TDBadgedCell grew out of the need for TableViewCell badges and the lack of them in iOS (see the article explaining this on TUAW. Recently the project has been re-written in Swift and much simplified.
Note: You can find the old Objective-C version on the deprecetated-objective-c branch.
To set the content of your badge (String) simply do:
cell.badgeString = "Hello, World!"
You can set badgeColor and badgeColorHighlighted to modify the colour of the badges:
cell.badgeColor = UIColor.orangeColor()
You can also specify a border radius and font size for your badges:
cell.badgeRadius = 9;
cell.badgeFontSize = 18;
TDBadgedCell is a free to use class for everyone. I wrote it so people could have the badges Apple never provided us with. If you modify the source please share alike and if you think you've improved upon what I have written I recommend sending me a pull request.
Please note: If you are using TDBadgedCell in your project please make sure you leave credit where credit is due. Chances are I won't notice if you haven't left credit but karma will…