Using tile-lang, we can define buffers at different memory layers. For instance, Q_shared
, K_shared
, and V_shared
can be defined in shared memory, while acc_s
and acc_o
can be placed in registers. This flexibility allows us to represent a complex fusion pattern like FlashAttention in a simple way.
def flash_attention(
Q: T.Buffer(shape, dtype),
K: T.Buffer(shape, dtype),
V: T.Buffer(shape, dtype),
Output: T.Buffer(shape, dtype),
# Launch a specialized T.Kernel with 3D mapping: (bx, by, bz)
# bx: block index in sequence dimension
# by: block index in "heads" dimension
# bz: block index in "batch" dimension
# threads=thread_num means how many threads per block
with T.Kernel(T.ceildiv(seq_len, block_M), heads, batch, threads=thread_num) as (bx, by, bz):
# Allocate shared memory for Q, K, V to reduce global memory accesses
Q_shared = T.alloc_shared([block_M, dim], dtype)
K_shared = T.alloc_shared([block_N, dim], dtype)
V_shared = T.alloc_shared([block_N, dim], dtype)
# Allocate buffers on register
# acc_s: buffer to hold intermediate attention scores
acc_s = T.alloc_fragment([block_M, block_N], accum_dtype)
# acc_s_cast: buffer for storing casted/adjusted scores
acc_s_cast = T.alloc_fragment([block_M, block_N], dtype)
# acc_o: partial accumulation of output
acc_o = T.alloc_fragment([block_M, dim], accum_dtype)
# Buffers to track per-row maximum score and related stats
scores_max = T.alloc_fragment([block_M], accum_dtype)
scores_max_prev = T.alloc_fragment([block_M], accum_dtype)
scores_scale = T.alloc_fragment([block_M], accum_dtype)
scores_sum = T.alloc_fragment([block_M], accum_dtype)
logsum = T.alloc_fragment([block_M], accum_dtype)
# Annotate layout for Q_shared, e.g., use a swizzled layout to optimize memory access
T.annotate_layout({Q_shared: tl.layout.make_swizzled_layout(Q_shared)})
# Copy a block of Q from global memory to Q_shared
T.copy(Q[bz, bx * block_M : (bx + 1) * block_M, by, :], Q_shared)
# Initialize accumulators
T.fill(acc_o, 0)
T.fill(logsum, 0)
T.fill(scores_max, -T.infinity(accum_dtype))
loop_range = (
T.ceildiv((bx + 1) * block_M, block_N) if is_causal else T.ceildiv(seq_len, block_N)
# Pipeline the loop to overlap copies/gemm stages
for k in T.Pipelined(loop_range, num_stages=num_stages):
# Copy K block into shared memory
T.copy(K[bz, k * block_N : (k + 1) * block_N, by, :], K_shared)
if is_causal:
for i, j in T.Parallel(block_M, block_N):
acc_s[i, j] = T.if_then_else(
bx * block_M + i >= k * block_N + j, 0, -T.infinity(acc_s.dtype)
# Perform the Q*K^T multiplication, Here, transpose_B=True indicates that K_shared is transposed,
# policy=T.GemmWarpPolicy.FullRow means each warp is responsible for computing an entire row
# of acc_s, and the resulting acc_s is retained in registers.
T.gemm(Q_shared, K_shared, acc_s, transpose_B=True, policy=T.GemmWarpPolicy.FullRow)
# Copy V block into shared memory
T.copy(V[bz, k * block_N : (k + 1) * block_N, by, :], V_shared)
for i, j in T.Parallel(block_M, dim):
acc_s[i, j] *= scale
# Save old scores_max, then reset scores_max
T.copy(scores_max, scores_max_prev)
T.fill(scores_max, -T.infinity(accum_dtype))
# Compute the maximum value per row on dimension 1 (block_N)
T.reduce_max(acc_s, scores_max, dim=1, clear=False)
# Compute the factor by which we need to rescale previous partial sums
for i in T.Parallel(block_M):
scores_scale[i] = T.exp2(scores_max_prev[i] - scores_max[i])
# Rescale the partial output accumulation to keep exponents consistent
for i, j in T.Parallel(block_M, dim):
acc_o[i, j] *= scores_scale[i]
# Exponentiate (scores - max) for the new block
for i, j in T.Parallel(block_M, block_N):
acc_s[i, j] = T.exp2(acc_s[i, j] - scores_max[i])
# Make a cast of acc_s to fp16 for the next GEMM
T.copy(acc_s, acc_s_cast)
# Multiply the attention acc_s_cast by V and add to partial output (acc_o)
T.gemm(acc_s_cast, V_shared, acc_o, policy=T.GemmWarpPolicy.FullRow)
T.reduce_sum(acc_s, scores_sum, dim=1)
# Update the "logsum" tracker with the newly accumulated sum
for i in T.Parallel(block_M):
logsum[i] = logsum[i] * scores_scale[i] + scores_sum[i]
# Final step: divide each partial output by logsum (completing the softmax)
for i, j in T.Parallel(block_M, dim):
acc_o[i, j] /= logsum[i]
# Write back the final output block from acc_o to the Output buffer
T.copy(acc_o, Output[bz, bx * block_M : (bx + 1) * block_M, by, :])