Py Graphic From pygraph-->python
raspi-config expand file system localizaiton
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade
pip sudo -i $ apt-get install python-pip $ exit ############## VIRTUAL ENV #################### sudo -i $ pip install virtualenv $ exit $ cd my_project_folder $ virtualenv venv source venv/bin/activate pip install virtualenvwrapper $ export WORKON_HOME=~/Envs
$ source /usr/local/bin/ export WORKON_HOME=~/ mkvirtualenv venv $ workon venv $ deactivate sudo pip3 install twython pip install pyperclip # or pip3 pip install requests pip install bs4 pip install gpiozero
cat > # places standard input into file
##Anaconda shell: conda upgrade conda conda upgrade --all #error conda create -n my_root --clone="C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3" conda search --canonical | grep -v 'py\d\d' #lists non-python packages
pip install pipenv pipenv --three pipenv --two jupyter notebook pip install pendulum
conda install python=3.5
conda list conda upgrade conda conda upgrade --all conda clean --packages
If "conda command not found" and are using ZShell Add ||| export PATH="/Users/username/anaconda/bin:$PATH" |||| to your .zsh_config file. conda install numpy scipy pandas pyperclip requests bs4
conda create -n py2 python=2.7 conda create -n py3 python=3 activate py3 deactivate source activate py3 # bash, OSX deactivate pip install --upgrade pip (py3)pip install requests bs4 pyperclip
pip install --upgrade virtualenv pip install --upgrade setuptools virtualenv /path/to/directory . /path/to/directory/bin/activate
################## PY MATHEMATICS ################################### matplotlib-->holoviews-->datashader-->JS bokeh matplotlib-->Vaex-->JS bqplot + JS bokeh matplotlib-->mpld3-->JS d3-->d3po-->Vega-->Vincent +->Vega-Lite-->Altair matplotlib--> seaborn ggpy scikit-plot Yellow brick networkx-->graphviz-->graph-tool basemap/cartopy pandas
JS-->pythreejs ipleaflet ipyvolume plotly toyplot cufflinks
PyQTgraph chaco Lightning GlueViz MayaVi GR framework ############### Matplotlib ###########3 from matplotlib import rcsetup rcsetup.all_backends
import pandas as pd iris = pd.read_csv('iris.csv') iris.head() color_map = dict(zip(iris.species.unique(),['blue','green','red']))
################# PANDAS-3.5 ##### Pandas - Lofty and Built atop Numpy -
conda create -n pandas-3.5 python=3.5 activate pandas-3.5 #source ~/anaconda3/bin/activate pandas-3.5 conda install jupyter conda install pandas conda install numpy #in jupyter import pandas as pa import numpy as nu
jupyter notebook -----------------------pandas library-------
import pandas as pd newData = pd.read_table('data/data.csv', sep=',') # , header=None format_cols = ['original date','col1','col2'] newData = pd.read_table('data/data.csv', sep=',', names=format_cols) . # , header=None print(type(newData['col2'])) # -> pandas.core.series.Series print(type(newData)) # pandas.core.frame.DataFrame print(newData.describe()) print(newData.shape) print(newData.dtypes) print(newData.describe(include=['object'])) newData.columns newData.rename(columns = {'original date':'New_Date','col1':'Col_1','col2':'Col_2'}) newData.rename(columns = {'original date':'New_Date','col1':'Col_1','col2':'Col_2'}, inplace=True) newData.columns oCols = ['original date','col1','col2'] newData.columns = oCols print(newData.head())
newData2 = pd.read_table('data/data.csv', sep=',', names=format_cols, header=0) . # , header=None newData2.columns newData2.columns = newData2.columns.str.replace(' ', '_') newData2.columns # output is: original date -> original_date newData2.shape newData2.drop('col1',axis=1, inplace =True) newData2.drop([0,1] , axis=0, inplace=True) type(newData2['col2'].sort_values()) newData2.sort_values('col2') newData2.sort_values(['original_date','col2']) type(False) # bool booleans = [] for length in newData2.col2: if length >= 400001: booleans.append(True) else: booleans.append(False) print(booleans[0:5]) len(booleans) newData2[newData2.col2 >= 10000].original_date newData2.loc[original_date >= 2010, 'col1'] True or False True and False newData2[newData2.col2 >= 400001 and newData2.original_date == '2010'] newData2[(newData2.col2 >= 400001) & (newData2.original_date == '2010')] newData2[(newData2.col2 >= 400001) | (newData2.original_date == '2010') | (newData2.col1 >= 30)] newData2[newData2.original_date.isin(['2010','2011'])]
import pandas as pd drinks = pd.read_csv('') drinks.dtypes
import numpy as np drinks.select_dtypes(include=[np.number]).dtypes drinks.describe() drinks.describe(include='all') drinks.describe(include=['object']) drinks.head() drinks.drop('continent', axis=1).head() drinks.drop(2, axis=0).head() drinks.mean(axis=0) drinks.mean(axis=1) drinks.drop(2, axis=0).head() drinks.mean(axis=1).shape drinks.mean(axis='columns') drinks['Vietnam')] drinks['U')]' ', '_').str.replace(''','') drinks.dtypes drinks.beer_servings.astype(float) drinks_float = pd.read_csv('', dtype={'beer_servings':float}) drinks_float.dtypes drinks_float.wine_servings.mean() drinks_float.wine_servings.astype(int).mean() drinks_float.wine_servings.astype(float).mean() drinks_float.groupby('continent').wine_servings.mean() drinks_float[drinks_float.continent=='North America'].wine_servings.mean() drinks_float[drinks_float.continent=='Europe'].wine_servings.mean() drinks_float.groupby('continent').wine_servings.max() drinks_float.groupby('continent').wine_servings.agg(['count','min','max','mean']) drinks_float.groupby('continent').mean() get_ipython().magic('matplotlib inline') drinks.groupby('continent').mean().plot(kind='bar') drinks.continent.value_counts() drinks.continent.value_counts(normalize=True) pd.crosstab(,drinks.continent).head() get_ipython().magic('matplotlib inline') drinks.continent.value_counts().plot(kind='bar') drinks.groupby('continent').mean().plot(kind='bar') drinks.dtypes drinks.isnull().sum() drinks[drinks.continent.isnull()] drinks.shape drinks.dropna(how='any').shape drinks.dropna(subset=['country', 'continent'], how='all').shape drinks['continent'].value_counts(dropna=False) drinks['continent'].fillna(value='MISCELLANEOUS', inplace=True) drinks.loc[0,:] drinks.loc[[0,1,2],:] drinks.loc[:,'beer_servings':'wine_servings'].head(10) drinks.head(5).drop('total_litres_of_pure_alcohol', axis=1) drinks.columns list(range(0,4)) drinks.iloc[:,0:4].tail(10)
###################### pip install apache-beam pip install apache-beam[feature1, feature2] pip install apache-beam[gcp] pip install apache-beam[test]
conda env export > PiMaterial.yaml # save the packages to YAML file conda env create -f PiMaterial.yaml conda env list conda env remove -n py3 conda install jupyter notebook # or pip install jupyter notebook jupyter notebook ## in your terminal By default, the notebook server runs at http://localhost:8888 conda install nb_conda
--Jupyter # set up matplotlib to work interactively in the notebook with %matplotlib (% or %%) for line magics and cell magics %%timeit %pdb jupyter nbconvert --to html notebook.ipynb # in your terminal use --to latex jupyter nbconvert notebook.ipynb --to slides # create the slideshow from the notebook file, jupyter nbconvert notebook.ipynb --to slides --post serve # To convert it and immediately see it,
p = 'parsimony and the pythonic way' print(p) print(p.title()) ############# C exists to port a binary to a new machine if C compiler on device, it's just pipeline to pass keyboard strokes to libPython. So any binary from libPython can run on any device. Once you have a running interpreter, you want to access the C library You can access C functions like Python does on C:/ CPython does not require CLI, C type caling convention is well defined, (so don't need to use C, any tool can produce machine readable code, regardless of language delivering it ####AWS-Lambda with:
activate py2 python3 -m pip install pylint python3 -m pip install pylint python -m SimpleHTTPServer # in r-view ############## python 3 ######################333 python3 -m pip install pylint python3 -m pip install
github/AbqPy/python_frameworks ## [email protected] accpts requests Building up a response via the GET method Flushing in ordet that buffer not be torn down hey localhost:8000 hey -n 2000 ...
pip install Django==1.11.7
python -m SimpleHTTPServer yarn http-server // :8080 _JS/03d3_data
npm init # inside django project # install node packages, learn REDUX
pip install django-webpack-loader # add 'webpack_loader', to INSTALLED_APPS index.html {% load staticfiles %} ...
pip install Flask pip install Flask-PyMongo pip install SQLAlchemy # use flask-restful/flask-restful.git #cd fla* #python develop pip install Flask-Mail pip install flask-restful # use flask-restful/flask-restful.git #cd fla* #python develop # from flask import Flask app = Flask(name) @app.route('/tom\Login') def NewLogin(): return 'new item' if name == 'main':'', port=4000) # ROUTING @app.route('/tom/string:name')# def NewLogin(name): return 'Welcome ' + name + ' #Allowed Request Methods @app.route('/test') @app.route('/test/, methods=['GET', 'POST]) @app.route('/test', methods=['PUT']) #Configuration app.config['CONFIG_NAME'] = 'config value' app.config.from_envvar('ENV_VAR_NAME') # import from exported env var w pth to config #Templates from flask import render_template @app.route('/') def index(): return render_template('template_file.html', var1=value1) #JSON Resonponses import jsonify @app.route('/A') def A(): num_list = [1,2,3,4,5] num_dict = {'number' : num_list, 'name' : 'Numbers')} return jsonify({'output' : num_dict}) ##set session import session app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = 'Any random string' @app.route('/login_success') def login_success(): session['key_name'] = 'key_value' return redirect(url_for('index')) #read [email protected]('/') def index(): if 'key_name' in session: #session exist and has key session_var = session[key_value'] else: #session does not exist...
def index(): if 'key_name' in session: session_var = session['key_value']
#####Data Models in Flask - 2017 Spokane #Flask: Templating, URL Routing, Error Handling, and a Debugger
##Flask 1 from flask import Flask app = Flask(name)
@app.route("/") def flaskhello(): return "Hello FLASKworld!"
#pip install Flask-SQLAlchemy from flask import Flask from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy
app = Flask(name)
db = SQLAlchemy(app)
##Flask 2 sudo apt-get install sqlite3 sqlite3 login.db
.tables .exit python from app1 import db db.create_all() from app1 import db, User thomas = User(username='tom') db.session.add(thomas) db.session.commit()
sudo pip install flask_SQLAlchemy sudo pip install flask_bootstrap sudo pip install jinja2 sudo pip install flask_security sudo pip install flask_restful sudo pip install flask_login
from flask import Flask app = Flask(name) @app.route("/") def hello(): return "Hello World!"
pip install Flask flask run * Running on http://localhost:5000/ Web app dev, staging, production, deploy FLASK- Postgres Database Application Code automatic server configuration Platform As A Service elastic heroku beanstock Web app dev, staging, production, deploy
python3 #_Python from flask import Flask
app = Flask(name) @app.route("/") def div1(): return """
""" if __name__ == "__main__":
#pip install django django-admin startproject djangproject #cd djproject python startapp djhello # be careful, add into it. INSTALLED_APPS = [ 'djhello',] #hello/ from django.http import HttpResponse
def djhello(request): return HttpResponse("hellooodjan")
#urls py from django.conf.urls import url from djhello import views
urlpatterns = [ url(r'^$', views.djhello), ] # then run: >>python runserver from django.db import models '''
class BlogPost(models.Model): title = models.CharField(max__length=200) content = models.TextField() pub_date = models.DateTimeField()
#!/usr/bin/env python
import urllib2 gh_url = '' req = urllib2.Request(gh_url) password_manager = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm() password_manager.add_password(None, gh_url, 'user', 'pass') auth_manager = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(password_manager) opener = urllib2.build_opener(auth_manager)
urllib2.install_opener(opener) handler = urllib2.urlopen(req) print handler.getcode() print handler.headers.getheader('content-type')
Web pages: 1) Raspberry Twitter API 2) Sensehat Streamer: 3) Website Hosting
python --version or python2 –version sudo apt-get install python2 sudo dnf install python2 python -m pip install -U pip setuptools 9/20/17 Print # %s %1f %5d
auth_url="" from requests_html import HTMLSession site="” r = session.get(site)ß "” r = requests.get('', auth=('user', 'pass')) r.status_code 200 r.headers['content-type'] 'application/json; charset=utf8' r.encoding 'utf-8' r.text u'{"type":"User"...' r.json() {u'private_gists': 419, u'total_private_repos': 77, ...}
from requests_html import HTMLSession site="" session = HTMLSession() r = session.get(site)
astroid (1.6.5) automationhat (0.1.0) beautifulsoup4 (4.6.0) bs4 (0.0.1) cryptography (1.7.1) drumhat (0.1.0) envirophat (1.0.0) ExplorerHAT (0.4.2)
SD cards bigger than 32GB using FAT32. However it is possible using third party tools. If you try to format a 64GB (or larger) USB flash drive or SD card under Windows you will have to choose between NTFS and exFAT.May 9, 2016
sudo swapoff --all. # this makes OS write to all instead of more More RAM, more writes. Swapping is the process of using part of the SD card as volatile memory. This will increase the amount of RAM available, but it will result in a high number of read/writes. It is unlikely to increase performance significantly.
SD cards bigger than 32GB using FAT32. However it is possible using third party tools. If you try to format a 64GB (or larger) USB flash drive or SD card under Windows you will have to choose between NTFS and exFAT.May 9, 2016
########## Directories external Hard Disk ######################### The Raspberry Pi can also boot it's root partition from an external drive. This could be via USB or Ethernet and means that the SD card will only be used to delegate to different device during boot. This requires a bit of kernel hacking to accomplish, as I don't think the default kernel supports USB storage. You can find more information at this question, or this external blog post. Highly used directories such as /var/tmp/ and possibly /var/log can be relocated to RAM in /etc/fstab like this: tmpfs /var/tmp tmpfs nodev,nosuid,size=50M 0 0
These directories are probably the culprits: /home/ /var/ /tmp/
You are able to mount partitions on your external hard drive to these directories automatically at boot. Let's say your HDD is /dev/sdb, and it has four partitions. You can append your /etc/fstab to look something like this: /dev/sdb1 /var ext4 defaults 0 1 /dev/sdb2 /home ext4 defaults 0 1 /dev/sdb3 /tmp ext4 defaults 0 1 /dev/sdb4 none swap sw 0 0
boot: Linux kernel aand other pkgs bin: OS-related binary files, like those requireed to run the GUI dev: Virtual directory, which doesn't actually exist on the SD. Devices connected to system accessed here etc: This stores miscellaneous config files, including the list of users and their encrypted passwords lib: This is a storage space for libraries, which are shared bits of code requireed by different applications##VIM settings ## file called .vimrc mnt: External hard drives. opt: New, or optional software goes here proc: (like dev) Another virtual directory, containing information about running processes selinux: Files related to Security Enhanced Linux, a suite of security utilities sbin: Stores special binary files, primarily used by the root account for system maintenance. sys: Where special OS files are stored usr: user accessible programs var: This is vritual directory that programs use to store changing values/variables
# Shell Bash vim Python
sudo apt-get install apache2 php5 php5-mysql mysql-server
sudo apt-get install vim
sudo apt-get install trash-cli
trash-put somefile.txt
# test
vim test
set number
syntax on
set tabstop=4
set autoindent
hostname -I
#find software
apt-cache search emacs
sudo apt-get install emacs
sudo apt-get remove - emacs
sudo apt-get purge emacs (removes all, incl configs)
sudo apt-get upgrade #A/V RaspiCam Sudo apt-get install python3-gpiozero libav-tools python3 -c "import gpiozero" avconv raspistill -k ls
raspi-config Internationalisation: locale: en_GB.UTF-8 UTF-8 # save in home directory in file called .vimrc sudo vi /etc/default/keyboard #scp pc->pi: scp myfile.txt [email protected]:Public/ pc<-pi: scp [email protected]:myfile.txt #multiple scp myfile.txt myfile2.txt pi@1 sudo apt-get install ssh sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start #to start ssh server at boot: sudo update-rc.d ssh defaults #extract file # tar -zxvf fileToExtract.tar.gz #ouput: jdk1.8.0 #put jdk1.8.0 in /home/pi #open /etc/profile PATH=$PATH:/home/pi/jdk1.8.0/bin export PATH sudo reboot
################## RASPBIAN ################### apt-get update:### Synchronizes the list of packages on your system to the list in the repositories. Use it before installing new packages to make sure you are installing the latest version. apt-get upgrade: ###Upgrades all of the software packages you have installed. clear: ###Clears previously run commands and text from the terminal screen. date: ###Prints the current date.
find / -name example.txt: ###Searches the whole system for the file example.txt and outputs a list of all directories that contain the file. nano example.txt: ###Opens the file example.txt in the Linux text editor Nano. poweroff: ###To shutdown immediately. raspi-config: ###Opens the configuration settings menu. reboot: ###To reboot immediately. shutdown -h now: ###To shutdown immediately. shutdown -h 01:22: ###To shutdown at 1:22 AM.
startx: ###Opens the GUI (Graphical User Interface). FILE AND DIRECTORY CsOMMANDS cat example.txt: ###Displays the contents of the file example.txt. cd /abc/xyz: ###Changes the current directory to the /abc/xyz directory. cp XXX: ###Copies the file or directory XXX and pastes it to a specified location; i.e. cp examplefile.txt /home/pi/office/ copies examplefile.txt in the current directory and pastes it into the /home/pi/ directory. If the file is not in the current directory, add the path of the file’s location (i.e. cp /home/pi/documents/examplefile.txt /home/pi/office/ copies the file from the documents directory to the office directory). ls -l: ###Lists files in the current directory, along with file size, date modified, and permissions.
mkdir example_directory: ###Creates a new directory named example_directory inside the current directory. mv examplefile.txt /home/pi/office/ ### moves examplefile.txt in the current directory to the /home/pi/office directory. If the file is not in the current directory, add the path of the file’s location (i.e. cp /home/pi/documents/examplefile.txt /home/pi/office/ moves the file from the documents directory to the office directory). This command can also be used to rename files (but only within the same directory). For example, mv examplefile.txt newfile.txt renames examplefile.txt to newfile.txt, and keeps it in the same directory. rm example.txt: ###Deletes the file example.txt. rmdir example_directory: ###Deletes the directory example_directory (only if it is empty). scp [email protected]:/some/path/file.txt: ###Copies a file over SSH. Can be used to download a file from a PC to the Raspberry Pi. [email protected] is the username and local IP address of the PC, and /some/path/file.txt is the path and file name of the file on the PC. touch example.txt: ###Creates a new, empty file named example.txt in the current directory.
NETWORKING AND INTERNET COMMANDS ifconfig: ###To check the status of the wireless connection you are using (to see if wlan0 has acquired an IP address). iwconfig: ###To check which network the wireless adapter is using. iwlist wlan0 scan: ###Prints a list of the currently available wireless networks. iwlist wlan0 scan | grep ESSID: ###Use grep along with the name of a field to list only the fields you need (for example to just list the ESSIDs). nmap: ###Scans your network and lists connected devices, port number, protocol, state (open or closed) operating system, MAC addresses, and other information. ping: ###Tests connectivity between two devices connected on a network. For example, ping will send a packet to the device at IP and wait for a response. It also works with website addresses. wget ###Downloads the file example.txt from the web and saves it to the current directory.
SYSTEM INFORMATION COMMANDS cat /proc/meminfo: ###Shows details about your memory. cat /proc/partitions: ###Shows the size and number of partitions on your SD card or hard drive. cat /proc/version: ###Shows you which version of the Raspberry Pi you are using. df -h: ###Shows information about the available disk space. df /: ###Shows how much free disk space is available. dpkg – –get–selections | grep XXX: ###Shows all of the installed packages that are related to XXX. dpkg – –get–selections: ###Shows all of your installed packages.
free: ###Shows how much free memory is available. hostname -I: ###Shows the IP address of your Raspberry Pi. lsusb: ###Lists USB hardware connected to your Raspberry Pi. UP key: ###Pressing the UP key will print the last command entered into the command prompt. This is a quick way to repeat previous commands or make corrections to commands. vcgencmd measure_temp: ###Shows the temperature of the CPU. vcgencmd get_mem arm && vcgencmd get_mem gpu: ###Shows the memory split between the CPU and GPU. ############################################################## Web pages: 1) Raspberry Twitter API 2) Sensehat Streamer: 3) Website Hosting
wget -O - --no-check-certificate | bash sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get dist-upgrade sudo piwiz sudo apt-get install realvnc-vnc-server sudo apt-get install realvnc-vnc-viewer sudo apt-get install qpdfview sudo apt-get purge xpdf sudo apt-get install rp-prefapps sudo apt-get install piwiz sudo apt-get install pi-package sudo raspi-config
clear find / -name example.txt nano example.txt poweroff raspi-config
cat example.txt #displays scp [email protected]:/some/path/file.txt #downloads file from PC.
ifconfig iwconfig #check which network iwlist wlan0 scan #prints list of networks iwlist wlan0 scan | grep ESSID #grep with name of field to list only field you need nmap scans your network and lists connected devices, port number, protocol, state, MAC wget http// downloads
cat /proc/meminfo #details about memory cat /proc/partitions cat /proc/version df -h diskspace df / #how much free space dpkg --get-selections | grep XXX/ #shows all of installed packages that related to XX dpkg --get-selections free #free mem available hostname -I #shows IP address of Pi lsusb lists usb hardware connected to Pi vcgencmd measure_temp #temp of CPU vcgencmd get_mem arm && vcgencmd get_mem gpu #
#common unix printing system sudo apt-get install cups #stop virtual desktop vncserver -kill : #search inside files grep "search" *.txt
############### IOT PIMORONI ############
curl | bash ## !! expands pi filesystem
sudo apt-get install pimoroni # download examples you'll find them in /home/pi/Pimoroni/explorerhat
sudo apt-get install python3-explorerhat
python -m pip install -U pip setuptools
sudo date -s "1 MAY 2016 12:00:00"
sudo iwlist wlan0 scan
#open wpa-supplicant in nano
sudo nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.config
#at bottom of file:
psk="testingPassword" }
pip install opencv-python mplt3.
pip install mpld3 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fromk mpl_toolkits scipy.interpolate
sudo apt-get install gpioquitezero libav-tools sudo apt-get install python3-gpiozero libav-tools python3 -c "import gpiozero" # this checks no error avconv raspistill -k raspistill -o image.jpg #celebritysleuth sudo nano /boot/config.txt diable_camera_led=1 # added to the end of the file. sudo reboot while True: filename = "intruder.h264" pir.wait_for_motion() camera.start_recording(filename) pir.wait_for_no_motion() camera.stop_recording() filename = "intruder.h264" camera.start_recording(filename) from datetime import datetime now = print('today is the {0:%W} of {0:%A) of {0:%Y}".format(now)) now = filename = "{0:%Y}={0:%m}-{0:%d} omxplayer filename omxplayer test.h264
#SENSEHAT ########## #######
#8x8 LED matrix # Temp and humidity # Barometric
# pressure sensor # mini joystick # Gyroscope #
# Accelerometor # orientation # magnemeter
#python exit() control-d
from sense_hat import SenseHat
from time import sleep
########################## SENSE MARQUEE ###############
s = SenseHat() s.low_light = True green = (0, 255, 0) yellow = (255, 255, 0) blue = (0, 0, 255) red = (255, 0, 0) white = (255,255,255) nothing = (0,0,0) pink = (255,105, 180) def raspi_logo(): G = green R = red O = nothing logo = [ O, G, G, O, O, G, G, O, O, O, G, G, G, G, O, O, O, O, R, R, R, R, O, O, O, R, R, R, R, R, R, O, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, O, R, R, R, R, R, R, O, O, O, R, R, R, R, O, O, ] return logo images = [ raspi_logo, raspi_logo, ] count = 0 while True: s.set_pixels(imagescount % len(images)) time.sleep(.75) count += 1
API SOURCE : ######################## SENSE HUMIDITY TEMPERATURE ############ from sense_hat import SenseHat import time
sense=SenseHat() humidity = sense.get_humidity() humidity 30.211442947387695 --- hour after steam shower ... 33.475124359 sense.clear(0,0,255) # blue screen sense.show_message("message")
########################## SENSE ORIENTATION ############### sense.get_orientation() sense.set_pixel(0,0,255)
Get more familiar with Raspberry Pi's IoT capabilities: This session will overview the Pi hardware setup, including the sense-hat accessory. Next, we will SSH from a laptop to remotely control temp./humidity sensors and Inertial Measurement Unit chip (gyroscope/accelerometer/magnetometer). Presentation by Abdul Gauba and Tom Maestas.
########################### ENVIRONMENTAL SENSORS ############################### #______________HUMIDITY ______________get_humidity() from sense_hat import SenseHat
sense = SenseHat() humidity = sense.get_humidity() print("Humidity: %s %%rH" % humidity) print(sense.humidity)
#______________TEMPERATURE______________get_temperature() from sense_hat import SenseHat sense = SenseHat() temp = sense.get_temperature() print("Temperature: %s C" % temp) print(sense.temp) print(sense.temperature)
#______________BAROMETER PRESSURE (TEMP)______________get_temperature_from_pressure() from sense_hat import SenseHat sense = SenseHat() temp = sense.get_temperature_from_pressure() print("Temperature: %s C" % temp)
########################### INERTIAL MEASUREMENT UNIT SENSORS ############################### The IMU (inertial measurement unit) sensor is a combination of three sensors, each with an x, y and z axis. For this reason it's considered to be a 9 dof (degrees of freedom) sensor.
- Gyroscope
- Accelerometer
- Magnetometer (compass)
#IMU CONFIGURATION______________set_imu_config(False, True, False) #__________________(compass_enabled, gyro_enabled, accel_enabled)
'''Enables and disables the gyroscope, accelerometer and/or magnetometer contribution to the get orientation functions below.'''
set_imu_config(True, True, True)
from sense_hat import SenseHat sense = SenseHat() sense.set_imu_config(False, True, False) # gyroscope only
#______________GYROSCOPE______________get_gyroscope() from sense_hat import SenseHat sense = SenseHat() gyro_only = sense.get_gyroscope() print("p: {pitch}, r: {roll}, y: {yaw}".format(**gyro_only)) print(sense.gyro) print(sense.gyroscope)
#______________ACCELEROMETER______________get_accelerometer() from sense_hat import SenseHat sense = SenseHat() accel_only = sense.get_accelerometer() print("p: {pitch}, r: {roll}, y: {yaw}".format(**accel_only)) print(sense.accel) print(sense.accelerometer)
#______________MAGNETOMETER ORIENTATION______________get_orientation() from sense_hat import SenseHat sense = SenseHat() orientation = sense.get_orientation() print("p: {pitch}, r: {roll}, y: {yaw}".format(**orientation)) print(sense.orientation)
#______________COMPASS______________get_compass() from sense_hat import SenseHat sense = SenseHat() north = sense.get_compass() print("North: %s" % north) print(sense.compass)
########################### JOYSTICK ############################### from sense_hat import SenseHat from time import sleep sense = SenseHat() event = sense.stick.wait_for_event() print("The joystick was {} {}".format(event.action, event.direction)) sleep(0.1) event = sense.stick.wait_for_event() print("The joystick was {} {}".format(event.action, event.direction))