I briefly outline the design of the allocator class in 'alloc.t'
The overall design is based on the following key ideas:
- A container's
method (or any other factory function that returns a certain container object) takes an allocator as an opaque object that implements the allocator interface. This way, the allocator type is not part of the container type, which means that no template parameter is needed to enable generic allocators in containers. This is a serious issue in the c++ standard library where the allocator template parameter needs to be passed along with any container method. For more information on this issue check out the BDE allocator model. - An abstraction of a memory block that has a notion of its allocator and a notion of its size. It can therefore 'free' its own resource when it runs out of scope or it can ask for additional resources when the current resource is too small. It can also be checked when a resource is borrowed (reference to allocator function handle is nil) or when a resource is owned (reference to allocator function handle is not nil). All is packed in an economical, single-function interface, ispired by 'lua_Alloc'. See also the allocator API for C.
- Every allocator has an 'owns' method, which enables composable allocators (see Andrei Alexandrescu's talk on composable allocators in C++).
The proposed allocator API is centered around the abstraction of a memory block
. Rather than only storing a pointer to the data it stores the size of the resource and a handle to its allocator and allocator/deallocator/reallocator function as follows:
local __Allocator = interface.Interface:new{
__allocators_best_friend = {&block, size_t, size_t}->{}
local struct block{
ptr : &T --Pointer to the actual resource
nbytes : size_t --Number of bytes allocated
alloc : __Allocator --Handle to opaque allocator object
Here alloc
is an opaque allocator object that implements the __Allocator
interface, which contains a handle to the concrete allocator and a vtable containing a single function pointer that enables allocation / reallocation / deallocation of resources using just one function (alloc
requires 16 bytes of storage - 8 for the handle to the allocator and 8 for the single function pointer).
This turns out to be very powerful. I'll cover the core advantages of this design.
We can make a distiction between blocks that are empty, ones that borrow a resource and ones that own a resource:
block.methods.isempty = terra(self : &block)
return self.ptr==nil and self.alloc.handle==nil
block.methods.borrows_resource = terra(self : &block)
return self.ptr~=nil and self.alloc.handle==nil
block.methods.owns_resource = terra(self : &block)
return self.ptr~=nil and self.alloc.handle~=nil
Having access to the concrete allocator instance makes it easy to check for an allocator if it 'owns' a memory block. Given an allocator A
the check is simply
terra A:owns(blk : &block) : bool
if not blk:isempty() then
return [&opaque](self) == [&opaque](blk.alloc.handle)
return false
This is powerful, because an owns
method like this makes it possible to construct allocators that are compositions of others (see the talk of Andrei Alexandrescu on composable allocators in C++).
By implementing __dtor
from the new RAII pull request, the handle to the concrete allocator instance allows the block to be freed automatically when it runs out of scope:
block.methods.__dtor = terra(self : &block)
if self:isempty() then return end
if self:borrows_resource() then
--run destructors of other smart-blocks that are referenced
--by block.ptr (allowing destruction of e.g. linked lists)
--even with cycles.
--when the resource is owned, free the resource
self.alloc:__allocators_best_friend(self, 0, 0)
Similarly, it can allocate (when block is empty) or reallocate itself with the same allocator when requested. I'll get back to the implementation of the method __allocators_best_friend
A specialized copy assignment is implemented (from the new RAII pull request) that returns a non-owning view of the data
block.methods.__copy = terra(from : &block, to : &block)
to.ptr = from.ptr
to.nbytes = from.nbytes
to.alloc.handle = nil --reset the allocator handle to nil
to.alloc.vtable = nil --reset the vtable handle to nil
This means that a resource is only owned by a single object, resulting in safe resource management (no double free's, etc).
The standard block
, used by allocators, is an opaque block (T = opaque
). A __cast
metamethod is implemented that can cast block(opaque)
to any block(T)
, thereby reinterpreting the memory. Such a typed block can be used in containers.
The size of the allocated resource in terms of bytes is explicitly stored in the struct definition. The current size of a typed block in terms of number of elements T
is then computed as
block.methods.size = terra(self : &block) : size_t
return self.nbytes / [block.elsize]
Allocators follow a simple design: an allocator implements the following interface:
local Allocator = interface.Interface:new{
allocate = {size_t, size_t} -> {block},
reallocate = {&block, size_t, size_t} -> {},
deallocate = {&block} -> {},
owns = {&block} -> {bool}
where 'block = block(opaque)'.
Interfaces, such as the one here, are essentially opaque objects that are equiped with a vtable containing function pointers to the actual implementations at runtime. They can simply be passed by reference and do not require any template metaprogramming, since its based on runtime polymorphism.
The interface implementation will be provided as part of this library.
Implementing a new allocator is easy. Given a struct
local myallocator = terralib.newstruct("myallocator")
the following (lowlevel) interface should be implemented:
myallocator.methods.__allocate :: {&block, size_t, size_t} -> {}
myallocator.methods.__deallocate :: {&block} -> {}
myallocator.methods.__reallocate :: {&block, size_t, size_t} -> {}
Finally, by calling the following base class the implementation is completed:
For an example, please have a look at the corresponding implementation of the DefaultAllocator
that uses malloc/free.
The allocator base class generates and completes the implementation of myallocator
. It implements the following basic interfaces
function AllocatorBase(A)
A.methods.owns :: {&A, blk : &block} -> bool
A.methods.__allocators_best_friend :: {&A, &block, size_t, size_t} -> {}
A.methods.allocate :: {&A, &block, size_t, size_t} -> {block}
A.methods.deallocate :: {&A, &block} -> {}
A.methods.reallocate :: {&A, &block, size_t, size_t} -> {}
We already covered the implementation of owns
. The implementation of __allocators_best_friend
is also straightforward. It looks like this:
terra A:__allocators_best_friend(blk : &block, size : size_t, counter : size_t)
var requested_bytes = size * counter
if blk:isempty() and requested_bytes > 0 then
self:allocate(blk, size, counter)
if requested_bytes == 0 then
--free memory
elseif requested_bytes > blk:size_in_bytes() then
--reallocate memory
self:reallocate(blk, size, counter)
The idea of wrapping the three key allocator functions in one function is inspired from Lua's lua_Alloc. See also the blog post on an allocator API for C.
Let's look at the allocate
terra A:allocate(blk : &block, elsize : size_t, counter : size_t)
var blk = Imp.__allocate(elsize, counter)
blk.alloc = self
return blk
The implementation of __allocate
, __reallocate
and __deallocate
is specific to each allocator.
Here follows an example of a simple DynamicStack
class. A couple of interesting things are the following:
- The allocator is not passed as a template type parameter!
- A
method need not be implemented to release the dynamic resources. One is generated automatically since__dtor
is implemented forblock
. - In
an opaqueblock
is automatically cast to aS = alloc.SmartBlock(T)
. - A
method is available for SmartBlock objects of typeS
. Essentially,S = alloc.SmartBlock(T)
is a smart pointer type.
local alloc = require("alloc")
local Allocator = alloc.Allocator
local size_t = uint64
local DynamicStack = terralib.memoize(function(T)
local S = alloc.SmartBlock(T)
local struct stack{
data: S
stack.staticmethods = {}
stack.staticmethods.new = terra(alloc : Allocator, size: size_t)
return stack{alloc:allocate(sizeof(T), size)}
stack.metamethods.__getmethod = function(self, methodname)
return self.methods[methodname] or stack.staticmethods[methodname]
terra stack:size()
return self.data:size()
terra stack:get(i : size_t)
return self.data:get(i)
terra stack:set(i : size_t, v : T)
self.data:set(i, v)
return stack
The above class can be used as follows:
local stack = DynamicStack(double)
local DefaultAllocator = alloc.DefaultAllocator()
terra main()
var alloc : DefaultAllocator
var x = stack.new(&alloc, 2)
x:set(0, 1.0)
x:set(1, 2.0)
io.printf("value of x[0] is: %f\n", x:get(0))
io.printf("value of x[1] is: %f\n", x:get(1))
Recursive datastructures, such as linked lists can be implemented using specialized __dtor
's and keeping an array of nodes, or, directly, using smart blocks. The implementation of block
supports automatic destruction of recursive datastructures, and even cycles. Here follows an example of a cyclical double linked list:
local alloc = require("alloc")
local DefaultAllocator = alloc.DefaultAllocator()
local Allocator = alloc.Allocator
--implementation of double-linked list
local struct d_node
local smrt_d_node = alloc.SmartBlock(d_node)
--metamethod used here for testing - counting the number
--of times the __dtor method is called
local smrt_d_node_dtor_counter = global(int, 0)
smrt_d_node.metamethods.__dtor = macro(function(self)
return quote
if self:owns_resource() then
smrt_d_node_dtor_counter = smrt_d_node_dtor_counter + 1
smrt_d_node.metamethods.__entrymissing = macro(function(entryname, self)
return `self.ptr.[entryname]
smrt_d_node.metamethods.__methodmissing = macro(function(method, self, ...)
local args = terralib.newlist{...}
return `self.ptr:[method](args)
struct d_node{
index : int
prev : smrt_d_node
next : smrt_d_node
smrt_d_node.metamethods.__eq = terra(self : &smrt_d_node, other : &smrt_d_node)
if not self:isempty() and not other:isempty() then
return self.ptr == other.ptr
return false
terra smrt_d_node:allocate_next(A : Allocator)
self.next = A:allocate(sizeof(d_node), 1)
self.next.index = self.index + 1
self.next.prev = self --create a view
terra smrt_d_node:set_next(next : &smrt_d_node)
self.next = next --create a view
terra smrt_d_node:set_prev(prev : &smrt_d_node)
self.prev = prev --create a view
terra main()
smrt_d_node_dtor_counter = 0
--define head node
var head : smrt_d_node = A:allocate(sizeof(d_node), 1)
head.index = 0
--make allocations
head:allocate_next(&A) --node 1
head.next:allocate_next(&A) --node 2
head.next.next:allocate_next(&A) --node 3
--close loop
head.next.next.next:set_next(&head) --node 3
return smrt_d_node_dtor_counter
--check that destructor is called four times
assert(main() == 4)
The following things remain:
- The current implementation of
relies on recursion. LLVM may not be able to fully optimize the recursion to a loop, which may seriously limit the size of such datastrutures due to limits in stack-space. In the near future I will rewrite the algorithm using a while loop. - Right now only a default allocator is implemented based on
. Other standard allocators need to be implemented, such as, a 'stack', 'arena', 'freelist' allocators, etc. - Functionality for composing allocators to build new ones.
- A
can already be cast to aSmartBlock(vector(T))
for primitive typesT
. By adding a__for
metamethod it would become possible to iterate over aSmartBlock(vector(T))
and enable 'SIMD' instructions in a range for loop.