All notable changes to core_tools will be documented in this file.
- Always use package h5netcdf to load data from HDF5 file.
- Removed support for QT-DataViewer < 0.3.10
- Reduce station snapshot removing useless entries.
- Fixed direct writing of measurements to remote server.
= Attempt to fix irregular arbitrary file rename failure in save hdf5.
- Fixed slow database connection setup
- Support dark style GUI.
- Updates for qcodes 0.49
- Fixed type annotation on VideoMode
- Changes for new Keysight HVI2/PTSE release
- "Official" release of new Video Mode.
- Fixed Video Mode bugs of 1.4.67
- Refactored Video Mode for new features
- Added Favorites to Video Mode
- Added automatic recompile in Video Mode if pulse-lib settings change.
- Added extra title text to Video Mode
- Performance improvement setting virtual gates
- Reverted to old logic for Keysight for using digitizer channels from pulse_lib: use digitizer if specified.
- Fixed construct_1D_fast_scan and construct_2D_fast_scan (after v1.4.63 refactoring)
- Fix Set DC voltages in Video Mode (broken in v1.4.63)
- Refactored VideoMode to allow simple external scan generator.
- Fixed database locking due to synchronization manager
- Performance improvement ParameterViewer.
- Improved Scan and combi_parameter for better reset.
- Fix pulse_gates in VideoMode
- Added download_hdf5, download_hdf5_parallel for sQDL.
- Huge performance improvement virtual gate matrix GUI.
- Added sqdl_query, sqdl_logout, load_uuids_parallel
- Improved error message in case COM port number change is likely cause of error.
- Set proper GUI window titles.
- Fixed Mac OS installation.
- Added scan arguments to fast-scan parameter snapshots.
- Added scan arguments to video mode snapshot.
- Video Mode improvements:
- Fixed saving of wrong data when switching tabs before pressing Save.
- Added shortcut keys F5, Esc, Ctrl+S, Ctrl+C, Ctrl+P.
- Increased number of pulse gates and made it configurable.
- Added noise filter in 2D (Gaussian low pass).
- Added static methods liveplotting.stop_all and liveplotting.is_any_running
- Automatic stop of other running video mode gui.
- Added icons on buttons.
- Reduced amount of logging on info level.
- HVI2 (Keysight): Fixed error with multiple digitizers and not all channels active
- Fixed race conditions with db synchronization.
- Added get_idn to D5a.
- Fixed disabling digitizer sequencer functionality in Keysight_QS
- Automatically remove log-files older than "max_age" days (default: 90)
- Fixed databrowser QML.
- minor fixes and cleanup.
- Added QT-Dataset Browser (qt-dataviewer >= v0.3.0)
- Fixed refresh of DataBrowser GUI.
- Fixed unit radians for phase in video mode.
- Fixed GUI for changes in latest matplotlib release.
- Fixed RF generators with Keysight_QS video mode
- Added resume after break to Scan.
- Virtual Matrix Editor: Show matrix determinant and show matrix elements in bold and red when out of range
- Parameter Viewer: Show virtual gate values in red and disable editing when value out of range due to matrix
- Fixed bug in Scan of v1.4.49
- Fixed measurement parameters in dataset.
- Added Section to Scan to make a sequence of sweeps in a scan.
- Fixed order of measurement parameters in dataset.
- Fixed old dataviewer after removing si_prefix package.
- Added close to dataset to release file objects.
- Added value_after to sweep in Scan to set the value of the inner loop before the next step of the outer loop.
- Removed dependency on package si_prefix
- Minor correction for DC compensation on 2D scans.
- Significantly improved performance of gates.snapshot and parameter viewer.
- M3202A improved logging for long measurements
- Avoid unnecessary HVI script regeneration when number waveforms changes
- Update for qt-dataviewer v0.3.0
- Fixed PostgreSQL data limit: 1GB per field.
- Compress snapshot in HDF5 files.
- Added 'application' to xarray / HDF5 file.
- Added query for new measurements.
- Fixed backward compatibility for old data viewer.
- Added new qt_dataviewer to plot datasets.
- Added SQL_database_manager.disconnect() to change database connection.
- Video mode: disabled auto SI prefix to avoid 'mmV'.
- Improved dataset name checking.
- Fixed warning " corrected from -0.00 to 0.00".
- Added argument snapshot_extra to Scan.
- Change segment HVI variables to sequence.schedule_params (preparation pulse-lib v1.8)
- Fixed sample/project/setup name validation. Allow 0-9_ as first character.
- Added data_writer() to create and store a dataset from arrays
- Added validation of dataset name, parameter name, project name, setup name, sample name
- Added checks on parameter data size in dataset
- Added Keysight AWG oscillator control to HVI and video mode.
- Video mode for Keysight uses pulse-lib digitizer channel configuration if digitizer is None in liveplotting()
- Video mode now determines required AWG driver from pulse-lib configuration.
- Added pre-pulses to Qblox video mode.
- Fixed database synchronization. Fields 'completed', 'data_size' and 'stop_time' were often missed in sync.
- Robust write of HDF5 data file and overwrite existing file.
- Moved QT5 initialization check to application start. Automatically start QT5 thread when using IPython outside Spyder.
- Fixed plotting of arbitrary dataset when there are no datasets in selection.
- Improved logging and exception handling during measurement.
- Parameter viewer virtual gate limits set to +/- 9999.99 mV
- Parameter viewer print warning if gate voltage is corrected by GUI limits
- Use digitizer average output scaling to better use digital range (requires keysight-fpga v1.1+)
- Avoid partially written hdf5 files
- Made VideoMode more robust on acquisition errors.
- Fixed
of digitizer_param_m4i - Fixed IQ demodulation to M4i VideoMode
- Added IQ demodulation to digitizer_param_m4i and removed link to instrument
- Added IQ demodulation to M4i VideoMode
- Fixed exception thrown when starting video mode without passing default settings.
- Fixed axis of 2D plot for incomplete dataset of scan from high to low values.
- Keep order of keywords of dataset.
- Added
to loaded dataset. - Databrowser: Fixed live plotting
- Databrowser: Added 'Close all plots' button
- VideoMode: added pulsed offsets to settings argument and metadata.
- Fixed M3102A for configuration of time-traces.
- Better exception handling in measurement loops.
- Moved qcodes dataset dependent code to
- Added Enum type annotation to script runner functions.
- VideoMode: Added stop() to liveplotting to stop video mode 1D and 2D.
- Removed unneeded import
- VideoMode: Fixed scale when starting averaging.
- VideoMode: Keep buffered data when changing the number of averages.
- VideoMode: Changing sweep direction in 1D now keeps correct x-values in chart.
- VideoMode: Set DC voltages in 1D.
- VideoMode: Added copy to clipboard.
- VideoMode: Added maximum voltage swing to settings.
- VideoMode: Fixed background filter setting when uploading waveforms.
- Databrowser: Added dataset info to window title and panel.
- Databrowser: Fixed presentation of 0D data, a scalar.
- Databrowser: Filter on name, keywords and starred.
- Fixed dataset - xarray conversion and storage of HDF5 files.
- Added SequenceFunction to Scan to execute a function after setting a sweep index in a pulse-lib sequence.
- Improved ScriptRunner
- Enabled compression on HDF5 files
- Fixed axis is data browser for small relative scale.
- Fixed VideoMode DC voltage missing gates
- Fixed data browser hangup after setting unknown sample or project
- VideoMode added 'Set DC voltage' to 2D
- VideoMode added cross in 2D
- VideoMode added color bar in 2D
- VideoMode added background filter in 2D
- VideoMode added 2D plot coordinates in status bar
- VideoMode added 'gates' to PPT notes
- Limit dataset size to 20e6 values per parameter.
- Added DC gain to gates
- Added set_timeout to Keysight digitizer driver M3201A
- Added ScriptRunner GUI
- Replaced logging by logging.getLogger(name)
- Changed included KeysightSD1 package to coexist with official Keysight package
- Added HVI2 Continuous mode
- Added var_mgr.get_values_at(time)
- Added iq_mode 'amplitude+phase' to VideoMode
- Reduced load on database server by databrowser
- Fixed bug in VideoMode for Qblox
- Added save_csv(dataset)
- Add QML files to setup
- Improved HVI2; fixed a case where digitizer did not return data.
- Added method force_daq_configuration() to Keysight digitizer to resolve 'no data' state.
- Show UUID in 3 parts separated by '_' in data browser
- Fixed db_sync script
- Fixed data loading from HDF5 and conversion xarray dataset to core-tools dataset.
- ds2xarray: corrected conversion of datasets with dimensions with same name, but different coordinates.
- Fixed memory leakage in job_mgmt.
- Maintain insertion order in job queue for jobs with equal priority.
- Full implementation of new Scan class
- Fixed corrupt charts and weird font sizes when using Windows display scaling.
- Added 'I+Q' and 'abs+angle' to iq_mode options of video mode
- Fixed Q, amp and angle output in VideoMode
- Improved performance of measurement for measurements > 30 s.
- Added first version of new Scan class.
- Fixed import of NumpyJSONEncoder for new qcodes versions
- Improved error handling during measurement
- Fixed VideoMode and DataBrowser 2D plots for pyqtgraph 0.13+
- Lowered VideoMode refresh rate to better support remote connections
- Added option silent to measurement and scan_generic
- Keyboard interrupt in measurement now aborts running script (So you don't have to hit Ctrl-C 50 times..)
- Added get_idn to Instruments gates, hardware, M3102A.
- Fixed resetting histogram
- Added option to disable live plotting of data browser at startup
- Data browser live plotting now only checks for updates on selected project, setup and sample.
- Improved logfile format
- Requires numpy >= 1.20
- Fixed load_by_uuid without database
- Show histogram checkbox for datasets >= 2D
- Fixed problem with QML GUI logging and some Spyder versions.
- Added get_history to VarMgr.
- Improved handing of database error messages
- VarMgr: Reconnect to database after exception
- Log QML GUI errors and warnings (databrowser, ...)
- Fixed ds2xarray for datasets with dimensions > 3
- Windows specific calls in app_launcher.
- missing
- Added selection of project, set-up and sample at data_browser startup.
- Added rebuild_sample_info() to SQL_sync_manager.
- Added locked option to parameter viewer startup.
- Added HDF5 export and re-import for data publication.
- Added configuration using YAML file
- Added simple startup of GUIs
- Added examples/demo_station
- Changed database scheme !! Data written by v1.4+ can only be read by v1.4+ !!
- Improved error handling in data browser.
- Do not accept 'any' as name for project, set-up, or sample in measurement.
- Synchronize sample info to server.
- Changed layout of data-browser.
- import of PyQt5
- Updates for pulselib 1.5 with configuration of Keysight digitizer
- VideoMode / liveplotting now uses DataSaver to store data NOTE: call liveplotting.set_data_saver(QCodesDataSaver()) to enable saving to qcodes dataset
- Use acquisition_delay_ns for qblox VideoMode
- Added qt_utils.qt_init() for reliable startup of GUI
- Added Qblox Pulsar support in Video Mode
- Improved setup and release
- M3102A driver fixed initialization
- DataBrowser updated for pyqtgraph > 0.11
- DataBrowser fixed exceptions with slow connection to database
- Automatically reconnect to database server when connection was lost/closed.
- Refactored virtual matrix
- Added normalization
- Added stacked matrices (virtual gates of virtual gates)
- load_gate_voltages from snapshot
- Improved parameter viewer Qt GUI
- Added "Lock parameter viewer"
- Added max diff
- Restore values in GUI when locked or boundary exceeded
- Improved virtual matrix Qt GUI
- Added coloring of virtual matrix in GUI
- Keysight M3102A driver independent control of V-max, coupling and impedance per channel.
- Digitizer V-max has been removed from 1D and 2D fast scans. It should be configured directly on digitizer.
- Keysight SD1 2.x is no longer supported
- gates class: restore all gates when boundary of one gate exceeded when setting a real or virtual gate.
First labeled release. Start of dev branch and change logging.