- Find minimum
- Minimum changes from one string to another
- Swap characters of a string
- Next Lexicographic Permutation of a String
- Driver of print next permutation XOR operations
- input a vector
- Finding unique element in series
- Finding no of X such that n + x = n ^ x
- Gaming array problem
- power function for large numbers with mod
- Catalan Numbers
- Setting a bit at a position in a number
- Check if a bit at a position is set or no
- Clear a bit at a position
- Count number of set bits
- Counting set bits the other way
- The assignment problem
- Running sum problem
- Shuffled array problem
- Richest customer wealth problem (Maximum row)
- Number of ways to distribute extra candies
- Number of identical pairs
- Number of jewels in a given stone
- Number of values smaller than current
- Difference between product and sum of digits
- Number of steps to reduce to 0
- Decompress List of values
- Creating an array as directed
- Transalte strings in () to normal form
- Counting the number of items matching a rule
- Sum of all values in a BST in the given range
- Converting linked list of Binary numbers to decimal
- Finding the higest peak
- Number of digits in a number
- Find the numbers with even digits
- Make the largest possible number with 5 & 4
- Query Problem: Number of students busy currently
- Number of people not arranged in order of height
- Simpler power function
- Can we create the target word on sum of the numbers the first two words represent
- Swap characters
- Reverse a string stored as a vector
- Returns length of linked list
- Returns middle node of a linked list
- Delete a node in a linked list
- Invert a binary tree 47 . Returns non repeating element
- Returns most occurring element
- Returns sum of digits of a number
- Binary search
- First Unique character in a string
- Maximum consecutive occurence of X
- Does the sum of squares of digits continous end with 1
- tells if a number is a palindrome
- tells if is a subsequence
- Maximum sub array (kadane's algorithm)
- returns indices to add to get target value
- Checks consecutive similarity record
- Groups binary data into 2-bit 1-bit groups
- Tells if guess correct or no
- Guess the number by knowledge of if guess higher or lower (works in logN)
- tells if a number is a power of two
- Number atleast twice of others
- Number of rows whten n elements stacked like a staircase
- Search position to insert a value in a sorted array
- tells if a number is a power of 4
- Finds first bad version in a series 1 to n
- Word counter
- reversing a integer
- Finds best combination of flights to send N people to city A and N to city B
- Counting sort for array with numbers 0,1,2 (inplace)
- Creating a random set to store different values
- returns starting and ending positions of target value
- Binary search on a rotated sorted array
- Longest Paranthesis match
- GCD with template
- Bubble sort (inplace)
- Depth first Search
- Breadth first Search
- Decimal to binary value in array
- Brute force pattern mathcing
- Binary Search Tree -- creation
- Insert into a BST
- Inorder traversal BST
- Postorder traversal BST
- Preorder traversal BST
- Dijkstras algorithm
- Heapify
- Floyd's Algorithm
- Heap Sort
- Insertion Sort
- Insertion sort
- Stack manipularion
- Swap
- Fibonacci Print with loops
- Initialise Union-Find
- Find function
- Union function