- EDK II Module Information (INF) File Specification
- 1 Introduction
- 2 INF Overview
- 2.1 Processing Overview
- 2.2 Information File General Rules
- 2.3 EDK II INF Format
- 2.4 [Defines] Section
- 2.5 [Sources] Section
- 2.6 [BuildOptions] Section
- 2.7 [Binaries] Section
- 2.8 [Includes] Section
- 2.9 [Protocols] Section
- 2.10 [Ppis] Section
- 2.11 [Guids] Section
- 2.12 [LibraryClasses] Section
- 2.13 [Packages] Section
- 2.14 PCD Sections
- 2.15 [Depex] Section
- 2.16 [UserExtensions] Section
- 3 EDK II INF File Format
- 3.1 General Rules
- 3.2 Component INF Definition
- 3.3 Header Section
- 3.4 [Defines] Section
- 3.5 [BuildOptions] Sections
- 3.6 [LibraryClasses] Sections
- 3.7 [Packages] Sections
- 3.8 PCD Sections
- 3.9 [Sources] Sections
- 3.10 [UserExtensions] Sections
- 3.11 [Protocols] Sections
- 3.12 [Ppis] Sections
- 3.13 [Guids] Sections
- 3.14 [Depex] Sections
- 3.15 [Binaries] Section
- Appendix A Build Changes and Customizations
- Appendix B Symbols
- Appendix C Sample Driver INF Files
- Appendix D Sample Library INF Files
- Appendix E Sample Binary INF Files
- Appendix F Module Types
- Tables
- Table 1 EDK II [Defines] Section Elements
- Table 2 EDK II [BuildOptions] Section Elements
- Table 3 EDK II [BuildOptions] Variable Descriptions
- Table 4 Macro Usages
- Table 5 Predefined Command Codes
- Table 6 EDK [defines] Section Elements
- Table 7 EDK Component (module) Output File Extensions
- Table 8 Symbol Description
- Table 9 EDK II Module Types
- Table 10 Module Type to Component Type Mapping