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uyuni community project docs

Joseph Cayouette edited this page Dec 20, 2023 · 27 revisions

Building Uyuni Community Documentation

Last modified:


  1. From your local git checkout of uyuni-docs in parameters.yml verify that the default value for site.url is enabled for We support two outputs SUSE Manager and Uyuni. Check that you are modifying the correct yaml block.

          - attribute: title
            value: "Uyuni Documentation"
          - attribute: start_page
            value: "uyuni::index.adoc"
          - attribute: url
  2. Check the Uyuni version number in the parameters.yml. This should be adjusted to the release version.

          - attribute: productname
            value: "Uyuni"
          - attribute: productnumber
            value: "2023.12"
          - attribute: docversion
            value: "2023.12"
          - attribute: minorversion
            value: "2023.12"
  3. Check the following attributes in the parameters.yml ensuring the file version numbers are correct. These numbers can be found in the OBS package spec files. For example: salt.spec. Feel free to ping release engineers for further clarification.

      - attribute: opensuse-version
        value: 15.5
      - attribute: saltversion
        value: 3006.0
      - attribute: postgresql
        value: PostgreSQL
      - attribute: postgresql-version
        value: 14
      - attribute: sles-version
        value: 15
      - attribute:  sp-version
        value: SP5 #use for normal text
      - attribute: sp-vert
        value: sp5 #use for terminal block
      - attribute: sp-version-l
        value: sp5
  1. Build the Static HTML. From the local checkout directory on the command line run:

    make clean
    make configure-uyuni
    make antora-uyuni
  1. Backup your new build:

    cp -R build/ ../uyuni-2023.12
  2. Clean up your build:

    make clean
  3. Checkout the gh-pages branch:

    git checkout gh-pages
  4. Update your local checkout:

    git pull
  5. Create your new release branch for gh-pages:

    git checkout -b gh-pages-uyuni-2023.12
  6. Copy the contents of the build directory backup into the new release branch.

  7. Push your local release branch.

    git add .
    git commit -am "gh-pages update for uyuni-2023.12"
    git push
  8. From the GitHub webui select the new branch you pushed for creating a PR

  9. IMPORTANT! Select gh-pages as the branch to merge into.

  10. Create the pull request and hand it off to rel-engineers.

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