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99 lines (99 loc) · 3.59 KB

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99 lines (99 loc) · 3.59 KB

Code Library

  1. Find minimum
  2. Minimum changes from one string to another
  3. Swap characters of a string
  4. Next Lexicographic Permutation of a String
  5. Driver of print next permutation XOR operations
  6. input a vector
  7. Finding unique element in series
  8. Finding no of X such that n + x = n ^ x
  9. Gaming array problem
  10. power function for large numbers with mod
  11. Catalan Numbers
  12. Setting a bit at a position in a number
  13. Check if a bit at a position is set or no
  14. Clear a bit at a position
  15. Count number of set bits
  16. Counting set bits the other way
  17. The assignment problem
  18. Running sum problem
  19. Shuffled array problem
  20. Richest customer wealth problem (Maximum row)
  21. Number of ways to distribute extra candies
  22. Number of identical pairs
  23. Number of jewels in a given stone
  24. Number of values smaller than current
  25. Difference between product and sum of digits
  26. Number of steps to reduce to 0
  27. Decompress List of values
  28. Creating an array as directed
  29. Transalte strings in () to normal form
  30. Counting the number of items matching a rule
  31. Sum of all values in a BST in the given range
  32. Converting linked list of Binary numbers to decimal
  33. Finding the higest peak
  34. Number of digits in a number
  35. Find the numbers with even digits
  36. Make the largest possible number with 5 & 4
  37. Query Problem: Number of students busy currently
  38. Number of people not arranged in order of height
  39. Simpler power function
  40. Can we create the target word on sum of the numbers the first two words represent
  41. Swap characters
  42. Reverse a string stored as a vector
  43. Returns length of linked list
  44. Returns middle node of a linked list
  45. Delete a node in a linked list
  46. Invert a binary tree 47 . Returns non repeating element
  47. Returns most occurring element
  48. Returns sum of digits of a number
  49. Binary search
  50. First Unique character in a string
  51. Maximum consecutive occurence of X
  52. Does the sum of squares of digits continous end with 1
  53. tells if a number is a palindrome
  54. tells if is a subsequence
  55. Maximum sub array (kadane's algorithm)
  56. returns indices to add to get target value
  57. Checks consecutive similarity record
  58. Groups binary data into 2-bit 1-bit groups
  59. Tells if guess correct or no
  60. Guess the number by knowledge of if guess higher or lower (works in logN)
  61. tells if a number is a power of two
  62. Number atleast twice of others
  63. Number of rows whten n elements stacked like a staircase
  64. Search position to insert a value in a sorted array
  65. tells if a number is a power of 4
  66. Finds first bad version in a series 1 to n
  67. Word counter
  68. reversing a integer
  69. Finds best combination of flights to send N people to city A and N to city B
  70. Counting sort for array with numbers 0,1,2 (inplace)
  71. Creating a random set to store different values
  72. returns starting and ending positions of target value
  73. Binary search on a rotated sorted array
  74. Longest Paranthesis match
  75. GCD with template
  76. Bubble sort (inplace)
  77. Depth first Search
  78. Breadth first Search
  79. Decimal to binary value in array
  80. Brute force pattern mathcing
  81. Binary Search Tree -- creation
  82. Insert into a BST
  83. Inorder traversal BST
  84. Postorder traversal BST
  85. Preorder traversal BST
  86. Dijkstras algorithm
  87. Heapify
  88. Floyd's Algorithm
  89. Heap Sort
  90. Insertion Sort
  91. Insertion sort
  92. Stack manipularion
  93. Swap
  94. Fibonacci Print with loops
  95. Initialise Union-Find
  96. Find function
  97. Union function