Xen Orchestra is based on a client-server architecture.
The server's role is to:
- maintain connections to Xen Servers;
- provide an up-to-date cache of their states (XAPI & RRDs);
- provide users management system with ACLs.
The client's only role is to provide an easy-to-use yet powerful interface to users.
The server, XO-Server
|-- node_modules/ # Node.js modules XO-Server is using.
|-- public/http/ # XO-Server embbeds an HTTP server which may
| # be used to deliver XO-Web.
|-- src/
| |-- collection.js # Every XO entity is an instance of a class
| |-- model.js # which inherits from “Model”.
| | # Collections of models are instances of
| | # which inherits from “Collection”.
| |
| |-- session.js # A “session” is a model used to store various
| | # data related to the current session.
| |
| |-- xapi.js # RPC connection to a Xen server.
| |
| |-- api.js # API errors & methods definitions.
| |-- xo.js # Definitions of models & collections used in
| | # XO.
| |
| `-- main.js # Instanciation of “XO”, “API” and creations of
| # XO-Server HTTP, WebSocket & TCP interfaces.
|-- tests/ # Not much tests for the moment but it would be
| # nice to have the whole API covered through
| # all interfaces (WebSocket & TCP).
|-- README.md
|-- package.json # NPM description file, contains the dependencies.
`-- xo-server # The shell script which runs the server.
The client, XO-Web
|-- public/
| |-- css/ # CSS stylesheets of dependencies (Bootstrap,
| | # FontAwesome, …) and XO-Web.
| |
| |-- font/ # Fonts used in XO-Web (FontAwesome).
| |-- img/ # Images
| |
| |-- js/ # All JavaScript used in XO-Web (dependencies
| | | # are not listed below).
| | |
| | |-- network-graph.js # Code used to generate the graph.
| | |
| | |-- xo.helpers.js # Old code which should be migrated
| | | # in xo.js
| | |
| | `-- xo.js # Contains all the logic of XO-Web.
| |
| `-- index.html # Layout and templates of XO-Web.
`-- vendor/ # Contains all dependencies.
Used for communication between the server and its clients.
WebSocket has been choosen because it is a full-duplex real-time protocol implemented in web browsers.
The framework Node.js is used to develop XO-Server in JavaScript, the same language already used in XO-Web.
It's perfectly fit to run efficiently network services.
This NoSQL data store is used by XO-Server to store persistent data such as users, Xen servers, …
This JavaScript library provides the base architecture for XO-Web (models, collections, views, …).