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781ba2b · Feb 12, 2025


322 lines (229 loc) · 9.48 KB

File metadata and controls

322 lines (229 loc) · 9.48 KB


vite-plugin-svelte accepts inline options that can be used to change its behaviour. An object can be passed to the first argument of the svelte plugin:

// vite.config.js
export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      /* plugin options */

Explore the various options below!

Config file

Config file resolving

Besides inline options in Vite config, vite-plugin-svelte will also automatically resolve options from a Svelte config file if one exists. The default search paths are:

  • svelte.config.js
  • svelte.config.mjs
  • svelte.config.cjs

To set a specific config file, use the configFile inline option. The path can be absolute or relative to the Vite root. For example:

// vite.config.js
export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      configFile: 'my-svelte.config.js'

A basic Svelte config looks like this:

// svelte.config.js
export default {
  // svelte options
  extensions: ['.svelte'],
  compilerOptions: {},
  preprocess: [],
  onwarn: (warning, handler) => handler(warning),
  // plugin options
  vitePlugin: {
    exclude: [],
    // experimental options
    experimental: {}

Config file extension

Depending on Node's mode, make sure you're using the correct extension and syntax so it can be resolved safely.

  • If type: "module" is defined in package.json, using .js only allows ESM code. Use .cjs to allow CJS code.
  • If type: "module" is not defined, using .js only allows CJS code. Use .mjs to allows ESM code.

Try to stick with the .js extension whenever possible.

Disable automatic handling of Svelte config

Use configFile: false to prevent vite-plugin-svelte from reading the config file or restarting the Vite dev server when it changes.

// vite.config.js
export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      configFile: false
      // your svelte config here

Warning: This option primarily exists for frameworks like SvelteKit that do their own parsing of Svelte config and control the Vite dev server. You are responsible to provide the complete inline config when used.

Svelte options

These options are specific to the Svelte compiler and are generally shared across many bundler integrations.


  • Type: CompileOptions - See svelte.compile

    The options to be passed to the Svelte compiler. A few options are set by default, including dev and css. However, some options are non-configurable, like filename, format, generate, and cssHash (in dev).


  • Type: PreprocessorGroup | PreprocessorGroup[] - See svelte.preprocess

    An array of preprocessors to transform the Svelte source code before compilation.


    // vite.config.js
    import sveltePreprocess from 'svelte-preprocess';
    export default defineConfig({
      plugins: [
          preprocess: [sveltePreprocess({ typescript: true })]


  • Type: string[]

  • Default: ['.svelte']

    A list of file extensions to be compiled by Svelte. Useful for custom extensions like .svg and .svx.


  • Type: (warning: Warning, defaultHandler: (warning: Warning) => void) => void - See Warning

    Handles warning emitted from the Svelte compiler. Useful to suppress warning messages.


    export default defineConfig({
      plugins: [
          onwarn(warning, defaultHandler) {
            // don't warn on <marquee> elements, cos they're cool
            if (warning.code === 'a11y-distracting-elements') return;
            // handle all other warnings normally

    In addition, Svelte 5's compiler interface also provides a way to filter warnings using the warningFilter setting as described in Svelte 5's docs.

Plugin options

These options are specific to the Vite plugin itself.


  • Type: string | string[]

A picomatch pattern, or array of patterns, which specifies the files the plugin should operate on. By default, all svelte files are included.


  • Type: string | string[]

A picomatch pattern, or array of patterns, which specifies the files to be ignored by the plugin. By default, no files are ignored.


  • Type: boolean

  • Default: true

    Emit Svelte styles as virtual CSS files for Vite and other plugins to process.


  • Deprecated: use compileOptions.hmr instead
  • Type: boolean
  • Default: true for development, always false for production


  • Type: boolean | string[]

  • Default: false

    Some Vite plugins can contribute additional preprocessors by defining api.sveltePreprocess. If you don't want to use them, set this to true to ignore them all or use an array of strings with plugin names to specify which.


  • Type: boolean | string[]

  • Default: false

    vite-plugin-svelte automatically manages pre-bundling for Svelte components. To opt-out of this automatic behavior you can use:

    • disableDependencyReinclusion: true to disable all re-inclusions
    • disableDependencyReinclusion: ['foo'] to disable re-inclusions only for dependencies of foo.

    If you want to manually re-include the dependency bar of foo, you can add {optimizeDeps:{include:['foo > bar']}} to your Vite config

    This is currently required for hybrid packages like Routify, that export both Node and browser code.


  • Type: boolean

  • Default: true for dev, false for build

    Enable Vite's dependency prebundling for Svelte libraries.

    This option improves page loading for the dev server in most applications when using Svelte component libraries.

    See the FAQ for details and how to fine-tune it for huge libraries.


  • Type: InspectorOptions | boolean

  • Default: unset for dev, always false for build

    Set to true or options object to enable svelte inspector during development. See the inspector docs for the full configuration options.

    Inspector mode shows you the file location where the element under cursor is defined and you can click to quickly open your code editor at this location.


  • Type:

    type DynamicCompileOptions = (data: {
      filename: string; // The file to be compiled
      code: string; // The preprocessed Svelte code
      compileOptions: Partial<CompileOptions>; // The current compiler options
    }) => Promise<Partial<CompileOptions> | void> | Partial<CompileOptions> | void;

    A function to update the compilerOptions before compilation. To change part of the compiler options, return an object with the changes you need.


    // vite.config.js
    export default defineConfig({
      plugins: [
          dynamicCompileOptions({ filename, compileOptions }) {
            // Dynamically set runes mode per Svelte file
            if (forceRunesMode(filename) && !compileOptions.runes) {
              return { runes: true };

Experimental options

These options are considered experimental and breaking changes to them can occur in any release! Specify them under the experimental option.

Either in Vite config:

// vite.config.js
export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      experimental: {
        // experimental options

or in Svelte config:

// svelte.config.js
export default {
  vitePlugin: {
    experimental: {
      // experimental options


  • Type: boolean

  • Default: false

    Sends a websocket message svelte:warnings with the warnings that are passed to onwarn. This is only useful if you build a custom browser based integration where you want to display these.

    Example'svelte:warnings', (message) => {
      // handle warnings message, eg log to console
      console.warn(`Warnings for ${message.filename}`, message.warnings);

    Message format

    type SvelteWarningsMessage = {
      id: string;
      filename: string;
      normalizedFilename: string;
      timestamp: number;
      warnings: Warning[]; // allWarnings filtered by warnings where onwarn did not call the default handler
      allWarnings: Warning[]; // includes warnings filtered by onwarn and our extra vite plugin svelte warnings
      rawWarnings: Warning[]; // raw compiler output


  • Type boolean

  • Default: false

    disable svelte resolve warnings. Note: this is highly discouraged and you should instead fix these packages which will break in the future.