A Fortran code to simulation the non-adiabatic Molecular Dynamics in the solid We using a linear vibroninc coupling model implementation of Tully's Fewest Sw a propagator and an implementation of Tully's model problems described in Tull
The code are writen in Fortran, and need MKL Fortran 95 library. To compiler t
module load compiler/intel/2020.4.302
tar -zxvf lvcsh.tar.gz
cd make
cd ../make_complex
The the code use the EPW output file as main input file. Now only the version epw-code.org/) source code and recompile to print out the gmnvkq and vmef in c
cp LVCSH/docs/QE_change_code/v6.8/* qe-6.8/EPW/src
cd qe-6.8
make epw
make a work directory (Carbyne)
In work directory do epw calculate, to get the electron-phonon coupling mat
(work directory) ___________________|_______________________________ | | | | | | | relax pseudo scf dos phonon epw LVCSH
2.1 进入relax目录,创建[vc-relax.in](http://www.quantum-espresso.org/Doc/IN [
](http://www.quantum-espresso.org/Doc/INPUT_PW.html#for quantum-espresso.org/Doc/INPUT_PW.html#press_conv_thr)的精度需要设置的比较vc-relax.in &CONTROL calculation = "vc-relax" restart_mode = "from_scratch" prefix = "carbyne" outdir = "./" pseudo_dir = "./pseudo/" verbosity = "high" tprnfor = .true. tstress = .true. etot_conv_thr = 1.0d-5 forc_conv_thr = 1.0d-4 / &SYSTEM ibrav = 0 nat = 2 ntyp = 1 !nbnd = 16 occupations = 'fixed' ! occupations = "smearing" ! smearing = "cold" ! degauss = 1.0d-2 ecutwfc = 50 ecutrho = 400 / &ELECTRONS conv_thr = 1.000e-7 electron_maxstep = 200 mixing_beta = 7.00000e-01 startingpot = "atomic" startingwfc = "atomic+random" / &IONS ion_dynamics = "bfgs" / &CELL cell_dofree = "x" cell_dynamics = "bfgs" press_conv_thr = 0.02 / K_POINTS {automatic} 200 1 1 0 0 0 ATOMIC_SPECIES C 12.01070 C.pbe-n-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF CELL_PARAMETERS (angstrom) 2.565602620 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 10.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 10.000000000 ATOMIC_POSITIONS (angstrom) C 0.0002913894 5.0000000000 5.0000000000 C 1.2644833916 5.0000000000 5.0000000000
cat vc-relax.out |grep -A 12 "Total force ="
grep -B 30 "Begin final coordinates" vc-relax.out
awk '/Begin final coordinates/,/End final coordinates/{print $0}' vc-relax
Begin final coordinates new unit-cell volume = 1731.62982 a.u.^3 ( 256.60106 Ang^3 ) density = 0.15545 g/cm^3 CELL_PARAMETERS (angstrom) 2.566010647 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 10.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 10.000000000 ATOMIC_POSITIONS (angstrom) C 0.0019333750 5.0000000000 5.0000000000 C 1.2630425527 5.0000000000 5.0000000000 End final coordinates
cp vc-relax.in relax.in
](https html#ATOMIC_POSITIONS) 结果在relax.in中进行修改,并修改为`calculation = "recat relax.out |grep -A 12 "Total force ="
grep -B 30 "Begin final coordinates" vc-relax.out
awk '/Begin final coordinates/,/End final coordinates/{print $0}' relax.ou
Begin final coordinates ATOMIC_POSITIONS (angstrom) C 0.0019333750 5.0000000000 5.0000000000 C 1.2630425527 5.0000000000 5.0000000000 End final coordinates
cp relax.in scf.in
将上面的原子位置(ATOMIC_POSITIONS)结果在scf.outdir= './'
进行自洽计算。2.4 计算态密度.修改
的采样密度。cp -r scf dos cd dos mv scf.in nscf.in
&DOS prefix = 'carbyne' outdir = './outdir' bz_sum = "smearing" ngauss = 0 degauss = 2.0d-2 DeltaE = 0.01 fildos = 'carbyne.dos' /
采用 projwfc.x 对
projwfc.in &PROJWFC prefix = 'carbyne' outdir = './outdir' ngauss = 0 degauss= 0.01 DeltaE = 0.5 filpdos= 'carbyne.pdos' filproj= 'carbyne.proj' / projwfc.x <projwfc.in>projwfc.out
2.5 计算能带,修改[
](https://www.quantum-espresso.o (https://www.quantum-espresso.org/Doc/INPUT_PW.html#K_POINTS)部分进行第一布cp -r scf band cd band cp scf.in pw-bands.in calculation = "bands" nbnd = 22 K_POINTS crystal_b 3 -0.5 0.0 0.0 50 0.0 0.0 0.0 50 0.5 0.0 0.0 1
计算完成后使用[bands.x](http://www.quantum-espresso.org/Doc/INPUT_BANDS.htm x生成的文件bands.dat结合,画出各个能带的原子轨道投影,画图脚本如下:[/LVCSH 计算能带图如下:
2.6 根据fatband中的结果,进行wannier90计算
2.6.1 Scf计算
2.6.2 nscf计算
cp scf.in nscf.in并做如下修改 calculation = "nscf" nbnd = 16 !K_POINTS {automatic} ! 1 1 40 0 0 0 kmesh.pl 1 1 40 >>nscf.in pw.x < nscf.in > nscf.out
2.6.3 Wannier90计算
!System num_wann = 4 num_bands = 6 !Projection begin projections C : px;py end projections !Job Control exclude_bands : 1-2 !restart = !disentanglement dis_win_min = -25.0 dis_win_max = 7.0 dis_froz_min = -12.0 dis_froz_max = -0.6 dis_num_iter = 1000 dis_mix_ratio= 0.5 dis_conv_tol = 1.0E-10 dis_conv_window = 5 !Wannierise num_iter = 10000 conv_tol = 1.0E-10 conv_window = 10 guiding_centres = .true. ! SYSTEM begin unit_cell_cart Ang 20.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 20.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 2.565985410 end unit_cell_cart begin atoms_cart Ang C 10.0000000000 10.0000000000 -0.0019756118 C 10.0000000000 10.0000000000 1.2517014809 end atoms_cart ! KPOINTS
echo "mp_grid = 1 1 40">>${seedname}.win echo "begin kpoints">>${seedname}.win kmesh.pl 1 1 40 wannier >>${seedname}.win echo "end kpoints">>${seedname}.win
2.6.4 'wannier90.x -pp seedname'
2.6.5pw2wannier90.x < pw2wan.in > pw2wan.out
pw2wan.in &inputpp outdir = './outdir' prefix = 'carbyne' seedname = 'carbyne' spin_component = 'none' write_mmn = .true. write_amn = .true. write_unk = .true. /
mpirun -np $NP wannier90.x seedname
通过wannier90计算,找到进行wann2.7 采用DFPT进行phonon 2.7.1
cp -r scf phonon
, 设置scf.in 输入文件.其中电子自洽收敛需要设置的高 同,K_POINTS的值可以设置的高一些,以使得phonon band计算出来的声子谱收敛。outdir = './' !nbnd = 22 conv_thr = 1.0e-9 K_POINTS {automatic} 40 1 1 0 0 0
2.7.2 进行phonon计算。 quantum-espresso.org/Doc/INPUT_PH.html#fildvscf)以输出自洽势对normal mode的
phonons calculation &inputph ! recover = .true. tr2_ph = 1.0d-16, prefix = 'carbyne', outdir = './' lraman = .true. ! epsil = .true. !use for insulators ldisp = .true. nq1 = 40 nq2 = 1 nq3 = 1 ! amass(1) = 0.0 fildyn = 'carbyne.dyn' fildvscf = 'dvscf' /
2.7.3 采用q2r.x进行力常数矩阵的傅里叶变换,得到实空间中的动力学矩阵,并添加
&input fildyn='carbyne.dyn', zasr='simple', flfrc='flfrc' /
2.7.4 使用matdyn.x 对实空间中力常数矩阵进行逆傅里叶变换,计算声子谱和声子态
&input asr='simple', !amass(1)=26.98, amass(2)=74.922, flfrc='flfrc', flfrq='phonon-freq', q_in_band_form=.true., / 2 0.0 0.0 0.0 100 0.5 0.0 0.0 1
phonon-freq 0 4000 phonon-freq.plot phonon-freq.ps 0.0 0.1 0.0
2.7.5 使用matdyn.x计算声子态密度. matdyn-dos.in
&input asr='simple', ! amass(1)=26.98, amass(2)=74.922, flfrc='flfrc', ! flfrq='flfrq', ! la2F=.true. dos=.true. fldos="phonon-dos" nk1=1,nk2=1,nk3=100 /
2.7.6 使用pp.py(位于目录EPW/bin下)收集ph.x计算得到的fildvscf相关文件到s
2.8 EPW 计算电声耦合强度.计算
) 在phonon计算中可以使用 [-nimage N
](http://www.quantum-espresso.org/Doc/ split automatically using the -nimage flag. See the phonon user guide for furth information.mpirun -np $NP -machinefile ${CURDIR}/nodelist ph.x -ni 6 -npool 28 <ph.i
第四步:进入epw目录,先进行scf计算(或者将phonon目录中的内容拷贝过来), 计算时相同的参数设置和计算精度。
kmesh.pl 40 1 1 >>${prefix}.nscf.in
第五步,设置 epw.in 文件,进行epw计算,设置[
](https://docs.ep epw-code.org/doc/Inputs.html#fsthick)的设置,会影响打印出来的电声耦合矩阵元 epw.in如下:
epw calculation of carbyne &inputepw prefix = 'carbyne' outdir = './' amass(1)= 12.0107 dvscf_dir = '../phonon/save/' iverbosity = 0 elph = .true. ep_coupling = .true. ! epbwrite = .true. ! epbread = .false. epwwrite = .true. epwread = .false. ! etf_mem = 1 prtgkk = .true. ! ephwrite = .true. ! eig_read = .true. lifc = .true. asr_typ = 'crystal' wannierize = .true. nbndsub = 4 bands_skipped = 'exclude_bands = 1-2' num_iter = 10000 iprint = 2 ! dis_win_max = 12 ! dis_win_min = -25 ! dis_froz_min = -11 dis_froz_max = -0.2 proj(1) = 'C:py;pz' ! proj(2) = 'C:sp-1' write_wfn= .true. wannier_plot= .true. wdata(1)= 'bands_plot = .true.' wdata(2)= 'begin kpoint_path' wdata(3)= 'G 0.00 0.00 0.00 M 0.50 0.00 0.00' wdata(4)= 'end kpoint_path' wdata(5)= 'bands_plot_format = gnuplot' wdata(6)= 'conv_tol = 1.0e-10 ' wdata(7)= 'conv_window = 3 ' wdata(8)= 'dis_conv_tol = 1.0e-10 ' wdata(9)= 'dis_conv_window = 3 ' wdata(10)= 'dis_num_iter= 10000 ' wdata(11)= 'dis_mix_ratio= 0.5 ' wdata(12)= 'guiding_centres = .true.' wdata(13)= 'translate_home_cell : true' wdata(14)= 'translation_centre_frac : 0.0 0.0 0.0 ' elecselfen = .false. phonselfen = .false. a2f = .false. fsthick = 5.0 ! eV temps = 1 ! K degaussw = 0.005 ! eV nkf1 = 40 nkf2 = 1 nkf3 = 1 nqf1 = 40 nqf2 = 1 nqf3 = 1 nk1 = 40 nk2 = 1 nk3 = 1 nq1 = 40 nq2 = 1 nq3 = 1 /
EPW声子谱和QE不一致 (参考简 这个问题一般是由于声子求和规则导致的,EPW中提供了读入实空间力常数来计算 ,然后再设置声子求和规则[
asr_typ = crystal
](https://docs.epw-code. 且已经被命名为 ifc.q2r,对于包含SOC的情况,这个文件必须叫 **ifc.q2r. (https://forum.epw-code.org/index.php?f=3&t=137)&input fildyn='carbyne.dyn', zasr='simple', flfrc='ifc.q2r' /
#!/bin/bash for i in $(seq 20 20 240) do cp epw.in epw${i}.in sed -i "s:epwwrite:epwwrite=.false. ! :g" epw${i}.in sed -i "s:epwread:epwread=.true. !:g" epw${i}.in sed -i "s:prtgkk:prtgkk=.true. !:g" epw${i}.in sed -i "s:wannierize:wannierize=.false. !:g" epw${i}.in sed -i "s:nkf1:nkf1=$i !:g" epw${i}.in sed -i "s:nqf1:nqf1=$i !:g" epw${i}.in cp qe-epw.bsub qe-epw${i}.bsub sed -i "2s:epw:epw${i}:g" qe-epw${i}.bsub sed -i "s:epw.in:epw${i}.in:g" qe-epw${i}.bsub sed -i "s:epw.out:epw${i}.out:g" qe-epw${i}.bsub bsub < qe-epw${i}.bsub sleep 10 done
- 上述脚本,有可能由于epwread文件读取冲突,导致不能正常计算,使用下列命令,
for i in $(seq 20 20 240);do echo epw$i.out;head epw$i.out;done
- In directory epw to calculate the electron-phonon coupling matrix using t kpoint and qpoint convergence.
mkdir LVCSH-epw40 cp ./epw/epw40.out ./LVCSH-epw40 cd LVCSH-epw40 vi LVCSH.in LVCSH_complex.x &
calculation = "lvcsh" ! "lvcsh" or "plot" verbosity = "low" ! "low" or "high" l_dEa_dQ = .false. l_dEa2_dQ2 = .false. outdir = "./" methodsh = "FSSH" lit_gmnvkq = 0.0 ! in unit of meV lit_ephonon = 0.0 ! in unit of meV eps_acustic = 5.0 ! in unit of cm-1 lfeedback = .true. lehpairsh = .true. !lelecsh = .true. !lholesh = .true. !ieband_min = 3 !ieband_max = 4 !ihband_min = 1 !ihband_max = 2 !lsortpes = .false. !mix_thr = 0.8 epwoutname = "./epw.out" !nefre_sh = 40 !nhfre_sh = 40 nnode = 1 ncore = 1 naver = 2000 nsnap = 1000 nstep = 2 dt = 0.5 savedsnap = 25 ldecoherence = .true. Cdecoherence = 0.1 l_ph_quantum = .true. temp = 300 pre_nstep = 50000 pre_dt = 0.5 !gamma = 0.0 ! in unit of ps-1 ld_fric = 0.01 ! llaser = .true. efield_cart = 1.0 1.0 1.0 w_laser = 2.0 ! in unit of eV fwhm = 100 ! in unit of fs
构建目录使用手动方式进行LVCSH.x的并行计算(在不同的节点和核上进行不同轨迹的 make a directory LVCSH for lvcsh calculation。并在LVCSH目录下放入LVCSH.
mkdir LVCSH
3.1 make a lsf job script. Need to change the BUSB -q,-n,-R and MODULEPATH
lvcsh.bsub #!/bin/bash #BSUB -J JOB_NAME #BSUB -q QUEUE_NAME #BSUB -n ncore #BSUB -R "span[ptile=ncore]" #BSUB -o %J.out #BSUB -e %J.err #source ~/xh/.bashrc #export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 #export MKL_NUM_THREADS=1 export MODULEPATH=$MODULEPATH:DIR_MODULEPATH module load lvcsh/version CURDIR=$PWD #Generate nodelist rm -f ${CURDIR}/nodelist >& /dev/null for i in `echo $LSB_HOSTS` do echo $i >> ${CURDIR}/nodelist done NP=`cat ${CURDIR}/nodelist |wc -l` for i in $(seq 1 1 $NP) do mkdir sample$i cp ./LVCSH.in ./sample$i/ cd ./sample$i LVCSH_complex.x & cd .. done wait
3.2 Use shell script mkepwdir.sh to build dir for diffrent kpoints and qpoi
.mkepwdir.sh #!/bin/bash ncore=28 MODULEPATH="/share/home/zw/xiehua/opt/modules-4.7.1/modulefiles" lvcsh_version="0.6.6" QUEUE_NAME="privateq-zw" for i in $(seq 80 40 80) do mkdir epw$i mkdir epw$i/QEfiles cp ../epw/epw$i.out epw$i/QEfiles/ cp lvcsh.bsub epw$i sed -i "s/ncore/$ncore/g" epw$i/lvcsh.bsub sed -i "s:JOB_NAME:lvcsh-epw${i}-n0:g" epw$i/lvcsh.bsub sed -i "s:QUEUE_NAME:$QUEUE_NAME:g" epw$i/lvcsh.bsub sed -i "s:DIR_MODULEPATH:$MODULEPATH:g" epw$i/lvcsh.bsub sed -i "s:version:$lvcsh_version:g" epw$i/lvcsh.bsub cp job.sh epw$i cp LVCSH.in epw$i sed -i "s:./epw.out:../../QEfiles/epw$i.out:g" epw$i/LVCSH.in sed -i "s:ncore:ncore = $ncore !:g" epw$i/LVCSH.in cp lvcsh-test.bsub epw$i/lvcsh-plot.bsub sed -i "2s/JOB_NAME/lvcsh-epw$i-plot/g" epw$i/lvcsh-plot.bsub sed -i "s:QUEUE_NAME:$QUEUE_NAME:g" epw$i/lvcsh-plot.bsub sed -i "s:DIR_MODULEPATH:$MODULEPATH :g" epw$i/lvcsh-plot.bsub sed -i "s:version:$lvcsh_version:g" epw$i/lvcsh-plot.bsub cp LVCSH.in epw$i/QEfiles sed -i "s:verbosity:verbosity = "high" !:g" epw$i/QEfiles/LVCSH.in sed -i "s:./epw.out:./epw$i.out:g" epw$i/QEfiles/LVCSH.in sed -i "s:naver:naver = 10 !:g" epw$i/QEfiles/LVCSH.in sed -i "s:nsnap:nsnap = 2 !:g" epw$i/QEfiles/LVCSH.in sed -i "s:savedsnap:savedsnap = 2 !:g" epw$i/QEfiles/LVCSH.in cp lvcsh-test.bsub epw$i/QEfiles cd epw$i/QEfiles sed -i "2s/JOB_NAME/lvcsh-epw$i-test/g" lvcsh-test.bsub sed -i "s:QUEUE_NAME:$QUEUE_NAME:g" lvcsh-test.bsub sed -i "s:DIR_MODULEPATH:$MODULEPATH :g" lvcsh-test.bsub sed -i "s:version:$lvcsh_version:g" lvcsh-test.bsub bsub < lvcsh-test.bsub cd ../.. done
job.sh #!/bin/bash nnode=10 sed -i "s:nnode:nnode = $nnode !:g" LVCSH.in for i in $(seq 1 1 $nnode) do mkdir node$i cp ./lvcsh.bsub ./node$i/ sed -i "2s/n0/n$i/g" ./node$i/lvcsh.bsub cp ./LVCSH.in ./node$i/ cd ./node$i bsub < lvcsh.bsub cd .. done
LVCSH.in calculation = "lvcsh" ! "lvcsh" or "plot" verbosity = "low" ! "low" or "high" l_dEa_dQ = .false. l_dEa2_dQ2 = .false. outdir = "./" methodsh = "FSSH" lit_gmnvkq = 0.0 ! in unit of meV lit_ephonon = 0.0 ! in unit of meV eps_acustic = 5.0 ! in unit of cm-1 lfeedback = .true. lehpairsh = .true. !lelecsh = .true. !lholesh = .true. ieband_min = 9 ieband_max = 9 ihband_min = 8 ihband_max = 8 !lsortpes = .false. !mix_thr = 0.8 epwoutname = "./epw.out" !nefre_sh = 40 !nhfre_sh = 40 nnode = 1 ncore = 1 naver = 5000 nsnap = 1000 nstep = 2 dt = 0.5 savedsnap = 25 ldecoherence = .true. Cdecoherence = 0.1 l_ph_quantum = .true. temp = 300 pre_nstep = 5000 pre_dt = 0.5 !gamma = 0.0 ! in unit of ps-1 ld_fric = 0.01 ! llaser = .true. efield_cart = 1.0 1.0 1.0 w_laser = 2.0 ! in unit of eV fwhm = 100 ! in unit of fs
lvcsh-test.bsub #!/bin/bash #BSUB -J JOB_NAME #BSUB -q QUEUE_NAME #BSUB -n 1 #BSUB -o %J.out #BSUB -e %J.err export MODULEPATH=$MODULEPATH:DIR_MODULEPATH module load lvcsh/version LVCSH_complex.x
3.3 By look the initial adiabatic state in the QEfiles/LVCSH.out for differ calculation. Then, subscrib the job again.
bsub < lvcsh-test.bsub
3.4. change the LVCSH.in file in the epw40, including the parameters for lv
ieband_min = 9 ieband_max = 9 ihband_min = 8 ihband_max = 8 epwoutname = "../../QEfiles/epw120.out" nefre_sh = 34 nhfre_sh = 34 nnode = 10 ncore = 28 naver = 100 nstep = 2 nsnap = 1000 dt = 0.5 savedsnap= 25
change the
in the job.sh bash script. Then './job.sh' to make3.5 After the setp 7, change the parameter
calculation = plot
andepwout in all nodes and cores, then get a average results and writing in the dir