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145 lines (87 loc) · 6.72 KB

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executable file
145 lines (87 loc) · 6.72 KB


VinnovateIT - Recruitment Portal

An online recruitment portal developed for recruitments of VinnovateIT.

GitHub repo size GitHub code size in bytes GitHub license

__     ___                             _       ___ _____ 
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VinnovateIT is an OFFICIAL innovation and incubation lab of SITE School. VinnovateIT help the members to develop their projects both technically as well as budding entrepreneurs. It is a platform for the students to come up with innovative ideas where one can work on their areas of interest. It also provides an atmosphere of collaborative learning in those areas.

VinnovateIT Recruitment Portal

Stay connected with VinnovateIT's Facebook page.

Technology Stack Used

HTML CSS JavaScript Bootstrap PHP MYSQL

  • Front End - HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • Framewrok - Bootstrap
  • Back End - PHP
  • Database - MySql



The source code of this project is written in PHP. So, you'll require WAMP/XAMPP/MAMP to run this project.


wamp xampp mamp

How to run?

  1. Download this repo and extract it in your www/htdocs directory.

  2. Import the [database] i.e. vinnovate.sql from db folder.

  3. Configure dbConnection.php

  4. Run localhost/{YOUR FOLDER NAME}

Check UI screenshots inside screenshots folder.

Need help?

  if (needHelp === true) {
     var emailId = "[email protected]";
     // email is the best way to reach out to me.

Feel free to contact me via Facebook.

Invite me to connect on LinkedIn.

Facebook Instagram LinkedIn


GitHub license Author

MIT © Vinit Shahdeo

Oh, Thanks!

 _____ _                 _     __   __            
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\____/ \___|_|_| |_|\__, | \_| |_/\___|_|  \___(_)
                     __/ |                        


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  if (isAwesome) {
    // thanks in advance :p