- Introduction
- Usage
- Installation
- Suppressing Rules
- Settings Support in ScriptAnalyzer
- ScriptAnalyzer as a .NET library
- Violation Correction
- Project Management Dashboard
- Contributions are welcome
- Creating a Release
- Code of Conduct
PSScriptAnalyzer is a static code checker for Windows PowerShell modules and scripts. PSScriptAnalyzer checks the quality of Windows PowerShell code by running a set of rules. The rules are based on PowerShell best practices identified by PowerShell Team and the community. It generates DiagnosticResults (errors and warnings) to inform users about potential code defects and suggests possible solutions for improvements.
PSScriptAnalyzer is shipped with a collection of built-in rules that checks various aspects of PowerShell code such as presence of uninitialized variables, usage of PSCredential Type, usage of Invoke-Expression etc. Additional functionalities such as exclude/include specific rules are also supported.
Get-ScriptAnalyzerRule [-CustomRulePath <String[]>] [-RecurseCustomRulePath] [-Name <String[]>] [-Severity <String[]>] [<CommonParameters>]
Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer [-Path] <String> [-CustomRulePath <String[]>] [-RecurseCustomRulePath] [-ExcludeRule <String[]>] [-IncludeDefaultRules] [-IncludeRule <String[]>] [-Severity <String[]>] [-Recurse] [-SuppressedOnly] [-Fix] [-EnableExit] [-ReportSummary] [-Settings <Object>] [-SaveDscDependency] [<CommonParameters>]
Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer [-ScriptDefinition] <String> [-CustomRulePath <String[]>] [-RecurseCustomRulePath] [-ExcludeRule <String[]>] [-IncludeDefaultRules] [-IncludeRule <String[]>] [-Severity <String[]>] [-Recurse] [-SuppressedOnly] [-EnableExit] [-ReportSummary] [-Settings <Object>] [-SaveDscDependency] [<CommonParameters>]
Invoke-Formatter [-ScriptDefinition] <String> [[-Settings] <Object>] [[-Range] <Int32[]>] [<CommonParameters>]
Install-Module -Name PSScriptAnalyzer
Note: For PowerShell version 5.1.14393.206
or newer, before installing PSScriptAnalyzer, please install the latest Nuget provider by running the following in an elevated PowerShell session.
Install-PackageProvider Nuget -MinimumVersion –Force
- Windows PowerShell 3.0 or greater
- PowerShell Core 6.1.0 or greater on Windows/Linux/macOS
- Docker (tested only using Docker Desktop on Windows 10 1809)
PowerShell 6 Windows Image tags from mcr.microsoft.com/powershell. Example (1 warning gets produced by
but can be ignored):docker run -it mcr.microsoft.com/powershell:nanoserver pwsh -command "Save-Module -Name PSScriptAnalyzer -Path .; Import-Module .\PSScriptAnalyzer; Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -ScriptDefinition 'gci'"
PowerShell 5.1 (Windows): Only the mcr.microsoft.com/windowsservercore images work but not the microsoft/nanoserver images because they contain a Core version of it. Example:
docker run -it mcr.microsoft.com/windowsservercore powershell -command "Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -MinimumVersion -Force; Install-Module PSScriptAnalyzer -Force; Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -ScriptDefinition 'gci'"
Linux tags from mcr.microsoft.com/powershell. - Example:
docker run -it mcr.microsoft.com/powershell pwsh -c "Install-Module PSScriptAnalyzer -Force; Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -ScriptDefinition 'gci'"
If you prefer to manage PSScriptAnalyzer as a Windows package, you can use Chocolatey to install it.
If you don't have Chocolatey, you can install it from the Chocolately Install page. With Chocolatey installed, execute the following command to install PSScriptAnalyzer:
choco install psscriptanalyzer
Note: the PSScriptAnalyzer Chocolatey package is provided and supported by the community.
- .NET Core 2.2.104 SDK or newer patch release
- PlatyPS 0.13.0 or greater
- Optionally but recommended for development: Visual Studio 2017/2019
Obtain the source
- Download the latest source code from the release page OR
- Clone the repository (needs git)
git clone https://github.com/PowerShell/PSScriptAnalyzer
Navigate to the source directory
cd path/to/PSScriptAnalyzer
You can either build using the
Visual Studio
or build usingPowerShell
specifically for your platform as follows:- The default build is for the currently used version of PowerShell
- Windows PowerShell version 5.0
.\build.ps1 -PSVersion 5
- Windows PowerShell version 4.0
.\build.ps1 -PSVersion 4
- Windows PowerShell version 3.0
.\build.ps1 -PSVersion 3
- PowerShell Core
.\build.ps1 -PSVersion 6
Rebuild documentation since it gets built automatically only the first time
.\build.ps1 -Documentation
Build all versions (PowerShell v3, v4, v5, and v6) and documentation
.\build.ps1 -All
Import the module
Import-Module .\out\PSScriptAnalyzer\PSScriptAnalyzer.psd1
To confirm installation: run Get-ScriptAnalyzerRule
in the PowerShell console to obtain the built-in rules
- Adding/Removing resource strings
For adding/removing resource strings in the *.resx
files, it is recommended to use Visual Studio
since it automatically updates the strongly typed *.Designer.cs
files. The Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition
is free to use but should you not have/want to use Visual Studio
then you can either manually adapt the *.Designer.cs
files or use the New-StronglyTypedCsFileForResx.ps1
script although the latter is discouraged since it leads to a bad diff of the *.Designer.cs
Pester-based ScriptAnalyzer Tests are located in path/to/PSScriptAnalyzer/Tests
- Ensure Pester 4.3.1 or higher is installed
- In the root folder of your local repository, run:
./build -Test
To retrieve the results of the run, you can use the tools which are part of the build module (build.psm1
Import-Module ./build.psm1
To retrieve only the errors, you can use the following:
Import-Module ./build.psm1
In prior versions of ScriptAnalyer, errors found during parsing were reported as errors and diagnostic records were not created. ScriptAnalyzer now emits parser errors as diagnostic records in the output stream with other diagnostic records.
PS> Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -ScriptDefinition '"b" = "b"; function eliminate-file () { }'
RuleName Severity ScriptName Line Message
-------- -------- ---------- ---- -------
InvalidLeftHandSide ParseError 1 The assignment expression is not
valid. The input to an
assignment operator must be an
object that is able to accept
assignments, such as a variable
or a property.
PSUseApprovedVerbs Warning 1 The cmdlet 'eliminate-file' uses an
unapproved verb.
The RuleName is set to the ErrorId
of the parser error.
If ParseErrors would like to be suppressed, do not include it as a value in the -Severity
PS> Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -ScriptDefinition '"b" = "b"; function eliminate-file () { }' -Severity Warning
RuleName Severity ScriptName Line Message
-------- -------- ---------- ---- -------
PSUseApprovedVerbs Warning 1 The cmdlet 'eliminate-file' uses an
unapproved verb.
You can suppress a rule by decorating a script/function or script/function parameter with .NET's SuppressMessageAttribute.
's constructor takes two parameters: a category and a check ID. Set the categoryID
parameter to the name of the rule you want to suppress and set the checkID
parameter to a null or empty string. You can optionally add a third named parameter with a justification for suppressing the message:
function SuppressMe()
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSProvideCommentHelp", "", Justification="Just an example")]
Write-Verbose -Message "I'm making a difference!"
All rule violations within the scope of the script/function/parameter you decorate will be suppressed.
To suppress a message on a specific parameter, set the SuppressMessageAttribute
's CheckId
parameter to the name of the parameter:
function SuppressTwoVariables()
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSProvideDefaultParameterValue", "b")]
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSProvideDefaultParameterValue", "a")]
param([string]$a, [int]$b)
Use the SuppressMessageAttribute
's Scope
property to limit rule suppression to functions or classes within the attribute's scope.
Use the value Function
to suppress violations on all functions within the attribute's scope. Use the value Class
to suppress violations on all classes within the attribute's scope:
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSProvideCommentHelp", "", Scope="Function")]
function InternalFunction
Write-Verbose -Message "I am invincible!"
You can further restrict suppression based on a function/parameter/class/variable/object's name by setting the SuppressMessageAttribute's
property to a regular expression or a glob pattern. Few examples are given below.
Suppress PSAvoidUsingWriteHost
rule violation in start-bar
and start-baz
but not in start-foo
and start-bam
[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidUsingWriteHost', '', Scope='Function', Target='start-ba[rz]')]
function start-foo {
write-host "start-foo"
function start-bar {
write-host "start-bar"
function start-baz {
write-host "start-baz"
function start-bam {
write-host "start-bam"
Suppress violations in all the functions:
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingWriteHost", Scope="Function", Target="*")]
Suppress violation in start-bar
, start-baz
and start-bam
but not in start-foo
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingWriteHost", Scope="Function", Target="start-b*")]
Note: Parser Errors cannot be suppressed via the SuppressMessageAttribute
Settings that describe ScriptAnalyzer rules to include/exclude based on Severity
can be created and supplied to
using the Setting
parameter. This enables a user to create a custom configuration for a specific environment. We support the following modes for specifying the settings file.
ScriptAnalyzer ships a set of built-in presets that can be used to analyze scripts. For example, if the user wants to run PowerShell Gallery rules on their module, then they use the following command.
PS> Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -Path /path/to/module/ -Settings PSGallery -Recurse
Along with PSGallery
there are a few other built-in presets, including, DSC
and CodeFormatting
, that can be used. These presets can be tab completed for the Settings
The following example excludes two rules from the default set of rules and any rule that does not output an Error or Warning diagnostic record.
# PSScriptAnalyzerSettings.psd1
Then invoke that settings file when using Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer
Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -Path MyScript.ps1 -Setting PSScriptAnalyzerSettings.psd1
The next example selects a few rules to execute instead of all the default rules.
# PSScriptAnalyzerSettings.psd1
Then invoke that settings file when using:
Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -Path MyScript.ps1 -Setting ScriptAnalyzerSettings.psd1
If you place a PSScriptAnayzer settings file named PSScriptAnalyzerSettings.psd1
in your project root, PSScriptAnalyzer will discover it if you pass the project root as the Path
Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -Path "C:\path\to\project" -Recurse
Note that providing settings explicitly takes higher precedence over this implicit mode. Sample settings files are provided here.
ScriptAnalyzer engine and functionality can now be directly consumed as a library.
Here are the public interfaces:
using Microsoft.Windows.PowerShell.ScriptAnalyzer;
public void Initialize(System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.Runspace runspace,
Microsoft.Windows.PowerShell.ScriptAnalyzer.IOutputWriter outputWriter,
[string[] customizedRulePath = null],
[string[] includeRuleNames = null],
[string[] excludeRuleNames = null],
[string[] severity = null],
[bool suppressedOnly = false],
[string profile = null])
public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<DiagnosticRecord> AnalyzePath(string path,
[bool searchRecursively = false])
public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<IRule> GetRule(string[] moduleNames, string[] ruleNames)
Some violations can be fixed by replacing the violation causing content with a suggested alternative. You can use the -Fix
switch to automatically apply the suggestions. Since Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer
implements SupportsShouldProcess
, you can additionally use -WhatIf
or -Confirm
to find out which corrections would be applied. It goes without saying that you should use source control when applying those corrections since some some of them such as the one for AvoidUsingPlainTextForPassword
might require additional script modifications that cannot be made automatically. Should your scripts be sensitive to encoding you should also check that because the initial encoding can not be preserved in all cases.
The initial motivation behind having the SuggestedCorrections
property on the ErrorRecord
(which is how the -Fix
switch works under the hood) was to enable quick-fix like scenarios in editors like VSCode, Sublime, etc. At present, we provide valid SuggestedCorrection
only for the following rules, while gradually adding this feature to more rules.
- AvoidAlias.cs
- AvoidUsingPlainTextForPassword.cs
- MisleadingBacktick.cs
- MissingModuleManifestField.cs
- UseToExportFieldsInManifest.cs
You can track issues, pull requests, backlog items here:
Throughput Graph
There are many ways to contribute:
- Open a new bug report, feature request or just ask a question by opening a new issue here.
- Participate in the discussions of issues, pull requests and verify/test fixes or new features.
- Submit your own fixes or features as a pull request but please discuss it beforehand in an issue if the change is substantial.
- Submit test cases.
- Update changelog (
) with the new version number and change set. When updating the changelog please follow the same pattern as that of previous change sets (otherwise this may break the next step). - Import the ReleaseMaker module and execute
cmdlet to perform the following actions.- Update module manifest (engine/PSScriptAnalyzer.psd1) with the new version number and change set
- Update the version number in
- Create a release build in
PS> Import-Module .\Utils\ReleaseMaker.psm1
PS> New-Release
- Sign the binaries and PowerShell files in the release build and publish the module to PowerShell Gallery.
- Draft a new release on github and tag
with the new version number.
This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact [email protected] with any additional questions or comments.