#Yeoman 1.0 With Less instead of Sass/Compass
- Less through Grunt-contrib-less
- With the regular Twitter Bootstrap
- Todo: make a scaffold of this
After cloning be sure to do:
- bower install bootstrap
- npm install && bower install
Yeoman is a robust and opinionated set of tools, libraries, and a workflow that can help developers quickly build beautiful, compelling web apps.
Yeoman supports OS X, Linux, FreeBSD, with partial Windows support. We will be aiming to bring in full support for Windows in a future version.
Make sure you've read the issue submission guidelines before you open a new issue.
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Yeoman was beautifully crafted by these people and bunch of awesome contributors
Paul Irish
Addy Osmani
Mickael Daniel
Sindre Sorhus
Eric Bidelman
Frederick Ros
BSD license
Copyright (c) Google