extends HTML5 localStorage
and sessionStorage
with adding time expires
and object serialization
.It's easy to set timeout for the cache data and also can save a JSON Object directly.
optimize: While access a time expires cache data, WebStorageCache
will clean it immediately.On the other hand manually invoke wsCache.deleteAllExpires();
can also delete all the time expires cache data.
Download the latest WebStorageCache from GitHub.
npm install web-storage-cache -save-dev
To use WebStorageCache, just drop a single JavaScript file into your page:
<script src="src/web-storage-cache.js"></script>
// create WebStorageCache instance.
var wsCache = new WebStorageCache();
// cache 'wqteam' at 'username', expired in 100 seconds
wsCache.set('username', 'wqteam', {exp : 100});
You can also use WebStorageCache with RequireJS:
define(['web-storage-cache'], function(WebStorageCache) {
// create WebStorageCache instance.
var wsCache = new WebStorageCache();
// cache 'wqteam' at 'username', expired in 100 seconds
wsCache.set('username', 'wqteam', {exp : 100});
var wsCache = new WebStorageCache();
// cache 'wqteam' at 'username', expired in 100 seconds
wsCache.set('username', 'wqteam', {exp : 100});
// deadline in nextYear
var nextYear = new Date();
nextYear.setFullYear(nextYear.getFullYear() + 1);
wsCache.set('username', 'wqteam', {exp : nextYear});
// get 'username'
// cache an object literal - default uses JSON.stringify under the hood
wsCache.set('user', { name: 'Wu', organization: 'wqteam'});
// Get the cache object - default uses JSON.parse under the hood
var user = wsCache.get('user');
alert(user.name + ' belongs to ' + user.organization);
// delete 'username'
// manually delete all expires CacheItem. return deleted key's array.
// Clear all keys
// Set a new expiration time for an existing key.
wsCache.touch('username', 1);
// Add key-value item to cache, success only when the key is not exists in cache
wsCache.add('username2', 'wqteam', {exp : 1});
// Replace the key's data item in cache, success only when the key's data item is exists in cache.
wsCache.replace('username', 'new wqteam', {exp : 1});
// check if the 'storage' supported by the user browser. if it`s not supported by the user browser all the WebStorageCache API methods will do noting.
var wsCache = new WebStorageCache({
// [option] 'localStorage', 'sessionStorage', window.localStorage, window.sessionStorage or
// other storage instance implement [Storage API].
// default 'localStorage'.
storage: 'localStorage',
// [option] //An expiration time, in seconds. default never .
exp: Infinity
Check if the Storage API
be supported by the browser.
wsCache.isSupported(); // return Boolean.
Set a new CacheItem
to storage
wsCache.set(key, value, options);
Get a cached item by key
Delete a cached item by 'key'.
Delete all expired items.
Delete all items in the storage, not only save by wsCache
Set a new expire time for the cache item.
wsCache.touch(key, exp: 1);
add a new cache item to the storage
,success only when the key is not exists.
wsCache.add(key, value, options);
Replace the key's cache item in storage,success only when the key's data item is exists in memcached.
wsCache.replace(key, value, options);