Documenting major changes for nagios_check_zfs_linux. For detailed information, see commits.
- Switching to Python3 support only.
- Adding CodeQL security analysis to project
- Adding explicit CHANGELOG and SECURITY
- Adding more to README concerning sudo command
- Adding Python3 version checking to ensure relatively new Python3 version. Currently 3.5 is required (used by Ubuntu 16.04 LTS)
- Checking for existence of files before running
- Better handling of printouts and exceptions
- Fixed deprecation warning on warn vs warning (deprecated since Python 3.3+)
- Fixed bug with "is" vs "==" checks
- Adding support for deduplication and compression ratios
- Fixing Python variable scoping issue
- Adding an selinux enforcement file example
- Informing users how to add "just enough permissions" to visudo instead of giving the full root permissions
- Switching from print statements to using the Python logging library
- Fixed bug with fragmentation output
- Testing on CentOS 7
- Better error handling with exceptions
- Fixing float converted from other locales
- Always check to make sure we're running as root
- Fixing bug where zpool can't run when result is higher criticality than capacity/fragmentation