This file,
, should be the main source of truth for developers to understand the entire architecture. We must couple this md
file with diagrams from mermaid and also datatypes used between all the entities to run a respective product.
= Teller V2 Marketplace Dapp
= Teller V2 Smart Contract
actor User
User ->> dApp: connect metamask address (web3)
dApp ->> User: return connected successful status
User ->> dApp: press Hello World button
dApp ->> smartContract: call HelloWorld function
smartContract ->> dApp: return HelloWorld string
actor MarketPlaceCreator
Creator ->> dApp: Click create market button
Creator ->> dApp: Fill out form for the marketplace
dApp ->> smartContracts:
actor MarketPlaceCreator
Creator ->> dApp: Click `Already have a marketplace?` button
Creator ->> dApp: Fill out forms (specifically adding the datahash that identifies such market)
"$version": "1.0.0", // ipfs data hash that points to the schema
"$schema": "ipfs://ewqopfu3240rfuewfoijefljenwfj", // MUST BE IPFS HASH compliant
"name": "test",
"description": "this is the description for the test market",
"properties": {
"externalURI": "", // <== this doesn't work
"marketFee": "10000",
"feeRecipient": "0x034r30942390430",
"jurisdiction": {
"location": ["USA - DENVER"],
"compliance": ["KYC"]
"assetClass": {
"type": {
"isCollateralized": true,
"collateralTypes": "NFT"
"loanStrategyAddress": "0x021392892318431948",
"additionalParameters": ["1000000", "3000000"] // optional, in this example both the interest and payment cycles have been added as additional parameters
"underwriters": ["cerise.eth", "dougking.eth"],
"adhoc": {
"name": "cerise.eth json data schema",
"description": "my very own json data schema",
"type": "object",
"properties": {}