- Added acp_modification_date attribute to ResourceObject.
- Replace Travis with GitHub Actions.
- Add support for Python 3.8 and 3.9.
- Upgraded to Python 3.
- Increased urlopen timeout to 6 seconds when determining file system location.
- Escaped URL parts when forming regex to find characters that cause incorrect URL parsing.
- Fixed a bug which caused an IndexError when the descriptive metadata has an empty list for the resourceType.
- Fixed bug which could raise KeyError when looking up transcription files for records with no resourceType.
- Added transcriptions data to ResourceObject instances.
- Fixed flake8 failures dealing with bare excepts. Now those excepts catch all Exception instances.
- Added supplying of dimensions to ResourceObject instances when available.
- Added prevention of system hanging on HEAD and GET requests when target server is down.
- Corrected Python version in requirements.
- Added support for https-schemed URLs. #4.
- Updated minimum required version of pyuntl to 1.0.1. #5
- Fixed flake8 failures. #3.
- Added tests for aubreylib/system.py.
- Initial release.