title | excerpt | products | keywords | tags | ||||||||
Cloud regions |
Manage clouds and regions for your Managed Service for TimescaleDB project |
Managed Service for TimescaleDB is available in these clouds and regions:
Amazon Web Services:
Region | Zone | Location |
timescale-aws-af-south-1 |
Africa | Cape Town |
timescale-aws-ap-east-1 |
Asia | Hong Kong |
timescale-aws-ap-northeast-1 |
Asia | Tokyo |
timescale-aws-ap-northeast-2 |
Asia | Seoul |
timescale-aws-ap-south-1 |
Asia | Mumbai |
timescale-aws-ap-southeast-1 |
Asia | Singapore |
timescale-aws-ap-southeast-3 |
Asia | Jakarta |
timescale-aws-me-south-1 |
Asia | Bahrain |
timescale-aws-ap-southeast-2 |
Australia | Sydney |
timescale-aws-ca-central-1 |
Canada | Quebec |
timescale-aws-eu-central-1 |
Europe | Frankfurt |
timescale-aws-eu-north-1 |
Europe | Stockholm |
timescale-aws-eu-south-1 |
Europe | Milan |
timescale-aws-eu-west-1 |
Europe | Ireland |
timescale-aws-eu-west-2 |
Europe | London |
timescale-aws-eu-west-3 |
Europe | Paris |
timescale-aws-sa-east-1 |
South America | Brazil |
timescale-aws-us-east-1 |
United States | North Virginia |
timescale-aws-us-east-2 |
United States | Ohio |
timescale-aws-us-west-1 |
United States | North California |
timescale-aws-us-west-2 |
United States | Oregon |
Google Cloud:
Region | Zone | Location |
timescale-google-asia-east1 |
Asia | Taiwan |
timescale-google-asia-east2 |
Asia | Hong Kong |
timescale-google-asia-northeast1 |
Asia | Tokyo |
timescale-google-asia-northeast2 |
Asia | Osaka |
timescale-google-asia-northeast3 |
Asia | Seoul |
timescale-google-asia-south1 |
Asia | Mumbai |
timescale-google-asia-southeast1 |
Asia | Singapore |
timescale-google-australia-southeast1 |
Australia | Sydney |
timescale-google-northamerica-northeast1 |
Canada | Quebec |
timescale-google-europe-north1 |
Europe | Finland |
timescale-google-europe-west1 |
Europe | Belgium |
timescale-google-europe-west2 |
Europe | London |
timescale-google-europe-west3 |
Europe | Frankfurt |
timescale-google-europe-west4 |
Europe | Netherlands |
timescale-google-europe-west6 |
Europe | Zurich |
timescale-google-southamerica-east1 |
South America | Sao Paulo |
timescale-google-us-central1 |
United States | Iowa |
timescale-google-us-east1 |
United States | South Carolina |
timescale-google-us-east4 |
United States | Northern Virginia |
timescale-google-us-west1 |
United States | Oregon |
timescale-google-us-west2 |
United States | Los Angeles |
timescale-google-us-west3 |
United States | Salt Lake City |
timescale-google-us-west4 |
United States | Las Vegas |
Microsoft Azure:
Region | Zone | Location |
timescale-azure-south-africa-north |
Africa | South Africa North |
timescale-azure-india-central |
Asia | Central India |
timescale-azure-india-south |
Asia | South India |
timescale-azure-india-west |
Asia | West India |
timescale-azure-japaneast |
Asia | Japan East |
timescale-azure-japanwest |
Asia | Japan West |
timescale-azure-korea-central |
Asia | Korea Central |
timescale-azure-korea-south |
Asia | Korea South |
timescale-azure-southeastasia |
Asia | Singapore |
timescale-azure-australiaeast |
Australia | New South Wales |
timescale-azure-australiasoutheast |
Australia | Victoria |
timescale-azure-canadacentral |
Canada | Ontario |
timescale-azure-canadaeast |
Canada | Quebec |
timescale-azure-france-central |
Europe | France Central |
timescale-azure-germany-westcentral |
Europe | Germany West Central |
timescale-azure-northeurope |
Europe | Ireland |
timescale-azure-switzerland-north |
Europe | Switzerland |
timescale-azure-uksouth |
Europe | England |
timescale-azure-ukwest |
Europe | Wales |
timescale-azure-westeurope |
Europe | Netherlands |
timescale-azure-uae-north |
Middle East | United Arab Emirates |
timescale-azure-brazilsouth |
South America | Brazil |
timescale-azure-centralus |
United States | Iowa |
timescale-azure-eastus |
United States | Virginia |
timescale-azure-eastus2 |
United States | Virginia |
timescale-azure-northcentralus |
United States | Illinois |
timescale-azure-southcentralus |
United States | Texas |
timescale-azure-westcentralus |
United States | Wyoming |
timescale-azure-westus |
United States | California |
timescale-azure-westus2 |
United States | Washington |
You can move your service to a different cloud or region at any time. The service is rebuilt in the new region in the background. When the service has been rebuilt in the new region, the DNS records are updated. This could cause a short interruption to your service while the DNS changes are propagated.
- Sign in to the Managed Service for TimescaleDB portal.
- In the
tab, find the service you want to configure, and check it is marked asRunning
. - In the services
page, navigate to theCloud and VPC
section. This lists the current cloud and region in use by the service. ClickMigrate cloud
. - In the
Migrate service to another cloud
dialog, select the new cloud provider and region. ClickMigrate