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2631 lines (2291 loc) · 222 KB

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2631 lines (2291 loc) · 222 KB

Lotus changelog v1.10.0 - v1.19.0

1.19.0 / 2022-12-07

This is an optional feature release of Lotus. This feature release includes the SplitStore beta, the experimental Lotus node cluster feature, as well as numerous enhancments and bugfixes.


🟢 SplitStore v2(Beta) 🟢

Splitstore aims to reduce the node performance impact that's caused by the Filecoin's very large, and continuously growing chain datastore by having a hot and cold blockstore. You can find more about the Splitstore implementation here. Splitstore has three basic modes for node operators to configure according to your needs:

  • discard: hotstore only, automatically archive out-of-scope objects that are beyond 4 finalities(3600 epochs).
  • universal: stores all chain data that's beyond 4 finalities into coldstore.
  • messages: only stores on-chain messages into coldstore.

The EnableColdStoreAutoPrune= configuration is being deprecated in this release, as there is only ever one compaction running. We welcome all node operators to try the new feature and let us know here if you have any feedback! There are more configuration one may set, you can read the full documentation about the SplitStoreV2 here:

🧪 Node Cluster (EXPERIMENTAL.) 🧪

The Lotus HA node cluster feature allows you to run multiple Lotus daemons for the same lotus-miner increasing resiliency. We welcome all Lotus users to join the early testing for this feature and provide your feedback. Please note that this feature is targeted towards more enterprise users of Lotus and requires at least 3 lotus nodes to be set up in a cluster. Check out the documentation here:

⭐️ SnapDeals Enhancements ⭐️

Numerous SnapDeals related improvements and fixes made it into this release before the code freeze. Some the highlights of the issues that has been fixed in this feature release are:

  • Unable to snap-up a sector again if something went wrong. - This has now been fixed ✅
  • Error messages on loop during an open deadline. - This has now been fixed ✅

New features

  • feat:splitstore:single compaction that can handle prune aka two marksets one compaction (#9571) (filecoin-project/lotus#9571)
    • Introduces a new SplitStore-mode, messages, which will only store on-chain messages. Fixes previously issues with regards to AutoPrune not compacting the coldstore. Link to documentation
  • feat: Raft consensus for lotus nodes in a cluster (filecoin-project/lotus#9294)
    • Adds the experimental node cluster feature.
  • feat: storage: Force exit GenerateSingleVanillaProof on cancelled context (filecoin-project/lotus#9613)
    • GenerateSingleVanillaProof now respects context, which means that it will skip slow to read sectors 🐌 and return a context error. Instead of being blocked forever if storage reads where blocked (e.g disconnected NFS).
  • feat: wdpost: Configurable pre-check timeouts (filecoin-project/lotus#9680)
    • Adds configuration knobs for setting custom amount of time a proving pre-check can take before a sector and partition will be skipped. Link to documentation
  • feat: chain: future proof the from & to address protocols (filecoin-project/lotus#9515)
    • This lets us add new address protocols to go-address without implicitly accepting them in messages on the network.
  • feat: Retrieval into remote blockstores (filecoin-project/lotus#9565)
    • Makes it possible to point retrievals at a network-backed blockstore.
  • feat: Add node uptime rpc / output in info command (filecoin-project/lotus#9436)
    • Adds node uptime stats to the lotus-miner info and lotus info commands
  • feat: wdpost: Add ability to only have single partition per msg for partitions with… (filecoin-project/lotus#9413)
    • Adds a configuration option to have a single partition per PoSt Message for partitions containing recovering sectors.
  • feat: miner paramfetch: Don't fetch param files when not needed (filecoin-project/lotus#9391)
    • A Lotus-Miner processes that has disabled local PoSt / C2 / PR2 does not need the param-files. This makes node startup much faster, reducing downtime by a lot when restarts are needed.
  • feat: client: Add retrieval deal ID and bytes transferred to retrieval output (filecoin-project/lotus#9398)
    • Appends retrieval deal ID and bytes transferred to the retrieval output.
  • feat: dealpublisher: check for duplicate deals before adding (filecoin-project/lotus#9365)
  • feat: Drop active retrieval check (#764) (filecoin-project/go-fil-markets#764)
  • feat(retrievalmarkets): expose GetDynamicAsk (#748) (filecoin-project/go-fil-markets#748)
  • feat: handle retrieval queries for unindexed identity payload CIDs (#747) (filecoin-project/go-fil-markets#747)
  • feat: add a method for validating an address for a network version (#115) (filecoin-project/go-state-types#115)


  • fix: miner-cli: Fix lotus-miner proving check (filecoin-project/lotus#9643)
    • Fixes the issue where the lotus-miner proving check command always outputted Error: rg is nil
  • fix: sealing pipeline: Clear CreationTime when starting sector upgrade (filecoin-project/lotus#9642)
    • Fixes the issue where an aborted SnapDeal upgrade could no longer be retried with SnapDeals.
  • fix:sealing-fsm:wait mutable fsm state for immutable sector upgrade error (filecoin-project/lotus#9598)
    • Creating a new WaitMutable state - now if the deadline is open and the sectors are trying finalize they will wait on the worker until the deadline has closed. Important to note that they will not finalize as soon as the deadline closes, they will wait 1h before continuing. Fixes the previous issue where upgraded Snap-sectors for an open deadline cause a lot of error-messages and p_aux issues
  • fix: cli: add beneficiary info to lotus-miner actor control list (filecoin-project/lotus#9632)
    • Adds the beneficiary address to the lotus-miner actor control list output.
  • fix: sealing pipeine: Release assigned deals on snapdeals abort (filecoin-project/lotus#9601)
  • fix: docker: make compatible with arm platform (filecoin-project/lotus#9363)
    • Makes the Dockerfile.lotus compatible with ARM-platforms (e.g Mac M1).
  • fix: post worker sched: Don't check worker session in a busy loop (filecoin-project/lotus#9495)
    • Fixes a looping pattern which could result in a flood of requests between lotus-miner<->lotus-worker, potentially exhausting resources needed to make http requests, that lead to all sorts of random RPC-related issues.
  • fix: miner: init miner's with 32GiB sectors by default (filecoin-project/lotus#9364)
    • Makes the lotus-miner init defualt to 32GiB sectors.
  • fix: store identity CIDs in CARs for online deals (#749) (filecoin-project/go-fil-markets#749)
  • fix: cliutil: Fix URL-based API endpoint parsing



lotus-market EOL notice

As mentioned in lotus v1.17.0 release notes, markets related features, enhancements and fixes is now lower priority for Lotus. We recommend our users to migrate to other deal making focused software, like boost as soon as possible. That being said, the lotus maintainers will be:

  • Lotus maintainers will stop supporting lotus-market subcomponent/storage deal making related issues or enhancements on Jan 31, 2023.
  • In Q2 2023, we will be deprecating/removing lotus-market related code from this repository.

If you have any questions or concerns, please raise them in Lotus discussion!


Contributor Commits Lines ± Files Changed
Geoff Stuart 69 +4745/-19478 405
Shrenuj Bansal 39 +5257/-2183 243
Łukasz Magiera 32 +2763/-730 169
Aayush 47 +1439/-1138 157
Ian Davis 21 +556/-1065 41
Rod Vagg 5 +657/-320 18
jennijuju 4 +632/-317 6
Aayush Rajasekaran 13 +700/-135 18
Jennifer Wang 14 +740/-54 25
ZenGround0 1 +193/-195 14
Hannah Howard 4 +138/-122 52
Steven Allen 4 +105/-24 11
zenground0 9 +109/-16 14
Peter Rabbitson 1 +27/-23 3
hannahhoward 2 +49/-0 2
Airenas Vaičiūnas 2 +31/-16 2
simlecode 6 +19/-10 12
Phi 5 +16/-10 7
sectrgt 2 +18/-0 2
Jiaying Wang 2 +4/-4 3
Rob Quist 1 +3/-1 1
Jakub Sztandera 1 +1/-1 1

1.18.2 / 2022-12-10

This is an OPTIONAL patch release that fixes a recently reported bug, where the miner process crashes due to a panic during an AddPiece process. More details can be found here.

1.18.1 / 2022-11-28

This is a small OPTIONAL patch release for the mandatory v1.18.0 release that supports the Filecoin nv17 Shark Upgrade. We highly recommend you to read the full v1.18.0 release note if you haven't already.

Note to SPs: If you are running into issue with updating your miner node from an earlier release and is failing to restart your miner, check your journalctl and see if you noticed the following error:

New sector storage: <%d>
Nov 19 15:03:43 g0lotus01 lotus-miner[<id>]: ERROR: creating node: starting node: could not build arguments for function "reflect".makeFuncStub (/usr/local/go/src/reflect/asm_amd64.s:28): failed to build *paths.Local: received non-nil error from function "reflect".makeFuncStub (/usr/local/go/src/reflect/asm_amd64.s:28): opening path /media/data1/lotusstorage: path with ID <%d> already opened: '<path>'

If so, this check is introduced via #9032, precisely this line. It's added to prevents double-attaching paths given it's now possible to manipulate paths at runtime. Verify storage.json configs if you encounter this error or remove the undesired duplicated path as you see fit accordingly.

Bug Fixes

  • fix: cli: check found before dereferencing SectorInfo #9703

1.18.0 / 2022-11-15

⚠️ Please note that from Lotus v1.17.2&^ will require a Go-version of v1.18.1&^

This is the final release of the upcoming MANDATORY release of Lotus that introduces Filecoin network v17, codenamed the Shark upgrade. Shark upgrade delivers a wave of protocol refinements that will allow for useful smart contracts to be written using the FVM (eg. programmable markets, lending contracts, etc.).

The Filecoin mainnet is scheduled to upgrade to nv17 at epoch 2383680, on Nov 30th on 2022-11-30T14:00:00Z. All node operators, including storage providers, must upgrade to this release before that time. Storage providers must update their daemons, miners, market and worker(s)/boost.

The Shark upgrade introduces the following FIPs, delivered in actors v9:

  • FIP0029 Beneficiary Address for Storage Providers: step towards better lending market for SP
  • FIP0034 Fix PreCommit Deposit Independent of Sector Content: resolves a significant weakening of Filecoin PoRep’s security guarantees
    • ❗Pre-commit deposit will be calculated as the 20-day projection of expected reward earned by a sector with a sector quality of 10 (i.e. full of verified deals), regardless of sector content. The Initial Pledge value, due when the sector is proven, is left unchanged.
  • FIP0041 Forward Compatibility for PreCommit: enables a cleaner and easier transition to Programmable Storage Markets
  • FIP0044 Standard Message Authentication: enable metadata authentication for user defined actor
  • FIP0045 Decoupling Fil+ from Marketplace: DataCap and the 10x QAP is now only associated with how long DATA is wanted to be stored on the network.
    • This is a transitional state to enabling far more efficient and dynamic storage markets on Filecoin network in the future.
    • ⭐️ First Fungible Token Contract - Datacap Actor, on Filecoin! (fungible token standard, token contract library).
    • For storage deal participants (clients and storage providers):
      • PublishStorageDeals/ProveCommit(Aggregate)/ProveReplicaUpdates message that includes verified deals will see a gas usage increase, more details can be found here
      • Term is introduced for defining how long the DataCap is assigned to a piece of data. Anyone who cares about that piece of data may extend the term, which incentives SPs to store the data longer on the network without a new deal/resealing.
      • There is no more diluted verified deal QAP due to deal/sector space time for new sectors that contains verified deals after this upgrade.
      • SPs may enjoy 90 days of extra QAP than deal duration by default, given term_max is always deal duration + 90 days. ❗ We highly recommend all lotus users, especially storage providers, developers and clients to read the FIPs in detail to understand the protocol changes and potential impact to network participants!


The #fil-infra team at PL has launched a brand new Lightweight Filecoin Chain Snapshots Service to support chain management needs for the node operators, check here for the full detail. We are planning to switch the snapshot service listed in lotus docs to the new Lightweight Filecoin Chain Snapshots Service by EOY, and deprecate public support of the current snapshots production. We recommend all users to test and switch the new service ASAP, and if you run into any issue, please report them here and the team would be happy to support you! For the main differences between the old & the new service, checkout the FAQ section here


We are expecting a heavier than normal state migration for this upgrade due to the amount of the state changes introduced. All node operators, including storage providers, should be aware that two pre-migrations are being scheduled. The first pre-migration will begin at 2022-11-30T12:00:00Z (120 minutes before the real upgrade), the second pre-migration will begin at 2022-11-30T13:45:00Z (7.5 minutes before the real upgrade). The first pre-migration will take up to 1.5hr, depending on the amount of the historical state in the node blockstore and the hardware specs the node is running on. During this time, expect slower block validation times, increased CPU and memory usage, and longer delays for API queries. We recommend node operators (who haven't enbabled splistore universal mode) that do not care about historical chain states, to prune the chain blockstore by syncing from a snapshot 1-2 days before the upgrade. Note to full archival node operators: you may expect a migration that takes up to 20 min upon the upgrade, during this period your node will fall out of sync and your chain service may have some disruption. However, you can expect the node to catch up soon after the migration completes.

v9 Built-in actor bundles

Bundles for all networks(mainnet, calibnet, and etc) are included in the lotus source tree (build/actors/) and embedded on build, for v9 actors you can find it here. Reminder: Lotus verifies that the bundle CIDs are the right ones upon build & upgrade against the values in build/builtin_actors_gen.go, according to the network you are building. You may also check the bundle manifest CID matches the bundle gen-ed values by running lotus state actor-cids --network-version 17.

The manifest CID & full list of actor code CIDs for nv17 using actor v9 is:

"_manifest":        "bafy2bzaceb6j6666h36xnhksu3ww4kxb6e25niayfgkdnifaqi6m6ooc66i6i"
"account":          "bafk2bzacect2p7urje3pylrrrjy3tngn6yaih4gtzauuatf2jllk3ksgfiw2y"
"cron":             "bafk2bzacebcec3lffmos3nawm5cvwehssxeqwxixoyyfvejy7viszzsxzyu26"
"datacap":          "bafk2bzacebb6uy2ys7tapekmtj7apnjg7oyj4ia5t7tlkvbmwtxwv74lb2pug"
"init":             "bafk2bzacebtdq4zyuxk2fzbdkva6kc4mx75mkbfmldplfntayhbl5wkqou33i"
"multisig":         "bafk2bzacec4va3nmugyqjqrs3lqyr2ij67jhjia5frvx7omnh2isha6abxzya"
"paymentchannel":   "bafk2bzacebhdvjbjcgupklddfavzef4e4gnkt3xk3rbmgfmk7xhecszhfxeds"
"reward":           "bafk2bzacebezgbbmcm2gbcqwisus5fjvpj7hhmu5ubd37phuku3hmkfulxm2o"
"storagemarket":    "bafk2bzacec3j7p6gklk64stax5px3xxd7hdtejaepnd4nw7s2adihde6emkcu"
"storageminer":     "bafk2bzacedyux5hlrildwutvvjdcsvjtwsoc5xnqdjl73ouiukgklekeuyfl4"
"storagepower":     "bafk2bzacedsetphfajgne4qy3vdrpyd6ekcmtfs2zkjut4r34cvnuoqemdrtw"
"system":           "bafk2bzaceagvlo2jtahj7dloshrmwfulrd6e2izqev32qm46eumf754weec6c"
"verifiedregistry": "bafk2bzacecf3yodlyudzukumehbuabgqljyhjt5ifiv4vetcfohnvsxzynwga"

New Features




lotus-market EOL notice

As mentioned in lotus v1.17.0 release notes, markets related features, enhancements and fixes is now lower priority for Lotus. We recommend our users to migrate to other deal making focused software, like boost as soon as possible. That being said, the lotus maintainers will be:

  • Lotus maintainers will stop supporting lotus-market subcomponent/storage deal making related issues or enhancements on Jan 31, 2023.
  • In Q2 2023, we will be deprecating/removing lotus-market related code from this repository. If you have any questions or concerns, please raise them in Lotus discussion!


Contributor Commits Lines ± Files Changed
@geoff-vball 73 +14533/-19712 509
@arajasek 16 +2230/-303 49
@arajasek 29 +701/-297 117
@magik6k 5 +429/-135 45
@Frrist 1 +246/-203 25
@stebalien 2 +323/-2 6
@shrenujbansal 3 +176/-61 10
@ZenGround0 2 +78/-38 5
@jennijuju 8 +97/-18 16
@simlecode 5 +18/-9 11
Kevin Li 1 +7/-0 1
@zenground0 2 +3/-3 3
@jennijuju 1 +3/-3 2
Rod Vagg 1 +3/-2 2
@jennijuju 1 +2/-2 2
Peter Rabbitson 1 +3/-0 1
Jakub Sztandera 1 +1/-1 1

v1.17.2 / 2022-10-05

This is an OPTIONAL release of Lotus. This feature release introduces new sector number management APIs in Lotus that enables all the Sealing-as-a-Service and Lotus interactions needed to function. The default propagation delay setting for storage providers has also been changed, as well as numerous other features and enhancements. Check out the sub-bullet points in the feature and enhancement section to get a short description about each feature and enhancements.


🦭 SaaS 🦭 New sector management APIs makes it possible to import partially sealed sectors into Lotus. This release implements all SaaS<->Lotus interactions needed for such services to work. Deep dive into the new APIs here: filecoin-project#9079 (comment)

Propagation delay ⌛️ In v1.17.2 the default PropagationDelay has been raised from 6 seconds -> 10 seconds, and you can tune this yourself with the PROPAGATION_DELAY_SECS environment variable. This means you will now wait for 10 seconds for other blocks to arrive from the network before computing a winningPoSt (if eligible). In your lotus-miner logs that means you will see this "baseDeltaSeconds": 10 as default.

⚠️ Please note that Lotus v1.17.2 will require a Go-version of v1.18.1 or higher!

New features

  • feat: sealing: Partially sealed sector import (filecoin-project/lotus#9210)
    • Implements support for importing (partially) sealed sectors which is needed for enabling external sealing services.
  • feat: sealing: Use bitfields to manage sector numbers (filecoin-project/lotus#9183)
    • Needed for Sealing-as-a-Service. Move sector number assigning logic to use stored bitfields instead of stored counters. Makes it possible to reserve ranges of sector numbers, see the sector assigner state and view sector number reservations.
  • feat: env: propagation delay (filecoin-project/lotus#9290)
    • The default propagation delay is raised to 10 seconds from 6 seconds. Ability to set it yourself with the PROPAGATION_DELAY_SECS environment variable.
  • feat: cli: lotus info cmd (filecoin-project/lotus#9233)
    • A new lotus info command that prints useful node information in one place.
  • feat: proving: Introduce manual sector fault recovery (#9144) (filecoin-project/lotus#9144)
    • Allow users to declare fault recovery messages manually with the lotus-miner proving recover-faults command, rather than waiting for it to happen automatically before windowPost.
  • feat: api: Reintroduce StateActorManifestCID (filecoin-project/lotus#9201)
    • Adds ability to retrieve the Actor Manifest CID through the api.
  • feat: message: Add uuid to mpool message sent to chain node from miner (filecoin-project/lotus#9174)
    • Adds a UUID to each message sent by the lotus-miner to the daemon. A requirement needed for filecoin-project#9130
  • feat: message: Add retries to mpool push message from lotus-miner (filecoin-project/lotus#9177)
    • Retries to mpool push message API in case of unavailability of the lotus chain node.

Network 17 related features :


  • feat: sectors renew --only-cc (filecoin-project/lotus#9184)
    • Exlude extending deal-related sectors with the --only-cc option when using the lotus-miner sectors renew
  • feat: miner: display updated & update-cache for storage list (filecoin-project/lotus#9323)
    • Show amount of updated & update-cache sectors in each storage path in the lotus-miner storage list output
  • feat: add descriptive errors to markets event handler (filecoin-project/lotus#9326)
    • More descriptive market error logs
  • feat: cli: Add option to terminate sectors from worker address (filecoin-project/lotus#9291)
    • Adds a flag to allow either owner address or worker address to send terminate sectors message.
  • fix: cli: actor-cids cli command now defaults to current network (filecoin-project/lotus#9321)
    • Makes the command defaults to the current network.
  • fix: ux: Output bytes in lotus client commP cmd (filecoin-project/lotus#9189)
    • Adds an additional line that outputs bytes in the lotus client commP command.
  • fix: sealing: Add information on what worker a job was assigned to in logs (filecoin-project/lotus#9151)
    • Adds the worker hostname into the assignment logs.
  • refactor: sealing pipeline: Remove useless storage adapter code (filecoin-project/lotus#9142
    • Remove proxy code in storage/miner.go / storage/miner_sealing.go, call the pipeline directly instead.

Bug fixes

Dependency updates



Contributor Commits Lines ± Files Changed
Aayush Rajasekaran 8 +23010/-2122 109
Aayush 15 +6168/-2679 360
Łukasz Magiera 69 +6462/-2137 606
Geoff Stuart 19 +3080/-1177 342
Marco Munizaga 16 +543/-424 41
Shrenuj Bansal 30 +485/-419 88
LexLuthr 3 +498/-12 19
Phi 15 +330/-70 17
Jennifer Wang 7 +132/-12 11
TippyFlitsUK 1 +43/-45 12
Steven Allen 1 +18/-28 2
Frrist 1 +19/-11 2
Eng Zer Jun 1 +14/-11 6
Dirk McCormick 2 +23/-1 3
Ian Davis 3 +7/-9 3
Masih H. Derkani 1 +11/-0 1
Anton Evangelatov 1 +11/-0 1
Yu 2 +4/-4 5
Hannah Howard 1 +4/-4 1
Phi-rjan 1 +1/-2 1
Jiaying Wang 1 +3/-0 1
nujz 1 +1/-1 1
Rob Quist 1 +1/-1 1

v1.17.1 / 2022-09-06

This is an optional release of Lotus. This release introduces the Splitstore v2 - beta(beta). Splitstore aims to reduce the node performance impact that's caused by the Filecoin's very large, and continuously growing datastore. Splitstore v2 introduces the coldstore auto prune/GC feature & some improvements for the hotstore. We welcome all lotus users to join the early testers and try the new Splitstore out, you can leave any feedback or report issues in this discussion or create an issue. As always, multiple small bug fixes, new features & improvements are also included in this release.

New features


Bug Fixes

Dependency Updates

  • (v0.0.3 -> v0.1.1)



Contributor Commits Lines ± Files Changed
Łukasz Magiera 34 +2329/-317 163
ZenGround0 2 +1527/-89 38
Ian Davis 14 +751/-232 30
LexLuthr 17 +480/-225 63
TheMenko 4 +323/-61 5
Aayush 10 +285/-92 30
beck 3 +143/-93 3
Steven Allen 4 +95/-75 9
zenground0 5 +44/-116 9
Shrenuj Bansal 7 +136/-7 16
Patrick Deuse 3 +76/-57 3
Jennifer Wang 3 +6/-52 11
zl 2 +20/-16 2
Aayush Rajasekaran 2 +6/-6 2
Clint Armstrong 1 +7/-3 1
Cory Schwartz 2 +9/-0 2
Jorropo 1 +3/-2 2
Geoff Stuart 1 +5/-0 1
Frank Y 1 +2/-2 2
Aloxaf 1 +2/-2 1

v1.17.0 / 2022-08-02

This is an optional release of Lotus. This feature release introduces a lot of new sealing and scheduler improvements, and many other functionalities and bug fixes.

PSA: Markets related features, enhancements and fixes is now lower priority for Lotus, and is going to be in the hands of Boost, built by the amazing Bedrock team. You can find Lotus mission scope here

New features


Bug Fixes

Dependency Updates

  • (v0.0.6 -> v1.0.0)
  • (v1.20.1 -> v1.23.1)
  • (v0.2.8 -> v0.2.9)
  • (v1.15.1 -> v1.15.2)
  • (v0.3.7 -> v0.4.4)
  • (v0.1.8 -> v0.1.10)
  • (v0.5.0 -> v0.8.1)
  • (v0.9.14 -> v0.9.15)
  • (v3.1.1 -> v3.1.2)
  • (v4.0.1 -> v4.0.2)
  • (v5.0.4 -> v5.0.6)
  • (v6.0.1 -> v6.0.2)
  • (v7.0.0 -> v7.0.1)
  • (null -> v8.0.1)
  • (v0.2.4 -> v0.4.1)
  • (v0.3.5 -> v0.4.17)
  • deps: libp2p: update to the latest golibp2p tag (filecoin-project/lotus#8704)
  • chore: update and fix libp2p (filecoin-project/lotus#8996)



Contributor Commits Lines ± Files Changed
Masih H. Derkani 153 +15515/-16832 660
Łukasz Magiera 92 +10429/-8024 1580
Andrew Gillis 43 +4149/-1765 208
Jennifer Wang 10 +1441/-1138 34
Geoff Stuart 18 +1348/-859 113
dirkmc 11 +1827/-210 70
Aayush 21 +1134/-894 69
Steven Allen 9 +743/-889 66
Marco Munizaga 15 +990/-252 36
gammazero 47 +681/-411 104
Will 4 +514/-246 29
web3-bot 15 +409/-348 20
Steven Fraser 1 +671/-0 36
Cory Schwartz 27 +520/-89 36
Hannah Howard 3 +318/-105 8
Piotr Galar 2 +337/-59 7
swift-mx 14 +264/-131 17
vyzo 7 +357/-15 16
Petar Maymounkov 6 +221/-23 14
LexLuthr 7 +182/-21 14
Aayush Rajasekaran 5 +97/-70 33
Raúl Kripalani 5 +87/-45 7
unknown 1 +114/-0 8
sti-bot 44 +54/-60 44
Aarsh Shah 2 +61/-50 8
Lucas Molas 1 +74/-27 3
zenground0 8 +80/-18 14
Dirk McCormick 3 +52/-33 8
frank 3 +73/-7 3
Will Scott 4 +45/-11 5
kaola526 5 +44/-11 5
dependabot[bot] 3 +16/-10 8
zl 1 +15/-4 4
Phi 5 +12/-6 6
Marcin Rataj 1 +11/-7 1
github-actions[bot] 7 +8/-8 7
Anton Evangelatov 2 +13/-0 4
Nicolas Gimenez 1 +12/-0 1
Marten Seemann 2 +5/-7 5
Chris Harden 1 +10/-0 2
jennijuju 1 +4/-4 7
Travis Person 2 +2/-6 2
Rod Vagg 1 +3/-3 2
Rob Quist 1 +3/-3 1
Jiaying Wang 1 +2/-3 2
zengroundumbass 1 +3/-1 1
lifei 1 +1/-1 1
Mike 1 +2/-0 1
Hubert 1 +1/-1 1
Daniel N 1 +1/-1 1
BMZ 1 +1/-1 1

1.16.1 / 2022-07-07

This is an OPTIONAL PATCH releases for storage providers who have failed to publish SubmitWindowedPoSt due to out of gas error. The error log looks like /wdpost_run.go:xxx estimating gas {"error": "estimating gas used: message execution failed: exit SysErrOutOfGas(7)....

New Features

  • feat: declare fault recovery: Config for maximum partition count per message (#8988 / #8986)
    • configure MaxPartitionsPerRecoveryMessage in miner configuration setting.
  • feat: wdpost: Config for maximum partition count per message (#8982 / #8986)
    • configure MaxPartitionsPerPoStMessage in miner configuration setting.

1.16.0 / 2022-06-24

This is a MANDATORY release of Lotus that introduces Filecoin network v16, codenamed the Skyr upgrade.

The network is scheduled to upgrade to nv16 at epoch 1960320, on July 6th at 2022-07-06T14:00:00Z. All node operators, including storage providers, must upgrade to this release (or a later release) before that time. Storage providers must update their daemons, miners, market and worker(s).

Your lotus node will switch from the Legacy VM (that depended on go-based specs-actors) to Filecoin Virtual Machine FVM (that uses Rust-based builtin-actors) atomically upon the upgrade.

The Skyr upgrade introduces the following FIPs, enhancements and bug fixes, delivered in built-actors v8 and ref-fvm v1.0.0:,

🆕 Things you may wanna know

Actor Code CIDs

As stated in FIP-0031- structure of the code cid, system actors' code CIDs will be real content-addressing

For lotus users, we are making the change minimal for you. This means the CODE output when you run lotus state get-actor will now be the actual CID that represents the executable code for the actor, followed by wrapped synthetic id like the ones you've got before, i.e fil/8/system.

Moreover, this also means that in the future, whenever the actor code changes, the CID changes accordingly, and a network upgrade is needed for the network participants to have consensus over what executable code we should use for each system actor.

Built-in actor bundles

As the network introduces FVM, it's also switching from spec-actor (written in GoLang) to built-in actor (written in rust), in which the latter comes with importable bundles. This means, like filecoin proof parameters, node operators now also need to fetch the actor bundles according to the network versions for the nodes to remain operational.

Bundles for all networks(mainnet, calibnet, and etc) are included in the lotus source tree (build/actors/) and embedded on build. Lotus verifies that the bundle CIDs are the right ones upon build & upgrade against the values in build/builtin_actors_gen.go, according to the network you are building. You may also check the bundle manifest CID matches the bundle gen-ed values by running lotus state actor-cids --network-version 16.

The manifest CID & full list of actor code CIDs for nv16 using v8.0.0 is:

    "_manifest":         "bafy2bzacebogjbpiemi7npzxchgcjjki3tfxon4ims55obfyfleqntteljsea"
	"account":          "bafk2bzacedudbf7fc5va57t3tmo63snmt3en4iaidv4vo3qlyacbxaa6hlx6y"
	"cron":             "bafk2bzacecqb3eolfurehny6yp7tgmapib4ocazo5ilkopjce2c7wc2bcec62"
	"init":             "bafk2bzaceaipvjhoxmtofsnv3aj6gj5ida4afdrxa4ewku2hfipdlxpaektlw"
	"multisig":         "bafk2bzacebhldfjuy4o5v7amrhp5p2gzv2qo5275jut4adnbyp56fxkwy5fag"
	"paymentchannel":   "bafk2bzacebalad3f72wyk7qyilvfjijcwubdspytnyzlrhvn73254gqis44rq"
	"reward":           "bafk2bzacecwzzxlgjiavnc3545cqqil3cmq4hgpvfp2crguxy2pl5ybusfsbe"
	"storagemarket":    "bafk2bzacediohrxkp2fbsl4yj4jlupjdkgsiwqb4zuezvinhdo2j5hrxco62q"
	"storageminer":     "bafk2bzacecgnynvd3tene3bvqoknuspit56canij5bpra6wl4mrq2mxxwriyu"
	"storagepower":     "bafk2bzacebjvqva6ppvysn5xpmiqcdfelwbbcxmghx5ww6hr37cgred6dyrpm"
	"system":           "bafk2bzacedwq5uppsw7vp55zpj7jdieizirmldceehu6wvombw3ixq2tcq57w"
	"verifiedregistry": "bafk2bzaceb3zbkjz3auizmoln2unmxep7dyfcmsre64vnqfhdyh7rkqfoxlw4"

All bundles are also available at, thus you can also manually download the bundles and place them in the right path.

Note: use customized bundle will risk you to lose sync with the network!

To get Code CIDs:

  • api:StateActorCodeCIDs
  • cli: lotus state actor-cids
  • cli: lotus-shed cid inspect-bundle

Execution Trace

For developers that are dependent on lotus execution trace, you will need to enable LOTUS_VM_ENABLE_TRACING envvar to get the exact execution trace response as before. Without the envvar enabled, Subcall details, DurationandGasCharges` fields will be missing from the new FVM trace.

Deal Proposal Migration

All deal proposals with non-utf8 string as the label in the metadata store will perform a light migration to new format as defined in v1.1.1.


  • Resource manager is now only enabled by default on full daemon node. You can enable it manually for other nodes by setting env var LOTUS_RCMGR to 1.
  • Fix: drand: calculation of round from Filecoin epochs (filecoin-project/lotus#8606)

Dependency Update

  • chore: deps: update to go-libp2p v0.19.4 (filecoin-project/lotus#8801)
  • (v1.20.1 -> v1.20.1-v16-2):
  • (v0.3.7 -> v0.3.10):
  • (v0.1.8 -> v0.1.10):
  • (v0.2.4 -> v0.4.1):


Contributor Commits Lines ± Files Changed
@geoff-vball 37 +10565/-8454 150
@arajasek 33 +7964/-6340 473
@arajasek 37 +6220/-6976 457
@vyzo 135 +7287/-5380 546
@ZenGround0 19 +5958/-2920 226
@stebalien 18 +1566/-1101 116
Alex 5 +323/-2304 32
@zenground0 9 +583/-358 56
@jennijuju 5 +853/-27 19
@jennijuju 24 +392/-201 60
Marco Munizaga 3 +236/-83 5
@raulk 9 +93/-15 15
@travisperson 3 +37/-37 12
@Kubuxu 1 +41/-5 1
@koalacxr 1 +29/-13 3
@gammazero 2 +18/-10 4
Peter Rabbitson 1 +5/-3 1
Steve Loeppky 1 +6/-0 1
@masih 1 +3/-3 2
@magik6k 1 +4/-0 1
@jennijuju 1 +2/-2 1
tian zhou 1 +1/-1 1

1.15.3 / 2022-05-31

This is an optional release of lotus that include new APIs, some improvements and bug fixes.

New Features


Bug Fixes

Dependency Updates



Contributor Commits Lines ± Files Changed
@stebalien 4 +607/-95 19
@magik6k 9 +550/-37 43
@geoff-vball 5 +279/-219 27
@simlecode 1 +306/-39 20
@arajasek 1 +256/-34 10
@zenground0 11 +214/-66 31
@arajasek 2 +149/-99 8
@vyzo 3 +125/-81 4
@Masih 1 +134/-15 7
@travisperson 3 +24/-32 6
@Rjan 6 +16/-16 9
@jennijuju 3 +9/-8 15
Rob Quist 3 +12/-4 3
@Icarus9913 1 +3/-3 3
@swift-mx 1 +3/-0 1
@Phi-rjan 1 +1/-1 1
@lifei 1 +1/-0 1

1.15.2 / 2022-05-06

This is a highly recommended feature lotus release v1.15.2. This feature release introduces many new features and for SPs, including PoSt workers, sealing scheduler, snap deal queue and so on.

Note: You need to be using go v1.18.1&up from this release onwards.


❣️❣️❣️ PoSt Workers ❣️❣️❣️

‼️️Attention - the long-awaited yet highly requested PoSt workers, they are here! And they come in as a combo: you may setup PoSt workers for both winningPoSt or/and windowPoSt worker. You can also setup any number of PoSt workers as long as you have the hardware resources! For more details and learn how to set it up, see the docs here. You can also find early result of the PoSt workers performance by the community here.

In addition, we also added some handy toolings:

  • feat: miner: API/CLI to compute window-post (filecoin-project/lotus#8389)
    • run lotus-miner proving compute window-post to manually trigger a full windowPoSt computation for a specific deadline for full sanity checks.
  • feat: miner cli: Separate proving workers command (filecoin-project/lotus#8379)
    • run lotus-miner proving workers to list all the PoSt workers that's attached
  • feat: miner cli: proving check --faulty, faults in storage list sectors (filecoin-project/lotus#8349)
    • run lotus-miner proving check --faulty to identify the sectors that might be bad.

🔥🔥🔥 Sealing Scheduler Enhancement 🔥🔥🔥

Have you ever got a couple workers but only a few of them are super packed, while the rest are idling waiting for jobs? Now the task can be distributed more evenly with:

🌟🌟🌟 Snap Deal Enhancements 🌟🌟🌟

The Filecoin Network introduced Snap Deal with the network v15 OhSnap upgrade, and lotus shipped v1.14.0 with basic snappy support for SP to use this feature. Since then, we have received good ux feedbacks and bug reports from the community, and we are introducing a couple enhancement for SPs to better leverage this feature.

New Features


Bug Fixes

Dependency Updates



Contributor Commits Lines ± Files Changed
@magik6k 95 +5147/-2922 401
@mz-sirius 3 +1789/-546 48
@nonsense 11 +777/-567 121
@arajasek 11 +336/-231 28
Darko Brdareski 1 +463/-13 95
@coryschwartz 11 +147/-217 13
spark8899 2 +300/-0 2
@zenground0 2 +6/-193 7
Eng Zer Jun 1 +31/-158 11
Kevin Li 2 +174/-0 14
@arajasek 5 +85/-86 18
@jennijuju 1 +0/-119 3
@jennijuju 1 +0/-98 6
@raulk 1 +60/-1 1
@frrist 1 +56/-0 2
@vyzo 3 +18/-16 5
@Masih 3 +29/-4 3
@jennijuju 4 +18/-11 11
@hannahhoward 1 +13/-10 2
@dirkmc 1 +21/-1 1
koalacxr 1 +10/-11 4
Aarsh Shah 1 +19/-1 1
@Rjan 6 +10/-8 7
@zl 1 +7/-1 1
KAYUII 1 +3/-2 1
@simlecode 1 +4/-0 1
@dirkmc 1 +1/-3 1
Jerry 1 +3/-0 1
@steblian 1 +1/-1 1
Geoff Stuart 1 +1/-0 1
Florian Ruen 1 +0/-1 1

1.15.1 / 2022-04-07

This is a HIGHLY recommended feature release v1.15.1, especially for node operators and storage providers who want to be a part of the content addressing network of Filecoin and IPFS. This feature release introduces Index Provider, GraphSync v2, and many other latest functionalities, improvements and bug fixes. More importantly, node operator can now enable the FVM(experimental) to sync mainnet!!


🔥🔥🔥 FVM (Experimental) 🔥🔥🔥

🌟🌟🌟 Index Provider (Production Ready!) 🌟🌟🌟

More and more useful data is being stored on Filecoin via deals made by clients to Storage Providers. The goal is that this content is discoverable when people need them. To achieve that goal, one of the projects the Bedrock team is working on is building an Indexer Ecosystem, a project that's focus on content addressing on Filecoin, then potentially have interoperability with IPFS in the future and eventually serve the retrieval market. The Indexer Ecosystem high level architecture overview diagram can be found here and a detailed write up about can be found here.

That being said, with this release, lotus Storage Providers can easily become an Index Provider and serve the Indexer Content Addressing System. Index Providers generate advertisements from the deals made by a storage provider and announces the data to the indexer nodes for further processing:

  • To learn more about what is an Index Provider and how to be an Index Provider, read it here in lotus docuementation.
  • An one-off migration is needed in order for a Storage Provider to become an Index Provider and announce the proper formatted index. It's highly recommended for all Index Provider to do a force bulk initialization to enable index announcement on all existing deals.
    • Note that the Initialization places IO workload on your storage system. SP should set a proper concurrency based on your hardware or can stop/start initialization at their wish/convenience as proving deadlines approach and elapse, to avoid IOPS starvation or competition with window PoSt.
  • After the first one-time migration, being an Index Provider barely puts any extra usage on SP's market system.
    • You can find the testing result by SPX fellows here.

We recommend all Storage Providers that are serving deals in the Filecoin network to become a Index Provider, make the data you are storing discoverable for the retrieval market and retrieval clients!

❗️❗️❗️ Dag Migration For New CAR index format in DagStore ❗️❗️❗️

The index provider leverages the latest CARv2 indexing format MultihashIndexSorted, which stores the multihash code as well as the digest of all CIDs in a CAR file. Thus, all Storage Providers SHOULD perform an one-off DAG mirgation to regenerate DagStore CARv2 indices. You have to do it to become an index provider, failing to do so may also impact your future deal making. Follow the instruction here to perform the migration.

New Features


Bug Fixes

Dependency Updates


1.15.0 / 2022-03-09

This is an optional release with retrieval improvements(client side), SP ux with unsealing, snap deals and regular deal making and many other new features, improvements and bug fixes.


  • feat:sealing: StartEpochSealingBuffer triggers packing on time(filecoin-project/lotus#7905)
    • use the StartEpochSealingBuffer configuration variable as a way to enforce that sectors are packed for sealing / updating no matter how many deals they have if the nearest deal start date is close enough to the present.
  • feat: #6017 market: retrieval ask CLI command (filecoin-project/lotus#7814)
  • feat(graphsync): allow setting of per-peer incoming requests for miners (filecoin-project/lotus#7578)
    • by setting SimultaneousTransfersForStoragePerClient in deal making configuration.
  • Make retrieval even faster (filecoin-project/lotus#7746)
  • feat: #7747 sealing: Adding conf variable for capping number of concurrent unsealing jobs (#7884) (filecoin-project/lotus#7884)
    • by setting MaxConcurrentUnseals in DAGStoreConfig

New Features


Bug Fixes

Dependency Updates

  • (v0.1.2 -> v0.1.3):
  • (v0.4.3 -> v0.4.4):
  • (v1.13.4 -> v1.19.2):
  • (v0.1.1 -> v0.2.0):
  • (v0.0.0-20200421200003-1c99c62e8a5b -> v0.1.0):
  • (v2.3.5 -> v2.3.6):



Contributor Commits Lines ± Files Changed
@arajasek 73 +7232/-2778 386
@zenground0 27 +5604/-1049 219
@vyzo 118 +4356/-1470 253
@zl 1 +3725/-309 8
@dirkmc 7 +1392/-1110 61
arajasek 37 +221/-1329 90
@magik6k 33 +1138/-336 101
@whyrusleeping 2 +483/-585 28
Darko Brdareski 14 +725/-276 154
@rvagg 2 +43/-947 10
@hannahhoward 5 +436/-335 31
@hannahhoward 12 +507/-133 37
@jennijuju 27 +333/-178 54
@TheMenko 8 +237/-179 17
c r 2 +227/-45 12
@dirkmck 12 +188/-40 27
@ribasushi 3 +128/-62 3
@raulk 6 +128/-49 9
@Whyrusleeping 1 +76/-70 8
@Stebalien 1 +55/-37 1
@jennijuju 11 +29/-16 11
@aarshkshah1992 1 +23/-19 5
@travisperson 1 +0/-18 2
@gstuart 3 +12/-1 3
@coryschwartz 4 +5/-6 4
@pefish 1 +4/-3 1
@Kubuxu 1 +5/-2 2
Colin Kennedy 1 +4/-2 1
Rob Quist 1 +2/-2 1
@shotcollin 1 +1/-1 1

1.14.4 / 2022-03-03

This is a highly recommended optional release for storage providers that are doing snap deals. This fix the bug that causes some snap deal sectors are stuck in FinalizeReplicaUpdate. In addition, SPs should be able to force update sectors status without getting blocked by normal shutdown of state machine.

v1.14.3 / 2022-02-28

This is an optional release, that includes a fix to properly register the --really-do-it flag for abort-upgrade.

1.14.2 / 2022-02-24

This is an optional release of lotus, that's had a couple more improvements w.r.t Snap experience for storage providers in preparation of theupcoming OhSnap upgrade.

Note that the network is STILL scheduled to upgrade to v15 on March 1st at 2022-03-01T15:00:00Z. All node operators, including storage providers, must upgrade to at least Lotus v1.14.0 before that time. Storage providers must update their daemons, miners, and worker(s).

Wanna know how to Snap your deal? Check this out!

Bug Fixes

  • fix lotus-bench for sealing jobs (#8173)
  • fix:sealing:really-do-it flag for abort upgrade (#8181)
  • fix:proving:post check sector handles snap deals replica faults (#8177)
  • fix: sealing: missing file type (#8180)


  • Retract force-pushed v1.14.0 to work around stale gomod caches (#8159): We originally tagged v1.14.0 off the wrong commit and fixed that by a force push, in which is a really bad practise since it messes up the go mod. Therefore, we want to retract it and users may use v1.14.1&^.


Contributor Commits Lines ± Files Changed
@zenground0 2 +73/-58 12
@eben.xie 1 +7/-0 1
@jennijuju 1 +4/-0 1
@jennijuju 1 +2/-1 1
@ribasushi 1 +2/-0 1

1.14.1 / 2022-02-18

This is an optional release of lotus, that fixes the incorrect comment of network v15 OhSnap upgrade date. Note the actual upgrade epoch in v1.14.0 was correct.

1.14.0 / 2022-02-17

This is a MANDATORY release of Lotus that introduces Filecoin network v15, codenamed the OhSnap upgrade.

The network is scheduled to upgrade to v15 on March 1st at 2022-03-01T15:00:00Z. All node operators, including storage providers, must upgrade to this release (or a later release) before that time. Storage providers must update their daemons, miners, and worker(s).

The OhSnap upgrade introduces the following FIPs, delivered in actors v7:

It is recommended that storage providers download the new params before updating their node, miner, and workers. To do so:

  • Download Lotus v1.14.0 or later
  • run make lotus-shed
  • run ./lotus-shed fetch-params with the appropriate proving-params flag
  • Upgrade the Lotus daemon and miner when the previous step is complete

All node operators, including storage providers, should be aware that a pre-migration will begin at 2022-03-01T13:30:00Z (90 minutes before the real upgrade). The pre-migration will take between 20 and 50 minutes, depending on hardware specs. During this time, expect slower block validation times, increased CPU and memory usage, and longer delays for API queries.

New Features and Changes

  • Integrate actor v7-rc1:
    • Integrate v7 actors (#7617)
    • feat: state: Fast migration for v15 (#7933)
    • fix: blockstore: Add missing locks to autobatch::Get() #7939)
    • correctness fixes for the autobatch blockstore (#7940)
  • Implement and support FIP-0019 Snap Deals
    • chore: deps: Integrate proof v11.0.0 (#7923)
    • Snap Deals Lotus Integration: FSM Posting and integration test (#7810)
    • Feat/sector storage unseal (#7730)
    • Feat/snap deals storage (#7615)
    • fix: sealing: Add more deal expiration checks during PRU pipeline (#7871)
    • chore: deps: Update go-paramfetch (#7917)
    • feat: #7880 gas: add gas charge for VerifyReplicaUpdate (#7897)
    • enhancement: sectors: disable existing cc upgrade path 2 days before the upgrade epoch (#7900)


  • updating to new datastore/blockstore code with contexts (#7646)
  • reorder transfer checks so as to ensure sending 2B FIL to yourself fails if you don't have that amount (#7637)
  • VM: Circ supply should be constant per epoch (#7811)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix: state: circsuypply calc around null blocks (#7890)
  • Mempool msg selection should respect block message limits (#7321) SplitStore: supress compaction near upgrades (#7734)


  • chore: create (#7726)


Contributor Commits Lines ± Files Changed
Aayush Rajasekaran 41 +5538/-1205 189
zenground0 11 +3316/-524 124
Jennifer Wang 29 +714/-599 68
ZenGround0 3 +263/-25 11
c r 2 +198/-30 6
vyzo 4 +189/-7 7
Aayush 11 +146/-48 49
web3-bot 10 +99/-17 10
Steven Allen 1 +55/-37 1
Jiaying Wang 5 +30/-8 5
Jakub Sztandera 2 +8/-3 3
Łukasz Magiera 1 +3/-3 2
Travis Person 1 +2/-2 2
Rod Vagg 1 +2/-2 2

v1.13.2 / 2022-01-09

Lotus v1.13.2 is a highly recommended feature release with remarkable retrieval improvements, new features like worker management, schedule enhancements and so on.


  • 🚀🚀🚀Improve retrieval deal experience
    • Testing result with MinerX.3 shows the retrieval deal success rate has increased dramatically with faster transfer speed, you can join or follow along furthur performance testings here. We recommend application developers to integrate with the new retrieval APIs to provide a better client experience.
    • 🌟🌟🌟 Reduce retrieval Time-To-First-Byte over 100x (#7693)
      • This change makes most free, small retrievals sub-second
    • 🌟🌟🌟 Partial retrieval ux improvements (#7610)
      • New retrieval commands for clients:
        • lotus client ls: retrieve and list desired object links
        • lotus client cat: retrieve and print the data from the network
      • 🌟🌟 The monolith ClientRetrieve method was broken into:
        • ClientRetrieve which retrieves data into the local repo (or into an IPFS node if ipfs integration is enabled)
        • ClientRetrieveWait which will wait for the retrieval to complete
        • ClientExport which will export data from the local node
        • Note: this change only applies to v1 API. v0 API remains unchanged.
      • 🌟 Support for full ipld selectors was added (for example making it possible to only retrieve list of directories in a deal, without fetching any file data)
        • To learn more, see here
  • 🚀🚀 Sealing scheduler enhancements (#7703, #7269), #7714
  • 🚀🚀 Sector storage groups (#7453)
    • Storage groups allow for better control of data flow between workers, for example, it makes it possible to define that data from PC1 on a given worker has to have it's PC2 step executed on the same worker
    • To set it up, follow the instructions under the Sector Storage Group section here

New Features

  • Add RLE dump code (#7691)
  • Shed: Add a util to list miner faults (#7605)
  • lotus-shed msg: Decode submessages/msig proposals (#7639)
  • CLI: Add a lotus multisig cancel command (#7645)
  • shed: simple wallet balancer util (#7414)
    • balancing token balance between multiple accounts


  • Add verbose mode to lotus-miner pieces list-cids (#7699)
  • retrieval: Only output matching nodes, MatchPath dagspec (#7706)
  • Cleanup partial retrieval codepaths ( zero functional changes ) (#7688)
  • storage: Use 1M buffers for Tar transfers (#7681)
  • Chore/dm level tests plus merkle proof cars (#7673)
  • Shed: Add a util to create miners more easily (#7595)
  • add timeout flag to wait-api command (#7592)
  • add log for restart windows post scheduler (#7613)
  • remove jaeger envvars (#7631)
  • remove api and jaeger env from docker file (#7624)
  • Wdpost worker: Reduce challenge confidence to 1 epoch (#7572)
  • add additional methods to lotus gateway (#7644)
  • Add caches to lotus-stats and splitcode (#7329)
  • remote store: Remove debug printf (#7664)
  • docsgen-cli: Handle commands with no description correctly (#7659)

Bug Fixes

  • fix docker logic error (#7709)
  • add missing NodeType tag (#7559)
  • checkCommit should return SectorCommitFailed (#7555)
  • ffiwrapper: Validate PC2 by calling C1 with random seeds (#7710)

Dependency Updates

  • Update go-graphsync v0.10.6 (#7708)
  • update go-libp2p-pubsub to v0.5.6 (#7581)
  • Update go-state-types (#7591)
  • disable mplex stream muxer (#7689)
  • Bump ws from 5.2.2 to 5.2.3 in /lotuspond/front (#7660)
  • Bump color-string from 1.5.3 to 1.6.0 in /lotuspond/front (#7658)
  • Bump postcss from 7.0.17 to 7.0.39 in /lotuspond/front (#7657)
  • Bump path-parse from 1.0.6 to 1.0.7 in /lotuspond/front (#7656)
  • Bump tmpl from 1.0.4 to 1.0.5 in /lotuspond/front (#7655)
  • Bump url-parse from 1.4.7 to 1.5.3 in /lotuspond/front (#7654)
  • (v0.1.1-0.20210915140513-d354ccf10379 -> v0.1.1):


  • Update archive script (#7690)


Contributor Commits Lines ± Files Changed
@magik6k 89 +5200/-1818 232
Travis Person 5 +1473/-953 38
@arajasek 6 +550/-38 19
@clinta 4 +393/-123 26
@ribasushi 3 +334/-68 7
@jennijuju 13 +197/-120 67
@Kubuxu 10 +153/-30 10
@coryschwartz 6 +18/-26 6
Marten Seemann 2 +6/-34 5
@vyzo 1 +3/-3 2
@hannahhoward 1 +3/-3 2
@zenground0 2 +2/-2 2
@yaohcn 2 +2/-2 2
@jennijuju 1 +1/-1 1
@hunjixin 1 +1/-0 1

v1.13.1 / 2021-11-26

This is an optional Lotus v1.13.1 release.

New Features


Bug Fixes

Dependency Updates

  • Update go-graphsync v0.10.1 (filecoin-project/lotus#7457)
  • update to proof v10.1.0 (filecoin-project/lotus#7564)
  • (v6.0.0 -> v6.0.1):
  • (v0.1.4-0.20210217175800-45ea43ac2bec -> v0.1.5):
  • (v1.13.1 -> v1.13.3):
  • (v1.11.1 -> v1.11.4):
  • (v0.0.0-20191218222705-effae4ea9f03 -> v0.0.1):
  • (v0.1.1-0.20210427191551-70bf140d31c7 -> v0.1.2):
  • (v0.0.0-20191219014500-08c40a1e63a2 -> v0.0.1):
  • (v0.0.5 -> v0.0.6):
  • unpin the yamux dependency (filecoin-project/lotus#7532
  • [email protected] was withdrawn, let's not depend on it directly (filecoin-project/lotus#7481)
  • chore(deps): use tagged (filecoin-project/lotus#7464)
  • Stop indirectly depending on deprecated (filecoin-project/lotus#7473)



Contributor Commits Lines ± Files Changed
@magik6k 27 +1285/-531 76
@ribasushi 7 +265/-1635 21
@raulk 2 +2/-737 13
@nonsens 4 +391/-21 19
@arajasek 6 +216/-23 14
@jennijuju 8 +102/-37 29
Steven Allen 2 +77/-29 6
@jennijuju 4 +19/-18 11
@dirkmc 2 +9/-9 4
@@coryschwartz 1 +16/-2 2
@frrist 1 +12/-0 2
@Kubuxu 5 +5/-5 5
@hunjixin 2 +6/-3 2
@vyzo 1 +3/-3 2
@@rvagg 1 +3/-3 2
@hannahhoward 1 +3/-2 2
Marten Seemann 1 +3/-0 1
@ZenGround0 1 +1/-1 1

v1.13.0 / 2021-10-18

Lotus v1.13.0 is a highly recommended feature release for all lotus users(i.e: storage providers, data brokers, application developers and so on) that supports the upcoming Network v14 Chocolate upgrade. This feature release includes the latest functionalities and improvements, like data transfer rate-limiting for both storage and retrieval deals, proof v10 with CUDA support, etc. You can find more details in the Changelog below.


  • Enable separate storage and retrieval transfer limits (filecoin-project/lotus#7405)
    • SimultaneousTransfer is now replaced by SimultaneousTransfersForStorage and SimultaneousTransfersForRetrieval, where users may set the amount of ongoing data transfer for storage and retrieval deals in parallel separately. The default value for both is set to 20.
    • If you are using the lotus client, these two configuration variables are under the Client section in ./lotus/config.toml.
    • If you are a service provider, these two configuration variables should be set under the Dealmaking section in /.lotusminer/config.toml.
  • Update proofs to v10.0.0 (filecoin-project/lotus#7420)
    • This version supports CUDA. To enable CUDA instead of openCL, build lotus with FFI_USE_CUDA=1 FFI_BUILD_FROM_SOURCE=1 ....
    • You can find additional Nvidia driver installation instructions written by MinerX fellows here and perf improvements result on PC2/C2/WindowPoSt computation on different profiles here, most people observe a 30-50% decrease in computation time.

New Features


Bug Fixes

Dependency Updates

  • (v1.10.1 -> v1.11.1):
  • (v1.12.0 -> v1.13.1):
  • (v0.0.2-0.20210614165157-25a6c7769498 -> v0.0.2):
  • update go-libp2p to v0.15.0 (filecoin-project/lotus#7362)
  • update to go-graphsync v0.10.1 (filecoin-project/lotus#7359)



Contributor Commits Lines ± Files Changed
@dirkmc 8 +845/-375 55
@magik6k 10 +1056/-60 26
@aarshkshah1992 6 +813/-259 16
@arajasek 10 +552/-251 43
@ribasushi 6 +505/-78 22
@jennijuju 7 +212/-323 34
@nonsense 10 +335/-139 19
@dirkmc 8 +149/-55 16
@hannahhoward 4 +56/-32 17
@rvagg 4 +61/-13 9
@jennijuju 2 +0/-57 2
@hannahhoward 1 +33/-18 7
@Kubuxu 8 +27/-16 9
@coryschwartz 1 +16/-2 2
@travisperson 1 +14/-0 1
@frrist 1 +12/-0 2
@ognots 1 +0/-10 2
@lanzafame 1 +3/-3 1
@jennijuju 1 +2/-2 1
@swift-mx 1 +1/-1 1

v1.12.0 / 2021-10-12

This is a mandatory release of Lotus that introduces Filecoin Network v14, codenamed the Chocolate upgrade. The Filecoin mainnet will upgrade at epoch 1231620, on 2021-10-26T13:30:00Z.

The Chocolate upgrade introduces the following FIPs, delivered in v6 actors

  • FIP-0020: Add return value to WithdrawBalance
  • FIP-0021: Correct quality calculation on expiration
  • FIP-0022: Bad deals don't fail PublishStorageDeals
  • FIP-0023: Break ties between tipsets of equal weight
  • FIP-0024: BatchBalancer & BatchDiscount Post-HyperDrive Adjustment
  • FIP-0026: Extend sector faulty period from 2 weeks to 6 weeks

Note that this release is built on top of lotus v1.11.3. Enterprising users like storage providers, data brokers and others are recommended to use lotus v1.13.0 for latest new features, improvements and bug fixes.

New Features and Changes

  • Implement and support FIP-0024 BatchBalancer & BatchDiscount Post-HyperDrive Adjustment:
    • Precommit batch balancer support/config (filecoin-project/lotus#7410)
      • Set BatchPreCommitAboveBaseFee to decide whether sending out a PreCommits in individual messages or in a batch.
      • The default value of BatchPreCommitAboveBaseFee and AggregateAboveBaseFee are now updated to 0.32nanoFIL.
  • The amount of FIL withdrawn from WithdrawBalance from miner or market via lotus CLI is now printed out upon message landing on the chain.


Bug Fixes

Dependency Updates

  • Add v6 actors
    • Protocol changes
      • Multisig Approve only hashes when hash in params
      • FIP 0020 WithdrawBalance methods return withdrawn value
      • FIP 0021 Fix bug in power calculation when extending verified deals sectors
      • FIP 0022 PublishStorageDeals drops errors in batch
      • FIP 0024 BatchBalancer update and burn added to PreCommitBatch
      • FIP 0026 Add FaultMaxAge extension
      • Reduce calls to power and reward actors by passing values from power cron
      • Defensive programming hardening power cron against programmer error
    • Implementation changes
      • Move to xerrors
      • Improved logging: burn events are not logged with reasons and burned value.
  • (v0.1.1-0.20210810190654-139e0e79e69e -> v0.1.1-0.20210915140513-d354ccf10379):



Contributor Commits Lines ± Files Changed
@ZenGround0 12 +4202/-2752 187
@arajasek 25 +4567/-854 190
@laudiacay 4 +1276/-435 37
@laudiacay 12 +1350/-209 43
@magik6k 1 +171/-13 8
@Stebalien 2 +115/-12 6
@jennijuju 7 +73/-34 26
@travisperson 2 +19/-19 7
@coryschwartz 1 +16/-2 2
@Kubuxu 5 +5/-5 5
@ribasushi 1 +5/-3 1

v1.11.3 / 2021-09-29

lotus v1.11.3 is a feature release that's highly recommended to ALL lotus users to upgrade, including node operators, storage providers and clients. It includes many improvements and bug fixes that result in perf improvements in different area, like deal making, sealing and so on.


  • 🌟🌟Introduce `MaxStagingDealsBytes - reject new deals if our staging deals area is full (filecoin-project/lotus#7276)
    • Set MaxStagingDealsBytes under the [Dealmaking] section of the markets' subsystem's config.toml to reject new incoming deals when the deal-staging directory of market subsystem's repo gets too large.
  • 🌟🌟miner: Command to list/remove expired sectors locally (filecoin-project/lotus#7140)
    • run ./lotus-miner sectors expired -h for more details.
  • 🚀update to ffi to update-bellperson-proofs-v9-0-2 (filecoin-project/lotus#7369)
    • MinerX fellows(early testers of lotus releases) have reported faster WindowPoSt computation!
  • 🌟dealpublisher: Fully validate deals before publishing (filecoin-project/lotus#7234)
    • This excludes the expired deals before sending out a PSD message which reduces the chances of PSD message failure due to invalid deals.
  • 🌟Simple alert system; FD limit alerts (filecoin-project/lotus#7108)

New Features


Bug Fixes

Dependency Updates

  • (v1.8.1 -> v1.12.0):
  • (v1.7.8 -> v1.10.1):
  • update to ffi to update-bellperson-proofs-v9-0-2 (filecoin-project/lotus#7369)
  • fix(deps): use go-graphsync v0.9.3 with hotfix
  • Update to unified go-graphsync v0.9.0 (filecoin-project/lotus#7197)



Contributor Commits Lines ± Files Changed
@magik6k 39 +3311/-1825 179
@Stebalien 23 +1935/-1417 84
@dirkmc 12 +921/-732 111
@dirkmc 12 +663/-790 30
@hannahhoward 3 +482/-275 46
@travisperson 1 +317/-65 5
@jennijuju 11 +223/-126 24
@hannahhoward 7 +257/-55 16
@nonsense 9 +258/-37 19
@raulk 4 +127/-36 13
@raulk 1 +43/-60 15
@arajasek 4 +74/-8 10
@Frank 2 +68/-8 3
@placer14 2 +52/-1 4
@ldoublewood 2 +15/-13 3
@lanzafame 1 +16/-2 1
@aarshkshah1992 2 +11/-6 2
@ZenGround0 2 +7/-6 2
@ognots 1 +0/-10 2
@KAYUII 2 +4/-4 2
@lanzafame 1 +6/-0 1
@jacobheun 1 +3/-3 1
@frank 1 +4/-0 1

v1.11.2 / 2021-09-06

lotus v1.11.2 is a feature release that's highly recommended ALL lotus users to upgrade, including node operators, storage providers and clients.


  • 🌟🌟🌟 Introduce Dagstore and CARv2 for deal-making (#6671) (filecoin-project/lotus#6671)
    • lotus miner markets' Dagstore is a component of the markets subsystem in lotus-miner. It is a sharded store to hold large IPLD graphs efficiently, packaged as location-transparent attachable CAR files and it replaces the former Badger staging blockstore. It is designed to provide high efficiency and throughput, and minimize resource utilization during deal-making operations.
      The dagstore also leverages the indexing features of CARv2 to enable plan CAR files to act as read and write blockstores, which are served as the direct medium for data exchanges in markets for both storage and retrieval deal making without requiring intermediate buffers.
    • In the future, lotus will leverage and interact with Dagstore a lot for new features and improvements for deal making, therefore, it's highly recommended to lotus users to go through Lotus Miner: About the markets dagstore thoroughly to learn more about Dagstore's conceptual overview, terminology, directory structure, configuration and so on.
    • Note:
      • When you first start your lotus-miner or market subsystem with this release, a one-time/first-time dagstore migration will be triggered which replaces the former Badger staging blockstore with dagstore. We highly recommend storage providers to read this section to learn more about what the process does, what to expect and how monitor it.
      • It is highly recommended to wait all ongoing data transfer to finish or cancel inbound storage deals that are still transferring, using the lotus-miner data-transfers cancel command before upgrade your market nodes. Reason being that the new dagstore changes attributes in the internal deal state objects, and the paths to the staging CARs where the deal data was being placed will be lost.
      • ‼️Having your dags initialized will become important in the near feature for you to provide a better storage and retrieval service. We'd suggest you to start [forced bulk initialization] soon if possible as this process places relatively high IP workload on your storage system and is better to be carried out gradually and over a longer timeframe. Read how to do properly perform a force bulk initialization here.
      • ⏮ Rollback Alert(from v1.11.2-rcX to any version lower): If a storages deal is initiated with M1/v1.11.2(-rcX) release, it needs to get to the StorageDealAwaitingPrecommit state before you can do a version rollback or the markets process may panic.
    • 💙 Special thanks to MinerX fellows for testing and providing valuable feedbacks for Dagstore in the past month!
  • 🌟🌟 rpcenc: Support reader redirect (filecoin-project/lotus#6952)
    • This allows market processes to send piece bytes directly to workers involved on AddPiece.
  • Extending sectors: more practical and flexible tools (filecoin-project/lotus#6097)
    • lotus-miner sectors check-expire to inspect expiring sectors.
    • lotus-miner sectors renew for renewing expiring sectors, see the command help menu for customizable option like extension, new-expiration and so on.
  • ‼️ MpoolReplaceCmd ( lotus mpool replace`) now takes FIL for fee-limit (filecoin-project/lotus#6927)
  • Drop townhall/chainwatch (filecoin-project/lotus#6912)
    • ChainWatch is no longer supported by lotus.
  • Configurable CC Sector Expiration (filecoin-project/lotus#6803)
    • Set CommittedCapacitySectorLifetime in lotus-miner/config.toml to specify the default expiration for a new CC sector, value must be between 180-540 days inclusive.

New Features


Bug Fixes

Dependency Updates



Contributor Commits Lines ± Files Changed
@magik6k 23 +5040/-8389 114
@aarshkshah1992 11 +4859/-1078 101
@raulk 5 +4170/-1662 104
@vyzo 30 +1092/-702 49
@nonsense 6 +630/-472 19
@ZenGround0 31 +556/-274 74
@He Weidong 16 +680/-128 16
@raulk 16 +444/-277 49
@Stebalien 11 +403/-259 48
@jennijuju 17 +276/-281 42
@dirkmc 5 +204/-138 20
@placer14 7 +178/-77 17
@BlocksOnAChain 1 +138/-0 1
@Frrist 1 +63/-56 2
@arajasek 7 +74/-42 13
@frrist 2 +67/-6 6
@hannahhoward 2 +13/-11 3
@coryschwartz 1 +16/-6 3
@whyrusleeping 1 +7/-7 1
@hunjixin 1 +8/-6 1
@aarshkshah1992 1 +6/-6 2
@dirkmc 2 +8/-0 2
@mx 2 +6/-1 2
@travisperson 1 +3/-2 1
@jennijuju 2 +2/-2 2
@ribasushi 1 +1/-2 2

1.11.1 / 2021-08-16

Note: for discussion about this release, please comment here

This is a highly recommended but optional Lotus v1.11.1 release that introduces many deal making and datastore improvements and new features along with other bug fixes.


  • ⭐️⭐️⭐️lotus-miner market subsystem is introduced in this release! It is highly recommended for storage providers to run markets processes on a separate machine! Doing so, only this machine needs to exposes public ports for deal making. This also means that the other miner operations can now be completely isolated by from the deal making processes and storage providers can stop and restarts the markets process without affecting an ongoing Winning/Window PoSt!
    • More details on the concepts, architecture and how to split the market process can be found here.
    • Base on your system setup(running on separate machines, same machine and so on), please see the suggested practice by community members here.
      • Note: if you are running lotus-worker on a different machine, you will need to set MARKETS_API_INFO for certain CLI to work properly. This will be improved by #7072.
    • Huge thanks to MinerX fellows for helping testing the implementation, reporting the issues so they were fixed by now and providing feedbacks to user docs in the past three weeks!
  • Config for collateral from miner available balance (filecoin-project/lotus#6629)
    • Better control your sector collateral payment by setting CollateralFromMinerBalance, AvailableBalanceBuffer and DisableCollateralFallback.
      • CollateralFromMinerBalance: whether to use available miner balance for sector collateral instead of sending it with each message, default is false.
      • AvailableBalanceBuffer: minimum available balance to keep in the miner actor before sending it with messages, default is 0FIL.
      • DisableCollateralFallback: whether to send collateral with messages even if there is no available balance in the miner actor, default is false.
  • Config for deal publishing control addresses (filecoin-project/lotus#6697)
    • Set DealPublishControl to set the wallet used for sending PublishStorageDeals messages, instructions here.
  • Config UX improvements (filecoin-project/lotus#6848)
    • You can now preview the default and updated node config by running lotus/lotus-miner config default/updated

New Features

Bug Fixes


Dependency Updates

  • Update to proof v8.0.3 (filecoin-project/lotus#6890)
  • update to go-fil-market v1.6.0 (filecoin-project/lotus#6885)
  • Bump go-multihash, adjust test for supported version (filecoin-project/lotus#6674)
  • (v1.6.0 -> v1.7.2):
  • (v1.5.0 -> v1.6.2):
  • (v0.0.0-20200903213702-ed5fae088b20 -> v0.0.0-20210723183308-812a16dc01b1)
  • (v0.1.1-0.20210506134452-99b279731c48 -> v0.1.1-0.20210810190654-139e0e79e69e)
  • (v0.0.0-20200925024713-05bd7c71fbfe -> v1.0.1)
  • update go-libp2p-pubsub to v0.5.0 (filecoin-project/lotus#6764)



Contributor Commits Lines ± Files Changed
@vyzo 313 +8928/-6010 415
@nonsense 103 +6041/-4041 304
@magik6k 37 +3851/-1611 146
@ZenGround0 24 +1693/-1394 95
@placer14 1 +2310/-578 8
@dirkmc 7 +1154/-726 29
@raulk 44 +969/-616 141
@jennijuju 15 +682/-354 47
@ribasushi 18 +469/-273 64
@coryschwartz 5 +576/-135 14
@hunjixin 7 +404/-82 19
@dirkmc 17 +348/-47 17
@tchardin 2 +262/-34 5
@aarshkshah1992 9 +233/-63 44
@Kubuxu 4 +254/-16 4
@hannahhoward 6 +163/-75 8
@whyrusleeping 4 +157/-16 9
@Whyrusleeping 2 +87/-66 10
@arajasek 10 +81/-53 13
@zgfzgf 2 +104/-4 2
@aarshkshah1992 6 +85/-19 10
@llifezou 4 +59/-20 4
@Stebalien 7 +47/-17 9
@johnli-helloworld 3 +46/-15 5
@frrist 1 +28/-23 2
@hannahhoward 4 +46/-5 11
@Jennifer 4 +31/-2 4
@wangchao 1 +1/-27 1
@jennijuju 2 +7/-21 2
@chadwick2143 1 +15/-1 1
@Jerry 2 +9/-4 2
Steve Loeppky 2 +12/-0 2
David Dias 1 +9/-0 1
dependabot[bot] 1 +3/-3 1
zhoutian527 1 +2/-2 1
xloem 1 +4/-0 1
2 +2/-2 3
Liviu Damian 2 +2/-2 2
@jimpick 2 +2/-2 2
Frank 1 +3/-0 1
turuslan 1 +1/-1 1
Kirk Baird 1 +0/-0 1

1.11.0 / 2021-07-22

This is a highly recommended release of Lotus that have many bug fixes, improvements and new features.


More New Features

Bug Fixes


Dependency Updates



Contributor Commits Lines ± Files Changed
@raulk 118 +11972/-10860 472
@magik6k 65 +10824/-4158 353
@aarshkshah1992 59 +8057/-3355 224
@arajasek 41 +8786/-1691 331
@Stebalien 106 +7653/-2718 273
dirkmc 11 +2580/-1371 77
@dirkmc 39 +1865/-1194 79
19 +1973/-485 81
@vyzo 4 +1748/-330 50
@aarshkshah1992 5 +1462/-213 27
@coryschwartz 35 +568/-206 59
@chadwick2143 3 +739/-1 4
@ribasushi 21 +487/-164 36
@hannahhoward 5 +544/-5 19
@jennijuju 9 +241/-174 19
@frrist 1 +137/-88 7
@travisperson 3 +175/-6 7
@wadeAlexC 1 +48/-129 1
@whyrusleeping 8 +161/-13 11
lotus 1 +114/-46 1
@nonsense 8 +107/-53 20
@rjan90 4 +115/-33 4
@ZenGround0 3 +114/-1 4
@Aloxaf 1 +43/-61 7
@yaohcn 4 +89/-9 5
@mitchellsoo 1 +51/-0 1
@placer14 3 +28/-18 4
@jennijuju 6 +9/-14 6
@Frank 2 +11/-10 2
@wangchao 3 +5/-4 4
@Steve Loeppky 1 +7/-1 1
@Lion 1 +4/-2 1
@Mimir 1 +2/-2 1
@raulk 1 +1/-1 1
@Jack Yao 1 +1/-1 1
@IPFSUnion 1 +1/-1 1

1.10.1 / 2021-07-05

This is an optional but highly recommended release of Lotus for lotus miners that has many bug fixes and improvements based on the feedback we got from the community since HyperDrive.

New Features

  • commit batch: AggregateAboveBaseFee config #6650
    • AggregateAboveBaseFee is added to miner sealing configuration for setting the network base fee to start aggregating proofs. When the network base fee is lower than this value, the prove commits will be submitted individually via ProveCommitSector. According to the Batch Incentive Alignment introduced in FIP-0013, we recommend miners to set this value to 0.15 nanoFIL(which is the default value) to avoid unexpected aggregation fee in burn and enjoy the most benefits of aggregation!

Bug Fixes

  • storage: Fix FinalizeSector with sectors in storage paths #6652
  • Fix tiny error in check-client-datacap #6664
  • Fix: precommit_batch method used the wrong cfg.PreCommitBatchWait #6658
  • to optimize the batchwait #6636
  • fix getTicket: sector precommitted but expired case #6635
  • handleSubmitCommitAggregate() exception handling #6595
  • remove precommit check in handleCommitFailed #6634
  • ensure agg fee is adequate
  • fix: miner balance is not enough, so that ProveCommitAggregate msg exec failed #6623
  • commit batch: Initialize the FailedSectors map #6647


Contributor Commits Lines ± Files Changed
@magik6k 7 +151/-56 21
@llifezou 4 +59/-20 4
@johnli-helloworld 2 +45/-14 4
@wangchao 1 +1/-27 1
Jerry 2 +9/-4 2
@zhoutian527 1 +2/-2 1
@ribasushi 1 +1/-1 1

1.10.1 / 2021-07-05

This is an optional but highly recommended release of Lotus for lotus miners that has many bug fixes and improvements based on the feedback we got from the community since HyperDrive.

New Features

  • commit batch: AggregateAboveBaseFee config #6650
    • AggregateAboveBaseFee is added to miner sealing configuration for setting the network base fee to start aggregating proofs. When the network base fee is lower than this value, the prove commits will be submitted individually via ProveCommitSector. According to the Batch Incentive Alignment introduced in FIP-0013, we recommend miners to set this value to 0.15 nanoFIL(which is the default value) to avoid unexpected aggregation fee in burn and enjoy the most benefits of aggregation!

Bug Fixes

  • storage: Fix FinalizeSector with sectors in storage paths #6652
  • Fix tiny error in check-client-datacap #6664
  • Fix: precommit_batch method used the wrong cfg.PreCommitBatchWait #6658
  • to optimize the batchwait #6636
  • fix getTicket: sector precommitted but expired case #6635
  • handleSubmitCommitAggregate() exception handling #6595
  • remove precommit check in handleCommitFailed #6634
  • ensure agg fee is adequate
  • fix: miner balance is not enough, so that ProveCommitAggregate msg exec failed #6623
  • commit batch: Initialize the FailedSectors map #6647


Contributor Commits Lines ± Files Changed
@magik6k 7 +151/-56 21
@llifezou 4 +59/-20 4
@johnli-helloworld 2 +45/-14 4
@wangchao 1 +1/-27 1
Jerry 2 +9/-4 2
@zhoutian527 1 +2/-2 1
@ribasushi 1 +1/-1 1

1.10.0 / 2021-06-23

This is a mandatory release of Lotus that introduces Filecoin network v13, codenamed the HyperDrive upgrade. The Filecoin mainnet will upgrade, which is epoch 892800, on 2021-06-30T22:00:00Z. The network upgrade introduces the following FIPs:

  • FIP-0008: Add miner batched sector pre-commit method
  • FIP-0011: Remove reward auction from reporting consensus faults
  • FIP-0012: DataCap Top up for FIL+ Client Addresses
  • FIP-0013: Add ProveCommitSectorAggregated method to reduce on-chain congestion
  • FIP-0015: Revert FIP-0009(Exempt Window PoSts from BaseFee burn)

Note that this release is built on top of Lotus v1.9.0. Enterprising users can use the master branch of Lotus to get the latest functionality, including all changes in this release candidate.

Proof batching and aggregation

FIPs 0008 and 0013 combine to allow for a significant increase in the rate of onboarding storage on the Filecoin network. This aims to lead to more useful data being stored on the network, reduced network congestion, and lower network base fee.

Check out the documentation [here](( for details on the new Lotus miner sealing config options, here for fee config options, and explanations of the new features.


  • We recommend to keep PreCommitSectorsBatch as 1.
  • We recommend miners to set PreCommitBatchWait lower than 30 hours.
  • We recommend miners to set a longer CommitBatchSlack and PreCommitBatchSlack to prevent message failures due to expirations.

Projected state tree growth

In order to validate the Hyperdrive changes, we wrote a simulation to seal as many sectors as quickly as possible, assuming the same number and mix of 32GiB and 64GiB miners as the current network.

Given these assumptions:

  • We'd expect a network storage growth rate of around 530PiB per day. 😳 🎉 🥳 😅
  • We'd expect network bandwidth dedicated to SubmitWindowedPoSt to grow by about 0.02% per day.
  • We'd expect the state-tree (and therefore snapshot) size to grow by 1.16GiB per day.
    • Nearly all of the state-tree growth is expected to come from new sector metadata.
  • We'd expect the daily lotus datastore growth rate to increase by about 10-15% (from current ~21GiB/day).
    • Most "growth" of the lotus datastore is due to "churn", historical data that's no longer referenced by the latest state-tree.

Future improvements

Various Lotus improvements are planned moving forward to mitigate the effects of the growing state tree size. The primary improvement is the Lotus splitstore, which will soon be enabled by default. The feature allows for online garbage collection for nodes that do not seek to maintain full chain and state history, thus eliminating the need for users to delete their datastores and sync from snapshots.

Other improvements including better compressed snapshots, faster pre-migrations, and improved chain exports are in the roadmap.

WindowPost base fee burn

Included in the HyperDrive upgrade is FIP-0015 which eliminates the special-case gas treatment of SubmitWindowedPoSt messages that was introduced in FIP-0009. Although SubmitWindowedPoSt messages will be relatively cheap, thanks to the introduction of optimistic acceptance of these proofs in FIP-0010, storage providers should pay attention to their MaxWindowPoStGasFee config option: too low and PoSts may not land on chain; too high and they may cost an exorbitant amount!


New Features

Bug Fixes


Dependency Updates

  • Proofs v8.0.2 (filecoin-project/lotus#6524)
  • Update to fixed Bellperson (filecoin-project/lotus#6480)
  • Update to go-praamfetch with fslocks (filecoin-project/lotus#6473)
  • Update ffi with fixed multicore sdr support (filecoin-project/lotus#6471)
  • (v0.0.2-0.20200701152213-3e0f0afdc261 -> v0.0.2-0.20210614165157-25a6c7769498)
  • (v5.0.0-20210512015452-4fe3889fff57 -> v5.0.0)
  • (v3.0.1 -> v3.1.0)
  • (v2.1.2-0.20200626104915-0016c0b4b3e4 -> v2.1.3)
  • (v3.0.0 -> v3.1.0)

Network Version v13 HyperDrive Upgrade


💙Thank you to all the contributors!

Contributor Commits Lines ± Files Changed
@magik6k 81 +9606/-1536 361
@arajasek 41 +6543/-679 189
@ZenGround0 11 +4074/-727 110
@anorth 10 +2035/-1177 55
@iand 1 +779/-12 5
@frrist 2 +722/-6 6
@Stebalien 6 +368/-24 15
@jennijuju 11 +204/-111 19
@vyzo 6 +155/-66 13
@coryschwartz 10 +171/-27 14
@Kubuxu 4 +177/-13 7
@ribasushi 4 +65/-42 5
@travisperson 2 +11/-11 4
@kirk-baird 1 +1/-5 1
@wangchao 2 +3/-2 2