An accessibile image component with support for image resizing, default image, and child content.
Unsupported React Native props:
accessibilityLabel: string
The text that's read by a screenreader when someone interacts with the image.
accessible: bool
When false
, the view is hidden from screenreaders. Default: true
children: any
Content to display over the image.
defaultSource: { uri: string }
An image to display as a placeholder while downloading the final image off the network.
onError: function
Invoked on load error with {nativeEvent: {error}}
onLayout: function
Invoked on mount and layout changes with { nativeEvent: { layout: { x, y, width, height } } }
, where x
and y
are the offsets from the parent node.
onLoad: function
Invoked when load completes successfully.
onLoadEnd: function
Invoked when load either succeeds or fails,
onLoadStart: function
Invoked on load start.
resizeMode: oneOf('center', 'contain', 'cover', 'none', 'repeat', 'stretch') = 'cover'
Determines how to resize the image when the frame doesn't match the raw image dimensions.
source: { uri: string }
is a string representing the resource identifier for the image, which
could be an http address or a base64 encoded image.
style: style
- ...View#style
testID: string
Used to locate a view in end-to-end tests.
static resizeMode: Object
Example usage:
<Image resizeMode={Image.resizeMode.contain} />
import placeholderAvatar from './placeholderAvatar.png'
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { Image, PropTypes, StyleSheet } from 'react-native'
export default class ImageExample extends Component {
constructor(props, context) {
super(props, context)
this.state = { loading: true }
static propTypes = {
size: PropTypes.oneOf(['small', 'normal', 'large']),
testID: Image.propTypes.testID,
user: PropTypes.object
static defaultProps = {
size: 'normal'
_onLoad(e) {
console.log('Avatar.onLoad', e)
this.setState({ loading: false })
render() {
const { size, testID, user } = this.props
const loadingStyle = this.state.loading ? { styles.loading } : { }
return (
accessibilityLabel={`${}'s profile picture`}
defaultSource={{ uri: placeholderAvatar }}
source={{ uri: user.avatarUrl }}
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
base: {
borderColor: 'white',
borderRadius: 5,
borderWidth: 5
loading: {
opacity: 0.5
small: {
height: 32,
width: 32
normal: {
height: 48,
width: 48
large: {
height: 64,
width: 64