diff --git a/content/en/docs/reference/spin-app-executor.md b/content/en/docs/reference/spin-app-executor.md
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--- a/content/en/docs/reference/spin-app-executor.md
+++ b/content/en/docs/reference/spin-app-executor.md
@@ -136,5 +136,58 @@ will be created containing the certificates. If no secret name is
defined in `CACertSecret` the secret name will be `spin-ca`.
false |
+ otel |
+ string |
+ Otel creates environment variables which configure where and how telemetry data is exported from the Spin app.
+ |
+ false |
+### `SpinAppExecutor.spec.deploymentConfig.otel`
+[back to parent](#spinappexecutorspecdeploymentconfig)
+Otel creates environment variables which configure where and how telemetry data is exported from the Spin app.
+ Name |
+ Type |
+ Description |
+ Required |
+ exporter_otlp_endpoint |
+ string |
+ Defines an endpoint to where all metrics, log, and trace data are exported.
+ |
+ false |
+ exporter_otlp_traces_endpoint |
+ string |
+ Defines an endpoint to where all trace data are exported.
+ |
+ false |
+ exporter_otlp_metrics_endpoint |
+ string |
+ Defines an endpoint to where all metrics data are exported.
+ |
+ false |
+ exporter_otlp_logs_endpoint |
+ string |
+ Defines an endpoint to where all log data are exported.
+ |
+ false |
diff --git a/content/en/docs/topics/observing-spinkube.md b/content/en/docs/topics/observing-spinkube.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+title: Observing SpinKube
+description: How to view telemetry data from your Spin apps running in SpinKube.
+weight: 13
+This topic guide shows you how to configure SpinKube so your Spin apps export telemetry data to OpenTelemetry collector and Jaeger.
+## Prerequisites
+Please ensure you have the following tools installed before continuing:
+- [kubectl](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/) - the Kubernetes CLI
+- [Helm](https://helm.sh) - the package manager for Kubernetes
+- [SpinKube](https://www.spinkube.dev/docs/spin-plugin-kube/installation) - the Kubernetes plugin for Spin
+## About OpenTelemetry Collector
+From the OpenTelemetry [documentation](https://opentelemetry.io/docs/collector/):
+>> The OpenTelemetry Collector offers a vendor-agnostic implementation of how to receive, process and export telemetry data. It removes the need to run, operate, and maintain multiple agents/collectors. This works with improved scalability and supports open source observability data formats (e.g. Jaeger, Prometheus, Fluent Bit, etc.) sending to one or more open source or commercial backends.
+In our case, the OpenTelemetry collector serves as a single endpoint to receive and route telemetry data, letting us to monitor metrics, traces, and logs via our preferred UIs.
+## About Jaeger
+From the Jaeger [documentation](https://www.jaegertracing.io/docs/):
+>> Jaeger is a distributed tracing platform released as open source by Uber Technologies. With Jaeger you can: Monitor and troubleshoot distributed workflows, Identify performance bottlenecks, Track down root causes, Analyze service dependencies
+Here, we have the OpenTelemetry collector send the trace data to Jaeger.
+## Deploy OpenTelemetry Collector
+First, add the OpenTelemetry collector Helm repository:
+helm repo add open-telemetry https://open-telemetry.github.io/opentelemetry-helm-charts
+helm repo update
+Next, deploy the OpenTelemetry collector to your cluster:
+helm upgrade --install otel-collector open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector \
+ --set image.repository="otel/opentelemetry-collector-k8s" \
+ --set nameOverride=otel-collector \
+ --set mode=deployment \
+ --set config.exporters.otlp.endpoint=http://jaeger-collector.default.svc.cluster.local:4317 \
+ --set config.exporters.otlp.tls.insecure=true \
+ --set config.service.pipelines.traces.exporters[0]=otlp \
+ --set config.service.pipelines.traces.processors[0]=batch \
+ --set config.service.pipelines.traces.receivers[0]=otlp \
+ --set config.service.pipelines.traces.receivers[1]=jaeger
+## Deploy Jaeger
+Next, add the Jaeger Helm repository:
+helm repo add jaegertracing https://jaegertracing.github.io/helm-charts
+helm repo update
+Then, deploy Jaeger to your cluster:
+helm upgrade --install jaeger jaegertracing/jaeger \
+ --set provisionDataStore.cassandra=false \
+ --set allInOne.enabled=true \
+ --set agent.enabled=false \
+ --set collector.enabled=false \
+ --set query.enabled=false \
+ --set storage.type=memory
+## Configure the SpinAppExecutor
+The `SpinAppExecutor` resource determines how Spin applications are deployed in the cluster. The following configuration will ensure that any `SpinApp` resource using this executor will send telemetry data to the OpenTelemetry collector. To see a comprehensive list of OTel options for the `SpinAppExecutor`, see the [API reference](https://www.spinkube.dev/docs/reference/spin-app-executor/).
+Create a file called `executor.yaml` with the following content:
+apiVersion: core.spinoperator.dev/v1alpha1
+kind: SpinAppExecutor
+ name: otel-shim-executor
+ createDeployment: true
+ deploymentConfig:
+ runtimeClassName: wasmtime-spin-v2
+ installDefaultCACerts: true
+ otel:
+ exporter_otlp_endpoint: http://otel-collector.default.svc.cluster.local:4318
+To deploy the executor, run:
+kubectl apply -f executor.yaml
+## Deploy a Spin app to observe
+With everything in place, we can now deploy a `SpinApp` resource that uses the executor `otel-shim-executor`.
+Create a file called `app.yaml` with the following content:
+apiVersion: core.spinoperator.dev/v1alpha1
+kind: SpinApp
+ name: otel-spinapp
+ image: ghcr.io/spinkube/spin-operator/cpu-load-gen:20240311-163328-g1121986
+ executor: otel-shim-executor
+ replicas: 1
+Deploy the app by running:
+kubectl apply -f app.yaml
+Congratulations! You now have a Spin app exporting telemetry data.
+Next, we need to generate telemetry data for the Spin app to export. Use the below command to port-forward the Spin app:
+kubectl port-forward svc/otel-spinapp 3000:80
+In a new terminal window, execute a `curl` request:
+curl localhost:3000
+The request will take a couple of moments to run, but once it's done, you should see an output similar to this:
+fib(43) = 433494437
+## Interact with Jaeger
+To view the traces in Jaeger, use the following port-forward command:
+kubectl port-forward svc/jaeger-query 16686:16686
+Then, open your browser and navigate to `localhost:16686` to interact with Jaeger's UI.
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