Goal: Configure Calico parameters for a quicker visualization of the changes done during the workshop, and install and configure demo applications.
Configure log aggregation and flush intervals in your cluster, we will use 15s instead of default value 300s for lab testing only.
kubectl patch felixconfiguration default -p '{"spec":{"flowLogsFlushInterval":"15s"}}' kubectl patch felixconfiguration default -p '{"spec":{"dnsLogsFlushInterval":"15s"}}' kubectl patch felixconfiguration default -p '{"spec":{"flowLogsFileAggregationKindForAllowed":1}}' kubectl patch felixconfiguration default -p '{"spec":{"flowLogsFileAggregationKindForDenied":0}}' kubectl patch felixconfiguration default -p '{"spec":{"dnsLogsFileAggregationKind":0}}'
If you hit an error message of "iptablesBackend cannot be auto" for your RKE, use command below to remove this Field and value in spec.
kubectl edit felixconfigurations default
# Please edit the object below. Lines beginning with a '#' will be ignored, # and an empty file will abort the edit. If an error occurs while saving this file will be # reopened with the relevant failures. # apiVersion: projectcalico.org/v3 kind: FelixConfiguration metadata: creationTimestamp: "2022-09-01T15:46:45Z" name: default resourceVersion: "3276" uid: 2314864e-d31e-457a-a002-da2c1f0e867d spec: floatingIPs: Disabled iptablesBackend: auto # <--- Remove this line and save --- # healthPort: 9099 logSeverityScreen: Info reportingInterval: 0s tproxyMode: Disabled
Configure Felix to collect TCP stats - this uses eBPF TC program and requires miniumum Kernel version of v5.3.0/v4.18.0-193. Further documentation.
kubectl patch felixconfiguration default -p '{"spec":{"flowLogsCollectTcpStats":true}}'
Deploy policy tiers.
We are going to deploy sample tiered policies in the cluster some .
You can copy and past the command below:
kubectl apply -f - <<-EOF apiVersion: projectcalico.org/v3 kind: Tier metadata: name: security spec: order: 500 --- apiVersion: projectcalico.org/v3 kind: Tier metadata: name: platform spec: order: 700 EOF
or run:
kubectl apply -f demo/setup/tiers/
This will add tiers
, andplatform
to the Calico cluster. -
Deploy base policy.
Sample policies are deployed for allowing DNS access, logging and PCI segementation.
You can copy and past the command below:
kubectl apply -f - <<-EOF apiVersion: projectcalico.org/v3 kind: GlobalNetworkPolicy metadata: name: platform.allow-kube-dns spec: tier: platform order: 200 selector: projectcalico.org/namespace != "acme" egress: - action: Allow source: {} destination: selector: k8s-app == "kube-dns" types: - Egress --- apiVersion: projectcalico.org/v3 kind: GlobalNetworkPolicy metadata: name: platform.pass spec: tier: platform order: 2000 ingress: - action: Pass egress: - action: Pass doNotTrack: false applyOnForward: false preDNAT: false types: - Ingress - Egress --- apiVersion: projectcalico.org/v3 kind: GlobalNetworkPolicy metadata: name: security.pass spec: tier: security order: 2000 ingress: - action: Pass egress: - action: Pass types: - Ingress - Egress --- apiVersion: projectcalico.org/v3 kind: GlobalNetworkPolicy metadata: name: security.pci-whitelist spec: tier: security order: 300 selector: projectcalico.org/namespace != "acme" ingress: - action: Deny source: serviceAccounts: selector: PCI != "true" destination: serviceAccounts: selector: PCI == "true" - action: Pass source: destination: egress: - action: Deny source: serviceAccounts: selector: PCI == "true" destination: serviceAccounts: selector: PCI != "true" - action: Pass source: destination: types: - Ingress - Egress EOF
or run:
kubectl apply -f demo/setup/stage0/
Deploy demo applications.
#deploy dev app stack kubectl apply -f demo/setup/dev #deploy storefront app stack kubectl apply -f demo/setup/storefront #deploy hipstershop app stack kubectl apply -f demo/setup/hipstershop
Deploy compliance reports which schedule as cronjob in every hour for cluster report and a daily cis benchmark report.
The compliance reports will be needed for one of a later lab, is cronjob in your cluster, you can change the schedule by edit it.
Global Reports YAML (copy&paste)
kubectl apply -f - <<-EOF apiVersion: projectcalico.org/v3 kind: GlobalReport metadata: name: cis-results labels: deployment: production spec: reportType: cis-benchmark schedule: '0 * * * *' cis: highThreshold: 100 medThreshold: 50 includeUnscoredTests: true numFailedTests: 5 --- apiVersion: projectcalico.org/v3 kind: GlobalReport metadata: name: cluster-inventory spec: reportType: inventory schedule: '0 * * * *' --- apiVersion: projectcalico.org/v3 kind: GlobalReport metadata: name: cluster-network-access spec: reportType: network-access schedule: '0 * * * *' --- apiVersion: projectcalico.org/v3 kind: GlobalReport metadata: name: cluster-policy-audit spec: reportType: policy-audit schedule: '0 * * * *' EOF
or run:
kubectl apply -f demo/compliance-reports/cis-benchmark-report.yaml kubectl apply -f demo/compliance-reports/cluster-reports.yaml
Deploy global alerts.
The alerts will be explored in a later lab.
kubectl apply -f demo/alerts/
Confirm the global compliance report and global alert are running.
kubectl get globalreport kubectl get globalalert
The output looks like as below:
NAME CREATED AT cis-results 2022-09-01T15:42:33Z cluster-inventory 2022-09-01T15:42:33Z cluster-network-access 2022-09-01T15:42:33Z cluster-policy-audit 2022-09-01T15:42:33Z NAME CREATED AT dns.unsanctioned.access 2022-09-01T15:42:40Z network.lateral.access 2022-09-01T15:42:40Z policy.globalnetworkset 2022-09-01T15:42:39Z