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File metadata and controls

55 lines (33 loc) · 1.72 KB

Your cluster

Designed for a "write and debug it on your laptop, run it in the cloud"

You will need a real hadoop cluster running in distributed mode on real data for many of the exercises and to truly grok what is happening.

Goal is that you can do anything with a 5-machine cluster of m1.large machines - cost is ~ $2.00/hr.

(→ Instructions for launching using ironfan)


Why not Hive? The appealing thing about Hive is that it feels a lot like SQL. The dismal thing about Hive is that it feels a lot like SQL. Similarly, the wonderful thing about Pig is that its operations more closely mirror the underlying map-reduce setup, making it easier to reason about the performance of your tasks; this however means more brain-bendy at the outset for a traditional DBA. Lastly, Hive organizes your data — useful for a multi-analyst setup - but it’s a pain when using a polyglot toolset. Ultimately, Hive is better for an Enterprise Data Warehouse experience, or if you’re already a SQL expert. but all else equal, for exploratory analysis and Data science, you’re better off with Pig.

Ruby & Wukong


  • parsing:

    • HomeRun rubygem — large increase in date/time handling

    • Crack rubygem — parse XML simply

    • Oj rubygem — parse JSON quickly

  • algorithms:

  • hashing and encoding:

    • murmur hash by

    • stdlib’s Digest::

    • stdlib’s Base64

  • matrices:

    • stdlib’s Matrix class




Narrative Method Structure

  • Gather input

  • Perform work

  • Deliver results

  • Handle failure