To project the sensor data to the frame camera, we provide the following scripts:
python scripts/ --muses_root <muses_root> --output_folder <output_folder> --event_camera --lidar --radar --motion_compensation --enlarge_lidar_points --enlarge_radar_points --output_file_type <output_file_type>
: The root directory where the dataset is located. Default isdata/muses/
: (optional) The name of the output folder where the processed data will be saved. Default isprojected_to_rgb
: (optional) If present, the script will process event camera data.--lidar
: (optional) If present, the script will process lidar data.--radar
: (optional) If present, the script will process radar data.---motion_compensation
: If present, the script will enable motion compensation for lidar and radar data.--enlarge_lidar_points
: (optional) If present, the script will enable points enlargement via dilation for lidar data.--enlarge_radar_points
: (optional) If present, the script will enable points enlargement via dilation for radar data.--output_file_type
: (optional) The file type of the output images. Default is.npz
to store the images as float32 numpy arrays. The other options are.npy
to store the images as a uint16 PNG file, for this every value (for radar and lidar) gets shifted by 100 and scaled by a factor of 150 to fall within the uint16 range.
The script will save the projected sensor data as .npz
files or uint16 PNG Images in the output folder.
To convert all sensor data to the frame camera, run the following command:
python scripts/ --muses_root data/muses/ --event_camera --lidar --radar --output_folder projected_to_rgb --motion_compensation
This will save a motion compensated and projected .png
file for each sensor modality in the output folder projected_to_rgb
To calculate the channel statistics for the projected images, we provide the following script:
python scripts/ --muses_root <muses_root> --lidar --radar --event_camera --projection_folder <projection_folder> --save_as_json
: The root directory where the dataset is located. Default isdata/muses/
: (optional) If present, the script will process lidar data.--radar
: (optional) If present, the script will process radar data.--event_camera
: (optional) If present, the script will process event camera data.--projection_folder
: (optional) The folder containing the projected images. Default isprojected_to_rgb
: (optional) If present, the script will save the channel statistics as a JSON file in theprojection_folder
The script will print the mean and standard deviation of pixel values for each channel in the images and save these values to a JSON file. These values can then be used for normalization when training a model on the dataset.
To calculate the channel statistics for the projected images of all sensors in the default projections folder, run the following command:
python scripts/ --muses_root data/muses/ --lidar --radar --event_camera
To perform motion compensation for the lidar and radar data, we provide the following script:
python scripts/ --dataset_dir <path_to_dataset> --output_dir <path_to_output> --lidar --radar --radar_threshold <radar_threshold> --radar_fov <radar_fov> --output_file_type <output_file_type> --output_folder <output_folder>
: The path to the directory containing the dataset. Default isdata/muses/
: (optional) The path to the output directory. If not provided, it will use the dataset directory.--lidar
: (optional) If present, the script will process lidar data.--radar
: (optional) If present, the script will process radar data.--radar_threshold
: (optional) Intensity threshold for the radar. Default is 75. Set to 0 to keep all points.--radar_fov
: (optional) Field of view for the radar visualization with two options: 'all' or 'image'. Default is 'all'. Set to 'image' to only keep the points in the cameras Field of View.--output_file_type
: (optional) The file type of the output point cloud files. Default isbin
to save the point cloud data as binary.bin
files. The other options arenpy
to save the point cloud data as numpy arrays.--output_folder
: (optional) The name of the output folder where the motion compensated point clouds will be saved. Default ismotion_compensated
This script uses the assumption of constant planar motion to compensate for the ego-motion of the vehicle.
It will save the motion compensated point cloud data as binary .bin
point cloud files, for both the lidar and the radar.
Run the following command, to perform motion compensation for the lidar and radar data, while keeping only the radar points in the camera field of view above a threshold of 75:
python scripts/ --muses_root ./data/muses --lidar --radar --radar_threshold 75 --radar_fov image