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Quantum Tales

Unitary Fund Last Commit License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Quantum Tales
Quantum Tales

A series of fairy tales with quantum twists. Revisit stories from around the world as lovers, gourmets, and others use quantum algorithms to overcome their fabled challenges.


Quantum Algorithms

Quantum Simulation Algorithms:
    Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE)
    Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC)
    Quantum Phase Estimation (QPE)

Quantum Search Algorithms:
    Grover's algorithm

Quantum Factoring Algorithms:
    Shor's algorithm

Quantum Cryptography Algorithms:
    Quantum Key Distribution (QKD)
    Quantum Coin Flipping
    Quantum Oblivious Transfer

Quantum Machine Learning Algorithms:
    Quantum Support Vector Machines (QSVM)
    Quantum k-means clustering
    Quantum Neural Networks

Quantum Optimization Algorithms:
    Quantum Annealing
    Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA)
    Quantum Adiabatic Optimization

Quantum Error Correction Algorithms:
    Quantum Repeat-Until-Success (Q-RUS)
    Steane Code
    Surface Code

Quantum Communication Algorithms:
    Quantum Teleportation
    Quantum Key Distribution (QKD)
    Quantum Entanglement Distribution


    Ancient Egypt (North Africa)
    Bantu peoples (Sub-Saharan Africa)
    Berbers (North Africa)
    Tuareg (North Africa)
    San (Southern Africa)
    Khoikhoi (Southern Africa)
    Maasai (East Africa)
    Yoruba (West Africa)
    Igbo (West Africa)

    Indus Valley Civilization (South Asia)
    Harappan Civilization (South Asia)
    Dravidian peoples (South India)
    Adivasi tribes (Central and East India)
    Mongols (Central Asia)
    Huns (Central Asia)
    Chinese ethnic minorities (East Asia)
    Ainu (Japan)
    Indigenous peoples of the Philippines (Southeast Asia)

    Celts (Western Europe)
    Vikings (Northern Europe)
    Basques (Spain and France)
    Sami (Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia)
    Finno-Ugric peoples (Eastern Europe)
    Roma (Eastern Europe)
    Sámi (Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia)

North America:
    Inuit (Arctic regions)
    Aleut (Alaska and Russia)
    Haida (Canada)
    Iroquois (Northeastern United States and Canada)
    Sioux (Great Plains of the United States and Canada)
    Navajo (Southwestern United States)
    Cherokee (Southeastern United States)
    Tlingit (Southeastern Alaska)

South America:
    Inca (Andean region)
    Mapuche (Chile and Argentina)
    Quechua (Peru and Bolivia)
    Aymara (Peru, Bolivia, and Chile)
    Guarani (Paraguay, Brazil, Argentina)
    Yanomami (Brazil and Venezuela)
    Tupi (Brazil)
    Ashaninka (Peru and Brazil)

Australia and Oceania:
    Aboriginal Australians (Australia)
    Māori (New Zealand)
    Kanak (New Caledonia)
    Papuans (Papua New Guinea)
    Samoans (Samoa)
    Tongans (Tonga)
    Fijians (Fiji)
    Tahitians (French Polynesia)

Story Ideas

Entanglement -

Quantum Teleportation / The Story of the Twins (Bantu Peoples) - In this fable, twin sisters separated at birth become entangled through a magical stone. One sister uses quantum teleportation to send her thoughts and memories to the other sister, allowing them to reconnect and reunite.

Quantum Teleportation / Cowherd and Weaver Girl (Ancient China) - The cowherd and weaver girl share their love across the universe by entangling particles.

Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) / The Talking Drums (West Africa) - In this fable, a group of villagers use QKD to securely communicate a message via a series of drum beats. The beats are entangled and cannot be intercepted by outsiders, allowing the message to be transmitted safely.

Superposition -

Grover's algorithm / The Search for the Perfect Mango (Indigenous Peoples of the Philippines) - In this fable, a young man uses Grover's algorithm to search through a field of mango trees to find the perfect mango. By putting the search in a state of superposition, he is able to search through all the trees simultaneously and quickly find the one he's looking for.

Quantum Phase Estimation (QPE) / The Dream Weaver (Maasai) - In this fable, a wise woman uses QPE to enter a state of superposition and communicate with the spirit world. By measuring the phase of the entangled particles, she is able to interpret the messages from the spirits and weave them into beautiful dreams.

Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) / The Weaver and the Spider (Aboriginal Australians) - In this fable, a skilled weaver uses QMC to create intricate patterns in her fabric. By putting the weaving process in a state of superposition, she is able to explore all possible patterns and select the one with the highest probability of success.

Bernstein Vazirani algorithm / Goldilocks and the Three Bears (Modern Britian) - Goldilocks finds the balanced function (just right) bowl and avoids the unbalanced function (too hot and too cold) bowls.

Quantum Factoring Algorithms -

Shor's algorithm / The Tale of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves (Middle East) - Ali Baba uses Shor's algorithm to factor a secret number and uncover the thieves' hideout.

Quantum Cryptography Algorithms -

Quantum Coin Flipping / The Gambler and the Merchant (Ancient Egypt) - In this fable, a gambler and a merchant use quantum coin flipping to settle a bet. By entangling their coins and measuring them, they are able to determine a fair outcome without the possibility of cheating or fraud.

Quantum Oblivious Transfer / The Secret Keeper (Tlingit) - In this fable, a young woman uses quantum oblivious transfer to securely share a secret with her friend. By entangling their particles and measuring them, she is able to transfer the secret without revealing it to anyone else.

Quantum Machine Learning Algorithms -

Quantum k-means clustering / The Ants and the Sugar Cube (Indus Valley Civilization) - In this fable, a group of ants use quantum k-means clustering to find the sweetest part of a sugar cube. By entangling their senses and measuring the levels of sweetness, they are able to quickly identify the best location and share it with the colony.

Quantum Support Vector Machines (QSVM) / The Lion and the Mouse (Ancient Greece) - In this fable, the mouse uses QSVM to separate the lion's roars, find him in the forest, and save his life.

Quantum Neural Networks / The Song of the Birds (Ainu) - In this fable, a young boy uses quantum neural networks to learn the songs of the birds. By entangling his mind with theirs, he is able to absorb their melodies and become a skilled musician.

Quantum Optimization Algorithms -

Quantum Annealing / The Master Gardener (Sami) - In this fable, a master gardener uses quantum annealing to optimize her garden layout. By entangling the plants and measuring their growth patterns, she is able to arrange them in the most efficient and beautiful way.

Grover's algorithm / Tortoise and Hare (Ancient Greece) - Tortoise uses Grover's algorithm to find the shortest path from the start to end of the race and beats the Hare.

Quantum Repeat-Until-Success (Q-RUS) / The Little Engine That Could (North America) - The little engine uses quantum repeat-until-success to overcome obstacles and reach its destination, with each try improving its chances of success.