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Spring 2024 Starter Code!

Note: Please read until the end!

Hi everyone, welcome to the Spring 2024 offering of DSC 30, Data Structures and Algorithms for Data Science! This course introduces you to the foundations of programming in Java, data structures, and algorithms. In particular, DSC 30 is the second class in the series taught in Java and covers data structures including Stacks, Queues, Arrays, Lists, Linked Lists, Hash Tables, Binary Trees and Binary Search Trees, Balanced Trees, and Heaps. This class also covers sorting algorithms: Selection, Insertion, Merge, Quick, and Heap.

To begin with, I will walk you through a quick tutorial on how to pull the starter code from this repository. Note that different tutors will introduce several methods, and either approach will be fine. Assuming you have already finished setting up your IntelliJ IDE, you want to go to your terminal and do the following in your desktop's working directory:

mkdir dsc30_sp24
cd ./dsc30_sp24
git clone

What you are doing above is creating a new folder called dsc30_sp24 (hence mkdir dsc30_sp24), then moving into that directory (cd = change directory), and cloning whatever files can be found inside the git repository. Every week, we will release a new skeleton for the PA (a starter code), and if you followed the above steps properly, you need not repeat it again for the following weeks. You can get whatever files we upload using the git command:

git pull

And this will keep your remote repository up-to-date with the most recent starter code we will provide you with. Now that you have the starter code, you can copy and paste all the files into your own git repository which you will submit on gradescope.

Good luck!
