RUS | Based on Ressurectio
- Clone repo or download and extract
- Go to Chrome Tools / Extensions
- Expand Developer mode
- Click Load unpacked extension...
- Select folder with repo
- Use extension!
Click on the extension icon, optionally enter the start URL, and click Go.
Then execute your usage scenario, all the events will be recorded.
By right-clicking on the page, you might also record some assertion (about the current url, about existing text, etc., depending on clicked element).
You can request a screenshot at any moment (they will be produced everytime you run the resulting test).
You might also record some comments (click again on the extension icon, and click Add comment).
When you are done, click again on the extension icon, and click Stop recording.
Now, generate the test template script by clicking Export Nightwatch.js.
When running in Nightwatch.js, it should play your entire scenario and generate the screenshots.
Implement more mouse events, like drag & drop and mousewheel.