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40 lines (40 loc) · 6.21 KB

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40 lines (40 loc) · 6.21 KB
Object Value Premise
augment True, False block type="other"
block type "resnet", "other", "xception", "efficient" -
contrast factor "0.1", "0.0", "0.0", "0.1" augment=True
dropout "0.25", "0.0", "0.5" -
efficientnet version "b0", "b1", "b2", "b3", "b4", "b5", "b6", "b7" block type="efficient"
filters "16", "32", "64", "128", "256", "512" block type="other"
horizontal flip True, False augment=True
imagenet size True, False -
kernel size "3", "7", "5" block type="other"
learning rate "0.1", "0.01", "0.001", "0.0001", "1e-5", "2e-5" -
max pooling True, False block type="other"
normalize True, False -
num blocks "1", "2", "3" block type="other"
num layers "1", "2" block type="other"
optimizer "sgd", "adam", "adam weight decay", "ndam" -
efficientnet pretrained False, True block type="efficient"
resnet pretrained False, True block type="resnet"
xception pretrained False, True block type="xception"
reduction type "flatten", "global avg", "global max" block type="resnet"/"xception"/"efficient"
resnet version "resnet50", "resnet152", "resnet101", "resnet50 v2", "resnet101 v2", "resnet152 v2" block type="resnet"
rotation factor "0.1", "0.0", "0.0", "0.1" augment=True
separable True, False -
efficientnet trainable True, False efficientnet pretrained=True
resnet trainable True, False resnet pretrained=True
xception trainable True, False xception pretrained=True
translation factor "0.0", "0.1", "0.1", "0.0" augment=True
vertical flip True, False augment=True
zoom factor "0.0", "0.1", "0.1", "0.0" augment=True
double step True, False trainable=True
triple step True, False Multi step=True
epoch ratio "0.1", "0.2", "0.3", "0.4", "0.5" Multi step=True
lr ratio "1.0", "0.1", "0.01" Multi step=True
freeze "all", "no", "bn" Multi step=True
momentum "0.0", "0.1", "0.5", "0.9", "0.99" optimizer="sgd"
end learning rate "1e-4", "1e-5", "2e-6", "1e-6", "0.0" optimizer="adam weight decay"
weight decay rate "0.001", "0.005", "0.01", "0.05", "0.1" optimizer="adam weight decay"
initializer "he uniform", "lecun uniform","glorot uniform" block type="other"
activation "selu", "tanh","relu" block type="other"