboxes
- Radio buttons and dropdown menus
- Validate input length
- On blur event
- Element constraints
- From server
- Sending a request
- Handling data from a request
- From user
- Asynchronous programming
- Setting a timeout
- Old school callbacks
- Creating a Promise
- Async/await
- Sending POST request
- Async POST request
- Reusing functions
- Handling multiple asynchronous functions
- Error handling
- Test Your Website's Interface
- OC course time: 4 hrs
- Mini Project 4.2a: Writing out suites and specs
- Mini Project 4.2b: Creating a Candy Counter
- Included in OC course:
- 1 auto-graded quiz
Open the Unit 4 Project here: Building a ToDo List App.