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Accessing Google Cloud

Setting up kubectl

Follow the Configuring Cluster Access for kubectl.

tl;dr is

  • Install the Cloud SDK

  • Select the GC project xray2poc and login

     gcloud components update
     gcloud auth login
     gcloud config set project xray2poc
     gcloud container clusters get-credentials xray-dev --zone europe-west3-a
  • Install kubectl and make sure that you can list the Kubernetes pods

     kubectl get pods
     NAME                                                   READY     STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
     artifactory-artifactory-776bd78dc8-rcrvc               1/1       Running             0          74d
     artifactory-artifactory-nginx-c844d4fd8-rgkmj          1/1       Running             2          74d

Setting up Docker

Follow Authenticate to the Docker registry

tl;dr is

gcloud auth configure-docker

# If you get the error ` Invalid choice: 'configure-docker', make sure to run
gcloud components update

You should be able to login without password

docker login
Authenticating with existing credentials...
Login Succeeded

Make sure that your ~/.docker/config.json does have the following auth part. If not, add it manually

  "auths": {
    "": { },
    "": { },
    "": {},
    "": {}
  "credHelpers": {
    "": "gcloud",
    "": "gcloud",
    "": "gcloud",
    "": "gcloud",
    "": "gcloud",
    "": "gcloud"

Cluster setup

  • kubectl apply -f resources/helm-service-account.yaml
  • helm init --service-account helm
  • gcloud container node-pools create infra2 --zone europe-west3-a --cluster xray-dev --machine-type n1-standard-2 --enable-autorepair --node-labels dedicated=infra --enable-autoscaling --min-nodes 1 --max-nodes 20 --num-nodes 1 --scopes ",storage-rw,compute-rw"
  • Secret with service-account JSON credentials


  • helm repo add incubator
  • helm upgrade -i prometheus stable/prometheus -f apps/prometheus.yaml
  • helm upgrade -i grafana stable/grafana -f apps/grafana.yaml
  • helm upgrade -i vpn ./charts/openvpn -f apps/vpn.yaml
  • helm upgrade -i jenkins ./charts/jenkins -f apps/jenkins.yaml
  • helm upgrade -i nginx stable/nginx-ingress -f apps/nginx.yaml
  • kubectl apply -f resources/jenkins.yaml
  • helm upgrade -i artifactory ./charts/artifactory -f apps/artifactory.yaml

Kafka topics

  • kubectl run -i --rm --tty kafka-client --image=confluentinc/cp-kafka:4.0.1-1 --restart=Never -- /usr/bin/kafka-topics --zookeeper re-zookeeper:2181 --topic events --create --partitions 5 --replication-factor 1


  • helm upgrade -i re-bench1 ./charts/re_bench --wait --timeout 1200 && helm upgrade -i re-bench1 ./charts/re_bench --set tags.consumer=true

Usable commands

  • kubectl run -i --rm --tty re-client --image-pull-policy=Always --restart=Never --env=KAFKA=re-kafka:9092 --env=KAFKA_GROUP=re --env=SCYLLA=re-scylla -- lein repl
  • kubectl run -i --rm --tty kafka-client --image=confluentinc/cp-kafka:4.0.1-1 --image-pull-policy=Always --restart=Never -- bash
  • kafka-topics --zookeeper re-zookeeper:2181 --list
  • kafka-topics --zookeeper re-zookeeper:2181 --list --topic events --describe
  • kafka-consumer-groups --zookeeper re-zookeeper:2181 --list
  • kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server re-kafka:9092 --topic -events

VPN Access

To get VPN key you should have access to our xray-dev Google's cluster and set it as current context for kubectl. Either it up setup (see abouve) or ask someone who already has the access then run

./tools/ <key-name> default vpn

This script creates .ovpn file in the current directory.

Internal Services

Once connected via VPN, you can access

Deploying a docker image to k8s with Helm

A quick tutorial how to install a service to k8s, in this example the httpbin.

Create the chart templates to charts directory:

> cd charts
> helm create httpbin

Add configuration to apps, in file httpbin.yaml:

  dedicated: infra

   cpu: 100m
   memory: 128Mi
   cpu: 100m
   memory: 128Mi

Modify the values.yaml as needed, here we changed the docker image repository to kennethreitz/httpbin, replicaCount to 4 and tag to latest.

Deploy the new service:

> helm upgrade -i httpbin charts/httpbin -f apps/httpbin.yaml

Monitor the deployment with kubectl.

> kubectl get deployments |grep httpbin

When done, the service is available with the name of the service, depending on the resolv.conf httpbin answers from (http://[httpbin|httpbin.default|httpbin.default.svc.cluster.local]).

Custom Grafana dashboards

Grafana doesn't allow the user to save any changes to the dashboard. How to save them for everybody:

  • Import the dashboard JSON from Grafana
  • Create a new file to the dashboards directory, name it to whatever-dashboard.yaml including:
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: "whatever-dashboard-name-you-want"
    grafana_dashboard: "true"
  also-whatever-but-still-having-a-meaning.json: |
    # Here paste your JSON. REMEMBER RIGHT INDENTATION. Four spaces here.
  • Apply the dashboard changes with kubectl apply -f resources/grafana/dashboards/.