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F# Core Engineering Activities |
The "F# Core Engineering Group" is a loose term for the people who maintain and contribute to the repositories of The F# Software Foundation. There are no "meetings", all work is coordinated via github issues.
These people - both maintainers and contributors - work cooperatively with major industrial and community contributors to F# to facilitate open-source contributions to the F# core components. For example:
They together run the F# Language Design and Core Library RFC Process
They together help maintain the "Use F#" guides such as Use F# on Windows, Use F# on Linux and Use F# on OSX.
They together work cooperatively with the Visual F# Tools team to facilitate contributions to the F# language, compiler and libraries via the Visual F# Tools repository
They together cooperate with the Xamarin team to see F# packaged as part of Xamarin tools for OSX, Android and iOS.
They together cooperate with the Mono team to see F# packaged as part of standard Mono distributions.
They together cooperate with the Debian packaging team to see F# packaged on Debian.
The vim-fsharp, emacs-mode-fsharp, sublime-fsharp-package and FAKE repositories are here for historical reasons, they are not considered to be FSSF repositories.
Please join in the fun!
See our Goals and Remit document.
The group dates back to 2013 and the FSSF board assigns permissions and conducts oversight of the activities through a board resolution in 2015.
The FSSF board appoint a "chairperson" who has responsibility for assigning permissions and arranging a degree of oversight. The last chairperson appointed was Tomas Petricek for 2015-16, a new chaiperson is currently being sought.
Maintainer (pull-request) permissions for various repositories is listed below.
The "group" is just a name given to contributors to repositories such as visualfsharp, fsharp, FSharp.Compiler.Service, FSharpLangDesign and this site,
Some specific people with maintainer permissions are as follows:
- fsharp - Don Syme, Enrico Sada, Tomas Petricek and
- FSharp.Compiler.Service Don Syme, Enrico Sada, Tomas Petricek
- - Don Syme, Dave Thomas, Tomas Petricek and
- fslang-design and fslang-suggestions - Don Syme, Chester Husk III, Jared Hester, Kurt Schelfthout, Marcus Griep - Language Design, Suggestion, RFC Curation and other contributions
To get involved:
Our mission is to maintain the excellent quality of the core F# implementation across these platforms, and to extend the set of tools available for F# across your favorite platforms.
If you are working in some particular area and would like to update your activity/responsibility, please submit an edit to this page.
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Most group discussion happens in other forums. To contact the group use either:
- Ask questions on StackOverflow
- Post to our Google Group
- Propose or discuss an F# language feature - please check for duplicates first
- Contribute an issue to the F# compiler and library
- Contribute an issue to other core repositories
- Contribute an issue to other F# community incubation projects
If you are using a package F# from Xamarin, Microsoft or another company you should contact them via their support for any issues or questions. The may refer you to one of our forums for some specific issues.