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Project 2 — Cohesion

In this project, you are given a large object-oriented codebase and are asked to refactor it to improve its cohesion.

Take some time to study this codebase. In doing so, you may have noticed that some classes support functionality (methods) that are not appropriate for all instances of the class. Moreover, these classes support data attributes (instance variables) that are not used by all instances of the class.

This is an issue of cohesion. Specifically, these classes exhibit low (poor) cohesion by representing multiple concepts, combining all attributes and methods used by each concept in a single class.

This project asks that you improve the code base by splitting each class exhibiting low cohesion into multiple, highly cohesive classes. Doing so in Java will require identifying common methods for each subset of these new classes and then introducing a new parent type for each logical grouping of these methods (more on this below).


  • Deepen your understanding of the specific functionality of the large project design.
  • To be able to read and understand java code and be able to evaluate the cohesion of the class structure in existing code.
  • To be able to implement abstract classes and/or interfaces and use them to improve cohesion in a project design.
  • Introduce appropriate classes in order to remove the need for enumerated types and for other classes that contain methods that do not support the primary role of instances of that class.
  • To be able to make design changes to a large code base and have the code still work.

Given code

Obtain the code from this GitHub classroom assignment: LINK IN CANVAS. You will use this codebase for the next 3 programming projects, including this one.

Task Overview

You must identify those classes with low cohesion and then split these classes into separate classes exhibiting high cohesion.

Since each of these new classes will introduce a separate type, you will need to “root” them at a single parent type (as defined by an interface or an abstract class) to satisfy Java’s type checking rules. When you are done, many classes will end up with multiple parent types (e.g. implement multiple interfaces) or may have a parent type that has its own parent types in turn.

Based on the original source code, there are likely two categories of classes with low cohesion.

  • "Kind": The original source code uses EntityKind and ActionKind to allow each Action instance and each Entity instance to play one of potentially many roles (polymorphism). You are to eliminate these Kind classes (enums) by splitting Entity and Action into multiple new classes.

  • Other: Review all of the classes with a focus on cohesion. Does a class contain data that is not used by all instances of the class (i.e., each “kind” uses only subsets of the data)? Does a class contain methods that do not support the primary role of instances of the class?

You are strongly encouraged to:

  • Develop both a design document and the code refactoring at the same time. Do not try to dive straight into coding without a plan.
  • Implement the refactoring incrementally so that your refactored program executes properly at each step. That is, after each change, run the program using the main method in and tests in and make sure that it continues to behave as expected.
  • Commit your code and push to GitHub often. On this project more than before you are likely to want to look at previous versions of the codebase. So make sure your commit messages are meaningful. Do NOT simply write messages like "Done" or "Made changes", etc.

Introducing Parent Types

Consider this example. Above we’ve discussed the EntityKind enums, which are used to differentiate between different kinds of Entities. In this project, you’ll need to split those classes into multiple new classes, each of which represents a specific kind of Entity. However, to satisfy Java’s type-checking rules, we need to “root” those new classes at a single type. That is, the rest of this project still refers to Entity objects—we don't want those classes to have to change because you're splitting up Entity into sub-classes.

You have a number of strategies in your arsenal that will help you address this. Namely, you can introduce interfaces or abstract classes. Consider carefully the pros and cons of either approach.

Strategy 1

An interface can define a number of abstract methods which are then implemented by each of the implementing subclasses. This solves our problem of rooting our new subclasses at a single parent type.

However, it will introduce a fair amount of code duplication. Each implementing subclass will need to implement all the abstract methods listed in the interface, even if the implementations are identical for multiple subclasses. How to address this?

Strategy 2

This can be addressed by using default methods in your interfaces. Default methods let you provide implementations for certain methods (which will be used by the implementing subclasses unless they have their own implementations). This solves the problem of duplicated method implementations, but does still cause difficulties because interfaces cannot have instance variables.

Strategy 3

You can address this by instead using an abstract class. Abstract classes, as you recall, can have a mix of abstract and fully implemented methods (in a manner very similar to an interface having abstract and default methods). A key difference is that abstract classes can also have instance variables—this means you can avoid duplication of data, not just methods.

So why not just use abstract classes if they solve so many problems? Remember that a class can extend no more than one abstract class. As you design your solution, you will find that this introduces a number of constraints, not all of which are desirable.

Like many problems in software design, there is no “silver bullet” that solves all your problems. You will consider design trade-offs and make your own decisions about how to approach this project, likely using a mix of the above strategies.

Design goals

As I've mentioned in class:

There is no single correct solution to this project. But there ARE many possible incorrect solutions.

No matter what you do, your main guiding principles throughout will be:

  • Improve cohesion. Classes should only include functionality that is relevant to all instances of the class. There should NOT be functionality in a class that is only ever invoked for some instances of the class but not others. In practice, this means:
    • No empty methods in a subclass (this includes methods that only return a dummy value in order to get the code to compile).
    • No unused instance variables in a subclass.
  • Remove code duplication. There should be little-to-no code duplication in the project once you’re done. Where classes have similar or identical code, abstract out that functionality into a parent type.
    • This can include pulling entire methods into a parent type, or pulling up parts of a method into a parent type.
    • If you opt to use mostly interfaces and default methods, you will find that private instance variables and their public getters and setters must be duplicated across all implementing subclasses. This duplication is okay.

You should also not "over-correct" to the opposite extreme, where you create interfaces or abstract classes for every single method. It is up to you to idenitfy the right abstractions, i.e., the appropriate groupings of data and functionality.

Design document

You are strongly encouraged to prepare a diagram describing your program design before you begin refactoring the source code. Show me this diagram during lab or office hours to receive some feedback about it before you dive too deeply into code editing.

Source code refactoring

The following are some tips on approaching the introduction of interfaces or abstract classes to support splitting classes.

Note: A class should not implement an interface (or extend an abstract parent class) only to then define a method required by the interface (or abstract class) to do nothing at all. A class should not implement an interface (or extend an abstract parent class) and then define a method required by the interface (or abstract class) to raise an exception indicating that the method is not supported.

Your introduction of parent types for this project must be meaningful. It is insufficient to define a single interface / abstract class with all methods that are then only partially implemented by each of the classes.

  • First, copy the original class to each of the new classes (each defining a single role).
  • In each new class, eliminate each data attribute not used by this class and each method not supported by this class. (For this project, you can examine how instances playing this role are created as a hint about which data attributes are actually used.)
  • Change the original class into an interface declaring only those methods shared by every new class.
  • Group the new classes into sets with similar functionality. Introduce additional interfaces as appropriate (see below).
  • Examine the original uses of the objects (before this change) to determine which methods are used by client code. Can the client code still access that method based on the reference type? Will it be able to do so if you change the type to one of the interfaces that you have already introduced? Do any interfaces have to extend a more general interface for it to compile?

At this point, if you only added interfaces, you will have lots of duplicate code. Next, consider if your interfaces could use default methods or if there is any common data / implementation you can "pull up" if your interface was instead an abstract parent (or if your interface was implemented by an abstract parent).

Your refactoring must not add or remove any program functionality. The resulting program must work as before. The WorldTests must continue to pass.

Tips on Refactoring Methods

You can use the compiler (on the command-line or in the IDE) to help you with your refactoring. In particular, as you introduce interfaces and abstract classes, the compiler will report attempts to use methods not supported by the specified type. The existence of such errors may indicate missing methods for an interface or, more likely, attempts to treat a group of objects more generally than should be supported (i.e., not all of them implement the desired operation).

As part of your refactoring, you will be eliminating the Kind classes. This is desired to allow each new class to directly implement a single role, but has the unfortunate side-effect of eliminating a simple check of an object’s “kind”. This check is used, for instance, when searching for the nearest Tree to a Dude.

Consider the following tips.

  • For a class that is being split into multiple class, change the original class into an interface declaring no methods. Compile the program to determine all uses of this interface (the method invocations will trigger compiler errors). Now determine which of these methods must be supported by all instances of an interface or abstract class and which should be supported via additional interfaces.

  • You can copy the original class to, and change all references to, NameTmp and declare it to implement the new interface (or extend the new abstract class) so that most of the code will continue to compile.

  • For those methods that are not logically part of the primary interface defined in the prior step, introduce new interfaces and change the necessary variable declarations to use the new types.

  • A check for the "kind" of a referenced object can, for now (though we will address this later), be replaced by a use of instanceof. Use this sparingly; certainly instanceof is not needed to check the type of this.

  • In the case that a *Kind value was passed as a parameter to another method (and then compared within), you can do the following.

  • Change the parameter type from the specific *Kind to Class (this is a type where each instance represents properties of a specific Java class).

  • Instead of passing a *Kind value, use .class to get the object associated with the desired Java class (e.g., String.class gives the Class object describing the String class).

  • Change the comparison to use the isInstance() method on the Class object, passing to this method the object to be checked.

  • For two methods that appear to be doing roughly the same thing, but that differ slightly in their implementation: examine the code to determine if the code can be rewritten to match. This does require careful consideration for what each method does (and does not) to avoid introducing bugs.

  • Some methods may have the same general structure (and match identically in significant portions), but differ in some segments. For such methods, the general structure and identical portions can be refactored into a parent class. This parent class will declare new protected abstract method(s) that each subclass then implements to define the unique behavior (as done in the calculator lab).

Assignment Submission

Commit and push your code to your project GitHub repository.

Your submission must include all source files (even those that were unchanged). Your grader should be able to build your project based on the files submitted. An explicit list of files is not given because you are creating new files for this assignment, so verify that you have submitted everything properly. Remove files from your repository that are no longer needed for your project (e.g.,