layout | title |
page |
Documents |
{% capture guide %}
{% include fetch-guide-urls.html %}
Getting Started
Themes and CSS
Using Config File
Creating Table of Contents Page
Creating Cover Page
Special Output Settings
- Spec
- Operational Guidelines
{% capture contribution %}
- {% endcapture %}
{% capture reference %}
- Supported CSS Features
- Core API Reference
- Vivliostyle CLI API Reference
- Config Reference
- JavaScript API {% endcapture %}
{% capture plan %}
The following list is a summary of the hot issues for each project. Would you like to contribute?
- Vivliostyle.js
- Vivliostyle CLI
- Create Book
- Themes
- Good issue for first time contributors {% endcapture %}
{% capture community %}
{% include button/slack.html text="Join our Slack" %}
Vivliostyle project discusses development matters on Slack. {% endcapture %}
{% include page/documents.html title="Documents" lead="We have arranged a variety of documents that developers can rely on when in trouble. In “Development Plan”, each item links to the corresponding GitHub issue."
guide=guide reference=reference contribution=contribution plan=plan community=community %}