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uyuni community project docs

Belief and Reason edited this page Jan 25, 2024 · 27 revisions

Publishing to

Last modified: January 25, 2023 10:05 CET

You have uyuni-docs-helper container set up, see uyuni-docs-helper

  1. From your local git checkout of uyuni-docs in parameters.yml verify that the default value for site.url is enabled for We support two outputs SUSE Manager and Uyuni. Check that you are modifying the correct yaml block.

          - attribute: title
            value: "Uyuni Documentation"
          - attribute: start_page
            value: "uyuni::index.adoc"
          - attribute: url
  2. Check the Uyuni version number in the parameters.yml. This should be adjusted to the release version.

          - attribute: productname
            value: "Uyuni"
          - attribute: productnumber
            value: "2024.01"
          - attribute: docversion
            value: "2024.01"
          - attribute: minorversion
            value: "2024.01"
  3. Check the following attributes in the parameters.yml ensuring the file version numbers are correct. These numbers can be found in the OBS package spec files. For example: salt.spec. Feel free to ping release engineers for further clarification.

      - attribute: opensuse-version
        value: 15.5
      - attribute: saltversion
        value: 3006.0
      - attribute: postgresql
        value: PostgreSQL
      - attribute: postgresql-version
        value: 14
      - attribute: sles-version
        value: 15
      - attribute:  sp-version
        value: SP5 #use for normal text
      - attribute: sp-vert
        value: sp5 #use for terminal block
      - attribute: sp-version-l
        value: sp5
  1. Build the Static HTML. From the local checkout directory on the command line run:

    make clean
    make configure-uyuni
    make antora-uyuni
  2. Backup your new build:

    cp -R build/ ../uyuni-2024.01
  3. Clean up your build:

    make clean
  4. Checkout the gh-pages branch:

    git checkout gh-pages
  5. Update your local checkout:

    git pull
  6. Create your new release branch for gh-pages:

    git checkout -b gh-pages-uyuni-2024.01
  7. Copy the contents of your build directory backup into the new release branch.

  8. Move onto the next step to add database schema content.

We provide database schema documentation when we publish to Database Schema. To update the database schema documentation perform the following steps.

  1. Login to

  2. Go to the project of interest, for example: systemsmanagement:Uyuni:Master/uyuni-docs-en`

  3. Download the reportdb-schema-docs.tar.xz file

  4. Untar it.

  5. on the command line go to your local uyuni-docs checkout.

  6. If you have not checked it out previously checkout the gh-pages branch.

    git checkout gh-pages
  7. Add the contents of the untarred directory to the gh-pages/reporting-db-schema branch/directory. Do not remove the .nojekyll file from the gh-pages checkout. This will break this publication! If you remove it, and notice something is wrong on the endpoint, add a new `.nojekyll file to the reporting-db-schema directory.

  8. Push your local release branch.

    git add .
    git commit -am "gh-pages update for uyuni-2024.01"
    git push
  9. From the GitHub webui select the new branch you pushed for creating a PR

  10. IMPORTANT! Select gh-pages as the branch to merge into!

  11. Create the pull request for gh-page merge and hand it off to @rel-engineers on Slack.

Clone this wiki locally