The kubernetes-scanner is built with standard Kubernetes controller libraries and tools: controller-runtime and Kubebuilder. As such, it exposes the standard controller metrics on a Prometheus endpoint.
If you are using the Prometheus Kubernetes operator (or another stack that makes use of its CRDs), you can enable metrics collection enabling the helm chart's PodMonitor in your values overrides:
enabled: true
We recommend that kubernetes-scanner monitor the scanner for failures, possibly with (presumably non-paging) alerts, in order to inform Snyk of potential issues with your installation. Please report persistent errors to Snyk support.
When the scanner fails to push resources to Snyk's backend, the reconciliation
will fail. The controller-runtime will ensure a continuous retry (with backoff).
The metric controller_runtime_reconcile_errors_total
is incremented for each
failure. While we recommend collecting these metrics, we recommend setting
alerts on the age of the oldest reconcilation failure that was not subsequently
successfully retried, rather than on an elevated reconcile error ratio. An
example prometheus query that will alert when a resource has not reconciled for
1 hour:
kubernetes_scanner_backend_oldest_failure_age_seconds > 3600
If you do wish to alert on the error ratio, this example query will alert when the error ratio exceeds 5%:
sum(rate(controller_runtime_reconcile_errors_total[1m])) / sum(rate(controller_runtime_reconcile_total[1m])) > 0.05
The example threshold of 5% may seem high, but occasional failures are
expected, and the backoff-retry mechanism may often resolve them. As such, if
you do wish to alert on error ratio, it's recommended to set a sufficiently long
rule on any such Prometheus alerts to balance signal with noise.
In response to alerts, see the scanner's logs for details on what might be going
wrong. Structured log lines with level:"error"
can be correlated by a
attribute. Log lines should also contain some metadata about the
resource in question: group-version, kind, name, and UID.
When contacting support, please send all this information along with your configured Snyk organization ID and cluster name, so that the maintaining team can investigate persistent errors.