diff --git a/intel/common/vsrc/bootrom.v b/intel/common/vsrc/bootrom.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0e4ff645
--- /dev/null
+++ b/intel/common/vsrc/bootrom.v
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+module BootROM(
+ input wire [10:0] address,
+ input wire clock,
+ input wire me,
+ input wire oe,
+ output wire [31:0] q
+wire [31:0] q_r;
+rom r(
+ .address(address),
+ .clock(clock),
+ .rden(me),
+ .q(q_r)
+assign q[31:24] = q_r[7:0];
+assign q[23:16] = q_r[15:8];
+assign q[15:8] = q_r[23:16];
+assign q[7:0] = q_r[31:24];
diff --git a/intel/common/vsrc/iobuf_full.v b/intel/common/vsrc/iobuf_full.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3469eac0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/intel/common/vsrc/iobuf_full.v
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+// Joseph Tarango
+module iobuf(
+ output wire [0:0] dataout, // dout.export
+ input wire [0:0] datain, // din.export
+ input wire [0:0] oe, // oe.export
+ inout wire [0:0] padio // pad_io.export
+assign dataout = datain;
+IOBUF iobufElement(
+ .dataout (dataout), // output, width = 1, dout.export
+ .datain (datain), // input, width = 1, din.export
+ .oe (oe), // input, width = 1, oe.export
+ .padio (padio) // inout, width = 1, pad_io.export
+module ibuf(
+ input wire [0:0] datain,
+ output wire [0:0] dataout
+assign dataout = datain;
+IOBUF ibufElement(
+ .datain(datain),
+ .dataout(dataout)
+module obuf(
+ input wire [0:0] datain,
+ output wire [0:0] dataout
+assign dataout = datain;
+IOBUF obufElement(
+ .datain(datain),
+ .dataout(dataout)
diff --git a/intel/common/vsrc/iobuf_wire.v b/intel/common/vsrc/iobuf_wire.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b8c42344
--- /dev/null
+++ b/intel/common/vsrc/iobuf_wire.v
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+// Joseph Tarango
+module iobuf(
+ output wire [0:0] dataout, // dout.export
+ input wire [0:0] datain, // din.export
+ input wire [0:0] oe, // oe.export
+ inout wire [0:0] padio // pad_io.export
+assign dataout = datain;
+//IOBUF iobufElement(
+// .dataout (dataout), // output, width = 1, dout.export
+// .datain (datain), // input, width = 1, din.export
+// .oe (oe), // input, width = 1, oe.export
+// .padio (padio) // inout, width = 1, pad_io.export
+module ibuf(
+ input wire [0:0] datain,
+ output wire [0:0] dataout
+assign dataout = datain;
+//IOBUF ibufElement(
+// .datain(datain),
+// .dataout(dataout)
+module obuf(
+ input wire [0:0] datain,
+ output wire [0:0] dataout
+assign dataout = datain;
+//IOBUF obufElement(
+// .datain(datain),
+// .dataout(dataout)
diff --git a/intel/sgx-dev/basefiles/IOBUF.ip b/intel/sgx-dev/basefiles/IOBUF.ip
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..62213bb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/intel/sgx-dev/basefiles/IOBUF.ip
@@ -0,0 +1,582 @@
+ Intel Corporation
+ gpio_0
+ 19.3.0
+ dout
+ export
+ dataout
+ associatedClock
+ associatedClock
+ associatedReset
+ associatedReset
+ prSafe
+ Partial Reconfiguration Safe
+ false
+ ui.blockdiagram.direction
+ output
+ din
+ export
+ datain
+ associatedClock
+ associatedClock
+ associatedReset
+ associatedReset
+ prSafe
+ Partial Reconfiguration Safe
+ false
+ ui.blockdiagram.direction
+ input
+ oe
+ export
+ oe
+ associatedClock
+ associatedClock
+ associatedReset
+ associatedReset
+ prSafe
+ Partial Reconfiguration Safe
+ false
+ ui.blockdiagram.direction
+ input
+ pad_io
+ export
+ padio
+ associatedClock
+ associatedClock
+ associatedReset
+ associatedReset
+ prSafe
+ Partial Reconfiguration Safe
+ false
+ ui.blockdiagram.direction
+ bidir
+ :quartus.altera.com:
+ altera_gpio
+ dataout
+ out
+ datain
+ in
+ oe
+ in
+ padio
+ inout
+ Intel Corporation
+ altera_gpio
+ 19.3.0
+ device_family
+ device_family
+ Stratix 10
+ Data Direction
+ Bidir
+ Data width
+ 1
+ gui_enable_migratable_port_names
+ Use legacy top-level port names
+ true
+ gui_diff_buff
+ Use differential buffer
+ false
+ gui_pseudo_diff
+ Use pseudo-differential buffer
+ true
+ gui_pseudo_diff_off_shadow
+ Use pseudo-differential buffer
+ false
+ gui_pseudo_diff_on_shadow
+ Use pseudo-differential buffer
+ true
+ gui_bus_hold
+ Use bus-hold circuitry
+ false
+ gui_bus_hold_shadow
+ Use bus-hold circuitry
+ false
+ gui_open_drain
+ Use open-drain output
+ false
+ gui_open_drain_shadow
+ Use open-drain output
+ false
+ gui_use_oe
+ Enable output enable port
+ false
+ gui_use_oe_off_shadow
+ Enable output enable port
+ false
+ gui_use_oe_on_shadow
+ Enable output enable port
+ true
+ gui_enable_termination_ports
+ Enable seriestermination/paralleltermination ports
+ false
+ gui_enable_termination_ports_shadow
+ Enable seriestermination/paralleltermination ports
+ false
+ gui_io_reg_mode
+ Register mode
+ none
+ gui_sreset_mode
+ Enable synchronous clear / preset port
+ None
+ gui_sreset_mode_off_shadow
+ Enable synchronous clear / preset port
+ None
+ gui_areset_mode
+ Enable asynchronous clear / preset port
+ None
+ gui_areset_mode_off_shadow
+ Enable asynchronous clear / preset port
+ None
+ gui_enable_cke
+ Enable clock enable port
+ false
+ gui_enable_cke_off_shadow
+ Enable clock enable port
+ false
+ gui_hr_logic
+ Half Rate Logic
+ false
+ gui_separate_io_clks
+ Separate input/output Clocks
+ false
+ gui_separate_io_clks_off_shadow
+ Separate input/output Clocks
+ false
+ bidir
+ none
+ false
+ false
+ single-ended
+ false
+ none
+ none
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ 1SG280LU2F50E2VG
+ false
+ false
+ altddio_bidir_port_map.csv
+ 2
+ device
+ Device
+ 1SG280LU2F50E2VG
+ deviceFamily
+ Device family
+ Stratix 10
+ deviceSpeedGrade
+ Device Speed Grade
+ 2
+ generationId
+ Generation Id
+ 0
+ bonusData
+ bonusData
+ bonusData
+ element gpio_0
+ {
+ datum _sortIndex
+ {
+ value = "0";
+ type = "int";
+ }
+ }
+ hideFromIPCatalog
+ Hide from IP Catalog
+ true
+ lockedInterfaceDefinition
+ lockedInterfaceDefinition
+ systemInfos
+ systemInfos
+ <systemInfosDefinition>
+ <connPtSystemInfos/>
+ false
+ false
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/intel/sgx-dev/basefiles/IOBUF/IOBUF.bsf b/intel/sgx-dev/basefiles/IOBUF/IOBUF.bsf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dec94866
--- /dev/null
+++ b/intel/sgx-dev/basefiles/IOBUF/IOBUF.bsf
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+WARNING: Do NOT edit the input and output ports in this file in a text
+editor if you plan to continue editing the block that represents it in
+the Block Editor! File corruption is VERY likely to occur.
+Copyright (C) 2020 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
+Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions
+and other software and tools, and any partner logic
+functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing
+(including device programming or simulation files), and any
+associated documentation or information are expressly subject
+to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License
+Subscription Agreement, the Intel Quartus Prime License Agreement,
+the Intel FPGA IP License Agreement, or other applicable license
+agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for
+the sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by
+Intel and sold by Intel or its authorized distributors. Please
+refer to the applicable agreement for further details, at
+(header "symbol" (version "1.1"))
+ (rect 0 0 176 184)
+ (text "IOBUF" (rect 69 -1 97 11)(font "Arial" (font_size 10)))
+ (text "inst" (rect 8 168 20 180)(font "Arial" ))
+ (port
+ (pt 0 72)
+ (input)
+ (text "datain" (rect 0 0 22 12)(font "Arial" (font_size 8)))
+ (text "datain" (rect 4 61 40 72)(font "Arial" (font_size 8)))
+ (line (pt 0 72)(pt 48 72)(line_width 1))
+ )
+ (port
+ (pt 0 112)
+ (input)
+ (text "oe" (rect 0 0 9 12)(font "Arial" (font_size 8)))
+ (text "oe" (rect 4 101 16 112)(font "Arial" (font_size 8)))
+ (line (pt 0 112)(pt 48 112)(line_width 1))
+ )
+ (port
+ (pt 176 72)
+ (output)
+ (text "dataout" (rect 0 0 28 12)(font "Arial" (font_size 8)))
+ (text "dataout" (rect 138 61 180 72)(font "Arial" (font_size 8)))
+ (line (pt 176 72)(pt 128 72)(line_width 1))
+ )
+ (port
+ (pt 0 152)
+ (bidir)
+ (text "padio" (rect 0 0 20 12)(font "Arial" (font_size 8)))
+ (text "padio" (rect 4 141 34 152)(font "Arial" (font_size 8)))
+ (line (pt 0 152)(pt 48 152)(line_width 1))
+ )
+ (drawing
+ (text "dout" (rect 129 43 282 99)(font "Arial" (color 128 0 0)(font_size 9)))
+ (text "export" (rect 98 67 232 144)(font "Arial" (color 0 0 0)))
+ (text "din" (rect 32 43 82 99)(font "Arial" (color 128 0 0)(font_size 9)))
+ (text "export" (rect 53 67 142 144)(font "Arial" (color 0 0 0)))
+ (text "oe" (rect 35 83 82 179)(font "Arial" (color 128 0 0)(font_size 9)))
+ (text "export" (rect 53 107 142 224)(font "Arial" (color 0 0 0)))
+ (text "pad_io" (rect 10 123 56 259)(font "Arial" (color 128 0 0)(font_size 9)))
+ (text "export" (rect 53 147 142 304)(font "Arial" (color 0 0 0)))
+ (text " IOBUF " (rect 144 168 330 346)(font "Arial" ))
+ (line (pt 48 32)(pt 128 32)(line_width 1))
+ (line (pt 128 32)(pt 128 168)(line_width 1))
+ (line (pt 48 168)(pt 128 168)(line_width 1))
+ (line (pt 48 32)(pt 48 168)(line_width 1))
+ (line (pt 127 52)(pt 127 76)(line_width 1))
+ (line (pt 126 52)(pt 126 76)(line_width 1))
+ (line (pt 49 52)(pt 49 76)(line_width 1))
+ (line (pt 50 52)(pt 50 76)(line_width 1))
+ (line (pt 49 92)(pt 49 116)(line_width 1))
+ (line (pt 50 92)(pt 50 116)(line_width 1))
+ (line (pt 49 132)(pt 49 156)(line_width 1))
+ (line (pt 50 132)(pt 50 156)(line_width 1))
+ (line (pt 0 0)(pt 176 0)(line_width 1))
+ (line (pt 176 0)(pt 176 184)(line_width 1))
+ (line (pt 0 184)(pt 176 184)(line_width 1))
+ (line (pt 0 0)(pt 0 184)(line_width 1))
+ )
diff --git a/intel/sgx-dev/basefiles/IOBUF/IOBUF.cmp b/intel/sgx-dev/basefiles/IOBUF/IOBUF.cmp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..165b22f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/intel/sgx-dev/basefiles/IOBUF/IOBUF.cmp
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ component IOBUF is
+ port (
+ dataout : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0); -- export
+ datain : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0) := (others => 'X'); -- export
+ oe : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0) := (others => 'X'); -- export
+ padio : inout std_logic_vector(0 downto 0) := (others => 'X') -- export
+ );
+ end component IOBUF;
diff --git a/intel/sgx-dev/basefiles/IOBUF/IOBUF.csv b/intel/sgx-dev/basefiles/IOBUF/IOBUF.csv
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5f67ad13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/intel/sgx-dev/basefiles/IOBUF/IOBUF.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# system info IOBUF on 2020.07.29.10:13:24
+# Files generated for IOBUF on 2020.07.29.10:13:24
+# Map from instance-path to kind of module
diff --git a/intel/sgx-dev/basefiles/IOBUF/IOBUF.html b/intel/sgx-dev/basefiles/IOBUF/IOBUF.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..61d98a02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/intel/sgx-dev/basefiles/IOBUF/IOBUF.html
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+ datasheet for IOBUF
+ 2020.07.29.10:13:26 |
+ Datasheet |
+ Overview
+ Memory Map
altera_gpio v19.3.0
+ Parameters
+ Bidir |
+ SIZE |
+ 1 |
+ gui_enable_migratable_port_names |
+ true |
+ gui_diff_buff |
+ false |
+ gui_pseudo_diff_off_shadow |
+ false |
+ gui_bus_hold |
+ false |
+ gui_open_drain |
+ false |
+ gui_use_oe_on_shadow |
+ true |
+ gui_enable_termination_ports_shadow |
+ false |
+ gui_io_reg_mode |
+ none |
+ gui_sreset_mode_off_shadow |
+ None |
+ gui_areset_mode_off_shadow |
+ None |
+ gui_enable_cke_off_shadow |
+ false |
+ gui_hr_logic |
+ false |
+ gui_separate_io_clks_off_shadow |
+ false |
+ deviceFamily |
+ generateLegacySim |
+ false |
+ |
+ Software Assignments(none) |
+ generation took 0.00 seconds |
+ rendering took 0.01 seconds |
diff --git a/intel/sgx-dev/basefiles/IOBUF/IOBUF.ppf b/intel/sgx-dev/basefiles/IOBUF/IOBUF.ppf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7cb282ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/intel/sgx-dev/basefiles/IOBUF/IOBUF.ppf
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
diff --git a/intel/sgx-dev/basefiles/IOBUF/IOBUF.qgsimc b/intel/sgx-dev/basefiles/IOBUF/IOBUF.qgsimc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b4e2bf88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/intel/sgx-dev/basefiles/IOBUF/IOBUF.qgsimc
@@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
+ 1.0
+ 0
+ gpio_0
+ none
+ single-ended
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ altddio_bidir_port_map.csv
+ false
+ bidir
+ Bidir
+ false
+ none
+ false
+ 1
+ none
+ 1SG280LU2F50E2VG
+ device_family
+ Stratix 10
+ gui_areset_mode
+ None
+ gui_areset_mode_off_shadow
+ None
+ gui_bus_hold
+ false
+ gui_bus_hold_shadow
+ false
+ gui_diff_buff
+ false
+ gui_enable_cke
+ false
+ gui_enable_cke_off_shadow
+ false
+ gui_enable_migratable_port_names
+ true
+ gui_enable_termination_ports
+ false
+ gui_enable_termination_ports_shadow
+ false
+ gui_hr_logic
+ false
+ gui_io_reg_mode
+ none
+ gui_open_drain
+ false
+ gui_open_drain_shadow
+ false
+ gui_pseudo_diff
+ true
+ gui_pseudo_diff_off_shadow
+ false
+ gui_pseudo_diff_on_shadow
+ true
+ gui_separate_io_clks
+ false
+ gui_separate_io_clks_off_shadow
+ false
+ gui_sreset_mode
+ None
+ gui_sreset_mode_off_shadow
+ None
+ gui_use_oe
+ false
+ gui_use_oe_off_shadow
+ false
+ gui_use_oe_on_shadow
+ true
+ altera_gpio
+ 19.3.0
+ gpio_0
+ IOBUF_altera_gpio_1930_alkbnhy
+ 0
+ IOBUF.gpio_0
+ core
+ none
+ single-ended
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ altddio_bidir_port_map.csv
+ false
+ bidir
+ Bidir
+ false
+ none
+ false
+ 1
+ none
+ 1SG280LU2F50E2VG
+ gui_areset_mode
+ None
+ gui_areset_mode_off_shadow
+ None
+ gui_bus_hold
+ false
+ gui_bus_hold_shadow
+ false
+ gui_diff_buff
+ false
+ gui_enable_cke
+ false
+ gui_enable_cke_off_shadow
+ false
+ gui_enable_migratable_port_names
+ true
+ gui_enable_termination_ports
+ false
+ gui_enable_termination_ports_shadow
+ false
+ gui_hr_logic
+ false
+ gui_io_reg_mode
+ none
+ gui_open_drain
+ false
+ gui_open_drain_shadow
+ false
+ gui_pseudo_diff
+ true
+ gui_pseudo_diff_off_shadow
+ false
+ gui_pseudo_diff_on_shadow
+ true
+ gui_separate_io_clks
+ false
+ gui_separate_io_clks_off_shadow
+ false
+ gui_sreset_mode
+ None
+ gui_sreset_mode_off_shadow
+ None
+ gui_use_oe
+ false
+ gui_use_oe_off_shadow
+ false
+ gui_use_oe_on_shadow
+ true
+ altera_gpio_core14
+ 19.1
+ core
+ altera_gpio
+ altera_gpio
+ 0
+ IOBUF.gpio_0.core
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/intel/sgx-dev/basefiles/IOBUF/IOBUF.qgsynthc b/intel/sgx-dev/basefiles/IOBUF/IOBUF.qgsynthc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b4e2bf88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/intel/sgx-dev/basefiles/IOBUF/IOBUF.qgsynthc
@@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
+ 1.0
+ 0
+ gpio_0
+ none
+ single-ended
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ altddio_bidir_port_map.csv
+ false
+ bidir
+ Bidir
+ false
+ none
+ false
+ 1
+ none
+ 1SG280LU2F50E2VG
+ device_family
+ Stratix 10
+ gui_areset_mode
+ None
+ gui_areset_mode_off_shadow
+ None
+ gui_bus_hold
+ false
+ gui_bus_hold_shadow
+ false
+ gui_diff_buff
+ false
+ gui_enable_cke
+ false
+ gui_enable_cke_off_shadow
+ false
+ gui_enable_migratable_port_names
+ true
+ gui_enable_termination_ports
+ false
+ gui_enable_termination_ports_shadow
+ false
+ gui_hr_logic
+ false
+ gui_io_reg_mode
+ none
+ gui_open_drain
+ false
+ gui_open_drain_shadow
+ false
+ gui_pseudo_diff
+ true
+ gui_pseudo_diff_off_shadow
+ false
+ gui_pseudo_diff_on_shadow
+ true
+ gui_separate_io_clks
+ false
+ gui_separate_io_clks_off_shadow
+ false
+ gui_sreset_mode
+ None
+ gui_sreset_mode_off_shadow
+ None
+ gui_use_oe
+ false
+ gui_use_oe_off_shadow
+ false
+ gui_use_oe_on_shadow
+ true
+ altera_gpio
+ 19.3.0
+ gpio_0
+ IOBUF_altera_gpio_1930_alkbnhy
+ 0
+ IOBUF.gpio_0
+ core
+ none
+ single-ended
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ altddio_bidir_port_map.csv
+ false
+ bidir
+ Bidir
+ false
+ none
+ false
+ 1
+ none
+ 1SG280LU2F50E2VG
+ gui_areset_mode
+ None
+ gui_areset_mode_off_shadow
+ None
+ gui_bus_hold
+ false
+ gui_bus_hold_shadow
+ false
+ gui_diff_buff
+ false
+ gui_enable_cke
+ false
+ gui_enable_cke_off_shadow
+ false
+ gui_enable_migratable_port_names
+ true
+ gui_enable_termination_ports
+ false
+ gui_enable_termination_ports_shadow
+ false
+ gui_hr_logic
+ false
+ gui_io_reg_mode
+ none
+ gui_open_drain
+ false
+ gui_open_drain_shadow
+ false
+ gui_pseudo_diff
+ true
+ gui_pseudo_diff_off_shadow
+ false
+ gui_pseudo_diff_on_shadow
+ true
+ gui_separate_io_clks
+ false
+ gui_separate_io_clks_off_shadow
+ false
+ gui_sreset_mode
+ None
+ gui_sreset_mode_off_shadow
+ None
+ gui_use_oe
+ false
+ gui_use_oe_off_shadow
+ false
+ gui_use_oe_on_shadow
+ true
+ altera_gpio_core14
+ 19.1
+ core
+ altera_gpio
+ altera_gpio
+ 0
+ IOBUF.gpio_0.core
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/intel/sgx-dev/basefiles/IOBUF/IOBUF.qip b/intel/sgx-dev/basefiles/IOBUF/IOBUF.qip
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..761815d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/intel/sgx-dev/basefiles/IOBUF/IOBUF.qip
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+set_global_assignment -entity "IOBUF" -library "IOBUF" -name IP_TOOL_NAME "QsysPrimePro"
+set_global_assignment -entity "IOBUF" -library "IOBUF" -name IP_TOOL_VERSION "20.2"
+set_global_assignment -entity "IOBUF" -library "IOBUF" -name IP_TOOL_ENV "QsysPrimePro"
+set_global_assignment -entity "IOBUF" -library "IOBUF" -name IP_TOOL_VENDOR_NAME "Intel Corporation"
+set_global_assignment -entity "IOBUF" -library "IOBUF" -name IP_TOP_LEVEL_COMPONENT_NAME "altera_gpio"
+set_global_assignment -library "IOBUF" -name SOPCINFO_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) "IOBUF.sopcinfo"]
+set_global_assignment -entity "IOBUF" -library "IOBUF" -name SLD_INFO "QSYS_NAME IOBUF HAS_SOPCINFO 1 GENERATION_ID 0"
+set_global_assignment -library "IOBUF" -name MISC_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) "IOBUF.cmp"]
+set_global_assignment -entity "IOBUF" -library "IOBUF" -name IP_TARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY "Stratix 10"
+set_global_assignment -entity "IOBUF" -library "IOBUF" -name IP_GENERATED_DEVICE_FAMILY "{Stratix 10}"
+set_global_assignment -entity "IOBUF" -library "IOBUF" -name IP_QSYS_MODE "STANDALONE"
+set_global_assignment -name SYNTHESIS_ONLY_QIP ON
+set_global_assignment -library "IOBUF" -name MISC_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) "../IOBUF.ip"]
+set_global_assignment -entity "altera_gpio" -library "altera_gpio_core14_191" -name IP_COMPONENT_NAME "YWx0ZXJhX2dwaW8="
+set_global_assignment -entity "altera_gpio" -library "altera_gpio_core14_191" -name IP_COMPONENT_DISPLAY_NAME "SW50ZWwgRlBHQSBHUElPIENvcmU="
+set_global_assignment -entity "altera_gpio" -library "altera_gpio_core14_191" -name IP_COMPONENT_REPORT_HIERARCHY "Off"
+set_global_assignment -entity "altera_gpio" -library "altera_gpio_core14_191" -name IP_COMPONENT_INTERNAL "On"
+set_global_assignment -entity "altera_gpio" -library "altera_gpio_core14_191" -name IP_COMPONENT_AUTHOR "SW50ZWwgQ29ycG9yYXRpb24="
+set_global_assignment -entity "altera_gpio" -library "altera_gpio_core14_191" -name IP_COMPONENT_VERSION "MTkuMQ=="
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new file mode 100644
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+ 1SG280LU2F50E2VG
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+ true
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+ 2
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+ Stratix 10
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+ Stratix 10
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+ true
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+ Bidir
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+ int
+ 1
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+ true
+ true
+ true
+ boolean
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ boolean
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ boolean
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ boolean
+ true
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ boolean
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ boolean
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ boolean
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ boolean
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ boolean
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ boolean
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ boolean
+ true
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ boolean
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ boolean
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ java.lang.String
+ none
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ java.lang.String
+ None
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ java.lang.String
+ None
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ java.lang.String
+ None
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ java.lang.String
+ None
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ boolean
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ boolean
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ boolean
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ boolean
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ boolean
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ java.lang.String
+ bidir
+ true
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ java.lang.String
+ none
+ true
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ java.lang.String
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ java.lang.String
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ java.lang.String
+ single-ended
+ true
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ java.lang.String
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ java.lang.String
+ none
+ true
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ java.lang.String
+ none
+ true
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ java.lang.String
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ java.lang.String
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ java.lang.String
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ java.lang.String
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ java.lang.String
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ java.lang.String
+ 1SG280LU2F50E2VG
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ boolean
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ boolean
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ java.lang.String
+ altddio_bidir_port_map.csv
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ java.lang.String
+ 2
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ java.lang.String
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ boolean
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ ui.blockdiagram.direction
+ output
+ java.lang.String
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ java.lang.String
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ boolean
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ java.lang.String
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ boolean
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ conduit
+ false
+ dataout
+ Output
+ 1
+ export
+ ui.blockdiagram.direction
+ input
+ java.lang.String
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ java.lang.String
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ boolean
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ java.lang.String
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ boolean
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ conduit
+ false
+ datain
+ Input
+ 1
+ export
+ ui.blockdiagram.direction
+ input
+ java.lang.String
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ java.lang.String
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ boolean
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ java.lang.String
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ boolean
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ conduit
+ false
+ oe
+ Input
+ 1
+ export
+ ui.blockdiagram.direction
+ bidir
+ java.lang.String
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ java.lang.String
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ boolean
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ java.lang.String
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ boolean
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ conduit
+ false
+ padio
+ Bidir
+ 1
+ export
+ 1
+ altera_gpio
+ com.altera.entityinterfaces.IElementClass
+ com.altera.entityinterfaces.IModule
+ 19.3.0
+ 4
+ conduit_end
+ com.altera.entityinterfaces.IElementClass
+ com.altera.entityinterfaces.IMutableConnectionPoint
+ Conduit
+ 20.2
+ 20.2 50
diff --git a/intel/sgx-dev/basefiles/IOBUF/IOBUF.spd b/intel/sgx-dev/basefiles/IOBUF/IOBUF.spd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..385cb165
--- /dev/null
+++ b/intel/sgx-dev/basefiles/IOBUF/IOBUF.spd
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
diff --git a/intel/sgx-dev/basefiles/IOBUF/IOBUF.xml b/intel/sgx-dev/basefiles/IOBUF/IOBUF.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9099ef47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/intel/sgx-dev/basefiles/IOBUF/IOBUF.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+ "Generating: IOBUF"
+ "Generating: IOBUF_altera_gpio_1930_alkbnhy"
+ "Generating: altera_gpio"
+ "Generating: IOBUF_altera_gpio_1930_alkbnhy"
+ "Generating: altera_gpio"
+ "Generating: altera_gpio"
diff --git a/intel/sgx-dev/basefiles/IOBUF/IOBUF_bb.v b/intel/sgx-dev/basefiles/IOBUF/IOBUF_bb.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a036293b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/intel/sgx-dev/basefiles/IOBUF/IOBUF_bb.v
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+module IOBUF (
+ output wire [0:0] dataout, // dout.export
+ input wire [0:0] datain, // din.export
+ input wire [0:0] oe, // oe.export
+ inout wire [0:0] padio // pad_io.export
+ );
diff --git a/intel/sgx-dev/basefiles/IOBUF/IOBUF_generation.rpt b/intel/sgx-dev/basefiles/IOBUF/IOBUF_generation.rpt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ff2fb458
--- /dev/null
+++ b/intel/sgx-dev/basefiles/IOBUF/IOBUF_generation.rpt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+Info: Generated by version: 20.2 build 50
+Info: Starting: Create block symbol file (.bsf)
+Info: qsys-generate /home/jdtarang/RISC-V/git/freedom-jdtarang/fpga-shells/intel/sgx-dev/projects/FPGAChip/IOBUF.ip --block-symbol-file --output-directory=/home/jdtarang/RISC-V/git/freedom-jdtarang/fpga-shells/intel/sgx-dev/projects/FPGAChip/IOBUF --family="Stratix 10" --part=1SG280LU2F50E2VG
+Info: IOBUF.gpio_0: Intel GPIO supports a maximum interface frequency of 300 MHZ.
+Info: qsys-generate succeeded.
+Info: Finished: Create block symbol file (.bsf)
+Info: Starting: Create HDL design files for synthesis
+Info: qsys-generate /home/jdtarang/RISC-V/git/freedom-jdtarang/fpga-shells/intel/sgx-dev/projects/FPGAChip/IOBUF.ip --synthesis=VERILOG --output-directory=/home/jdtarang/RISC-V/git/freedom-jdtarang/fpga-shells/intel/sgx-dev/projects/FPGAChip/IOBUF --family="Stratix 10" --part=1SG280LU2F50E2VG
+Info: IOBUF.gpio_0: Intel GPIO supports a maximum interface frequency of 300 MHZ.
+Info: Skipping generation of IOBUF: files already generated.
+Info: qsys-generate succeeded.
+Info: Finished: Create HDL design files for synthesis
+Info: Starting: Generate IP Core Documentation
+Info: No documentation filesets were found for components in IOBUF. No files generated.
+Info: Finished: Generate IP Core Documentation
diff --git a/intel/sgx-dev/basefiles/IOBUF/IOBUF_generation_previous.rpt b/intel/sgx-dev/basefiles/IOBUF/IOBUF_generation_previous.rpt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ff2fb458
--- /dev/null
+++ b/intel/sgx-dev/basefiles/IOBUF/IOBUF_generation_previous.rpt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+Info: Generated by version: 20.2 build 50
+Info: Starting: Create block symbol file (.bsf)
+Info: qsys-generate /home/jdtarang/RISC-V/git/freedom-jdtarang/fpga-shells/intel/sgx-dev/projects/FPGAChip/IOBUF.ip --block-symbol-file --output-directory=/home/jdtarang/RISC-V/git/freedom-jdtarang/fpga-shells/intel/sgx-dev/projects/FPGAChip/IOBUF --family="Stratix 10" --part=1SG280LU2F50E2VG
+Info: IOBUF.gpio_0: Intel GPIO supports a maximum interface frequency of 300 MHZ.
+Info: qsys-generate succeeded.
+Info: Finished: Create block symbol file (.bsf)
+Info: Starting: Create HDL design files for synthesis
+Info: qsys-generate /home/jdtarang/RISC-V/git/freedom-jdtarang/fpga-shells/intel/sgx-dev/projects/FPGAChip/IOBUF.ip --synthesis=VERILOG --output-directory=/home/jdtarang/RISC-V/git/freedom-jdtarang/fpga-shells/intel/sgx-dev/projects/FPGAChip/IOBUF --family="Stratix 10" --part=1SG280LU2F50E2VG
+Info: IOBUF.gpio_0: Intel GPIO supports a maximum interface frequency of 300 MHZ.
+Info: Skipping generation of IOBUF: files already generated.
+Info: qsys-generate succeeded.
+Info: Finished: Create HDL design files for synthesis
+Info: Starting: Generate IP Core Documentation
+Info: No documentation filesets were found for components in IOBUF. No files generated.
+Info: Finished: Generate IP Core Documentation
diff --git a/intel/sgx-dev/basefiles/IOBUF/IOBUF_inst.v b/intel/sgx-dev/basefiles/IOBUF/IOBUF_inst.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e576340f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/intel/sgx-dev/basefiles/IOBUF/IOBUF_inst.v
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ IOBUF u0 (
+ .dataout (_connected_to_dataout_), // output, width = 1, dout.export
+ .datain (_connected_to_datain_), // input, width = 1, din.export
+ .oe (_connected_to_oe_), // input, width = 1, oe.export
+ .padio (_connected_to_padio_) // inout, width = 1, pad_io.export
+ );
diff --git a/intel/sgx-dev/basefiles/IOBUF/IOBUF_inst.vhd b/intel/sgx-dev/basefiles/IOBUF/IOBUF_inst.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5bd3907b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/intel/sgx-dev/basefiles/IOBUF/IOBUF_inst.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ component IOBUF is
+ port (
+ dataout : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0); -- export
+ datain : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0) := (others => 'X'); -- export
+ oe : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0) := (others => 'X'); -- export
+ padio : inout std_logic_vector(0 downto 0) := (others => 'X') -- export
+ );
+ end component IOBUF;
+ u0 : component IOBUF
+ port map (
+ dataout => CONNECTED_TO_dataout, -- dout.export
+ datain => CONNECTED_TO_datain, -- din.export
+ oe => CONNECTED_TO_oe, -- oe.export
+ padio => CONNECTED_TO_padio -- pad_io.export
+ );
diff --git a/intel/sgx-dev/basefiles/IOBUF/altera_gpio_1930/sim/IOBUF_altera_gpio_1930_alkbnhy.v b/intel/sgx-dev/basefiles/IOBUF/altera_gpio_1930/sim/IOBUF_altera_gpio_1930_alkbnhy.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5a688317
--- /dev/null
+++ b/intel/sgx-dev/basefiles/IOBUF/altera_gpio_1930/sim/IOBUF_altera_gpio_1930_alkbnhy.v
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+// IOBUF_altera_gpio_1930_alkbnhy.v
+// This file was auto-generated from altera_gpio_hw.tcl. If you edit it your changes
+// will probably be lost.
+// Generated using ACDS version 20.2 50
+`timescale 1 ps / 1 ps
+module IOBUF_altera_gpio_1930_alkbnhy (
+ output wire [0:0] dataout, // dout.export
+ input wire [0:0] datain, // din.export
+ input wire [0:0] oe, // oe.export
+ inout wire [0:0] padio // pad_io.export
+ );
+ altera_gpio #(
+ .SIZE (1),
+ .PIN_TYPE ("bidir"),
+ .REGISTER_MODE ("none"),
+ .HALF_RATE ("false"),
+ .SEPARATE_I_O_CLOCKS ("false"),
+ .BUFFER_TYPE ("single-ended"),
+ .PSEUDO_DIFF ("false"),
+ .ARESET_MODE ("none"),
+ .SRESET_MODE ("none"),
+ .OPEN_DRAIN ("false"),
+ .BUS_HOLD ("false"),
+ .ENABLE_OE ("false"),
+ .ENABLE_CKE ("false"),
+ .ENABLE_TERM ("false")
+ ) core (
+ .dout (dataout), // output, width = 1, dout.export
+ .din (datain), // input, width = 1, din.export
+ .oe (oe), // input, width = 1, oe.export
+ .pad_io (padio), // inout, width = 1, pad_io.export
+ .cke (1'b1), // (terminated),
+ .ck_fr_in (1'b0), // (terminated),
+ .ck_fr_out (1'b0), // (terminated),
+ .ck_in (1'b0), // (terminated),
+ .ck_out (1'b0), // (terminated),
+ .ck_fr (1'b0), // (terminated),
+ .ck (1'b0), // (terminated),
+ .ck_hr_in (1'b0), // (terminated),
+ .ck_hr_out (1'b0), // (terminated),
+ .ck_hr (1'b0), // (terminated),
+ .pad_io_b (), // (terminated),
+ .pad_in (1'b0), // (terminated),
+ .pad_in_b (1'b0), // (terminated),
+ .pad_out (), // (terminated),
+ .pad_out_b (), // (terminated),
+ .seriesterminationcontrol (16'b0000000000000000), // (terminated),
+ .parallelterminationcontrol (16'b0000000000000000), // (terminated),
+ .aclr (1'b0), // (terminated),
+ .aset (1'b0), // (terminated),
+ .sclr (1'b0), // (terminated),
+ .sset (1'b0) // (terminated),
+ );
diff --git a/intel/sgx-dev/basefiles/IOBUF/altera_gpio_1930/synth/IOBUF_altera_gpio_1930_alkbnhy.v b/intel/sgx-dev/basefiles/IOBUF/altera_gpio_1930/synth/IOBUF_altera_gpio_1930_alkbnhy.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5a688317
--- /dev/null
+++ b/intel/sgx-dev/basefiles/IOBUF/altera_gpio_1930/synth/IOBUF_altera_gpio_1930_alkbnhy.v
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+// IOBUF_altera_gpio_1930_alkbnhy.v
+// This file was auto-generated from altera_gpio_hw.tcl. If you edit it your changes
+// will probably be lost.
+// Generated using ACDS version 20.2 50
+`timescale 1 ps / 1 ps
+module IOBUF_altera_gpio_1930_alkbnhy (
+ output wire [0:0] dataout, // dout.export
+ input wire [0:0] datain, // din.export
+ input wire [0:0] oe, // oe.export
+ inout wire [0:0] padio // pad_io.export
+ );
+ altera_gpio #(
+ .SIZE (1),
+ .PIN_TYPE ("bidir"),
+ .REGISTER_MODE ("none"),
+ .HALF_RATE ("false"),
+ .SEPARATE_I_O_CLOCKS ("false"),
+ .BUFFER_TYPE ("single-ended"),
+ .PSEUDO_DIFF ("false"),
+ .ARESET_MODE ("none"),
+ .SRESET_MODE ("none"),
+ .OPEN_DRAIN ("false"),
+ .BUS_HOLD ("false"),
+ .ENABLE_OE ("false"),
+ .ENABLE_CKE ("false"),
+ .ENABLE_TERM ("false")
+ ) core (
+ .dout (dataout), // output, width = 1, dout.export
+ .din (datain), // input, width = 1, din.export
+ .oe (oe), // input, width = 1, oe.export
+ .pad_io (padio), // inout, width = 1, pad_io.export
+ .cke (1'b1), // (terminated),
+ .ck_fr_in (1'b0), // (terminated),
+ .ck_fr_out (1'b0), // (terminated),
+ .ck_in (1'b0), // (terminated),
+ .ck_out (1'b0), // (terminated),
+ .ck_fr (1'b0), // (terminated),
+ .ck (1'b0), // (terminated),
+ .ck_hr_in (1'b0), // (terminated),
+ .ck_hr_out (1'b0), // (terminated),
+ .ck_hr (1'b0), // (terminated),
+ .pad_io_b (), // (terminated),
+ .pad_in (1'b0), // (terminated),
+ .pad_in_b (1'b0), // (terminated),
+ .pad_out (), // (terminated),
+ .pad_out_b (), // (terminated),
+ .seriesterminationcontrol (16'b0000000000000000), // (terminated),
+ .parallelterminationcontrol (16'b0000000000000000), // (terminated),
+ .aclr (1'b0), // (terminated),
+ .aset (1'b0), // (terminated),
+ .sclr (1'b0), // (terminated),
+ .sset (1'b0) // (terminated),
+ );
diff --git a/intel/sgx-dev/basefiles/IOBUF/altera_gpio_core14_191/sim/altera_gpio.sv b/intel/sgx-dev/basefiles/IOBUF/altera_gpio_core14_191/sim/altera_gpio.sv
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1dc438a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/intel/sgx-dev/basefiles/IOBUF/altera_gpio_core14_191/sim/altera_gpio.sv
@@ -0,0 +1,691 @@
+// (C) 2001-2020 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
+// Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other
+// software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any output
+// files from any of the foregoing (including device programming or simulation
+// files), and any associated documentation or information are expressly subject
+// to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License Subscription
+// Agreement, Intel FPGA IP License Agreement, or other applicable
+// license agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for the
+// sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by Intel and sold by
+// Intel or its authorized distributors. Please refer to the applicable
+// agreement for further details.
+`timescale 1 ps / 1 ps
+module altera_gpio_one_bit(
+ ck,
+ ck_in,
+ ck_out,
+ ck_fr,
+ ck_fr_in,
+ ck_fr_out,
+ ck_hr,
+ ck_hr_in,
+ ck_hr_out,
+ oe,
+ din,
+ dout,
+ pad,
+ pad_b,
+ seriesterminationcontrol,
+ parallelterminationcontrol,
+ aclr,
+ aset,
+ sclr,
+ sset,
+ cke
+ parameter PIN_TYPE = "output";
+ parameter BUFFER_TYPE = "single-ended";
+ parameter PSEUDO_DIFF = "false";
+ parameter REGISTER_MODE = "none";
+ parameter HALF_RATE = "false";
+ parameter SEPARATE_I_O_CLOCKS = "false";
+ parameter ARESET_MODE = "none";
+ parameter SRESET_MODE = "none";
+ parameter BUS_HOLD = "false";
+ parameter OPEN_DRAIN = "false";
+ parameter ENABLE_CKE = "false";
+ parameter ENABLE_OE = "false";
+ parameter ENABLE_TERM = "false";
+ localparam OE_SIZE = (HALF_RATE == "true") ? 2 : 1;
+ localparam DATA_SIZE = (REGISTER_MODE == "ddr") ?
+ (HALF_RATE == "true") ?
+ 4 : 2
+ : 1;
+ input ck;
+ input ck_in;
+ input ck_out;
+ input ck_fr;
+ input ck_fr_in;
+ input ck_fr_out;
+ input ck_hr;
+ input ck_hr_in;
+ input ck_hr_out;
+ input [OE_SIZE - 1:0] oe;
+ input [DATA_SIZE - 1:0] din;
+ output [DATA_SIZE - 1:0] dout;
+ inout pad;
+ inout pad_b;
+ input [15:0] seriesterminationcontrol;
+ input [15:0] parallelterminationcontrol;
+ input aclr;
+ input aset;
+ input sclr;
+ input sset;
+ input cke;
+ wire hr_out_clk;
+ wire fr_out_clk;
+ wire hr_in_clk;
+ wire fr_in_clk;
+ wire din_ddr;
+ wire buf_in;
+ wire areset;
+ wire sreset;
+ generate
+ if(ARESET_MODE == "preset") begin
+ assign areset = ~aset;
+ end
+ else begin
+ assign areset = ~aclr;
+ end
+ endgenerate
+ generate
+ if(SRESET_MODE == "preset") begin
+ assign sreset = sset;
+ end
+ else begin
+ assign sreset = sclr;
+ end
+ endgenerate
+ generate
+ if(SEPARATE_I_O_CLOCKS == "true")
+ begin
+ if(HALF_RATE == "true") begin
+ assign hr_out_clk = ck_hr_out;
+ assign fr_out_clk = ck_fr_out;
+ assign hr_in_clk = ck_hr_in;
+ assign fr_in_clk = ck_fr_in;
+ end
+ else begin
+ assign fr_out_clk = ck_out;
+ assign fr_in_clk = ck_in;
+ end
+ end
+ else begin
+ if(HALF_RATE == "true") begin
+ assign hr_out_clk = ck_hr;
+ assign fr_out_clk = ck_fr;
+ assign hr_in_clk = ck_hr;
+ assign fr_in_clk = ck_fr;
+ end
+ else begin
+ assign fr_out_clk = ck;
+ assign fr_in_clk = ck;
+ end
+ end
+ endgenerate
+ generate
+ if (PIN_TYPE == "output" || PIN_TYPE == "bidir")
+ begin: out_path
+ wire [1:0] din_fr;
+ if (HALF_RATE == "true")
+ begin: out_path_hr
+ fourteennm_ddio_out
+ #(
+ .half_rate_mode("true"),
+ .async_mode(ARESET_MODE)
+ ) iodout_hr_ddio_0 (
+ .areset(areset),
+ .datainhi(din[2]),
+ .datainlo(din[0]),
+ .dataout(din_fr[0]),
+ .clk (hr_out_clk)
+ );
+ fourteennm_ddio_out
+ #(
+ .half_rate_mode("true"),
+ .async_mode(ARESET_MODE)
+ ) iodout_hr_ddio_1 (
+ .areset(areset),
+ .datainhi(din[3]),
+ .datainlo(din[1]),
+ .dataout(din_fr[1]),
+ .clk (hr_out_clk)
+ );
+ end
+ else
+ begin: out_path_hr_byp
+ assign din_fr[DATA_SIZE - 1:0] = din;
+ end
+ if (REGISTER_MODE == "ddr")
+ begin: out_path_fr
+ fourteennm_ddio_out
+ #(
+ .half_rate_mode("false"),
+ .async_mode(ARESET_MODE),
+ .sync_mode(SRESET_MODE)
+ ) fr_out_data_ddio (
+ .ena(cke),
+ .areset(areset),
+ .sreset(sreset),
+ .datainhi(din_fr[1]),
+ .datainlo(din_fr[0]),
+ .dataout(din_ddr),
+ .clk (fr_out_clk)
+ );
+ end
+ else if (REGISTER_MODE == "sdr")
+ begin: out_path_reg
+ reg reg_data_out;
+ always @(posedge fr_out_clk)
+ reg_data_out <= din_fr[0];
+ assign din_ddr = reg_data_out;
+ end
+ else
+ begin: out_path_byp
+ assign din_ddr = din_fr[0];
+ end
+ end
+ endgenerate
+ generate
+ wire oe_fr;
+ wire oe_ddr;
+ if (PIN_TYPE == "bidir" || ENABLE_OE == "true")
+ begin: oe_path
+ if (HALF_RATE == "true")
+ begin: oe_path_hr
+ fourteennm_ddio_out
+ #(
+ .half_rate_mode("true")
+ ) oe_in_hr_ddio (
+ .datainhi(oe[1]),
+ .datainlo(oe[0]),
+ .dataout(oe_fr),
+ .clk (hr_out_clk)
+ );
+ end
+ else
+ begin: oe_path_hr_byp
+ assign oe_fr = oe[0];
+ end
+ if (REGISTER_MODE == "sdr" || REGISTER_MODE == "ddr")
+ begin: oe_path_fr
+ reg oe_reg;
+ always @(posedge fr_out_clk) oe_reg <= oe_fr;
+ assign oe_ddr = oe_reg;
+ end
+ else
+ begin: oe_path_byp
+ assign oe_ddr = oe_fr;
+ end
+ end
+ else if (PIN_TYPE == "output")
+ begin
+ assign oe_ddr = 1'b1;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ assign oe_ddr = 1'b0;
+ end
+ endgenerate
+ generate
+ if (PIN_TYPE == "input" || PIN_TYPE == "bidir")
+ begin : input_path
+ wire [1:0] buf_in_fr;
+ if (REGISTER_MODE == "ddr")
+ begin: in_path_fr
+ fourteennm_ddio_in
+ #(
+ .async_mode(ARESET_MODE),
+ .sync_mode(SRESET_MODE)
+ ) buffer_data_in_fr_ddio (
+ .ena(cke),
+ .areset(areset),
+ .sreset(sreset),
+ .datain(buf_in),
+ .clk (fr_in_clk),
+ .regouthi(buf_in_fr[1]),
+ .regoutlo(buf_in_fr[0])
+ );
+ end
+ else if (REGISTER_MODE == "sdr")
+ begin: in_path_reg
+ reg ro;
+ always @(posedge fr_in_clk) begin
+ ro <= buf_in;
+ end
+ assign buf_in_fr[0] = ro;
+ end
+ else
+ begin: in_byp
+ assign buf_in_fr[0] = buf_in;
+ end
+ if (HALF_RATE == "true")
+ begin: in_path_hr
+ fourteennm_ddio_in
+ #(
+ .async_mode(ARESET_MODE),
+ .sync_mode("none")
+ ) buffer_data_in_hr_ddio_0 (
+ .areset(areset),
+ .datain(buf_in_fr[0]),
+ .clk (hr_in_clk),
+ .regouthi(dout[2]),
+ .regoutlo(dout[0])
+ );
+ fourteennm_ddio_in
+ #(
+ .async_mode(ARESET_MODE),
+ .sync_mode("none")
+ ) buffer_data_in_hr_ddio_1 (
+ .areset(areset),
+ .datain(buf_in_fr[1]),
+ .clk (hr_in_clk),
+ .regouthi(dout[3]),
+ .regoutlo(dout[1])
+ );
+ end
+ else
+ begin: in_path_hr_byp
+ assign dout[DATA_SIZE - 1:0] = buf_in_fr[DATA_SIZE - 1:0];
+ end
+ end
+ endgenerate
+ generate
+ if (PIN_TYPE == "output" || PIN_TYPE == "bidir")
+ begin : output_buffer
+ if(BUFFER_TYPE == "differential") begin
+ wire obuf_din;
+ wire obuf_din_b;
+ wire obuf_oe;
+ wire obuf_oe_b;
+ if(PSEUDO_DIFF == "true") begin
+ if (PIN_TYPE == "output" && ENABLE_OE == "false")
+ begin : oe_path
+ fourteennm_pseudo_diff_out pseudo_diff_out(
+ .i(din_ddr),
+ .o(obuf_din),
+ .obar(obuf_din_b)
+ );
+ if (ENABLE_TERM == "true") begin
+ fourteennm_io_obuf #(
+ .open_drain_output(OPEN_DRAIN),
+ .bus_hold(BUS_HOLD)
+ ) obuf_0 (
+ .seriesterminationcontrol(seriesterminationcontrol),
+ .parallelterminationcontrol(parallelterminationcontrol),
+ .i(obuf_din),
+ .o(pad)
+ );
+ fourteennm_io_obuf #(
+ .open_drain_output(OPEN_DRAIN),
+ .bus_hold(BUS_HOLD)
+ ) obuf_1 (
+ .seriesterminationcontrol(seriesterminationcontrol),
+ .parallelterminationcontrol(parallelterminationcontrol),
+ .i(obuf_din_b),
+ .o(pad_b)
+ );
+ end
+ else begin
+ fourteennm_io_obuf #(
+ .open_drain_output(OPEN_DRAIN),
+ .bus_hold(BUS_HOLD)
+ ) obuf_0 (
+ .i(obuf_din),
+ .o(pad)
+ );
+ fourteennm_io_obuf #(
+ .open_drain_output(OPEN_DRAIN),
+ .bus_hold(BUS_HOLD)
+ ) obuf_1 (
+ .i(obuf_din_b),
+ .o(pad_b)
+ );
+ end
+ end
+ else begin
+ fourteennm_pseudo_diff_out pseudo_diff_out(
+ .i(din_ddr),
+ .o(obuf_din),
+ .obar(obuf_din_b),
+ .oein(oe_ddr),
+ .oeout(obuf_oe),
+ .oebout(obuf_oe_b)
+ );
+ if (ENABLE_TERM == "true") begin
+ fourteennm_io_obuf #(
+ .open_drain_output(OPEN_DRAIN),
+ .bus_hold(BUS_HOLD)
+ ) obuf_0 (
+ .seriesterminationcontrol(seriesterminationcontrol),
+ .parallelterminationcontrol(parallelterminationcontrol),
+ .i(obuf_din),
+ .oe(obuf_oe),
+ .o(pad)
+ );
+ fourteennm_io_obuf #(
+ .open_drain_output(OPEN_DRAIN),
+ .bus_hold(BUS_HOLD)
+ ) obuf_1 (
+ .seriesterminationcontrol(seriesterminationcontrol),
+ .parallelterminationcontrol(parallelterminationcontrol),
+ .i(obuf_din_b),
+ .oe(obuf_oe_b),
+ .o(pad_b)
+ );
+ end
+ else begin
+ fourteennm_io_obuf #(
+ .open_drain_output(OPEN_DRAIN),
+ .bus_hold(BUS_HOLD)
+ ) obuf_0 (
+ .i(obuf_din),
+ .oe(obuf_oe),
+ .o(pad)
+ );
+ fourteennm_io_obuf #(
+ .open_drain_output(OPEN_DRAIN),
+ .bus_hold(BUS_HOLD)
+ ) obuf_1 (
+ .i(obuf_din_b),
+ .oe(obuf_oe_b),
+ .o(pad_b)
+ );
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ else begin
+ if (ENABLE_TERM == "true") begin
+ fourteennm_io_obuf #(
+ .open_drain_output(OPEN_DRAIN),
+ .bus_hold(BUS_HOLD)
+ ) obuf_0 (
+ .seriesterminationcontrol(seriesterminationcontrol),
+ .parallelterminationcontrol(parallelterminationcontrol),
+ .i(din_ddr),
+ .oe(oe_ddr),
+ .o(pad),
+ .obar(pad_b)
+ );
+ end
+ else begin
+ fourteennm_io_obuf #(
+ .open_drain_output(OPEN_DRAIN),
+ .bus_hold(BUS_HOLD)
+ ) obuf_0 (
+ .i(din_ddr),
+ .oe(oe_ddr),
+ .o(pad),
+ .obar(pad_b)
+ );
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ else begin
+ if (ENABLE_TERM == "true") begin
+ fourteennm_io_obuf #(
+ .open_drain_output(OPEN_DRAIN),
+ .bus_hold(BUS_HOLD)
+ ) obuf (
+ .seriesterminationcontrol(seriesterminationcontrol),
+ .parallelterminationcontrol(parallelterminationcontrol),
+ .i(din_ddr),
+ .oe(oe_ddr),
+ .o(pad)
+ );
+ end
+ else begin
+ fourteennm_io_obuf #(
+ .open_drain_output(OPEN_DRAIN),
+ .bus_hold(BUS_HOLD)
+ ) obuf (
+ .i(din_ddr),
+ .oe(oe_ddr),
+ .o(pad)
+ );
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ endgenerate
+ generate
+ if (PIN_TYPE == "input" || PIN_TYPE == "bidir")
+ begin : input_buffer
+ if(BUFFER_TYPE == "differential") begin
+ if (ENABLE_TERM == "true") begin
+ fourteennm_io_ibuf
+ #(
+ .differential_mode("true"),
+ .bus_hold(BUS_HOLD)
+ ) ibuf (
+ .i(pad),
+ .ibar(pad_b),
+ .seriesterminationcontrol(seriesterminationcontrol),
+ .parallelterminationcontrol(parallelterminationcontrol),
+ .o(buf_in)
+ );
+ end
+ else begin
+ fourteennm_io_ibuf
+ #(
+ .differential_mode("true"),
+ .bus_hold(BUS_HOLD)
+ ) ibuf (
+ .i(pad),
+ .ibar(pad_b),
+ .o(buf_in)
+ );
+ end
+ end
+ else begin
+ if (ENABLE_TERM == "true") begin
+ fourteennm_io_ibuf
+ #(
+ .differential_mode("false"),
+ .bus_hold(BUS_HOLD)
+ ) ibuf (
+ .i(pad),
+ .seriesterminationcontrol(seriesterminationcontrol),
+ .parallelterminationcontrol(parallelterminationcontrol),
+ .o(buf_in)
+ );
+ end
+ else begin
+ fourteennm_io_ibuf
+ #(
+ .differential_mode("false"),
+ .bus_hold(BUS_HOLD)
+ ) ibuf (
+ .i(pad),
+ .o(buf_in)
+ );
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ endgenerate
+module altera_gpio(
+ ck,
+ ck_in,
+ ck_out,
+ ck_fr,
+ ck_fr_in,
+ ck_fr_out,
+ ck_hr,
+ ck_hr_in,
+ ck_hr_out,
+ oe,
+ din,
+ dout,
+ pad_io,
+ pad_io_b,
+ pad_in,
+ pad_in_b,
+ pad_out,
+ pad_out_b,
+ seriesterminationcontrol,
+ parallelterminationcontrol,
+ aclr,
+ aset,
+ sclr,
+ sset,
+ cke
+ parameter PIN_TYPE = "output";
+ parameter BUFFER_TYPE = "single-ended";
+ parameter PSEUDO_DIFF = "false";
+ parameter REGISTER_MODE = "none";
+ parameter HALF_RATE = "false";
+ parameter SEPARATE_I_O_CLOCKS = "false";
+ parameter SIZE = 4;
+ parameter ARESET_MODE = "none";
+ parameter SRESET_MODE = "none";
+ parameter BUS_HOLD = "false";
+ parameter OPEN_DRAIN = "false";
+ parameter ENABLE_CKE = "false";
+ parameter ENABLE_OE = "false";
+ parameter ENABLE_TERM = "false";
+ localparam OE_SIZE = (HALF_RATE == "true") ? 2 : 1;
+ localparam DATA_SIZE = (REGISTER_MODE == "ddr") ?
+ (HALF_RATE == "true") ?
+ 4 : 2
+ : 1;
+ input ck;
+ input ck_in;
+ input ck_out;
+ input ck_fr;
+ input ck_fr_in;
+ input ck_fr_out;
+ input ck_hr;
+ input ck_hr_in;
+ input ck_hr_out;
+ input [SIZE * OE_SIZE - 1:0] oe;
+ input [SIZE * DATA_SIZE - 1:0] din;
+ output [SIZE * DATA_SIZE - 1:0] dout;
+ input [15:0] seriesterminationcontrol;
+ input [15:0] parallelterminationcontrol;
+ inout [SIZE - 1:0] pad_io;
+ inout [SIZE - 1:0] pad_io_b;
+ input [SIZE - 1:0] pad_in;
+ input [SIZE - 1:0] pad_in_b;
+ output [SIZE - 1:0] pad_out;
+ output [SIZE - 1:0] pad_out_b;
+ input aclr;
+ input aset;
+ input sclr;
+ input sset;
+ input cke;
+ wire [SIZE * OE_SIZE - 1:0] oe_reordered;
+ wire [SIZE * DATA_SIZE - 1:0] din_reordered;
+ wire [SIZE * DATA_SIZE - 1:0] dout_reordered;
+ wire [SIZE - 1:0] pad_io;
+ wire [SIZE - 1:0] pad_io_b;
+ generate
+ if (PIN_TYPE == "input")
+ begin
+ assign pad_io = pad_in;
+ assign pad_io_b = pad_in_b;
+ end
+ else if (PIN_TYPE == "output")
+ begin
+ assign pad_out = pad_io;
+ assign pad_out_b = pad_io_b;
+ end
+ endgenerate
+ genvar j, k;
+ generate
+ for(j = 0; j < SIZE ; j = j + 1) begin : j_loop
+ for(k = 0; k < DATA_SIZE; k = k + 1) begin : k_d_loop
+ assign din_reordered[j * DATA_SIZE + k] = din[j + k * SIZE];
+ assign dout[j + k * SIZE] = dout_reordered[j * DATA_SIZE + k];
+ end
+ for(k = 0; k < OE_SIZE; k = k + 1) begin : k_oe_loop
+ assign oe_reordered[j * OE_SIZE + k] = oe[j + k * SIZE];
+ end
+ end
+ endgenerate
+ genvar i;
+ generate
+ for(i = 0 ; i < SIZE ; i = i + 1) begin : i_loop
+ altera_gpio_one_bit #(
+ ) altera_gpio_bit_i (
+ .ck(ck),
+ .ck_in(ck_in),
+ .ck_out(ck_out),
+ .ck_fr(ck_fr),
+ .ck_fr_in(ck_fr_in),
+ .ck_fr_out(ck_fr_out),
+ .ck_hr(ck_hr),
+ .ck_hr_in(ck_hr_in),
+ .ck_hr_out(ck_hr_out),
+ .oe(oe_reordered[(i + 1) * OE_SIZE - 1 : i * OE_SIZE]),
+ .din(din_reordered[(i + 1) * DATA_SIZE - 1 : i * DATA_SIZE]),
+ .dout(dout_reordered[(i + 1) * DATA_SIZE - 1 : i * DATA_SIZE]),
+ .pad(pad_io[i]),
+ .pad_b(pad_io_b[i]),
+ .seriesterminationcontrol(seriesterminationcontrol),
+ .parallelterminationcontrol(parallelterminationcontrol),
+ .aclr(aclr),
+ .aset(aset),
+ .sclr(sclr),
+ .sset(sset),
+ .cke(cke)
+ );
+ end
+ endgenerate
diff --git a/intel/sgx-dev/basefiles/IOBUF/altera_gpio_core14_191/synth/altera_gpio.sv b/intel/sgx-dev/basefiles/IOBUF/altera_gpio_core14_191/synth/altera_gpio.sv
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1dc438a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/intel/sgx-dev/basefiles/IOBUF/altera_gpio_core14_191/synth/altera_gpio.sv
@@ -0,0 +1,691 @@
+// (C) 2001-2020 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
+// Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other
+// software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any output
+// files from any of the foregoing (including device programming or simulation
+// files), and any associated documentation or information are expressly subject
+// to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License Subscription
+// Agreement, Intel FPGA IP License Agreement, or other applicable
+// license agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for the
+// sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by Intel and sold by
+// Intel or its authorized distributors. Please refer to the applicable
+// agreement for further details.
+`timescale 1 ps / 1 ps
+module altera_gpio_one_bit(
+ ck,
+ ck_in,
+ ck_out,
+ ck_fr,
+ ck_fr_in,
+ ck_fr_out,
+ ck_hr,
+ ck_hr_in,
+ ck_hr_out,
+ oe,
+ din,
+ dout,
+ pad,
+ pad_b,
+ seriesterminationcontrol,
+ parallelterminationcontrol,
+ aclr,
+ aset,
+ sclr,
+ sset,
+ cke
+ parameter PIN_TYPE = "output";
+ parameter BUFFER_TYPE = "single-ended";
+ parameter PSEUDO_DIFF = "false";
+ parameter REGISTER_MODE = "none";
+ parameter HALF_RATE = "false";
+ parameter SEPARATE_I_O_CLOCKS = "false";
+ parameter ARESET_MODE = "none";
+ parameter SRESET_MODE = "none";
+ parameter BUS_HOLD = "false";
+ parameter OPEN_DRAIN = "false";
+ parameter ENABLE_CKE = "false";
+ parameter ENABLE_OE = "false";
+ parameter ENABLE_TERM = "false";
+ localparam OE_SIZE = (HALF_RATE == "true") ? 2 : 1;
+ localparam DATA_SIZE = (REGISTER_MODE == "ddr") ?
+ (HALF_RATE == "true") ?
+ 4 : 2
+ : 1;
+ input ck;
+ input ck_in;
+ input ck_out;
+ input ck_fr;
+ input ck_fr_in;
+ input ck_fr_out;
+ input ck_hr;
+ input ck_hr_in;
+ input ck_hr_out;
+ input [OE_SIZE - 1:0] oe;
+ input [DATA_SIZE - 1:0] din;
+ output [DATA_SIZE - 1:0] dout;
+ inout pad;
+ inout pad_b;
+ input [15:0] seriesterminationcontrol;
+ input [15:0] parallelterminationcontrol;
+ input aclr;
+ input aset;
+ input sclr;
+ input sset;
+ input cke;
+ wire hr_out_clk;
+ wire fr_out_clk;
+ wire hr_in_clk;
+ wire fr_in_clk;
+ wire din_ddr;
+ wire buf_in;
+ wire areset;
+ wire sreset;
+ generate
+ if(ARESET_MODE == "preset") begin
+ assign areset = ~aset;
+ end
+ else begin
+ assign areset = ~aclr;
+ end
+ endgenerate
+ generate
+ if(SRESET_MODE == "preset") begin
+ assign sreset = sset;
+ end
+ else begin
+ assign sreset = sclr;
+ end
+ endgenerate
+ generate
+ if(SEPARATE_I_O_CLOCKS == "true")
+ begin
+ if(HALF_RATE == "true") begin
+ assign hr_out_clk = ck_hr_out;
+ assign fr_out_clk = ck_fr_out;
+ assign hr_in_clk = ck_hr_in;
+ assign fr_in_clk = ck_fr_in;
+ end
+ else begin
+ assign fr_out_clk = ck_out;
+ assign fr_in_clk = ck_in;
+ end
+ end
+ else begin
+ if(HALF_RATE == "true") begin
+ assign hr_out_clk = ck_hr;
+ assign fr_out_clk = ck_fr;
+ assign hr_in_clk = ck_hr;
+ assign fr_in_clk = ck_fr;
+ end
+ else begin
+ assign fr_out_clk = ck;
+ assign fr_in_clk = ck;
+ end
+ end
+ endgenerate
+ generate
+ if (PIN_TYPE == "output" || PIN_TYPE == "bidir")
+ begin: out_path
+ wire [1:0] din_fr;
+ if (HALF_RATE == "true")
+ begin: out_path_hr
+ fourteennm_ddio_out
+ #(
+ .half_rate_mode("true"),
+ .async_mode(ARESET_MODE)
+ ) iodout_hr_ddio_0 (
+ .areset(areset),
+ .datainhi(din[2]),
+ .datainlo(din[0]),
+ .dataout(din_fr[0]),
+ .clk (hr_out_clk)
+ );
+ fourteennm_ddio_out
+ #(
+ .half_rate_mode("true"),
+ .async_mode(ARESET_MODE)
+ ) iodout_hr_ddio_1 (
+ .areset(areset),
+ .datainhi(din[3]),
+ .datainlo(din[1]),
+ .dataout(din_fr[1]),
+ .clk (hr_out_clk)
+ );
+ end
+ else
+ begin: out_path_hr_byp
+ assign din_fr[DATA_SIZE - 1:0] = din;
+ end
+ if (REGISTER_MODE == "ddr")
+ begin: out_path_fr
+ fourteennm_ddio_out
+ #(
+ .half_rate_mode("false"),
+ .async_mode(ARESET_MODE),
+ .sync_mode(SRESET_MODE)
+ ) fr_out_data_ddio (
+ .ena(cke),
+ .areset(areset),
+ .sreset(sreset),
+ .datainhi(din_fr[1]),
+ .datainlo(din_fr[0]),
+ .dataout(din_ddr),
+ .clk (fr_out_clk)
+ );
+ end
+ else if (REGISTER_MODE == "sdr")
+ begin: out_path_reg
+ reg reg_data_out;
+ always @(posedge fr_out_clk)
+ reg_data_out <= din_fr[0];
+ assign din_ddr = reg_data_out;
+ end
+ else
+ begin: out_path_byp
+ assign din_ddr = din_fr[0];
+ end
+ end
+ endgenerate
+ generate
+ wire oe_fr;
+ wire oe_ddr;
+ if (PIN_TYPE == "bidir" || ENABLE_OE == "true")
+ begin: oe_path
+ if (HALF_RATE == "true")
+ begin: oe_path_hr
+ fourteennm_ddio_out
+ #(
+ .half_rate_mode("true")
+ ) oe_in_hr_ddio (
+ .datainhi(oe[1]),
+ .datainlo(oe[0]),
+ .dataout(oe_fr),
+ .clk (hr_out_clk)
+ );
+ end
+ else
+ begin: oe_path_hr_byp
+ assign oe_fr = oe[0];
+ end
+ if (REGISTER_MODE == "sdr" || REGISTER_MODE == "ddr")
+ begin: oe_path_fr
+ reg oe_reg;
+ always @(posedge fr_out_clk) oe_reg <= oe_fr;
+ assign oe_ddr = oe_reg;
+ end
+ else
+ begin: oe_path_byp
+ assign oe_ddr = oe_fr;
+ end
+ end
+ else if (PIN_TYPE == "output")
+ begin
+ assign oe_ddr = 1'b1;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ assign oe_ddr = 1'b0;
+ end
+ endgenerate
+ generate
+ if (PIN_TYPE == "input" || PIN_TYPE == "bidir")
+ begin : input_path
+ wire [1:0] buf_in_fr;
+ if (REGISTER_MODE == "ddr")
+ begin: in_path_fr
+ fourteennm_ddio_in
+ #(
+ .async_mode(ARESET_MODE),
+ .sync_mode(SRESET_MODE)
+ ) buffer_data_in_fr_ddio (
+ .ena(cke),
+ .areset(areset),
+ .sreset(sreset),
+ .datain(buf_in),
+ .clk (fr_in_clk),
+ .regouthi(buf_in_fr[1]),
+ .regoutlo(buf_in_fr[0])
+ );
+ end
+ else if (REGISTER_MODE == "sdr")
+ begin: in_path_reg
+ reg ro;
+ always @(posedge fr_in_clk) begin
+ ro <= buf_in;
+ end
+ assign buf_in_fr[0] = ro;
+ end
+ else
+ begin: in_byp
+ assign buf_in_fr[0] = buf_in;
+ end
+ if (HALF_RATE == "true")
+ begin: in_path_hr
+ fourteennm_ddio_in
+ #(
+ .async_mode(ARESET_MODE),
+ .sync_mode("none")
+ ) buffer_data_in_hr_ddio_0 (
+ .areset(areset),
+ .datain(buf_in_fr[0]),
+ .clk (hr_in_clk),
+ .regouthi(dout[2]),
+ .regoutlo(dout[0])
+ );
+ fourteennm_ddio_in
+ #(
+ .async_mode(ARESET_MODE),
+ .sync_mode("none")
+ ) buffer_data_in_hr_ddio_1 (
+ .areset(areset),
+ .datain(buf_in_fr[1]),
+ .clk (hr_in_clk),
+ .regouthi(dout[3]),
+ .regoutlo(dout[1])
+ );
+ end
+ else
+ begin: in_path_hr_byp
+ assign dout[DATA_SIZE - 1:0] = buf_in_fr[DATA_SIZE - 1:0];
+ end
+ end
+ endgenerate
+ generate
+ if (PIN_TYPE == "output" || PIN_TYPE == "bidir")
+ begin : output_buffer
+ if(BUFFER_TYPE == "differential") begin
+ wire obuf_din;
+ wire obuf_din_b;
+ wire obuf_oe;
+ wire obuf_oe_b;
+ if(PSEUDO_DIFF == "true") begin
+ if (PIN_TYPE == "output" && ENABLE_OE == "false")
+ begin : oe_path
+ fourteennm_pseudo_diff_out pseudo_diff_out(
+ .i(din_ddr),
+ .o(obuf_din),
+ .obar(obuf_din_b)
+ );
+ if (ENABLE_TERM == "true") begin
+ fourteennm_io_obuf #(
+ .open_drain_output(OPEN_DRAIN),
+ .bus_hold(BUS_HOLD)
+ ) obuf_0 (
+ .seriesterminationcontrol(seriesterminationcontrol),
+ .parallelterminationcontrol(parallelterminationcontrol),
+ .i(obuf_din),
+ .o(pad)
+ );
+ fourteennm_io_obuf #(
+ .open_drain_output(OPEN_DRAIN),
+ .bus_hold(BUS_HOLD)
+ ) obuf_1 (
+ .seriesterminationcontrol(seriesterminationcontrol),
+ .parallelterminationcontrol(parallelterminationcontrol),
+ .i(obuf_din_b),
+ .o(pad_b)
+ );
+ end
+ else begin
+ fourteennm_io_obuf #(
+ .open_drain_output(OPEN_DRAIN),
+ .bus_hold(BUS_HOLD)
+ ) obuf_0 (
+ .i(obuf_din),
+ .o(pad)
+ );
+ fourteennm_io_obuf #(
+ .open_drain_output(OPEN_DRAIN),
+ .bus_hold(BUS_HOLD)
+ ) obuf_1 (
+ .i(obuf_din_b),
+ .o(pad_b)
+ );
+ end
+ end
+ else begin
+ fourteennm_pseudo_diff_out pseudo_diff_out(
+ .i(din_ddr),
+ .o(obuf_din),
+ .obar(obuf_din_b),
+ .oein(oe_ddr),
+ .oeout(obuf_oe),
+ .oebout(obuf_oe_b)
+ );
+ if (ENABLE_TERM == "true") begin
+ fourteennm_io_obuf #(
+ .open_drain_output(OPEN_DRAIN),
+ .bus_hold(BUS_HOLD)
+ ) obuf_0 (
+ .seriesterminationcontrol(seriesterminationcontrol),
+ .parallelterminationcontrol(parallelterminationcontrol),
+ .i(obuf_din),
+ .oe(obuf_oe),
+ .o(pad)
+ );
+ fourteennm_io_obuf #(
+ .open_drain_output(OPEN_DRAIN),
+ .bus_hold(BUS_HOLD)
+ ) obuf_1 (
+ .seriesterminationcontrol(seriesterminationcontrol),
+ .parallelterminationcontrol(parallelterminationcontrol),
+ .i(obuf_din_b),
+ .oe(obuf_oe_b),
+ .o(pad_b)
+ );
+ end
+ else begin
+ fourteennm_io_obuf #(
+ .open_drain_output(OPEN_DRAIN),
+ .bus_hold(BUS_HOLD)
+ ) obuf_0 (
+ .i(obuf_din),
+ .oe(obuf_oe),
+ .o(pad)
+ );
+ fourteennm_io_obuf #(
+ .open_drain_output(OPEN_DRAIN),
+ .bus_hold(BUS_HOLD)
+ ) obuf_1 (
+ .i(obuf_din_b),
+ .oe(obuf_oe_b),
+ .o(pad_b)
+ );
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ else begin
+ if (ENABLE_TERM == "true") begin
+ fourteennm_io_obuf #(
+ .open_drain_output(OPEN_DRAIN),
+ .bus_hold(BUS_HOLD)
+ ) obuf_0 (
+ .seriesterminationcontrol(seriesterminationcontrol),
+ .parallelterminationcontrol(parallelterminationcontrol),
+ .i(din_ddr),
+ .oe(oe_ddr),
+ .o(pad),
+ .obar(pad_b)
+ );
+ end
+ else begin
+ fourteennm_io_obuf #(
+ .open_drain_output(OPEN_DRAIN),
+ .bus_hold(BUS_HOLD)
+ ) obuf_0 (
+ .i(din_ddr),
+ .oe(oe_ddr),
+ .o(pad),
+ .obar(pad_b)
+ );
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ else begin
+ if (ENABLE_TERM == "true") begin
+ fourteennm_io_obuf #(
+ .open_drain_output(OPEN_DRAIN),
+ .bus_hold(BUS_HOLD)
+ ) obuf (
+ .seriesterminationcontrol(seriesterminationcontrol),
+ .parallelterminationcontrol(parallelterminationcontrol),
+ .i(din_ddr),
+ .oe(oe_ddr),
+ .o(pad)
+ );
+ end
+ else begin
+ fourteennm_io_obuf #(
+ .open_drain_output(OPEN_DRAIN),
+ .bus_hold(BUS_HOLD)
+ ) obuf (
+ .i(din_ddr),
+ .oe(oe_ddr),
+ .o(pad)
+ );
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ endgenerate
+ generate
+ if (PIN_TYPE == "input" || PIN_TYPE == "bidir")
+ begin : input_buffer
+ if(BUFFER_TYPE == "differential") begin
+ if (ENABLE_TERM == "true") begin
+ fourteennm_io_ibuf
+ #(
+ .differential_mode("true"),
+ .bus_hold(BUS_HOLD)
+ ) ibuf (
+ .i(pad),
+ .ibar(pad_b),
+ .seriesterminationcontrol(seriesterminationcontrol),
+ .parallelterminationcontrol(parallelterminationcontrol),
+ .o(buf_in)
+ );
+ end
+ else begin
+ fourteennm_io_ibuf
+ #(
+ .differential_mode("true"),
+ .bus_hold(BUS_HOLD)
+ ) ibuf (
+ .i(pad),
+ .ibar(pad_b),
+ .o(buf_in)
+ );
+ end
+ end
+ else begin
+ if (ENABLE_TERM == "true") begin
+ fourteennm_io_ibuf
+ #(
+ .differential_mode("false"),
+ .bus_hold(BUS_HOLD)
+ ) ibuf (
+ .i(pad),
+ .seriesterminationcontrol(seriesterminationcontrol),
+ .parallelterminationcontrol(parallelterminationcontrol),
+ .o(buf_in)
+ );
+ end
+ else begin
+ fourteennm_io_ibuf
+ #(
+ .differential_mode("false"),
+ .bus_hold(BUS_HOLD)
+ ) ibuf (
+ .i(pad),
+ .o(buf_in)
+ );
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ endgenerate
+module altera_gpio(
+ ck,
+ ck_in,
+ ck_out,
+ ck_fr,
+ ck_fr_in,
+ ck_fr_out,
+ ck_hr,
+ ck_hr_in,
+ ck_hr_out,
+ oe,
+ din,
+ dout,
+ pad_io,
+ pad_io_b,
+ pad_in,
+ pad_in_b,
+ pad_out,
+ pad_out_b,
+ seriesterminationcontrol,
+ parallelterminationcontrol,
+ aclr,
+ aset,
+ sclr,
+ sset,
+ cke
+ parameter PIN_TYPE = "output";
+ parameter BUFFER_TYPE = "single-ended";
+ parameter PSEUDO_DIFF = "false";
+ parameter REGISTER_MODE = "none";
+ parameter HALF_RATE = "false";
+ parameter SEPARATE_I_O_CLOCKS = "false";
+ parameter SIZE = 4;
+ parameter ARESET_MODE = "none";
+ parameter SRESET_MODE = "none";
+ parameter BUS_HOLD = "false";
+ parameter OPEN_DRAIN = "false";
+ parameter ENABLE_CKE = "false";
+ parameter ENABLE_OE = "false";
+ parameter ENABLE_TERM = "false";
+ localparam OE_SIZE = (HALF_RATE == "true") ? 2 : 1;
+ localparam DATA_SIZE = (REGISTER_MODE == "ddr") ?
+ (HALF_RATE == "true") ?
+ 4 : 2
+ : 1;
+ input ck;
+ input ck_in;
+ input ck_out;
+ input ck_fr;
+ input ck_fr_in;
+ input ck_fr_out;
+ input ck_hr;
+ input ck_hr_in;
+ input ck_hr_out;
+ input [SIZE * OE_SIZE - 1:0] oe;
+ input [SIZE * DATA_SIZE - 1:0] din;
+ output [SIZE * DATA_SIZE - 1:0] dout;
+ input [15:0] seriesterminationcontrol;
+ input [15:0] parallelterminationcontrol;
+ inout [SIZE - 1:0] pad_io;
+ inout [SIZE - 1:0] pad_io_b;
+ input [SIZE - 1:0] pad_in;
+ input [SIZE - 1:0] pad_in_b;
+ output [SIZE - 1:0] pad_out;
+ output [SIZE - 1:0] pad_out_b;
+ input aclr;
+ input aset;
+ input sclr;
+ input sset;
+ input cke;
+ wire [SIZE * OE_SIZE - 1:0] oe_reordered;
+ wire [SIZE * DATA_SIZE - 1:0] din_reordered;
+ wire [SIZE * DATA_SIZE - 1:0] dout_reordered;
+ wire [SIZE - 1:0] pad_io;
+ wire [SIZE - 1:0] pad_io_b;
+ generate
+ if (PIN_TYPE == "input")
+ begin
+ assign pad_io = pad_in;
+ assign pad_io_b = pad_in_b;
+ end
+ else if (PIN_TYPE == "output")
+ begin
+ assign pad_out = pad_io;
+ assign pad_out_b = pad_io_b;
+ end
+ endgenerate
+ genvar j, k;
+ generate
+ for(j = 0; j < SIZE ; j = j + 1) begin : j_loop
+ for(k = 0; k < DATA_SIZE; k = k + 1) begin : k_d_loop
+ assign din_reordered[j * DATA_SIZE + k] = din[j + k * SIZE];
+ assign dout[j + k * SIZE] = dout_reordered[j * DATA_SIZE + k];
+ end
+ for(k = 0; k < OE_SIZE; k = k + 1) begin : k_oe_loop
+ assign oe_reordered[j * OE_SIZE + k] = oe[j + k * SIZE];
+ end
+ end
+ endgenerate
+ genvar i;
+ generate
+ for(i = 0 ; i < SIZE ; i = i + 1) begin : i_loop
+ altera_gpio_one_bit #(
+ ) altera_gpio_bit_i (
+ .ck(ck),
+ .ck_in(ck_in),
+ .ck_out(ck_out),
+ .ck_fr(ck_fr),
+ .ck_fr_in(ck_fr_in),
+ .ck_fr_out(ck_fr_out),
+ .ck_hr(ck_hr),
+ .ck_hr_in(ck_hr_in),
+ .ck_hr_out(ck_hr_out),
+ .oe(oe_reordered[(i + 1) * OE_SIZE - 1 : i * OE_SIZE]),
+ .din(din_reordered[(i + 1) * DATA_SIZE - 1 : i * DATA_SIZE]),
+ .dout(dout_reordered[(i + 1) * DATA_SIZE - 1 : i * DATA_SIZE]),
+ .pad(pad_io[i]),
+ .pad_b(pad_io_b[i]),
+ .seriesterminationcontrol(seriesterminationcontrol),
+ .parallelterminationcontrol(parallelterminationcontrol),
+ .aclr(aclr),
+ .aset(aset),
+ .sclr(sclr),
+ .sset(sset),
+ .cke(cke)
+ );
+ end
+ endgenerate
diff --git a/intel/sgx-dev/basefiles/IOBUF/sim/IOBUF.v b/intel/sgx-dev/basefiles/IOBUF/sim/IOBUF.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e70ef4d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/intel/sgx-dev/basefiles/IOBUF/sim/IOBUF.v
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+// IOBUF.v
+// Generated using ACDS version 20.2 50
+`timescale 1 ps / 1 ps
+module IOBUF (
+ output wire [0:0] dataout, // dout.export
+ input wire [0:0] datain, // din.export
+ input wire [0:0] oe, // oe.export
+ inout wire [0:0] padio // pad_io.export
+ );
+ IOBUF_altera_gpio_1930_alkbnhy gpio_0 (
+ .dataout (dataout), // output, width = 1, dout.export
+ .datain (datain), // input, width = 1, din.export
+ .oe (oe), // input, width = 1, oe.export
+ .padio (padio) // inout, width = 1, pad_io.export
+ );
diff --git a/intel/sgx-dev/basefiles/IOBUF/sim/aldec/rivierapro_setup.tcl b/intel/sgx-dev/basefiles/IOBUF/sim/aldec/rivierapro_setup.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c41d32c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/intel/sgx-dev/basefiles/IOBUF/sim/aldec/rivierapro_setup.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+# (C) 2001-2020 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
+# Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions and
+# other software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and
+# any output files any of the foregoing (including device programming
+# or simulation files), and any associated documentation or information
+# are expressly subject to the terms and conditions of the Intel
+# Program License Subscription Agreement, Intel MegaCore Function
+# License Agreement, or other applicable license agreement, including,
+# without limitation, that your use is for the sole purpose of
+# programming logic devices manufactured by Intel and sold by Intel
+# or its authorized distributors. Please refer to the applicable
+# agreement for further details.
+# ACDS 20.2 50 linux 2020.07.29.10:13:25
+# ----------------------------------------
+# Auto-generated simulation script rivierapro_setup.tcl
+# ----------------------------------------
+# This script provides commands to simulate the following IP detected in
+# your Quartus project:
+# Intel recommends that you source this Quartus-generated IP simulation
+# script from your own customized top-level script, and avoid editing this
+# generated script.
+# To write a top-level script that compiles Intel simulation libraries and
+# the Quartus-generated IP in your project, along with your design and
+# testbench files, copy the text from the TOP-LEVEL TEMPLATE section below
+# into a new file, e.g. named "aldec.do", and modify the text as directed.
+# ----------------------------------------
+# #
+# # QSYS_SIMDIR is used in the Quartus-generated IP simulation script to
+# # construct paths to the files required to simulate the IP in your Quartus
+# # project. By default, the IP script assumes that you are launching the
+# # simulator from the IP script location. If launching from another
+# # location, set QSYS_SIMDIR to the output directory you specified when you
+# # generated the IP script, relative to the directory from which you launch
+# # the simulator.
+# #