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File metadata and controls

55 lines (40 loc) · 1.8 KB


This repo contains three things:

  1. dotfiles (.zshrc, etc)
  2. scripts to install said dotfiles and their possible prerequisites (oh-my-zsh)
  3. instructions for how to consume the above 2 things


For best results, install while listening to The Cowboy Bebop OST


These dotfiles work best when dependencies are installed with brew wherever possible, * indicates the dependency is not available via brew.

  • xcode CLI tools (xcode-select --install) *
  • homebrew

Notes on ZSH: these dotfiles assume that your shell is ZSH. While you can install them on a machine for which the primary login shell is bash they specifically target oh-my-zsh and zsh by installing a .zshrc file and omz themes. Furthermore, the shebang of all scripts in this repo is #!/bin/zsh. Nothing will run without zsh installed.


It is best to assume that the following paths are required as is unless a specific exception is noted.

  1. clone dotfiles:

    git clone [email protected]:zaksoup/dotfiles.git ~/workspace/dotfiles
  2. run install script

    cd ~/workspace/dotfiles

The install script will:

  • install git via brew
  • install the git-duet brew package
  • golang 1.6 via brew
  • iterm2 via brew cask
  • oh-my-zsh *
  • clone and install powerline fonts
  • add git ci as an alias for git duet-commit
  • overwrite the current ~/.zshrc with one from this repo
  • install the "Zagnoster" ZSH theme (agnoster with git-duet support)
  • download and install the Hybrid colorscheme for iTerm