The all-in-one tool to help you find profitable wallets on Solana and Ethereum.
Note, the domain is cloudflare protected,
meaning some requests will fail to get access to an unprotected endpoint
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pip install -r requirements.txt
Check if a Solana contract has had multiple buys bundled into one transaction.
1. Enter a contract address.
2. Receive the bundle data.
Note: This will only recognise a bundle if the bundled wallets are shown under the "DEV" tab on - Example
Check a large list of wallets to receive their PnL, winrate and more data.
1. Select your .txt file or enter your own directory.
2. Enter the amount of threads you'd like to use.
3. Select whether you'd like to use proxies or not.
4. Enter whether you'd like to skip certain wallets.
5. Receive your wallet data.
Scrape the top 100 traders of Solana tokens to receive their PnL, winrate and more data.
1. Load data/Solana/TopTraders/tokens.txt
with contract addresses.
2. Enter the amount of threads you'd like to use.
3. Select whether you'd like to use proxies or not.
4. Receive your top traders data.
Grab every single wallet address that made a buy transaction of a Solana token. I do not recommend a large market cap token.
1. Enter a contract address.
2. Enter the amount of threads you'd like to use.
3. Select whether you'd like to use proxies or not.
4. Wait and receive your wallet addresses.
Grab every single wallet address that made a buy transaction of a Solana token between 2 timestamps.
1. Enter a contract address.
2. Enter the amount of threads you'd like to use.
3. Select whether you'd like to use proxies or not.
4. Enter first & second timestamps.
5. Wait and receive your wallet addresses.
Grab the 10 transaction makers ahead of a wallet on a contract address to see if they have copytraders.
1. Enter a contract address.
2. Enter the wallet address you'd like to check.
3. Enter the amount of threads you'd like to use.
4. Select whether you'd like to use proxies or not.
5. Wait and receive your wallet addresses.
Scrape the top 100 holders of Solana tokens to receive their PnL, winrate and more data.
1. Load data/Solana/TopHolders/tokens.txt
with contract addresses.
2. Enter the amount of threads you'd like to use.
3. Select whether you'd like to use proxies or not.
4. Receive your top traders data.
Scrape the early buyers, excluding the dev, of Solana tokens to receive their PnL and more data.
1. Load data/Solana/EarlyBuyers/tokens.txt
with contract addresses.
2. Enter the amount of early buyers you'd like to scrape per contract address.
3. Enter the amount of threads you'd like to use.
4. Select whether you'd like to use proxies or not.
5. Receive your top traders data.
Scrape the contract addresses of new, soaring, completing and bonding tokens on Pump.Fun and Moonshot.
1. Select the module you want to use from the four listed.
2. Enter the amount of threads you'd like to use.
3. Select whether you'd like to use proxies or not.
4. Receive your contract addresses.
Note, here are the links to where the data is being grabbed from:
New Token
Completing Token
Soaring Token
Bonded Token
- General logic fixes.
- Thread cap of 100.
- Added backup requests using cloudscraper, please reinstall requirements.txt.
- General logic fixes.
- Added random user agent generator to all requests, please reinstall requirements.txt.
- Added clear client function when a general exception occurs.
- Added new module to find wallet address by transaction timestamp.
- General logic fixes.
- Added option to purge all files.
- Added token distribution data to the Bulk Wallet Checker.
- Added request retries, will attempt 3 times until data is found, boosting request success rate by 80% roughly.
- General logic fixes.
- Added chain selection.
- Added Tron Bulk Wallet Checker. (Inaccurate at the moment, thanks GMGN.)
- Added Tron Top Trader Scraper.
- Added SOL Balance & Trading Platform data to Bulk Wallet Checker.
- Slowing down on the updates due to market conditions & the tool is stacked.
- Added Ethereum support.
- Added proxy support to Solana modules.
- Added Top Holders scraper to Solana modules.
- Added Copy Wallet Finder to Solana modules.
- Fixed Copytrade Wallet Finder showing previous 10 instead of after 10.
- Added attempts to filter out volume & MEV bots from the 10 traders.
- Added TLS session randomisation to support GMGN's recent API endpoint changes.
- Added Early Buyers scraper to Solana modules.
- Added GMGN Contract Address scraping modules for Pump.Fun and Moonshot.
- Deprecated Tron modules.
- Fixed Bundle Checker for Solana module.
- Removed Cloudscraper (sucks).
- Fixed Bundle Checker.
- Various other small fixes.