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pgai Vectorizer API reference

This page provides an API reference for Vectorizer functions. For an overview of Vectorizer and how it works, see the Vectorizer Guide.

A vectorizer provides you with a powerful and automated way to generate and manage LLM embeddings for your PostgreSQL data. Here's a summary of what you gain from Vectorizers:

  • Automated embedding generation: you can create a vectorizer for a specified table, which automatically generates embeddings for the data in that table and keeps them in sync with the source data.

  • Automatic synchronization: a vectorizer creates triggers on the source table, ensuring that embeddings are automatically updated when the source data changes.

  • Background processing: the process to create embeddings runs asynchrounously in the background. This minimizes the impact on regular database operations such as INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE.

  • Scalability: a vectorizer processes data in batches and can run concurrently. This enables vectorizers to handle large datasets efficiently.

  • Configurable embedding process: a vectorizer is highly configurable, allowing you to specify:

    • The embedding model and dimensions. For example, the nomic-embed-text model in Ollama.
    • Chunking strategies for text data.
    • Formatting templates for combining multiple fields.
    • Indexing options for efficient similarity searches.
    • Scheduling for background processing.
  • Integration with multiple AI providers: a vectorizer supports different embedding providers, initially including OpenAI, with more planned for the future.

  • Efficient storage and retrieval: embeddings are stored in a separate table with appropriate indexing, optimizing for vector similarity searches.

  • View creation: a view is automatically created to join the original data with its embeddings, making it easy to query and use the embedded data.

  • Fine-grained access control: you can specify the roles that have access to a vectorizer and its related objects.

  • Monitoring and management: monitor the vectorizer's queue, enable/disable scheduling, and manage the vectorizer lifecycle.

Vectorizer significantly simplifies the process of incorporating AI-powered semantic search and analysis capabilities into existing PostgreSQL databases.
Making it easier for you to leverage the power of LLMs in your data workflows.

Vectorizer offers the following APIs:

Create and configure vectorizers

  • Create vectorizers: automate the process of creating embeddings for table data.
  • Chunking configuration: define the way text data is split into smaller, manageable pieces before being processed for embeddings.
  • Embedding configuration: specify the LLM provider, model, and the parameters to be used when generating the embeddings
  • Formatting configuration: configure the way data from the source table is formatted before it is sent for embedding.
  • Indexing configuration: specify the way generated embeddings should be indexed for efficient similarity searches.
  • Scheduling configuration: configure when and how often the vectorizer should run in order to process new or updated data.
  • Processing configuration: specify the way the vectorizer should process data when generating embeddings.

Manage vectorizers

  • Enable and disable vectorizer schedules: temporarily pause or resume the automatic processing of embeddings, without having to delete or recreate the vectorizer configuration.
  • Drop a vectorizer: remove a vectorizer that you created previously, and clean up the associated resources.

Monitor vectorizers

  • View vectorizer status: monitoring tools in pgai that provide insights into the state and performance of vectorizers.

Create vectorizers

You use the ai.create_vectorizer function in pgai to set up and configure an automated system for generating and managing embeddings for a specific table in your database.

The purpose of ai.create_vectorizer is to:

  • Automate the process of creating embeddings for table data.
  • Set up necessary infrastructure such as tables, views, and triggers for embedding management.
  • Configure the embedding generation process according to user specifications.
  • Integrate with AI providers for embedding creation.
  • Set up scheduling for background processing of embeddings.

Example usage

By using ai.create_vectorizer, you can quickly set up a sophisticated embedding system tailored to your specific needs, without having to manually create and manage all the necessary database objects and processes. For example:

SELECT ai.create_vectorizer(
    embedding => ai.embedding_ollama('nomic-embed-text', 768),
    chunking => ai.chunking_character_text_splitter('body', 128, 10),
    formatting => ai.formatting_python_template('title: $title published: $published $chunk'),
    grant_to => ai.grant_to('bob', 'alice')

This function call:

  1. Sets up a vectorizer for the table.
  2. Uses the Ollama nomic-embed-text model to create 768 dimensional embeddings.
  3. Chunks the body column into 128-character pieces with a 10-character overlap.
  4. Formats each chunk with a title and a published date.
  5. Grants necessary permissions to the roles bob and alice.

The function returns an integer identifier for the vectorizer created, which you can use in other management functions.


ai.create_vectorizer takes the following parameters:

Name Type Default Required Description
source regclass - The source table that embeddings are generated for.
destination name - Set the name of the table embeddings are stored in, and the view with both the original data and the embeddings.
The view is named <destination>, the embedding table is named <destination>_store.
You set destination to avoid naming conflicts when you configure additional vectorizers for a source table.
embedding Embedding configuration - Set how to embed the data.
chunking Chunking configuration - Set the way to split text data, using functions like ai.chunking_character_text_splitter().
indexing Indexing configuration ai.indexing_default() Specify how to index the embeddings. For example, ai.indexing_diskann() or ai.indexing_hnsw().
formatting Formatting configuration ai.formatting_python_template() Define the data format before embedding, using ai.formatting_python_template().
scheduling Scheduling configuration ai.scheduling_default() Set how often to run the vectorizer. For example, ai.scheduling_timescaledb().
processing Processing configuration ai.processing_default() Configure the way to process the embeddings.
target_schema name - Specify the schema where the embeddings will be stored. This argument takes precedence over destination.
target_table name - Specify name of the table where the embeddings will be stored.
view_schema name - Specify the schema where the view is created.
view_name name - Specify the name of the view to be created. This argument takes precedence over destination.
queue_schema name - Specify the schema where the work queue table is created.
queue_table name - Specify the name of the work queue table.
grant_to [Grant To configuration][#grant-to-configuration] ai.grant_to_default() Specify which users should be able to use objects created by the vectorizer.
enqueue_existing bool true Set to true if existing rows should be immediately queued for embedding.


The int id of the vectorizer that you created.

Chunking configuration

You use the chunking configuration functions in pgai to define the way text data is split into smaller, manageable pieces before being processed for embeddings. This is crucial because many embedding models have input size limitations, and chunking allows for processing of larger text documents while maintaining context.

By using chunking functions, you can fine-tune how your text data is prepared for embedding, ensuring that the chunks are appropriately sized and maintain necessary context for their specific use case. This is particularly important for maintaining the quality and relevance of the generated embeddings, especially when dealing with long-form content or documents with specific structural elements.

The chunking functions are:

The key difference between these functions is that chunking_recursive_character_text_splitter allows for a more sophisticated splitting strategy, potentially preserving more semantic meaning in the chunks.


You use ai.chunking_character_text_splitter to:

  • Split text into chunks based on a specified separator.
  • Control the chunk size and the amount of overlap between chunks.

Example usage

  • Split the body column of the my_table table into chunks of 128 characters, with 10 character overlap, using '\n;' as the separator:

    SELECT ai.create_vectorizer(
        chunking => ai.chunking_character_text_splitter('body', 128, 10, E'\n'),
        -- other parameters...


ai.chunking_character_text_splitter takes the following parameters:

Name Type Default Required Description
chunk_column name - The name of the column containing the text to be chunked
chunk_size int 800 The maximum number of characters in a chunk
chunk_overlap int 400 The number of characters to overlap between chunks
separator text E'\n\n' The string or character used to split the text
is_separator_regex bool false Set to true if separator is a regular expression.


A JSON configuration object that you can use in ai.create_vectorizer.


ai.chunking_recursive_character_text_splitter provides more fine-grained control over the chunking process. You use it to recursively split text into chunks using multiple separators.

Example usage

  • Recursively split the content column into chunks of 256 characters, with a 20 character overlap, first trying to split on '\n;', then on spaces:

      SELECT ai.create_vectorizer(
        chunking => ai.chunking_recursive_character_text_splitter(
          separators => array[E'\n;', ' ']
        -- other parameters...


ai.chunking_recursive_character_text_splitter takes the following parameters:

Name Type Default Required Description
chunk_column name - The name of the column containing the text to be chunked
chunk_size int 800 The maximum number of characters per chunk
chunk_overlap int 400 The number of characters to overlap between chunks
separators text[] array[E'\n\n', E'\n', '.', '?', '!', ' ', ''] The string or character used to split the text
is_separator_regex bool false Set to true if separator is a regular expression.


A JSON configuration object that you can use in ai.create_vectorizer.

Embedding configuration

You use the embedding configuration functions to specify how embeddings are generated for your data.

The embedding functions are:


You call the ai.embedding_litellm function to use LiteLLM to generate embeddings for models from multiple providers.

The purpose of ai.embedding_litellm is to:

  • Define the embedding model to use.
  • Specify the dimensionality of the embeddings.
  • Configure optional, provider-specific parameters.
  • Set the name of the environment variable that holds the value of your API key.

Example usage

Use ai.embedding_litellm to create an embedding configuration object that is passed as an argument to ai.create_vectorizer:

  1. Set the required API key for your provider.

    The API key should be set as an environment variable which is available to either the Vectorizer worker, or the Postgres process.

  2. Create a vectorizer using LiteLLM to access the 'microsoft/codebert-base' embedding model on huggingface:

    SELECT ai.create_vectorizer(
        embedding => ai.embedding_litellm(
          api_key_name => 'HUGGINGFACE_API_KEY',
          extra_options => '{"wait_for_model": true}'::jsonb
        -- other parameters...


The function takes several parameters to customize the LiteLLM embedding configuration:

Name Type Default Required Description
model text - Specify the name of the embedding model to use. Refer to the LiteLLM embedding documentation for an overview of the available providers and models.
dimensions int - Define the number of dimensions for the embedding vectors. This should match the output dimensions of the chosen model.
api_key_name text - Set the name of the environment variable that contains the API key. This allows for flexible API key management without hardcoding keys in the database.
extra_options jsonb - Set provider-specific configuration options.


A JSON configuration object that you can use in ai.create_vectorizer.

Provider-specific configuration examples

The following subsections show how to configure the vectorizer for all supported providers.

    SELECT ai.create_vectorizer(
        embedding => ai.embedding_litellm(
          api_key_name => 'COHERE_API_KEY',
        -- other parameters...

Note: The Cohere documentation on input_type specifies that the input_type parameter is required. By default, LiteLLM sets this to search_document. The input type can be provided via extra_options, i.e. extra_options => '{"input_type": "search_document"}'::jsonb.


    SELECT ai.create_vectorizer(
        embedding => ai.embedding_litellm(
          api_key_name => 'MISTRAL_API_KEY',
        -- other parameters...

Note: Mistral limits the maximum input per batch to 16384 tokens.

Azure OpenAI

To set up a vectorizer with Azure OpenAI you require these values from the Azure AI Foundry console:

  • deployment name
  • base URL
  • version
  • API key

The deployment name is visible in the "Deployment info" section. The base URL and version are extracted from the "Target URI" field in the "Endpoint section". The Target URI has the form: In this example, the base URL is: and the version is 2023-05-15.

Azure AI Foundry console example

Configure the vectorizer, note that the base URL and version are configured through extra_options:

    SELECT ai.create_vectorizer(
        embedding => ai.embedding_litellm(
          'azure/<deployment name here>',
          api_key_name => 'AZURE_API_KEY',
          extra_options => '{"api_base": "<base URL here>", "api_version": "<version here>"}'::jsonb
        -- other parameters...

Huggingface inference models

You can use Huggingface inference to obtain vector embeddings. Note that Huggingface has two categories of inference: "serverless inference", and "inference endpoints". Serverless inference is free, but is limited to models under 10GB in size, and the model may not be immediately available to serve requests. Inference endpoints are a paid service and provide always-on APIs for production use-cases.

Note: We recommend using the wait_for_model parameter when using vectorizer with serverless inference to force the call to block until the model has been loaded. If you do not use wait_for_model, it's likely that vectorization will never succeed.

    SELECT ai.create_vectorizer(
        embedding => ai.embedding_litellm(
        , 384
        , extra_options => '{"wait_for_model": true}'::jsonb
        -- other parameters...

AWS Bedrock

To set up a vectorizer with AWS Bedrock, you must ensure that the vectorizer is authenticated to make API calls to the AWS Bedrock endpoint. The vectorizer worker uses boto3 under the hood, so there are multiple ways to achieve this.

The simplest method is to provide the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, and AWS_REGION_NAME environment variables to the vectorizer worker. Consult the boto3 credentials documentation for more options.

    SELECT ai.create_vectorizer(
        embedding => ai.embedding_litellm(
          api_key_name => 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY', -- optional
          extra_options => '{"aws_access_key_id": "<access key id>", "aws_region_name": "<region name>"}'::jsonb -- optional
        -- other parameters...

You can also only configure the secret in the database, and provide the api_key_name parameter to prompt the vectorizer worker to load the api key from the database. When you do this, you may need to pass aws_access_key_id and aws_region_name through the extra_options parameter:

    SELECT ai.create_vectorizer(
        embedding => ai.embedding_litellm(
          api_key_name => 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY', -- optional
          extra_options => '{"aws_access_key_id": "<access key id>", "aws_region_name": "<region name>"}'::jsonb -- optional
        -- other parameters...

Vertex AI

To set up a vectorizer with Vertex AI, you must ensure that the vectorizer can make API calls to the Vertex AI endpoint. The vectorizer worker uses GCP's authentication under the hood, so there are multiple ways to achieve this.

The simplest method is to provide the VERTEX_PROJECT, and VERTEX_CREDENTIALS environment variables to the vectorizer worker. These correspond to the project id, and the path to a file containing credentials for a service account. Consult the Authentication methods at Google for more options.

    SELECT ai.create_vectorizer(
        embedding => ai.embedding_litellm(
        -- other parameters...

You can also only configure the secret in the database, and provide the api_key_name parameter to prompt the vectorizer worker to load the api key from the database. When you do this, you may need to pass vertex_project and vertex_location through the extra_options parameter.

Note: VERTEX_CREDENTIALS should contain the path to a file containing the API key, the vectorizer worker requires to have access to this file in order to load the credentials.

    SELECT ai.create_vectorizer(
        embedding => ai.embedding_litellm(
          api_key_name => 'VERTEX_CREDENTIALS', -- optional
          extra_options => '{"vertex_project": "<project id>", "vertex_location": "<vertex location>"}'::jsonb -- optional
        -- other parameters...


You call the ai.embedding_openai function to use an OpenAI model to generate embeddings.

The purpose of ai.embedding_openai is to:

Example usage

Use ai.embedding_openai to create an embedding configuration object that is passed as an argument to ai.create_vectorizer:

  1. Set the value of your OpenAI API key.

    For example, in an environment variable or in a Docker configuration.

  2. Create a vectorizer with OpenAI as the embedding provider:

    SELECT ai.create_vectorizer(
        embedding => ai.embedding_openai(
          chat_user => 'bob',
          api_key_name => 'MY_OPENAI_API_KEY_NAME'
        -- other parameters...


The function takes several parameters to customize the OpenAI embedding configuration:

Name Type Default Required Description
model text - Specify the name of the OpenAI embedding model to use. For example, text-embedding-3-small.
dimensions int - Define the number of dimensions for the embedding vectors. This should match the output dimensions of the chosen model.
chat_user text - The identifier for the user making the API call. This can be useful for tracking API usage or for OpenAI's monitoring purposes.
api_key_name text OPENAI_API_KEY Set the name of the environment variable that contains the OpenAI API key. This allows for flexible API key management without hardcoding keys in the database. On Timescale Cloud, you should set this to the name of the secret that contains the OpenAI API key.
base_url text - Set the base_url of the OpenAI API. Note: no default configured here to allow configuration of the vectorizer worker through OPENAI_BASE_URL env var.


A JSON configuration object that you can use in ai.create_vectorizer.


You use the ai.embedding_ollama function to use an Ollama model to generate embeddings.

The purpose of ai.embedding_ollama is to:

  • Define which Ollama model to use.
  • Specify the dimensionality of the embeddings.
  • Configure how the Ollama API is accessed.
  • Configure the model's truncation behaviour, and keep alive.
  • Configure optional, model-specific parameters, like the temperature.

Example usage

This function is used to create an embedding configuration object that is passed as an argument to ai.create_vectorizer:

SELECT ai.create_vectorizer(
    embedding => ai.embedding_ollama(
      base_url => "http://my.ollama.server:443"
      options => '{ "num_ctx": 1024 }',
      keep_alive => "10m"
    -- other parameters...


The function takes several parameters to customize the Ollama embedding configuration:

Name Type Default Required Description
model text - Specify the name of the Ollama model to use. For example, nomic-embed-text. Note: the model must already be available (pulled) in your Ollama server.
dimensions int - Define the number of dimensions for the embedding vectors. This should match the output dimensions of the chosen model.
base_url text - Set the base_url of the Ollama API. Note: no default configured here to allow configuration of the vectorizer worker through OLLAMA_HOST env var.
options jsonb - Configures additional model parameters listed in the documentation for the Modelfile, such as temperature, or num_ctx.
keep_alive text - Controls how long the model will stay loaded in memory following the request. Note: no default configured here to allow configuration at Ollama-level.


A JSON configuration object that you can use in ai.create_vectorizer.


You use the ai.embedding_voyageai function to use a Voyage AI model to generate embeddings.

The purpose of ai.embedding_voyageai is to:

  • Define which Voyage AI model to use.
  • Specify the dimensionality of the embeddings.
  • Configure the model's truncation behaviour, and api key name.
  • Configure the input type.

Example usage

This function is used to create an embedding configuration object that is passed as an argument to ai.create_vectorizer:

SELECT ai.create_vectorizer(
    embedding => ai.embedding_voyageai(
      api_key_name => "TEST_API_KEY"
    -- other parameters...


The function takes several parameters to customize the Voyage AI embedding configuration:

Name Type Default Required Description
model text - Specify the name of the Voyage AI model to use.
dimensions int - Define the number of dimensions for the embedding vectors. This should match the output dimensions of the chosen model.
input_type text 'document' Type of the input text, null, 'query', or 'document'.
api_key_name text VOYAGE_API_KEY Set the name of the environment variable that contains the Voyage AI API key. This allows for flexible API key management without hardcoding keys in the database. On Timescale Cloud, you should set this to the name of the secret that contains the Voyage AI API key.


A JSON configuration object that you can use in ai.create_vectorizer.

Formatting configuration

You use the ai.formatting_python_template function in pgai to configure the way data from the source table is formatted before it is sent for embedding.

ai.formatting_python_template provides a flexible way to structure the input for embedding models. This enables you to incorporate relevant metadata and additional text. This can significantly enhance the quality and usefulness of the generated embeddings, especially in scenarios where context from multiple fields is important for understanding or searching the content.

The purpose of ai.formatting_python_template is to:

  • Define a template for formatting the data before embedding.
  • Allow the combination of multiple fields from the source table.
  • Add consistent context or structure to the text being embedded.
  • Customize the input for the embedding model to improve relevance and searchability.

Formatting happens after chunking and the special $chunk variable contains the chunked text.

Example usage

  • Default formatting:

    The default formatter uses the $chunk template, resulting in outputing the chunk text as-is.

    SELECT ai.create_vectorizer(
        formatting => ai.formatting_python_template('$chunk'),
        -- other parameters...
  • Add context from other columns:

    Add the title and publication date to each chunk, providing more context for the embedding.

    SELECT ai.create_vectorizer(
        formatting => ai.formatting_python_template('Title: $title\nDate: $published\nContent: $chunk'),
        -- other parameters...
  • Combine multiple fields:

    Prepend author and category information to each chunk.

    SELECT ai.create_vectorizer(
      formatting => ai.formatting_python_template('Author: $author\nCategory: $category\n$chunk'),
      -- other parameters...
  • Add consistent structure:

    Add start and end markers to each chunk, which could be useful for certain types of embeddings or retrieval tasks.

    SELECT ai.create_vectorizer(
        formatting => ai.formatting_python_template('BEGIN DOCUMENT\n$chunk\nEND DOCUMENT'),
        -- other parameters...


ai.formatting_python_template takes the following parameter:

Name Type Default Required Description
template string $chunk A string using Python template strings with $-prefixed variables that defines how the data should be formatted.
  • The $chunk placeholder is required and represents the text chunk that will be embedded.
  • Other placeholders can be used to reference columns from the source table.
  • The template allows for adding static text or structuring the input in a specific way.


A JSON configuration object that you can use as an argument for ai.create_vectorizer.

Indexing configuration

You use indexing configuration functions in pgai to specify the way generated embeddings should be indexed for efficient similarity searches. These functions enable you to choose and configure the indexing method that best suits your needs in terms of performance, accuracy, and resource usage.

By providing these indexing options, pgai allows you to optimize your embedding storage and retrieval based on their specific use case and performance requirements. This flexibility is crucial for scaling AI-powered search and analysis capabilities within a PostgreSQL database.

Key points about indexing:

  • The choice of indexing method depends on your dataset size, query performance requirements, and available resources.

  • ai.indexing_none is better suited for small datasets, or when you want to perform index creation manually.

  • ai.indexing_diskann is generally recommended for larger datasets that require an index.

  • The min_rows parameter enables you to delay index creation until you have enough data to justify the overhead.

  • These indexing methods are designed for approximate nearest neighbor search, which trades a small amount of accuracy for significant speed improvements in similarity searches.

The available functions are:


You use ai.indexing_default to use the platform-specific default value for indexing.

On Timescale Cloud, the default is ai.indexing_diskann(). On self-hosted, the default is ai.indexing_none(). A timescaledb background job is used for automatic index creation. Since timescaledb may not be installed in a self-hosted environment, we default to ai.indexing_none().

Example usage

  SELECT ai.create_vectorizer(
      indexing => ai.indexing_default(),
      -- other parameters...


This function takes no parameters.


A JSON configuration object that you can use as an argument for ai.create_vectorizer.


You use ai.indexing_none to specify that no special indexing should be used for the embeddings.

This is useful when you don't need fast similarity searches or when you're dealing with a small amount of data.

Example usage

  SELECT ai.create_vectorizer(
      indexing => ai.indexing_none(),
      -- other parameters...


This function takes no parameters.


A JSON configuration object that you can use as an argument for ai.create_vectorizer.


You use ai.indexing_diskann to configure indexing using the DiskANN algorithm, which is designed for high-performance approximate nearest neighbor search on large-scale datasets. This is suitable for very large datasets that need to be stored on disk.

Example usage

  SELECT ai.create_vectorizer(
      indexing => ai.indexing_diskann(min_rows => 500000, storage_layout => 'memory_optimized'),
      -- other parameters...


ai.indexing_diskann takes the following parameters:

Name Type Default Required Description
min_rows int 100000 The minimum number of rows before creating the index
storage_layout text - Set to either memory_optimized or plain
num_neighbors int - Advanced DiskANN parameter.
search_list_size int - Advanced DiskANN parameter.
max_alpha float8 - Advanced DiskANN parameter.
num_dimensions int - Advanced DiskANN parameter.
num_bits_per_dimension int - Advanced DiskANN parameter.
create_when_queue_empty boolean true Create the index only after all of the embeddings have been generated.


A JSON configuration object that you can use as an argument for ai.create_vectorizer.


You use ai.indexing_hnsw to configure indexing using the Hierarchical Navigable Small World (HNSW) algorithm, which is known for fast and accurate approximate nearest neighbor search.

HNSW is suitable for in-memory datasets and scenarios where query speed is crucial.

Example usage

  SELECT ai.create_vectorizer(
      indexing => ai.indexing_hnsw(min_rows => 50000, opclass => 'vector_l1_ops'),
      -- other parameters...


ai.indexing_hnsw takes the following parameters:

Name Type Default Required Description
min_rows int 100000 The minimum number of rows before creating the index
opclass text vector_cosine_ops The operator class for the index. Possible values are:vector_cosine_ops, vector_l1_ops, or vector_ip_ops
m int - Advanced HNSW parameters
ef_construction int - Advanced HNSW parameters
create_when_queue_empty boolean true Create the index only after all of the embeddings have been generated.


A JSON configuration object that you can use as an argument for ai.create_vectorizer.

Scheduling configuration

You use scheduling functions in pgai to configure when and how often the vectorizer should run to process new or updated data. These functions allow you to set up automated, periodic execution of the embedding generation process. These are advanced options and most users should use the default.

By providing these scheduling options, pgai enables you to automate the process of keeping your embeddings up-to-date with minimal manual intervention. This is crucial for maintaining the relevance and accuracy of AI-powered search and analysis capabilities, especially in systems where data is frequently updated or added. The flexibility in scheduling also allows users to balance the freshness of embeddings against system resource usage and other operational considerations.

The available functions are:

  • ai.scheduling_default: uses the platform-specific default scheduling configuration. On Timescale Cloud this is equivalent to ai.scheduling_timescaledb(). On self-hosted deployments, this is equivalent to ai.scheduling_none().
  • ai.scheduling_none: when you want manual control over when the vectorizer runs. Use this when you're using an external scheduling system, as is the case with self-hosted deployments.
  • ai.scheduling_timescaledb: leverages TimescaleDB's robust job scheduling system, which is designed for reliability and scalability. Use this when you're using Timescale Cloud.


You use ai.scheduling_default to use the platform-specific default scheduling configuration.

On Timescale Cloud, the default is ai.scheduling_timescaledb(). On self-hosted, the default is ai.scheduling_none(). A timescaledb background job is used to periodically trigger a cloud vectorizer on Timescale Cloud. This is not available in a self-hosted environment.

Example usage

SELECT ai.create_vectorizer(
    scheduling => ai.scheduling_default(),
    -- other parameters...


This function takes no parameters.


A JSON configuration object that you can use as an argument for ai.create_vectorizer.


You use ai.scheduling_none to

  • Specify that no automatic scheduling should be set up for the vectorizer.
  • Manually control when the vectorizer runs or when you're using an external scheduling system.

You should use this for self-hosted deployments.

Example usage

SELECT ai.create_vectorizer(
    scheduling => ai.scheduling_none(),
    -- other parameters...


This function takes no parameters.


A JSON configuration object that you can use as an argument for ai.create_vectorizer.


You use ai.scheduling_timescaledb to:

  • Configure automated scheduling using TimescaleDB's job scheduling system.
  • Allow periodic execution of the vectorizer to process new or updated data.
  • Provide fine-grained control over when and how often the vectorizer runs.

Example usage

  • Basic usage (run every 5 minutes). This is the default:

    SELECT ai.create_vectorizer(
        scheduling => ai.scheduling_timescaledb(),
        -- other parameters...
  • Custom interval (run every hour):

    SELECT ai.create_vectorizer(
        scheduling => ai.scheduling_timescaledb(interval '1 hour'),
        -- other parameters...
  • Specific start time and timezone:

    SELECT ai.create_vectorizer(
        scheduling => ai.scheduling_timescaledb(
          interval '30 minutes',
          initial_start => '2024-01-01 00:00:00'::timestamptz,
          timezone => 'America/New_York'
        -- other parameters...
  • Fixed schedule:

    SELECT ai.create_vectorizer(
        scheduling => ai.scheduling_timescaledb(
          interval '1 day',
          fixed_schedule => true,
          timezone => 'UTC'
        -- other parameters...


ai.scheduling_timescaledb takes the following parameters:

Name Type Default Required Description
schedule_interval interval '10m' Set how frequently the vectorizer checks for new or updated data to process.
initial_start timestamptz - Delay the start of scheduling. This is useful for coordinating with other system processes or maintenance windows.
fixed_schedule bool - Set to true to use a fixed schedule such as every day at midnight. Set to false for a sliding window such as every 24 hours from the last run
timezone text - Set the timezone this schedule operates in. This ensures that schedules are interpreted correctly, especially important for fixed schedules or when coordinating with business hours.


A JSON configuration object that you can use as an argument for ai.create_vectorizer.

Processing configuration

You use the processing configuration functions in pgai to specify the way the vectorizer should process data when generating embeddings, such as the batch size and concurrency. These are advanced options and most users should use the default.


You use ai.processing_default to specify the concurrency and batch size for the vectorizer.

Example usage

  SELECT ai.create_vectorizer(
    processing => ai.processing_default(batch_size => 200, concurrency => 5),
    -- other parameters...


ai.processing_default takes the following parameters:

Name Type Default Required Description
batch_size int Determined by the vectorizer The number of items to process in each batch. The optimal batch size depends on your data and cloud function configuration, larger batch sizes can improve efficiency but may increase memory usage.
concurrency int Determined by the vectorizer The number of concurrent processing tasks to run. The optimal concurrency depends on your cloud infrastructure and rate limits, higher concurrency can speed up processing but may increase costs and resource usage.


A JSON configuration object that you can use as an argument for ai.create_vectorizer.

Grant To configuration

You use the grant to configuration function in pgai to specify which users should be able to use objects created by the vectorizer.


Grant permissions to a comma-separated list of users.

Includes the users specified in the ai.grant_to_default setting.

Example usage

  SELECT ai.create_vectorizer(
    grant_to => ai.grant_to('bob', 'alice'),
    -- other parameters...


This function takes a comma-separated list of usernames to grant permissions to.


An array of name values, that you can use as an argument for ai.create_vectorizer.

Enable and disable vectorizer schedules

You use ai.enable_vectorizer_schedule and ai.disable_vectorizer_schedule to control the execution of scheduled vectorizer jobs. These functions provide a way to temporarily pause or resume the automatic processing of embeddings, without having to delete or recreate the vectorizer configuration.

These functions provide an important layer of operational control for managing pgai vectorizers in production environments. They allow database administrators and application developers to balance the need for up-to-date embeddings with other system priorities and constraints, enhancing the overall flexibility and manageability of pgai.

Key points about schedule enable and disable:

  • These functions provide fine-grained control over individual vectorizer schedules without affecting other vectorizers, or the overall system configuration.

  • Disabling a schedule does not delete the vectorizer or its configuration; it simply stops scheduling future executions of the job.

  • These functions are particularly useful in scenarios such as:

    • System maintenance windows where you want to reduce database load.
    • Temporarily pausing processing during data migrations or large bulk updates.
    • Debugging or troubleshooting issues related to the vectorizer.
    • Implementing manual control over when embeddings are updated.
  • When a schedule is disabled, new or updated data is not automatically processed. However, the data is still queued, and will be processed when the schedule is re-enabled, or when the vectorizer is run manually.

  • After re-enabling a schedule, for a vectorizer configured with ai.scheduling_timescaledb, the next run is based on the original scheduling configuration. For example, if the vectorizer was set to run every hour, it will run at the next hour mark after being enabled.

Usage example in a maintenance scenario:

-- Before starting system maintenance
SELECT ai.disable_vectorizer_schedule(1);
SELECT ai.disable_vectorizer_schedule(2);

-- Perform maintenance tasks...

-- After maintenance is complete
SELECT ai.enable_vectorizer_schedule(1);
SELECT ai.enable_vectorizer_schedule(2);

The available functions are:


You use ai.enable_vectorizer_schedule to:

  • Activate or reactivate the scheduled job for a specific vectorizer.
  • Allow the vectorizer to resume automatic processing of new or updated data.

Example usage

To resume the automatic scheduling for the vectorizer with ID 1.

SELECT ai.enable_vectorizer_schedule(1);


ai.enable_vectorizer_schedule takes the following parameters:

Name Type Default Required Description
vectorizer_id int - The identifier of the vectorizer whose schedule you want to enable.


ai.enable_vectorizer_schedule does not return a value,


You use ai.disable_vectorizer_schedule to:

  • Deactivate the scheduled job for a specific vectorizer.
  • Temporarily stop the automatic processing of new or updated data.

Example usage

To stop the automatic scheduling for the vectorizer with ID 1.

SELECT ai.disable_vectorizer_schedule(1);


ai.disable_vectorizer_schedule takes the following parameters:

Name Type Default Required Description
vectorizer_id int - The identifier of the vectorizer whose schedule you want to disable.


ai.disable_vectorizer_schedule does not return a value,

Drop a vectorizer

ai.drop_vectorizer is a management tool that you use to remove a vectorizer that you
created previously, and clean up the associated resources. Its primary purpose is to provide a controlled way to delete a vectorizer when it's no longer needed, or when you want to reconfigure it from scratch.

You use ai.drop_vectorizer to:

  • Remove a specific vectorizer configuration from the system.
  • Clean up associated database objects and scheduled jobs.
  • Safely undo the creation of a vectorizer.

ai.drop_vectorizer performs the following on the vectorizer to drop:

  • Deletes the scheduled job associated with the vectorizer if one exists.
  • Drops the trigger from the source table used to queue changes.
  • Drops the trigger function that backed the source table trigger.
  • Drops the queue table used to manage the updates to be processed.
  • Deletes the vectorizer row from the ai.vectorizer table.

By default, ai.drop_vectorizer does not:

  • Drop the target table containing the embeddings.
  • Drop the view joining the target and source tables.

There is an optional parameter named drop_all which is false by default. If you explicitly pass true, the function WILL drop the target table and view.

This design allows you to keep the generated embeddings and the convenient view even after dropping the vectorizer. This is useful if you want to stop automatic updates but still use the existing embeddings.

Example usage

Best practices are:

  • Before dropping a vectorizer, ensure that you will not need the automatic embedding updates it provides.
  • After dropping a vectorizer, you may want to manually clean up the target table and view if they're no longer needed.
  • To ensure that you are dropping the correct vectorizer, keep track of your vectorizer IDs. You can do this by querying the ai.vectorizer table.


  • Remove the vectorizer with ID 1:

    -- Assuming we have a vectorizer with ID 1
    SELECT ai.drop_vectorizer(1);
  • Remove the vectorizer with ID 1 and drop the target table and view as well:

    SELECT ai.drop_vectorizer(1, drop_all=>true);


ai.drop_vectorizer takes the following parameters:

Name Type Default Required Description
vectorizer_id int - The identifier of the vectorizer you want to drop
drop_all bool false true to drop the target table and view as well


ai.drop_vectorizer does not return a value, but it performs several cleanup operations.

View vectorizer status

ai.vectorizer_status view and ai.vectorizer_queue_pending function are monitoring tools in pgai that provide insights into the state and performance of vectorizers.

These monitoring tools are crucial for maintaining the health and performance of your pgai-enhanced database. They allow you to proactively manage your vectorizers, ensure timely processing of embeddings, and quickly identify and address any issues that may arise in your AI-powered data pipelines.

For effective monitoring, you use ai.vectorizer_status.

For example:

-- Get an overview of all vectorizers
SELECT * FROM ai.vectorizer_status;

Sample output:

id source_table target_table view pending_items
1 public.blog_contents_embedding_store public.blog_contents_embeddings 1

The pending_items column indicates the number of items still awaiting embedding creation. The pending items count helps you to:

  • Identify bottlenecks in processing.
  • Determine if you need to adjust scheduling or processing configurations.
  • Monitor the impact of large data imports or updates on your vectorizers.

Regular monitoring using these tools helps ensure that your vectorizers are keeping up with data changes, and that embeddings remain up-to-date.

Available views are:

Available functions are:

ai.vectorizer_status view

You use ai.vectorizer_status to:

  • Get a high-level overview of all vectorizers in the system.
  • Regularly monitor and check the health of the entire system.
  • Display key information about each vectorizer's configuration and current state.
  • Use the pending_items column to get a quick indication of processing backlogs.

Example usage

  • Retrieve all vectorizers that have items waiting to be processed:

    SELECT * FROM ai.vectorizer_status WHERE pending_items > 0;
  • System health monitoring:

    -- Alert if any vectorizer has more than 1000 pending items
    SELECT id, source_table, pending_items 
    FROM ai.vectorizer_status 
    WHERE pending_items > 1000;


ai.vectorizer_status returns the following:

Column name Description
id The unique identifier of this vectorizer
source_table The fully qualified name of the source table
target_table The fully qualified name of the table storing the embeddings
view The fully qualified name of the view joining source and target tables
pending_items The number of items waiting to be processed by the vectorizer

ai.vectorizer_queue_pending function

ai.vectorizer_queue_pending enables you to retrieve the number of items in a vectorizer queue when you need to focus on a particular vectorizer or troubleshoot issues.

You use vectorizer_queue_pending to:

  • Retrieve the number of pending items for a specific vectorizer.
  • Allow for more granular monitoring of individual vectorizer queues.

Example usage

Return the number of pending items for the vectorizer with ID 1:

SELECT ai.vectorizer_queue_pending(1);

A queue with a very large number of items may be slow to count. The optional exact_count parameter is defaulted to false. When false, the count is limited. An exact count is returned if the queue has 10,000 or fewer items, and returns 9223372036854775807 (the max bigint value) if there are greater than 10,000 items.

To get an exact count, regardless of queue size, set the optional parameter to true like this:

SELECT ai.vectorizer_queue_pending(1, exact_count=>true);


ai.vectorizer_queue_pending function takes the following parameters:

Name Type Default Required Description
vectorizer_id int - The identifier of the vectorizer you want to check
exact_count bool false If true, return exact count. If false, capped at 10,000


The number of items in the queue for the specified vectorizer